Monday, November 19, 2007

Monday Mystery!

Here is a fun guessing-game for you. Study this photo closely! There is a little hint in the picture. Now, guess why I am reaching up:

A. I am practicing my boxing moves again
B. There is a lizard on the ceiling
C. I am reaching for a treat
D. I want to show off my fuzzy underarm furs
E. I am doing a Hula dance

Do you know the answer? Click HERE to see if you are correct!


59 Notes for Daisy:

Ramses said...

I'z was right! :) You'z after d'treats... ;)

Daisy said...

The little "hint" in the photo is the pantry door. It is still open a little bit!

Parker said...

Sigh...I was wrong. I thought you were reaching for a lizard on the ceiling!

Sunny's Mommy said...

Oh no, I guessed wrong. I thought there was a lizard on the ceiling!

Tigmut'hep said...

Dat 'nip nanan was amazing! :) Now if only d'room would stop moving...

Nomi said...

I fought at first dat you was after a lizzerd on da ceelin. But on weflection, I fink you is weechin for a tweet. Lovely foto of yor undercarrige

Tommy and Teaghan said...

Temptayshuns are werth reaching for. We thot maybe dat wuz a raisin yur paw picture too. It looks like a perfect one for dat.

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

We knew it was yoo reachin fur a treat. It wouldn't do much good fur yoo to try to reach a lizzerd on da ceiling. Tho it would be fun to watch him.

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

I am guessing that you are reaching for a treat! :)

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

We were right. We know how you love your Temptations.

Scylla, Charybdis & Sockie~Pooh

Mickey's Musings said...

I was right!!! Heehee,Temptations always get us excited!!

PeeSee: I am glad the mystery at Chey's place is sloved and you do not have to wear platform shoes (or the mullett)Though the shoes might make you taller,heeheehee

Diamond Emerald-Eyes said...

I knew you were going for a treat, but it does kind of look like you are doing the hula!

Anonymous said...

Well gee Daisy, I thought you were Hula Dancing AND showing off those gorgeous underarm furs! Reaching for a treat is always a good reason though.

The Misadventures Of Me said...

Oh the Temtashuns are so worth reaching for. You do's look likes you are doing a hula dance tho. hehe

Honey P. Sunshine said...

i thot maybe showing yer fuzzy underarm furs

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

You had thate Temptation look in your eyes. Gives it away everytime! heeheehee!

Laila and Lilly

Rosemary B❤️ said...

I thought you were doing your Hula dance but Caesar was right, it was the treats!

happy Monday fuzzy girls

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

I was right about the answer as well~! Because your expression is very lovely and adorable, certainly not the mood face to lizards~! Hahahahaha~!!!

Good one~!

Dma said...

Yes you do have nice fuzzy underarm furs.

Sarge Charlie said...

none of the above, you are flashing your paw pad again......

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

i would give you hundreds of temptations if you would come over here and let me pet you while i am sick!!

smiles, auntie bee

LZ said...

I guessed dancing, I was wrong sigh. You must really love your treats!!


The Cat Realm said...

I got it right!!! What did I win???

Tara said...

How fun, I guessed right! Great shot!


The Meezers or Billy said...

we guessed hula dance, 'cause that would be awsome. but tem-tay-shuns is way better than that.

Anonymous said...

With that intense huntress look in your eyes, it had to be either prey or treats. Elementary, my dear Daisy!

Anonymous said...

We guessed right! That was definitely a "give me Temptations" look on your cute little face Daisy.

Shaggy and Scout said...

We guessed temptations because you weren't wearing your Hula Skirt, which was our other guess!

Anonymous said...

I picked C cause you said you love temptations :)

Anonymous said...

I thought you were raising your paw for the cause. Still after all that torture, you deserve extra treats!

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

I got it right! But practicing boxing moves sounds like a good thing to do!

Captain Jack and Sir Dante said...

We guessed a lizzard on the ceiling!

Milton said...

I guessed treat, but you do have furry nice underarms furs too!

Katnippia said...

I guessed reaching furz a treat, and I was right. Thanks fur the lizzie hunting encouragement. I had one this morning, but George got away.

Shilgiah the Cat said...

I was pretty sure it was a lizard on the ceiling. What a fun guessing game!


I thought you were reaching for a lizard and a treat!


Asta said...

I thought you wewe maybe boxing,but i also figoowed thewe has to be a yummylicious tweat involved,heheh
you awe the cutest cat eve!
smoochie kisses

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Yay, we ere right that it was a temptation. We didn't see the clue cause our pantry has a dieernt kinna door (and it stays open alla time). But we saw that the intersection of your upper paw and eyes was jus a LITTLE over your head, so we could tell it wasnt the ceiling you were lookin at!

Dr Tweety of da Fab Five said...

I justee knewz it Daisy!!!!! Dat flashee ball ting on da wall? Dat waz da give-away. You waz modelin' again & so you has to get paid!!!!

-Love, Dr Tweety

Anonymous said...

I thought it was all of the above.

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

I guessed right! That's only because that's all I would ever reach for like that.

Hehehe, I really enjoyed curling up on your lap in the show. Now we actually have a photo of us two 'together' when SS shows photos of my blogging friends.

The Furry Fighter said...

hmmm...something to do with Temptations I reckon Daisy!

Yes...I was right! :)

Forty Paws said...

Weze kreckt!

U dunt shave yur pitz? How GROSS!

Luf, Us

DK & The Fluffies said...

And here I thought it was hula classes!

Queen Snickers, Empress and Princess Renna said...

Me gots it, me gots it! Dat's what me reaches for!


Anonymous said...

I guessed right!

Leona said...

We were hoping for a lizard. We would do just about anything for a treat!

Andree said...

I'm the Puzzlemaster. And I failed the puzzle. I searched the large version of the photo in detail. With magnifying glass. With my glasses on. I cheated. I FAILED.

I don't like Daisy Doozie Puzzles.


Millie said...

I like those treats too! But I haven't started taking them out of Mom's hands yet.

INAMINI said...

I purrty much gessed it had to be a Tem-Tayshun!

Artsy Catsy said...

I knew it, I knew it, Daisy! Because I look just like that when I raise a paw for Temptations! Well, except I'm not curly.

Artsy Catsy Spokesmodel

Samantha & Mom said...

We guessed it right!! Temptations are the best reason for raising your paws!
Your FL furiends,

Kitikata-san said...

Oh Boy! It is a treat! It has to be a treat! Daisy, you are a lucky kitty.

Mrs. Sniffles said...

I guessed F. Invisible ladder climbing. Haha. temptations are always good too.

Mr. Chen and Ollie said...

Heehee! We thought so! We knew it wasn't a lizard cuz your claws weren't out. We thought it might have been D too cuz your underarms are so cute. Fun game!
Mr. Chen & Ollie

jenianddean said...

I was pretty sure it was a treat. My mom wants to tickle your little furry underarms. Thanks for the fun game!

-Jasper McKitten-Cat

Just Sharlene and the Spice Cats said...

I was right! You were reaching for a treat!

Karen Jo said...

My first reaction was that you were after the camera strap. When I saw the choices, though, I figured it had to be a Temptation. You had that look in your eyes.

Frasier said...

I was going to say reaching for a lizard!!!

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