Friday, November 16, 2007

Fashion Friday: More fun with Accessories!

This is my beautiful pink Fashion Scarf. My Grandma got it for me! It is very soft and cozy, and I think it is perfect for cooler weather. Here is my close-up. I feel very glamorous when I wear my Fashion Scarf.
Here is another way you can wear it: with the ends trailing behind you. It looks very dramatic!
This is a little mistake I made. Right in the middle of my photo-shoot, I saw a lizard. And I ran after him, and did not pay any attention to my Fashion Scarf. My beautiful Scarf came right off! (Can you see it hanging off the table?) I am a little bit embarrassed because this was unprofessional of me. The standing on the table part was OK, though.
So, I put the Fashion Scarf right back on, and went back to lizard hunting. I got to model AND hunt for lizards. This is called a Compromise.


69 Notes for Daisy:

Skeezix the Cat said...

OMC! I have a byootiful fashun skarf ixzaktly like yers! Derby's mom made it for me!

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Your scarf is very beautiful, Daisy. :) Very fashionable. You are very talented to be able to wear a scarf and hunt for lizards at the same time.

Parker said...

Does it ever tickle your nose and make you sneeze?

Siani said...

You look lovely in your Fashion Scarf, Daisy. My Liberty wants one just like it - except she wants sequins on hers!

Poppy Q said...

Daisy you are the best part of Friday for us.

What a fabulous scarf. Have a great weekend sweetie.

Ramses said...

Very pretty Daisy! :) Isis says she loves your scarf too, but isn't sure she can wear pink that well... Purrsonally I don't know what she's on about, but she loves your Fashion Friday's and insists of looking at all your lovely pictures! :)

Queen Snickers, Empress and Princess Renna said...

Ooo It must be scarf Friday. Yours it much more glamorous than mine is though. I will have to send my personal shopper out for one, only in purple. heheh

Anonymous said...

Daisy you look very lovely in your scarf.Pink is a beautiful color on you.

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Compromise is look furry glamorous hunting lizzerds in yoor scarf. Mom sez dat when dad sez compromize wif me he means do it my way.

Anonymous said...

YOWZER! You look wonderful in that GORGEOUS pink fluffy scarf! How sweet of your grandma to give it to you. I'm glad you got to compromise, I know lizards can be irresistible.

jenianddean said...

Daisy - you look beautiful in your pink scarf. And I didn't realize you could accessorize for lizard hunting. Way to go!

-Jasper McKitten-Cat

Mickey's Musings said...

Definitely the dramatic look :)
It's hard to concentrate with lizards running around,but moving to get a better vantage point and still model is very smart!
Maybe the lizard is jealous of your scarf?

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

We have a pink fashion scarf too! Momma hasn't worked up the nerve yet to try it on me. teeheehee!


Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

i think that is multi[-tasking. and i think you did it very well too honey.

smiles, auntie bee

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Your scarf is very pretty. I love pink. It is very hard work to stay focused on this for so long. I hope that your photographer was following the rules and not over working you to exhaustion!!!!

Happy day to you and Pixie
Puuuurrrrrrrrrs, Princess

Anonymous said...

You look fabulous in that scarf, Daisy! You and it were made for each other.

One minute, a lady in pink; the next, a fierce lizard hunter. All the things you are, lady cat...

Honey P. Sunshine said...

furry purrty daisy

Earl Grey said...

I like how you can hunt lizards and look fashionable at the same time.


PS - I left you a comment yesterday, but it's not there. :(
Did it take forever for your tummy furs to grow back after your tummy surgery? It's been 8 months since my surgery and my tummy furs are *almost* the same length as the rest of my furs now. Yikes!

Anonymous said...

What a nice gift from your Grandma. It looks lovely on you and pink is your color! We think you can were right to go after that silly lizard. Hopefully you got lots of Temptations after all that hard work.

Sassy Kat said...

Dear sweet beautiful Daisy as Producer of the new CCSI: Cat/Canine Crime Scene Invetigators show I am stopping by to welcome you to the pre-show rehersal. I hope you have found everything that you will need to make your debut on this series at your finger tips making your stay perfect. If there is anything that you might need in helping you get through the rehersals, etc please do not hesitate to let me or one of my staff know and we will do our best to honor your request. I have hired staff today to help me out in this area. Since we are new at producing this series I do, however, ask that you be patient while we try to do our best to make our home your home as you prepare for your big day tomorrow. Thank you so much for your dedication in seeing that our first showing of CCIS will be on the most professional level.

Diamond Emerald-Eyes said...

That is a furry nice scarf you have, just in time fo the cold weather too!

Dma said...

Another excellent lesson Daisy- not enough of us know the true meaning of "compromise."

p.s. top notch scarf.

zevo hussein calamari said...

As always you look stunning!

Forty Paws said...

Your fashion scarf looks so furry soft and floofy. You're a wonderful model Daisy, even if you get distracted occasionally. That's ok. Many divas get distracted easily.

Luf, Us

Patti said...

Beautiful scarf, Daisy! I hope the lizards appreciate your fashion sense! Being lizards they probably do not! :)

Monty Q. Kat said...

That looks long enough for Skeezix and you to share!

Sunny's Mommy said...

You look glamerous in your pink fashion scarf :-)

Yes, that was slightly unprofessional of you to leave your photoshoot like that. I am glad you and your Mommy were able to reach a compromise and you were able to continue ;-)

LZ said...

We have one of those in green. Just don't let your Mommie put you INSIDE and then hold both ends. Its a funky tunnel like experience.


Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Your scarf is beautiful. We think it would be fun to play with as well as wear.

We are in disgrace again. We caught a mole and brought it in the house. Mommy doesn't like moles in her house. She screamed!!!! YIKE!!! very loudly cause she thought it was a leaf and almost picked it up before she realized it wasn't. That was funny, we are still laughing, but Mommy isn't.

~Scylla & Charybdis.

Sarge Charlie said...

You are just the cats meow all decked out while lizard watching....

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Fashion and lizards....who would have thought they would go together!

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Oah, Dearest Daisy,

That is one classic pink scarf you have it today~!!!
You look great~!!!
Very suit for winter style, and certainly a beautiful lady style for that~!!!!

You always classic in any kind of clothes~!!!! Today's scarf also perfect~!!
I bet these lizards seeing you wearing this must be wooden and surprised, than you could hunt them much more easier~!!!

Have a great Friday hunting~!!


HRH Yao-Lin said...

hahaa daisy you look gorgeous! That is a compromise indeed. How beautiful are you! x

Anonymous said...

Daisy - pink really is your color.
That looks so warm, and so fashionable.
You really are, as Sarge said, The Cat's Meow!

Purrs from your friends
@ Purrchance To Dream

Tybalt said...

That is a beautiful fashion scarf, Daisy! You look lovely in pink, as always. I think you did a GREAT compromise. The view from the window makes a lovely background for you and your scarf.

Anonymous said...

That is a wonderful compromise Daisy. Did you know that the police are looking for you because you said you had information on the Sam Smith whapping? I am quite worried about you.

The Devil Dog said...

You look very dramatic in your beautiful scarf, Daisy. Pink really is your color.

Roxy & Lucky

Sophie Brador said...

Daisy, Be careful not to catch that scarf in the wheel of your convertible.


Asta said...

You weaw that fachion scawf with such elan!

Pink looks fantabulous on you..I think you'we aweady fow youw wed cawpet walk aftew you weceive youw acting awe gowgeous!
smoochie kisses

Shaggy and Scout said...

Very nice Daisy! You could also form it into a circle & take a nap inside it.

Unknown said...

Daisy, you look just fabulous in your fashion scarf. You have a really nice Grandma for buying that for you!

My Mum has one like that, but it is a bunch of different colours. I like it alot so she put it in my scratching post bed and I snuggle with it when I nap.

The Crew said...

(gasp) A PINK feather boa! It's perfect for you Daisy.

Mom!!! Why don't I have a pink feather boa?


Randi said...

Hi Daisy! My favorite color is Pink! Remember..I'm a girl with a silly boy name...but I LOVE PINK! & that scarf looks absolutely STUNNING ON YOU~! AND I LOVE your post about your belly button...I wonder if I can lick my belly button & I can see how you might be a little upset about the idea of your mama kitty chewing off your umbuilical (sp?) cord...I wonder who cut mines...You made me ponder some really life altering ideas today..Thank you Daisy!

Love & Licks,

Scout said...

Daisy: You look loverly in your pink scarf. I think the photo shoot was extra-special because of the compromise to get to hunt lizards.

Anonymous said...

Daisy, you are a talented multi-tasker... modeling and lizard hunting... WOW!

btw, that is such a pretty scarf! I need to get me one of those.



Pink is your color and you look absolutely stunning today.


The M's said...

That is definately a very beautiful scarf.

"I think that little dress is adorable. I wonder if it comes in my size..." I still have that dress, and I hope to put a grandchild in it in about 10 years.

Anonymous said...

BEAUTIFUL, beautiful and more beautiful!! That scarf is made for you!

As for the little mistake, Daisy..., you are NOT unprofessional, how dare you think that? Maybe you are a tiny little bit nervous about CCSI? But you don't have to be, you're already a star, girl!


PS - maybe we have to make sure there are zero lizards at the set of CCSI.;)

Kimo and Sabi said...

You are da most fashionable lizzard huntress ever! (and BTW, you have a furry cute navel)

Leona said...

Oh Daisy you are just the cutest little kitty! Ma wishes she could get us to wear clothes but we won't put up with that. You have some incredible patience!

Dr Tweety of da Fab Five said...


Dat lizard...waz it George??? Next time dat bad George comez to vizit, he must respect da fact dat you are a bizzy, multi-taskin' model. BTW: Dis rue-mirror dat iz goin' on ovefur at Chey's...about da whappin.' I just hope dat you iz not compromized!

-Dr Tweety

PS: Come to my tur-key party & we can throwz a few lizardz into da mix.

Icon Baxter Bentley said...

I love fashion show Friday! It looks like it might be hard to hunt lizards in a scarf, but you do it so nicely!

The Furry Fighter said...

as always Daisy you look truly amazing - you are the Kate Moss of the Cat World! xxxx

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

That is a lovely scarf and yoo look furry byootyful in it Daisy

Gretchen said...

You are such a sassy cat in pink fluff.

I looked for my belly button and kind find it. I must not have one. I'm so floofy on my tummy, though, so it must be hiding in there somewhere.

And congratulations on your new bloggy award.


The Cat Realm said...

Pink is just so your color!!! This is a very beautiful scarf - I can see why lizard hunting would be very easy with it - the lizards will just freeze in awe of your beauty and that's it!

Mr. Hendrix said...

Oh Daisy, you are a true fashionista. Sometimes I wish I liked wearing clothes like you do so I could be as handsome as you are pretty. I'm just not as good a model as you are.

Congratulations on your new award! You certainly deserve it. How is Princess Pixie feeling lately? Is the cooler weather helping her?

Sassy Kat said...

Get a good nights sleep, tomorrow is the big day!

Anonymous said...

That is a very beautiful accessory!

Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

Glam, Miss Daisy! Furry, furry glam!

I have two fashion scarves like yours that my grandma made for me. One is red an' the other one is PURPLE (my favorite color).

I will have to ask Mom to take a Fashion photo of me in one of my scarves so that I can get almost as glam as you.

Thank you for being a fashion icon like Skeezix.


Ivan from WMD said...

You are gorgeous in that scarf, Daisy!

Black Cat said...

Pretty as a picture in pink:) Good luck with the CCSI and concatulations on the award:) xxx

Siani said...

Daisy, I have an award for you!.

MaoMao said...


There goes Momma again! hehehe

Daisy, yur skarf is beeyootiful! It's furry elegant, and it looks snuggly, too!

Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!

Andree said...

Pink is your color, Daisy. Do you have any boots of the same material? We could use some fuzzy boots. My guys won't wear pink but black would be good.

Christine and FAZ said...

Daisy, this is a very pretty outfit and pink is soooo your colour. FAZ

Frasier said...

Hi Daisy,
You look very chic and should be in Vogue

Big Piney Woods Cats said...

Oh, pink is definitely your color. I bet Skeezix is going wild!!


Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, now you've started something. :)

Pyewacket is carrying on like a pork chop cause she wants one just like it.

We all really admire you in your pink scarf.

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