Thursday Thirteen, Edition #32
- They are not really monkeys. This was kind of a disappointment.
- These Sea Monkeys do not live in the sea. You must use a special packet called "#1: Water Purifier" to make good water for them.
- You cannot go swimming with a Sea Monkey. Because they will just get stuck in your furs.
- They are much, much smaller than I expected. This means I will not be able to dress them up in cute Sea Monkey clothes. I am a little sad about this.
- They do not eat bananers. They eat something called "Sea Monkey Growth Food." It does not look very delicious, either.
- They are not borned like you or me. They hatch from a packet called "#2: Instant Live Eggs."
- Hatching looks a lot easier than being borned.
- Sea Monkeys can exist in suspended animation inside their eggs for many years. This sounds very boring to me.
- I found out that Sea Monkeys can live up to 2 years. I might need to get some more Growth Food.
- You have to be very patient to grow Sea Monkeys. Because they do not spring to life instantly. This was another disappointment.
- The scientific name for the Sea Monkey is Artemia Nyos. Nyos stands for New York Ocean Science Laboratory which was the birthplace of the Sea Monkey!
- Sea Monkeys love the sun. This is one thing I have in common with Sea Monkeys.
- I have decided that raising Sea Monkeys is a very fun scientific experiment. But also a big responsibility.
Sea Monkey status: I see signs of life! The tiny specks are my Sea Monkey babies. If you biggify you can see them better. Or you can borrow a magnifying glass if you are too old.

61 Notes for Daisy:
Thanks for sharing those facts about sea monkeys, Daisy. It is disappointing that they aren't real monkeys and are so tiny. Good luck with your experiment!
I'll give you some advice too. Do not leave them in the sun. I did this to mine and they all fried up in the sun's heat. Poor little monkies!
I've never seen sea monkeys but I've heard people talk about them.
Happy TT!
After da growth food do dey get maintinance food like we do? Mom gots out her magnifying glass and looked. Do dey get any bigger? Are yoo gonna find out how dey taste?
I think they can grow up to almost an inch long!
Another sea monkey secret - I used to feed them to my tropical fish, who enjoyed chasing them around the tank and gobbling them up. You can buy ready made sea monkeys from some aquarium shops, where they have a name called "Brine Shrimp". I think maybe Whales eat them too.. :)
Momma wants us to tell you a story about her sea monkeys: Before here & daddy could get real pets because they lived in a apartment. Momma got sea monkeys, she took very good care of them bought them sea monkey toys and accessories. She had a lively colony until one daddies friend seen the tank sitting on there coffee table. He was curious but he was too curious because he knocked the tank over, KILLING all her monkeys! Momma actually got very upset with him but he was very sorry. She never got anymore monkeys until Fifi came along!
"Wow" Daisy you sure know alot about see monkeys.Thanks for sharing them with me it's very interesting.
very very interesting. We have never heard of these things... I never knew you could grow monkeys from a package.
The tank is really cute.
We hope you have an especially Happy day today Daisy!
headbutts, Caesar
I saws the monkeys! Mommy agrees that theys are brines shrimp, she feeds that to the fishes. The big male bean here tried to grow brine shrimp, but it didnts work out so wells.
Real monkeys would be more fun, but sea monkeys can be fun too. Have your mom play, The Monkees while you stare at the sea monkeys!
They are not real monkeys? How disappointing. We are furry sorry that they are too tiny for clothes. You could have had matching outfits! They do have a furry nice house to live in.
Bounce says he would probably forget and drink them.
LOL Great TT Daisy!
We just did Sea Monkeys back in March and April, but they did not last long. They are terribly hard to get to survive very long. Good luck with yours. I hope you just have a better batch than we did.
And I can so identify with your feelings about the sea monkeys!
Oh, man! I didn't know they were so tiny. I wanted to see the cute outfits that you had picked out for them. :(
Thanks for the lessons Daisy. I now know more about sea monkeys than I ever thought I would.
Are you going to name your sea monkeys?
Good morning, Daisy!
You are going to have your hands full if you borned a bunch of them and they grow to be 2 years old! Do you know how many you are "expecting"?
I learn everyday here in blogworld ! never heard about sea monkeys and thought it was a joke but apparently not, lol ! for what are they ?? Even with biggifying I only see spots like some dirt floating in the water ! Maybe I have to have an eyecheck !
2 years?? That's a long time. I think you're right, you might need more food for them.
Following your Sea Monkey Experiment is one of the most entertaining things to do lately!
Will go get a scientific degree yourself? A Master? Or even a PhD?
Wonderful 13 notes you took!!!
The babies are still very, very small. I hope only about a dozen grow up to be big, because I do not think I can take care of more than that.
that's too bad that they is not real monkeys - that would haf been cool. howefurr, mommy says that sea monkeys is like SHRIMPS. SHRIMPS is good.
Wow. Who woulda thunk it...there's LOTS to know about Sea Monkeys!
Do sea monkeys eat sea bananers?
i wonder if sarge would let me get some sea monkeys since he won't let me get a cat? they look furry fun. i wonder if they will be able to ride their surfboard soon? that would be fun! you look cute wif them daisy!
smiles, auntie bee
Daisy, I think you are the smartest cat ever!
Yer vary lukky that yoo can have grate pets like sea munkeez. I wood love to have a pet. But I'm not responsibul enuf yet.
we are waiting and waiting for the sea monkeys, it is most exciting. thank you for sharing Daisy. FAZ
Jazper says I must be too old...
because I wanted a magnifying glass.
But Chloe mentions you in her Thursday 13 today at Purrchance To Dream!
not the mama
Those are very interesting facts you learned about Sea Monkeys. My Mum said she had Sea Monkeys when she was little and she was a little disappointed too. The picture showed them looking like little people with crowns on their heads and when they hatched they didn't look like that, but she still had fun with them.
I think your scientific research is very interesting.
Daisy - wow - those look great! However, I am sad you are a little dissappointed but you are a serious scientist so not every experiment will be lots and lots of fun. Still, that does look pretty fun to me! x
That is a good picture of you studying your sea monkeys. You could put that one in your resume because it looks like you are concentrating really hard.
Mom's sea monkeys never grew much larger than little dot things. She was disppointed. Then her mom got her seahorses by mail!
You learned some very interesting things about sea monkeys. It's sad that you won't be able to dress them up, but watching them swim around should still be lots of fun.
Hi Daisy! I remember when I was a kid and you had to buy Sea Monkeys from ads on the backs of comic books. They always had these really cool drawings of the sea monkeys all dressed up and acting like people. I hope yours do can always snack on them if they become a disappointment. Have a great day! Karen
Man, Daisy, you are like Barbie: you can do anything! Fashion model, circus performer, film star, mad scientist...I can't wait to see the next stage of the Great Sea Monkey Experiment.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
P.S. Sorry I've been absent for a while. There's an apology on my blog today.
Gretchen's Bean: I see the little specks. I can't wait to see what they really look like.
Gretchen: You have a lot of patience.
No sea monkey cute outfits? I am very very disapointed. I was very much looking forward to seeing them dressed up in stylish bathing suits.
Do you think you could create a cute outfit for Mr. Tom? I really liked seeing him. I know he is very very rude, but maybe if you took him in as a rescue lizard you could teach him some manners. It's just a thought.
Very interesting facts about Sea Monkeys, Daisy. I did not need to biggify the picture or use a magnifying glass because I AM NOT over 35 years old!
our Lady needs to break out the magnifying glass, apparently. we're very very excited with your experiment, but we're wondering...if they don't live in the sea and they're not real monkeys, then why are they called Sea Monkeys? that is very misleading. your TT was very interesting and informative though. we look forward to your sea monkey updates!
You also might want to get more water purifier so that when you have to add water it is the water they need. We didn't and when we added the water they said to, well, lets just say, no more sea monkeys for us.
I've never heard about sea monkeys before. I hope you'll keep us posted abou them!
My TT teaches a geography lesson about my country.
Mom told me she had some sea monkeys once and even though she was a teenager she had to use a magnifying glass to see them.
Boy, sea monkeys sound like imposters to me! Can you at least play with them??
I've never seen sea monkeys - hope I can see them soon when they come to life in your aquarium!
Wow, Daisy, you're bringin' back memories for my momma -- she used to have sea monkeys! Looks like you're havin' fun raisin' 'em. I'm sorry they can't wear cute outfits, though!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Daisy dear, this is my first time seeing Sea Monkeys from my friend, so I am so happy to see your record for them.
Thank you for your describe, waiting do very hard, let's wait together.
I wonder if mommy will let me add them to one of the fish tanks they look cool
What fun, learning about Sea Monkeys! They really are strange little creatures, according to my mom. She's calling your sea monkey adventure a "blast from the past!" And what an excellent scientific endeavor. I'm looking forward to watching them grow!
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn!
i want some sea monkey's :-)
Meowm thinks she sees them.....I definitely see them. I don't think I will try to get Meowm to get some sea monkeys.....they look like way to much work!
mommees says we cants hafs sea monkees cuz we wood splash all the water out of their tank. fooee!
yuki & kimiko
Know what the Man calls Sea Monkeys? "Food for my tropical fish." It's horrible; he's been known to hatch MILLIONS of them, and then he feeds them to his fish, like they don't MATTER.
sea monkeyz ... reel monkeyz ... or fish food ... i biggified da pikshur (i diden't havta yooz a magnefyin glass) an i havta say ... dat'z sum setup!
nice job daisy.
Your Sea Monkey experiment looks furry scientific.
Oh, an' Mom said that she'd LOVE to have you come and put the bitey on some students.
Wow Daisy,
You are quite the scientist cat. I have always wanted to have some Sea Monkeys. I will just have to live vicariously through your activities though, I guess. :)
Have fun! :)
Thank you for all the information on Sea Monkeys, Daisy ... it was very interesting!
They don't look very tasty either. Good thing you're a scientist Daisy.
Oh man, can't believe we forgot to see this yesterday!! Great T13 on the Sea Monkey's. We'll be waiting for them to grow up.
Your FL furiends,
I now know wat sea monkeys are...pfff so very tiny... I understand you frustations about them, Daisy. But I got frustrated too, I biggify the photo... nothing, I put on my glasses... nothing -- grrrrrr
We were looking forward to seeing your Sea Monkeys all dressed up.
We did make the picture bigger and saw them!
miss bee has been talking about sea monkeys for days now, I had no idea that cats could grow sea monkeys
I love the tank you have made for them. They will love it too! I am looking forward to your next report...
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