Thursday, December 6, 2007

Thursday 13, Edition #49: Questions for Santa

Here are 13 things I would like to ask Santa Claws:

  1. How do you get into my house since I do not have a chimney?
  2. Did you ever get arrested for trespassing?
  3. Are you real?
  4. Why don't you go on a diet? I hope that does not sound disrespectful. I would not want you to be mad at me, Santa.
  5. Do you secretly hope all the children and cats and dogs will ask for very small gifts that are easy to fit in your bag?
  6. How do you REALLY know if I have been naughty or nice?
  7. And how naughty can I be and still get some good presents?
  8. Do you have to give out very much coal?
  9. Who is your most favorite reindeer?
  10. What brand of GPS do you use to find all those houses all over the world?
  11. Are those big boots uncomfortable?
  12. Why don't you shave your beard sometime? You might look cuter in a goatee.
  13. Now, I would like to tell you that I have been a very good cat. Did you get my list? - Custom comment codes for MySpace, Hi5, Friendster and more


57 Notes for Daisy:

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Those are very good questions, Daisy! Have you written to Santa?

jenianddean said...

First of all, your Santa hat picture is just about the cutest thing I've seen in a while. Secondly, your list of questions made me laugh so hard. Has Santa ever been arrested?? HA! And I bet he does wish all kids and cats and dogs would ask for small presents. You know his back has to hurt. And lastly, I think you have been very good this year. I'm sure Santa is going to bring you everything on your list.

-Jasper McKitten-Cat

Parker said...

I'll bet he uses "getta' getta' getta' Garmin!"

Ramses said...

Ooh Daisy I'z wanna know all about Santa too! Cause my birthday's just a few days after KissMouse Day I'z never seen Santa before and I don't know nuffin about him... Like how big does my Santa sock need to be to hold all the presents on my list...? ;) After all it's important to know dis stuff!


Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

We love your list Daisy. We think Santa Claws would look good in a goatee too. Our Daddy has a goatee and Mommy thinks he is attractive.

Mommy did her TT on December, she said if we are good we could do one soon.

Scylla & Charybdis

The Misadventures Of Me said...

Oh Daisy you are so brave to ask some of those questions for Santa Claws. I really woulds like to know how bad a kitty can be and still gets good stuff too!

Mickey's Musings said...

Very good questions Daisy :)
Like a lot of kitties I want an answer to #7,heh,heh,heh
Did Santa give you that hat?
You look very cute in it :)

Sarge Charlie said...

I know if you are naughty or nice
I have a list and I am checking it twice
You have made us all happy this year
There will be no coal in your stocking, have no fear.

You look very cute in that hat.

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

Great questions for Santa Claws. We think you covered everything. Daisy, you look so darned cute in your Santa hat!

Anonymous said...

Daisy those are very good questions for Santa! We know you have been a good girl all year. You look very cute in your Santa hat.

Rosemary B❤️ said...

These are very good questions.
Santa always comes through our front door. He has a special key...

Happy Day Curlie girls

Asta said...

DaisyI think Santa just KNOWS that's all and you've been vewy good this yeaw..don't wowwy about what to weaw to my pawty..I like you naked too!
Those awe quwstions I would love to know the answews to ..thank you fow asking!
smoochie kisses

The Furry Kids said...

Hmmm, we are very interested in the answer to #7 also. This whole naughty vs nice thing seems to be quite a gray, um, grey area.


mister jeter harris, hizself said...

deer daisy,
i hav sum kwestchunz fer "hanukkah harry" ...
i don't think he'z reel, tho.
i know dat santa claus iz reel.

Chance said...

Doz arr sum gud qwestions. Pwease let me kno if u getz any answers. Oh and check owt my bloggie. I gaves yoo a gold rosie!


LZ said...

When he gets back to you please let us all know what he says!!!


Dma said...

I think #7 is the key question.

Anonymous said...

Let us know if you get your answers! Happy TT!

Shesawriter said...

My son has asked some of these very same questions. :-)

My Thursday Thirteen: 13 men who give me impure thoughts.

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

7. 10. 13. are my the most wanted to know~!!
Tell me the answers if you get any response~!!!

Anonymous said...

I don't think you have anything to worry about, Daisy. If it comes down to it, I'll vouch for your goodness.

While we're on the subject, I'd like to know whether Santa has stopped smoking his pipe. Didn't he read the Surgeon General's warning?



Those are all excellent questions and I think #13 is the most important one...


Anonymous said...

Hi Daisy,

Great questions for Santa. Are you really watching me like mom says.Cause I think that's alittle

P.s Daisy you look adorable in your Santa Hat :)

Queen Snickers, Empress and Princess Renna said...

I love your picture! It looks like your Santa Paws hat fits better than mine did! haha ~Queen Snickers

The Meezers or Billy said...

those are very great questions Daisy!

Shaggy and Scout said...

Those are excellent and very valid questions. We especially want to know the answer to #7.

Captain Jack and Sir Dante said...

Great questions. We really want to know the answer to number 7 ourselves!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

You know, we read that medical people were advising Santa to go on a diet because he sets a poor example for children because he is so obese.

I wonder what THEY are getting from Santa...

Anonymous said...

I'm with you on question #7!
(tee hee!)

Tybalt said...

Those are great questions! I hope that Santa answers them.

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

honey pie you can have anything you want cause you have been so good this year. just tell him to ask me, okay??

smiles, auntie bee

snowforest said...

Some very interesting questions Daisy ~ that reflect your inquisitive nature!

Sunny's Mommy said...

I don't know if I'd ask him all of those questions. I'd just send my Christmas list instead :-D

HRH Yao-Lin said...

Daisy those are excellent and thought provoking questions that need to be addressed immediately. You look very very cute by the way. xx

Frasier said...

Hi Daisy,
Great questions !He probably has to spend a lot of time where I live as every house has dogs and cats!!!

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas, cutie pie!

PB 'n J said...

Daisy that is easily one of the best pictures of you we've ever seen (unfortunately Mommy is now looking for kitty sized hats for us!).

We loved your questions - there are some very important questions there! Maybe Santa Paws will stop and answer them when he stops by your house.

Anonymous said...

1) I have a magic key

2) Ho Ho Ho, No! I'm fast.

3) What do you think?

4) Who would eat all the treats the children leave out for me?

5) I want everyone to get exactly what their heart desires.

6) That's CLASSIFIED!!!

7) You aren't capable of being that bad.

8) Only to children that need it to keep warm.

9) Daisy

10) I don't need GPS.

11) Their lined with the softest fake-fur imaginable, so no.

12) My beard is necessary to my work. It's very cold at 10,000 feet.

13) It's all in my hip pocket.

Remember to be good and you'll always get your hearts desire!



Shohom67 said...

I hope you get lot's of pretty stuff to wear and a bus load of Temptations! Merry Christmas Daisy!

Sassy Kat said...

Love the photos! I still say ya are the sweetest. Saw that ya stopped by today and I was sad about what ya said about your autobiography, there is nothin boring about sweet little Daisy!! I am not goin to post until tonight so if ya want to add anythin that ya may have forgotten about send me an e-mail and I will put it in the post. Never to late to make changes, that is somethin ya have heard a lot of times said on the set of CCSI II, ha, ha, ha. True though. Promote the show real good for us. There will be notices going up on the executive's blog regarding the CCSI II show so if ya want borrow whatever photo ya want to use it to make a post that is OK with all of us. I even have a count down counter on my blog. This is gettin down to the wire and excitin. See ya tomorrow on the set.

Clover said...

OMD Santa wrote back to you!!
Great questions, Daisy!!
Love Clover xo

Daisy said...

WHOA! Everyone, did you see? The REAL SANTA answered all of my questions!!!!! And he sounds so nice too. I am very, very excited!!!! Santa wrote to me!!! Now, I must race up and down the stairs at top speed.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Daisy we're racing around too. How exciting!!!! Hey efurrycat SANTA ANNSERED DAISY!!!! WOOHOO.

Anonymous said...

I bet that he uses a Garmin GPS. That is what My Lady and Senor have.

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Dem is some good kwestchuns. We see Sandy Claws has answered, he really does see and know effurything!

Anonymous said...

Those are great questions Daisy! And we love your Santa hat picture! We think that Santa knows if you're bad or good the same way we know a can of stinky goodness has been opened from all the way across the house and upstairs- you just KNOW!

Kimo and Sabi said...

We would like fer Sandy Paws to be a little more specific on da definition of naughty or nice.

The Devil Dog said...

Those are very good questions, Daisy. My dad says that no one likes a skinny Santa, so that is the answer to #4.


Tiger Lily said...

Those are very good questions Daisy! Did you send your list by email?

Mr. Chen and Ollie said...

Daisy, those are fantastic questions. Let us know if you hear from the big man with any answers!
Mr. Chen & Ollie

Rascal said...

Excellent questions! I can't wait for the answers!

Dr Tweety of da Fab Five said...

Did you say a GOATee cuz your favorite not-of-yer-speesheez frend iz a goat??? Hahahahahaha!!!!

Victor Tabbycat said...

Daisy & Pixie, our furiend Leigh-Ann at the Blog Pound has a kitten named Bunny who gots the same hart disease as Pixie, we finks. Could you go gif her sum purrs? Maybe a medical consult is in order. Fanks!

Around Your Wrist said...

i was really glad to see that you had a direct response from the big red guy himself.

Just Sharlene and the Spice Cats said...

I think you look very cute in that santa hat.

Anonymous said...

13 excellent questions!

Miz Allie Cat said...

Thank you soo much Daisy for the Christmas card and coupons, mom liked them...and I will like the food I will get!!! Meow.....

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