Thursday, December 20, 2007

Thursday 13, Edition #51: Why dressing up is fun!

I love to dress up in beautiful fashions. Here are 13 reasons why:

  1. Most importantly, I get paid many, many Temptations treats for modeling.
  2. It is a fun way to spend quality time with my Mommie.
  3. Because I can say I am a "model cat" and it is the truth. Even when I am a little bit bad.
  4. I like to show other cats the latest fashions.
  5. I feel very glamorous when I am all dressed up.
  6. After every photo-shoot, my Mommie kisses me and says "Daisy, you done good!"
  7. I keep hoping that some day I will be on the cover of a fashion magazine.
  8. Sometimes I get to play with my clothes.
  9. I can pretend I am a famous model.
  10. I get to have my very own closet with all my beautiful outfits inside.
  11. Shopping on the innernets for new outfits is a good hobby.
  12. Sometimes there are exciting contests you can enter when you are dressed up.
  13. The right outfit can hide many figure flaws, like my saggy belly.


59 Notes for Daisy:

Parker said...

Daisy, I think you are the prettiest model I have ever looked at! Your are prettier than those beans on Cosmo!

Hootin Anni said...

CATS rule!!!
In fact, my Tahoe is sitting by the mousepad looking on with interest..."Meow"

Happy 13ing.

Nancy Lindquist-Liedel said...

Dearest Daisy,

We feel you have no figure flaws and should change number 12.


The Liedel Kitties
Pan-Kitty, Kali and Darien

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

You are a great model, Daisy. :) I like wearing clothes too - especially since I get rewarded with treats, but we have a hard time finding clothes here in Germany that fit me and that aren't extremely expensive.

Wendy Hoke said...

Dearest Daisy,

I think you are missing a great opportunity here.

Start your OWN fashion magazine! Why wait to be a cover model on someone else's mag?

See, Oprah gets to be on EVERY cover of her magazine.

You should do the same. I'll be the first to buy a subscription.

Skittles, The Huntress

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Maybe we should give modeling a try. ~Scylla & Charybdis

PS: Mommy did a TT about Jade. Don't tell but Lord Epa got Mommy a Jade necklace for Christmas, we think it would be fun to wear, but Lord Epa would get mad at us if we broke it. It's awfully pretty though. I would like to model it. ~Scylla

Kate (Pablo's mum) said...

You really are a SUPERmodel in the true sense of the word, Daisy. I feel like a Vogue cover is definitely part of your destiny in 2008.

Diamond Emerald-Eyes said...

You know, I had finded a website that wanted doggie models for their cloths and I thought, well, why not kitty models. I wonder if I can find it again and you could apply to be model for them.

Samantha & Mom said...

Daisy those are great reason to dress up and you do it so well! You are the Fashion Queen of the internet! We want to wish you, Pixie and your Mom and Dad a blessed Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Your FL furiends,

Mosaic Cats said...

You could add a #14 that is: I take my role in inspiring other cats to be fashionable very seriously, like Joan Rivers, and I hope that QVC calls me to produce my own line of feline frocks.

Mickey's Musings said...

Those are super reasons to like modeling :)
Getting paid in Temptations is the best,heehee
From this boy's perspective,you have no figure flaws ;)
Purrs Mickey

Monty Q. Kat said...

What saggy belly?

Anonymous said...

#s 2 &6 make it all worthwhile!

HRH Yao-Lin said...

Daisy! You do NOT have any flaws! Your clothes accentuate your perfect figure he he. You always look so beautiful Daisy, you are an inspiration to all cats x

Mrs. Sniffles said...

Daisy, I don't thinks you has any figure flaws. Bunnies aren't the best dresser uppers but it looks like fun! I wonder if my Bunny Mommy could get me something pink to wear.

Dma said...

Daisy- with your list- you done good.

jenianddean said...

I love your little belly! It's super cute. You are truly a super model!

-Jasper McKitten-Cat

Ramses said...

You'z such a great model Daisy and know we'z know how you do it! :)

Clover said...


Don't need to pretend you are a famous model, you are!! You have the cutest model face and the nicest curliest fur and you certainly don't have any figure flaws!

Love Clover xo

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Yoo haf no flaws to hide, Daisy, yoor a cat and cats are always purrfect! Yoo could add #14, yoo make fashons look fabulus!

Boy said...

Daisy, you always wook so pwetty and your Mommie knows know to get the wight size for you so I can understand why you wove dwessing up.
Me? Sigh....I'll be happy as wong as mine Mummy don't find cwothes that squeezes all the muscles out of me.

Patti said...

And we love seeing you dress up in all your beautiful fashions! :)

Roth's Rudiments said...

How cute! You go Daisy, you go girl! :-)

L. Alida said...

Daisy, I love seeing you in your fashions! Your Mommie is so nice to share your beauty with every one. And I like your little tummy too. :)
Hugs and Purrs,

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Maybe I need a muscle shirt to show off my mancatly muscles......

You are a wonderful model Daisy! And you don't have any flaws, you are exactly as the Creator intended you to be.

Gattina said...

Daisy you are a real brave cat ! I only can dress my cats with photoshop or something like that !

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Daisy I believe number 13 is incorrect. You have no figure flaws. I think #1 is the best reason though...however it is unlikely I will be starting to model ever.

Rocky, Angie & S'more said...

Hi Daisy,
We don't like to dress up, so we will just admire how beautiful you look in your lovely outfits! :)

We also agree with many of the posters - you don't have ANY figure flaws! You are purrfect just the way you are! :)

Rocky, Angie, S'more & our Mommy :)

LZ said... make a good point about treats. Maybe I'll ask the Woman to try putting my vest on and giving me treats. But I'll leave the intensive modeling up to you Daisy!


Anonymous said...

Daisy you are the cutest model I have ever seen! You should be on the cover of a fashion magazine.

Skeezix the Cat said...

Yer saggy belly isn't a figyer flaw! It's praktikly yer BEST feecher!!!!!

Shaggy and Scout said...

Daisy, you ARE a famous model, at least you are in the cat blogosphere!



We love seeing your all dressed up too.

Abby and Boo

Unknown said...

Daisy, those are very good reasons why dressing up is fun! You are the best model I know and I am always impressed by your beautiful fashions.

Randi said...

Hi Daisy!

Do you really have a saggy belly? Too many temptations? I used to have a saggy belly too..but then I lost lots of you could bounce a temptation offa my belly & I"d catch it in my mouth!

Do doggies eat temptation? Do you think I should try one?

Love & Licks,

Sandee said...

How adorable. And you are very smart too. I had a great time participating in your Thursday Thirteen. Have a purrfect TT. :)

Queen Snickers, Empress and Princess Renna said...

Those are wonderful reasons for dressing up! Many are the reasons I dress up too. :) Momma and I are very glad you dress up because it was a cute picture of you dressed up that led us to the Cat Blog world. Maybe we should start a Cat Fashion magazine? ~Queen Snickers

The Misadventures Of Me said...

You always looks fab u lous in your clothes Daisy!

The Crew said...

You're so right Daisy! A nicely fitted garment can hide all kind of figure flaws. In fact, your clothes are so beautiful we never even noticed a saggy belly!

Tipper & Misty

momsbusy said...

wow, i cants believe a super model like you bisited my blog! thanks fur coming by!


Sunny's Mommy said...

Pretend you are a famous model?

Daisy, in my book, you are a famous model! :-D

snowforest said...

You iz the top kitty model Daisy ~ you look very purrty in all your dresses :)

Tybalt said...

You make me wish I was a model too, Daisy!

Anonymous said...

You could strut your stuff on any catwalk, Daisy!

Captain Jack and Sir Dante said...

We totally think you are supermodel and should be in many magazines!

Asta said...

Thewe is no pwetend about awe a model, a supew model and I don't think you have any figoowe flaws I think you awe so vewy bootiful1!
smoochie kisses

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Daisy, you are the bestest kitty model with your cute expressive face and petite figure! You are also patient, good natured and co-operative, all that which I am not. I sulked for a whole night just because SS tried to put a bow on me that was a present from my NOMSS friend Charlie.

Tyler said...

Hi there Daisy, I'm still amazed that you like wearing clothes. Better you doing it than me. I find it torture, pure torture. I don't even care if they give out Temptations. At lest you can humour my bean without me.

Rosemary B❤️ said...

You do not know "saggy belly"....
Caesar's belly is so saggggggy.
If you get on a magazine cover, we will but a million of them! and frame one and hang it in our room.

puurrrrpurrrr Prinnnnie

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Daisy yoo don't have a saggy belly, yer figger is perfect, and yoo are the bestest sooper model.

Anonymous said...

Someday you will take the fashion community by storm. Have you read "Zat Cat!" ?

Happy TT!


Spooker said...

Daisy, your Mommie maded you such a sweet TT banner!
Not The Mama says your Fashion Fridays are one of the highlights of his week!
Good thing he hasn't gotted any ideas from you, cuz I ain't wearing a dress anytime soon!

Susan Helene Gottfried said...

Hi, Daisy! I thought I'd stop in and say hello from your Devon Rex cousins who live with me.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

You are such a good kiittie to dress up in stuff. And we love yer reasons fer doing it!

Anonymous said...

I have never dressed before. Ever, in anything. I don't think I would like it.

Karen Jo said...

I don't think you have any figure flaws, Daisy. Your belly is cute. I like all your reasons why dressing up is fun.

Danielle said...

I think if I had a super model cat like you Daisy, I would get over my cat allergies ;-)

Miz said...

Your belly might not be perfect...but your sweet face is!

Anonymous said...

Shopping on the internet is lots of fun - 'specially with DKM's Visa!

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