Fashion Show Friday: Easy Rider
Here is my newest fashion: a Harley Davidson t-shirt. I love it very much because the colors go good with my calico furs. And t-shirts are fun to wear on casual Fridays.
Here I am imagining myself riding on the back of a Harley with Skeezix. He would be wearing his fancy leather jacket, and the wind is blowing through our furs! This is a good fantasy.

57 Notes for Daisy:
as always you look divine! cool wheels...
Cute t-shirt, Daisy! :) You look fabulous! Now you have my mom singing "Born to be Wild." :)
hehe she looks so cute x3
Yes, Daisy, you do I was Born to be Wild~! And you look great in the t-shirt~! I love it~!!!!
Can't wait to see your adventure~!
We love your shirt, our grandpa would like it too because he has a harley! As always you are a perfrect lady model.
you cute little wild child!!! be careful on that ride honey!
smiles, auntie bee
haha Daisy, you look great in that shirt and we hope you have a very nice adventure in your stroller
Happy Hot + sweaty day
headbutts, Caesar
Daisy, I had no idea you were a biker chick, too! You look great in that shirt. It really sets off your furs nicely.
You look so furry cute in yore stroller with yore pretty Friday t-shirt. I think all of us cats are born to be wild. But we still want soft places to sleep and lotsa stinky goodness and Temptations too.
Dear Daisy,
Do you know who else is a biker chick? Marilyn's mom.
I wonder if she has a Harley shirt like yours?
Daisy, that is some wild side you have there!! I love your new shirt, I think it makes you look edgy. Edgy is very in style you know, but of course you do as you're quite the fashionista!
Love the Harley shirt Daisy. And you look killer in your stroller wearing that shirt. I wish my boyz were brave enough to get on my scooter with me.
Daisy you look fabulous as always! Oh wow I am in awe of you. honestly, you are sooo cooool! biker chick! Very cool! x
Great post Daisy! My bunny mum is crackin' up.
How cool! Does Pixie ever go for a stroll?
You, a biker chick? Who knew? You go girl!
We have discovered that it is better to have our coffee as we surf our friends' blogs than to listen to the non-news on tee vee. Our comments don't always make sense since we are not awake yet, but we smile more and swear less and wake up in a better mood, do you know what we mean, Daisy? This is our first stop today, and we are smiling already. Nice.
"Wow" Daisy you look great in your Harley Shirt.
Cool Harley shirt, Daisy. Maybe you need a biker babe cap to go with it.
your bud Pepi
so are yoo going to get a tattoo, maybe a heart with "skeezix" written inside, yoo coold get a pink tattoo
*sigh* we remember being young and free. you go girl while you can!
yuki & kimiko
Woohoo Daisy, yoor looking good...but mom's singing born to be wild now and we'z gonna go hide. Maybe you cood visit us and we cood take a tour of the Harley plant. It's only a couple miles from our house!
Now that song is stuck in Maw's head. That's a wonderful T-shirt Daisy! Do you have a closet with teeny hangers to hold your wardrobe? It would be nice to see a picture of your closet. It's probably as big as like Oprah's or something!!!
Luf, Us
Vroom, vroom! I like it that you're both sugar *and* spice...
Happy Strollering.
You look good in black and orange! :)
I reely like the way the shert shoze off yer tummy. I cood look at that pikcher all day! I don't know if I'll be riding a Harley anytime soon, tho, cuz they are vary lowd and I'm a littul ascared of them.
Daisy, you was born to be CUTE!
You are a gorgeous redneck biker chick in that outfit, Daisy. I really like it. Born to be Wiiiiild!!!
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
Oh Daisy, another great outfit! You wear them all so well. I really like the picture of you in your stroller, you are definately roaring to go : )
That T-shirt is you!
we hope you didn't get a speeding ticket with your stroller....
Yes, Daisy, I believe you were born to be wild!
luv, luv, luv your biker chick look!
You were born to be wild Daisy - I can see that. FAZ
Born to be Wild!! Daisy that is the greatest photo shoot ever!! We can see you cruising down the highway in your Harley Stroller!! You rock!!
Your Fl furiends,
Yes, the lizards got lose andthey are all over the house. Want to come help us corral them!!
Since Milwaukee is the home of Harley Davidson and since we live in suburban Milwaukee, we see Harley chicks in those colors all the time! Mom says you can't go anywhere around here in the summer without hearing a Harley.
We think you and Skeez would make a great "spokescouple" for the company.
Born to be wild indeed, that shirt looks like it was made for you~
Fabulous, as usual, Daisy!
Wow, you have a wild side we never knew about...
You look awesome in your Harley T-shirt. I hope you had a great stroller ride.
AWWWWW! Daisy, you made my momma say SQUEE again! And yuppers, Mick's right, momma is a biker chick, and guess what, she's gotta Harley Shirt, too! Her shirt looks a lot like yours 'cept she doesn't have calico furs, hehe. *singin':* boooorn to be wiiiiiild... dang, i wanna learn to ride a whee-cycle, too!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Oh, *giggle*! Yup, Momma has a Harley t-shirt, and it looks a lot like yours! She loves riding -- she says it's very freeing. I don't think I would much like riding -- the Harley rumbles pretty loudly -- but I consider myself a motorcycle fan from a distance, *smile*.
*singing*: Get On Your Bad Motor Scooter and RIIIIIIIIIIIIDE!
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn!
daisy you are so adorable today i have bestowed an award to you, it is the Bloggin' Princess award, cause you are a true princess honey!
smiles, auntie bee
Wowy - this is furry good look fer you! Do you have some gogglers too? We has da same stroller as you! Git yer motor runnin' . . . hahahaha - have fun!
I love the stroller!
Daisy, yer doin you "proud pose" agin
We LOVEEEE your t-shirt. And you looks SOOO cool wearing it on your stroller!!
Great weekend for you and Pixie and the rest of the familie!:)
That shirt is bitchin', Daisy. You look like one tough kitty!
Daisy, mom just shakes her head and says, "She is SO adorable." She especially likes that last picture of you in the stroller. You look ethereal.
Very cool shirt for a casual Friday!
Wow, that's cool jersey. I'm going to go and look down your "Cat Fashions" tag entry and browse the rest of your wardrobe now ;-)
That's so cute! How about getting yourself a pair of shoes too?
harley girl, oh my........... off to see the sea monkeys
Way cool, Daisy.
I bet your readers would be willing to contribute money for you to make a TV show or a movie or book. You're so versitile. And by the amount of your comments, people love to see what you are doing.
Bobby @ "Sleeping Kitten - Dancing Dog!"
Daisy, you should be in
Sturgis (in one of the Dakotas, I am not sure which one) cause they are having the big motorcycle rally!!! You would fit right in with your HD t-shir!
i've been looking for a devon rex! i'm wondering if you can point me in the direction of a breeder in wisconsin? i'm in the milwaukee area. i'd really appreciate it!
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