Saturday, July 21, 2007

A Meme for my Mommie: Eight Things

Guess what? I was tagged by Karen from A Strange Life for a Meme! She said I can do it or my Mommie can do it. And since I already did the "7 Things" meme, I am going to do it for my Mommie! Here is how it works:
Each person links to the person who tagged them. Then each person posts the rules before their list, then they list 8 things about themselves. At the end of the post, that person tags and links to 8 other people and then visits those peoples’ sites and comments letting them know that they have been tagged, and to come read the post, so they know what they have to do.
So here are eight things about my Mommie!

1. She is left-handed. This means that when she writes a lot, she almost always has ink all over the side of her left hand. (If you are left-handed, you probably know what I mean.)

2. In the eighties, she had ridiculous big hair. Oh, Mommie! I wish I could have taught you some fashion sense back then.

3. She has a twin brother. And please do not ask her if they are identical!

4. She once climbed Snow Valley Peak in Nevada the day before a wedding she was attending. And she could hardly walk the next day!

5. My Mommie has been a vegetarian for over 12 years. I really do not understand this.

6. She was kind of a nerd when she was a kid. Look at the picture. Need I say more?

7. She has a terrible singing voice. Whenever a group is singing "Happy Birthday" she usually just lip-syncs the words. Very smart, Mommie.

8. I love my Mommie.

I think almost every cat has already responded to the "7 Random Things" Meme, so I am not going to tag anybody. But I challenge you to do this Meme about your mom or dad. It was very fun!


17 Notes for Daisy:

HRH Yao-Lin said...

aw..your human looks very sweet and she doesn't need to feel bad about big hair - my human says everyone had big hair in the eighties! Either that or they were wearing mc hammer pants. She doens't know which is worse! he he x

Monty Q. Kat said...

I'd post one of MomBean's high school pics but I want to sleep indoors tonight...

Parker said...

Your Mommy and my Mommy must have the same singing voice and stylist from the 80's!

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

yer mommie if furry nice daisy. you are such a lucky little thing. sweetie....

smiles, auntie bee

DK & The Fluffies said...

DKM doesn't eat meat either - I totally do not get it!

Skeezix the Cat said...

The Food Lady had big hares in the 80s, too. But she has deestroyed evry pikcher that shoze it. She was also a nerd, but I don't know whut that meens. Maybe I can find a nerd pikcher. Her singing voice is werse than terrible. It's the kind of voice that makes anybuddy hoo heers it want to call 9-1-1.

Mosaic Cats said...

Daisy how fun to get to know more about your Mom! We showed it to Mosaic Lady and she laughed when she saw #3. We do not get it.

Unknown said...

Your mommie really did have big hair in the 80's, but nowhere near as big as My Lady's sisters hair was in the 80's. Yowza! She is only 5'2" tall, but with that hair she towered over everyone!

lordjaders said...

I am going to ask my beans if they want to do this Meme. It looks fun. My little bean boy takes picturrres with fish too. I don't know why--the fish arrre neverrr smiling--they just have gaping mouths and beans sticking theirrr fingerrrs in theirrr necks. My lady bean had big hairrr in the 80's. That was the head bangerrr hairrr style. Hairrr had to match the music, rrright? Eeuuuu, so what's grrrunge? I think my bean must now listen to Smooth Jazz. Hee, Hee.


Bad Kitty Cats & Megan said...

Oh your Mommie's hair. That is so cute for the 80's that was fashion! Our Snot Face is a vegetarian now. Our Mama is very picky too, but not all the way yet. She loves pasta and veggies and seafood.

We think your Mom is fantastic Daisy! That's a big fish too! Wow


Tyler said...

Hey, my mommy is a left-handed vegetarian too! We only lick her plate if she's had cheese. Sometimes when she orders something to go like Chinese Chicken Salad she tells them to put the chicken on the side. Boy do we love that.

Gretchen said...

That's a big fish, my beans love fising. 'cetpt man bean can't do that anymore because he's not doing so good anymore. I think you mom meme is a good idea.

Ivan from WMD said...

Aw, your mommie's hair is not big, especially for the 80s! And you know what, Daisy? My mom has a similar picture to your mommie's #6.--only my mom was way older and holding a fish the same way!

Jake and Bathsheba said...

Daisy, we love your mommie too. She is very nice like you. Our mom is a left-handed nerd. She writes all scrunched up and it hurts her hand now. She would never be able to take a college blue book exam now. Thank goodness for computers--except that her job requires her signature on lots of documents.


Anonymous said...

It was cool learning about your Mom. :)
This blog rocks.

Anonymous said...

It was cool learning about your Mom. :)
This blog rocks.

Heart of Rachel said...

Hi Daisy. It's nice to see photos and learn these interesting things about your mom. I'm sure you love her very much. Send her my regards. Take care!

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