Thursday Thirteen, Edition #33
Since I have had my Sea Monkeys, and my incident with the X-Ray Specs, I decided to tell you about 13 classic things you could get from comic books:
- X-Ray Specs. I am too scairt to talk about these after my experience with them this week. Because they are NOT a Hilarious, Laughingly Funny Illusion. They are REAL!
- Polaris Nuclear Sub. The submarine is supposed to be big enough for two kids, and it is only $6.98. This seems like a bargain. But I am not allowed to play with anything Nuclear, so I cannot buy this. It is probably for the best. I would not like to cause a Nuclear Accident.
- Charles Atlas can make you a new man, in only 15 minutes a day. This seems like a pretty good deal. Because who likes getting sand kicked in their face? Big muscles are good!
- You already know about the amazing Sea Monkeys. Except I noticed that mine do not wear big crowns like the ones in the comic book. Maybe the crowns are Sold Separately.
- The secret of How to Hypnotize and Control Others. I am not sure I would like to be hypnotized by someone who reads comic books. But it might be a good party trick.
- Get Smart Spy Camera. This is a camera hidden in a pack of cigarettes! It might be hard for me to fool anybody with this since I do not smoke. And it seems wrong to take up smoking just so you can spy on people with your special camera.
- Shrunken Head. Do not worry, this is just a kit to make a shrunken head out of an apple. I do not know why the kit is not called the Wrinkled Apple Kit.
- Lucky Grab Bag. I wanted to get a Lucky Grab Bag. But my Mommie said "Daisy, do not waste your allowance on a bunch of junk."
- Hot Gum. This gum looks like real gum, but tastes like a volcano! Hahahahaha!
- Sneeze Powder. This might be as much fun as the Hot Gum!
- Imitation Bullet Holes. This is advertised as a Laugh Riot. But I am not laughing very hard.
- Ant Farm. This comes complete with a stock of live ants! I would like to try this experiment, but my Mommie says I can only have one pet. And I already have Sea Monkeys.
- Live Sea Horses. My Mommie actually ordered this when she was a girl. But they came dead. This seems like false advertising.

44 Notes for Daisy:
You must be reading old comic books, Daisy, because my humans collect and read current comic books and none of those things are advertised in them. My dad has some old comic books from the 1960s and 70s though, and some of those things are advertised in them.
Yep, these are "classic" ads!
Those are really cute. I remember sea monkeys and sea horses---I always wanted to order them but my parents wouldn't let me. I did get the crystals that grow in water, I think.
The story about your mommie's seahorses kind of breaks my heart.
I think you should save your monies and buy more fashions, cuz I really like seeing you in your fashions on Friday. Maybe next week you could have Monday's Modes, Tuesday's Trinkets, Wednesday"s Wacky Waterclothes, Thursday's Trendiest Things and you could rest on the weekends. Just some ideas for you to consider.
those are some really cool things Daisy - we would like to hot gum. mnommy said they also usded to sell ONION gum. that would be cool too. but not for kitties.
I think the ant farm would be fun to watch, but Mom said we have enuf outside.
She won't let us out to watch them, tho.
~ Gracie
I think your mom should loosen the rule against allowing you to have anything nuclear. From what I've read you probably are more responsible than those who do have access to nuclear things. Plus the sub might help you against Godzilla should he ever come to your neck of the woods.
I think the seahorses would enjoy watching the ants!
Our allowances always get used up for the stuff we break. Bummer.
We is back.
Luf, Us
My mommie always wanted to get some of those cool things... like the sea monkeys and the hot gum (whatever...) She never got to buy them.
The shrunken head?.. you do not need a "kit" for that. My big girl bean made a doll of Clara Barton when she was in 5th grade out of an apple. Sweet old Clara still sits in mommie's china cabinet with her apron on with the big red cross on the front :-D
I agree with your mommie... this stuff might not be fun. Thank you though for telling us about them and informing us... sort of a PSA on false advertising.
happy day Pixie and Daisy
Purrrrs, Prin
I want a pet! Maybe I can have the ants? On second though Latte would just eat them. Oh well.
I think that is really classic, because I have only heard one or two.
Your momma is right, If you want to have pet, start from one. If this one you carry very good for a long time, then ask for another.
I think Sea Horses maybe very difficult to raise, too much things and water detail should take care of, anyway, I think all kinds of water/sea creature is very special and difficult to pet. So I think you are so amazing to have sea monkeys~!
daisy honey i do think you need an ant farm. you could watch them plow little fields and grow little rows of corn and stuff. what fun! do they have little ant cows and stuff too? ask mommie again, okay?
smiles, auntie bee
Hi Daisy, those are some really interesting things in the back of those comic books. Maybe Skeezix would like the Charles Atlas stuff because he has great muscles.
Mom wanted sea horses when she was little but her mom said the same as your mom about not wasting your allowance on junk.
Those are some neat things. I think I would like the hot gum (to give to EG) and the ants. Imagine if they got out of their farm. Ooh, it would be so much fun to chase them. I mean, play with them.
I only got as far as number 3 --- I'll be bak later, but ferst I need to see if Charles Atlas can make me a new man.
wow, that is some fun stuff to get in the mail. i'm a ManCat and i want to make sure that no one kicks sand in my face, maybe I'll save up to get that Charles Atlas one. I do like eating ants and I'm not sure that is the point of the ant farm. If so, it would be called "ant buffet"
I just love your purrfect lists!!!
Daisy, that is a furry good list of classic things you can get from the back of a comic book. My Mum said she used to fawn over those items at the back of comic books, but her Mummy would never let her buy them : ( I guess that is a good thing since your Mommies Sea Horses arrived dead, that would be devastating!
I remember seeing those ads in the Superman and Batman comics that were imported to the UK. I remember the sea monkeys ad -- mother in a chair, dad smoking a pipe, kids playing, all underwater, and they looked remarkably human!
I seem to remember also an ad for some device you could put in your mouth which would make you an instant ventriolquist.
I would love to play with the sneeze powder. Neat list.
Imitashun bullet holes are funny? Weird. Prolly better than reel ones tho.
Great TT, Daisy :)
Daisy, what do you mean when you say they are "classic ads"? I am very interested in an ant farm (not for me, but for Katie, as a gift)
Thanks for the list of things you can buy in a comic book!
I think an ant farm would be fun to watch. Maybe you could save your allowance and get one. Wow those were some neat things you found.
My Mom says, she remembers all those "classic ads" (isn't classic just another name for old? Hey, I heard that, Sam.) Opps! We thought they were neat, but the x-ray glasses seemed scary. Could imagine what Tigger would look like under his fur? No, no.
Your FL furiends,
Hmm...lots of things come out of comic books ~ good idea to stay away from smoking and the nuclear sub...
loved the Godzilla post :)
Our momma raised am couple a batches of Sea Horses. She saved their bodies after they died. She had Sea Horses and the Magic Crystals. She said it was a great childhood.
Oooooh - we would like to learn da hypnotizing stuff - MORE TEMPTATIONS!
deer daisy,
eggsaktlee how much money do u get fer yer allowance? mi mom duzzen't giv me (or anycat) a allowance ... so i havta know how much to ask fer.
thank u.
Jeter, you should ask for at least a nickel a week. This will add up to over TWO DOLLARS in a year!
Daisy you are such a fascinating cat! This thursday thirteen reminds me of the bill bryson book my human recently read - thunderboolt kid - he talks about comic book adverts! xx
I think your're right. Just stick to the sea monkeys. That's probably the best for your buck from your list. Bean D.
Gretchen says to tell you hello. She's not a thirteener. Maybe someday.
Mom's mommy let her waste her lowence on dat goofy stuff when she was little. Mom lerned reely fast what a waste it really was! 'Cept fur da hot gum and some dat turned yoor mouf BLACK when yoo chewed it, doze she found most amoosing. Yeah, mom's weerd.
Thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving a lovely message. My meowmie was reading over my should at your lists of classics and was chuckling away to herself :)
Daisy, as usual, this was a very interesting (and amusing!) post from you. We are so glad you liked our T13. That shot of you in your scarf kills us every time we pull it up.
Guess what? Mosaic Lady took in a foster kitty this morn! We'll talk about it on our blog tomorrow. (and surely for days and days after, darn her.)
Wow, these are some amazing things to get from a comic book. I think I'll go get a comic book for myself today. Thanks!!!
I think all of those sound like very neat things. Great stuff!
WARE CAN I ORDER THE POLARIS NUCLEEUR SUB??? Cuz I'm not ferbidden to play with anything noocleeur and it duzn't matter if I cawse a nucleeur aksidint cuz I just live in CASTRO VALLEY wich is an armpit even tho I love the ladey and am happy to live in her GRATE HOWSE with LOTS OF COWNTERS to jump up on and I cood ride the POLARIS NUCLEEUR SUB in the bloo swimming pool ware the raccoooons have thare pool parteez evry nite and I don't mind gitting wet but I'd rather go in the pool in a POLARIS NUCLEEUR SUB cuz it looks FUN FUN FUN FUN FUN! Do yoo know if thare's room for bunnykikking inside cuz I'd live to take my stuft gerlfrend Tiger with me in the POLARIS NUCLEEUR SUB and how is it diffrint frum the POLARIS NOOKYOOLER SUB I git them mixt up becuz that old guy in the bloo soot hooz on teevee sumtimes pernownses it NOOKYOOLER wich sownds kind of the same but not reely and do yoo know if they'd let me PAY LATER cuz I don't git an allowinse yet wich is WHY I NEED MY OWN BLOG gee yer pritty yoo can make spit kerls on me anytime yoo wunt.
Um, Tripper? I would fear for the future of the world if you got a Polaris Nuclear Sub. Because I do not think you would observe proper safety precautions while you were bunnykicking your friend Tiger inside the submarine. Sorry.
hehehe, alla them things brought back memories for my momma! A purrson could get hangin' skeletons and ghosties and whoopie cushions and all kinds of things. And my momma got her some sea monkeys when she was a kid, and like you said, she was kinda bummed that they didn't come with the little crowns.
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
We remember a lot of these things, and agree, Lucky Grab Bags could contain anything scary. We love the Get Smart Spy Camera. What fun things!
Purrs and Loves to you and Pixie
*giggle*, it's such a hoot, all the funny things that can be ordered from comic books! My mom remembers a lot of those things, too.
I hope your sea monkeys are doing well!
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn!
A super-secret spy camera sounds furry interesting an' a good investment, too ... Then you could spy on Pixie!
That is a very long list Daisy!
You look good in thet submarine! Ready for adventures!
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