Fashion Show Friday: More Casual Wear
Here is a casual outfit that is good to wear when you are lounging around the house. It is a hoodie! And it was designed by the famous fashion designer, Isaac Mizrahi. I am not joking! I am turned around so you can see it has the number "9" on the back. This is the number of lives I have.
Even though the hoodie is a little bit too big for me, I think you will agree that yellow is a good color! Here is my most glamorous pose.

49 Notes for Daisy:
Your hoodie is very cute, Daisy, and so functional. :) I'm glad you were properly compensated for your photo shoot.
your friday fashion is a delight as always. You do look especially gorgeous in these shots. How do you get the designers to make these outfits for you?
I look forward to it each week.
You look pretty good in yellow, and this hoodie is smashing!
Do you get extra numbers to change out when you have used up a life?
Happyyy Friday!
Purrrs, Prin
you look furry cute Daisy!
Looking good, Daisy! And now famous designers are utilizing your modeling talents! Just don't let Isaac Mizrahi get too close to your tummy -- remember what he did to Scarlett Johansson...
That is a great color on you, Daisy!
Gorgeous as always, my dear. The last picture is my favorite.
daisy i think the hoodie is adorable on you. i love your fashion shows! how are the sea monkeys honey?
smiles, auntie bee
Luv the hoodie. I think your wardrobe is much more impressive than mine.
Oh yes, Daisy!
Yellow is perfect for your eyes!
This would be nice to wear to an evening cook out on the beach, don't you think?
oh yes, like mosaic cats said, purrfect attire fur a clambake
Oah Daisy, yellow is very good for you~! It is so light and bright, I love you are in Yellow~!!! Perfect~!!!
Especially the last photo, you look dainty and charming~!!!!
That is a great hoodie Daisy and it sets off your eyes beautifully. I think the number 9 is appropriate for all of us cats.
I love that last picture of you, you look very glamorous and like a big movie star!
What a great outfit! We luf the number "9" for your lives. How clever!
Luf, Us
totally cool! as always you are a fashion icon!
Hoodies are awesome, Daisy! That's great that it has a number "9" on it too.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
You could be a cat-fashion model!
Hi Daisy,
You look very cute in your hoodie.The
yellow looks lovely with your eyes.
As usual, your fashion sense is impecable!
The second photo is one of the best we've seen, Daisy!
Your eyes are so beautiful :)
~ The Cats
Hi Daisy. Thanks for visiting me.
Yes, my tummy is feeling so much better since the operation. I still have stitches, but they are coming out this weekend. I have been furry good and only pulled out one stitch by myself!
Jasmine wasn't too happy about this, but she said I was a furry good girl for leaving my stitches alone for so long. I only pulled it out shortly before the vet is going to be taking them out anyway.
Wow, that hoodie looks GRATE on yoo! It goze so nicely with yer dreemy eyes! Make shur yoo don't ware it upside down, tho, cuz that wood meen yoo've got SIX lives left. That wood make me sad.
Daisy be careful in your hoodie. In the UK youth beans are banned from wearing these in shopping malls because you can't see their faces and Adult beans don't know if they're up to 'No Good'. I am sure you are not up to 'No Good' because I know you're a Good Girl (it says so on your banner). FAZ
wow, daisy!
yer grandma sent u a isaac mizrahi?
she'z da gratest!
I really love those photos. Yellow matches very well to your yello-green eyes.
I LOVE fashion show Friday! I think that is an adorable outfit, Daisy.
Daisy I always look forward to your Fashion Fridays, they are so informative - almost like a cat fashion magazine!
I love the yellow hoodie, yellow is a great colour for you!
You are gorgeous, Daisy! I love the way your curly chest furs look against that beautiful yellow! And your eyes -- wow!
Dat hoodie, yoo make it look good! Oh, wowie, we think dis mite make us steel moms hoodie fur ourselfs.
hehehe, that's a great lookin' hoodie and it looks comfy, too! And yeah, yellow is a great color on you!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao.
Oh Daisy you are tre chic! Tom Tom likes fashionable kitties. Purrs & kisses from Cindy at Rosehaven Cottage
Awwww, Daisy, you look just darling in your yellow hoodie! Yellow is a beautiful color with you -- it does so well with your fur and your gorgeous eyes!
And *giggle*, Temptations sound like excellent compensation for photo shoots!
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn!
What a great hoodie and what a nice grammie you have?
Daisy - you look beautiful as always. I do however think i have to mention that sometimes in the yoo kay, chavs wear hoodies. But not ones like yours. They wear them with burberry scarves and things so you are OK he he xx
WOW - Yellow is your colour!
Yellow is a very good colorfor you Daisy! I just had some Temptations too! They are soooooo yummy!
I just stopped by to see how the Sea Monkeys are coming along, I am just thrilled that you are naming the brave one Sarge Charlie.
Daisy, My Bobby thinks you're the cats' meow! He sends you a kitty kiss.
Hi Daisy,
It is good that you still have nine lives left. How come dogs only get one? That doesn't seem fair to me.
Mommy and I have been reading your old posts. The more I read about your stroller, the more I want one!
Again, you have a very nice outfits. You are a lucky cat to get paid with temptations!
Extra fetching, Miss Daisy ... That hoodie goes really well with your amber peepers.
You're the ultimate supermodel of the cat world, Daisy. It's amazing what we will do for Temptations. I'll even stand right next to Jake if Temptations are involved.
That outfit really brings out the color of your eyes, too!
Yellow is your color Daisy! It makes you fur look so vibrant and the hoodie looks wonderful on you. It also makes your eyes shine brighter. Your pictures are so pretty.
Your FL furiends,
You look very fetching in your yellow hoodie. It does bring out your eyes beautifully.
we love to see you on fashion friday!!
the color of your hood goes perfectly with your wonderful eyes.
momma says she loves the last pic with the close-up of your face.
hugs and purrs,
Kashim & Othello
Daisy, that last pic of you witth your hood up - Wow! What a beautiful kitty you are - maybe you should send this photo off to Cat Fancier Magazine!!
Daisy, you look very good in yellow. I like your hood.
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