Monday Mystery: What do I choose?
For today's Monday Mystery, you must study this photo closely. There are four items: a bag of Cosmic Catnip, a funny pink lizard, a serving of four Temptations, and a pretty blue mousie toy.
I am looking over my choices very carefully...

A. Catnip
B. Lizard
C. Temptations
D. Toy mouse
Can you guess the right answer? Click HERE to see if you are correct.

74 Notes for Daisy:
I guess correct~!!!!
I think you can't fight the temptations, so I choice that :>
Other stuffs could hold, temptations can't be wait~~
Happy start of this week~!! Thank you, Daisy!!
Me=owzer, we picked the Pink Lizard. Rats. =^..^=
We aren't going to look ANY further Daisy because we know you. :)
And we think you would have made the right choice!
Um, it WAS the temptations wasn't it?
hehe I wuz rite, I just knew it had to be Temtayshuns. If it wuz me it would haf been the nip.
No doubt about it. Too bad they don't make them in lizard flavor.
ps - I hope Brit got adopted!
Daisy that is a great game.
I hope Weeble finds a home soon. he looks like a great fella and has such a cool name for blogging with.
You and Pixie bananas have a great week.
PS thems were great pictures of your mom having adventures.
It was a case of enni, meeni, myni, munch! ;)
Daisy, since we know you so well, that mystery was TOO easy! And we would have picked them for ourselves than rolled in the nip.
We guessed right! That was an easy one, Daisy. :)
Yippee! We picked right! Temptations is our new favorite snack, too, Ms. Daisy!
You and Pixie Bananers have a great Monday!
Rocky, Angie, S'more & our Mommy, Karen xo
Purrfect Daisy! Eat the Temptations, then roll the lizard and the mouse in catnip and play till you collapse and start snoring wherever you stopped!
We guessed right, we know how you love your temptations.
~Scylla & Charybdis
From my own personal experience, I would always eat first, then play and get high later.
Hahahahaha!!! I guessed right!!! Temptations are the best! Yum :)
That one was easy. We'd go for the Temptations too!
You take the Temptations, honey!
Way too easy. I'm surprised your mum had time to photograph the temptations before you ate them.
We were right...
By the way Daisy, only 4 at a time?
OOOPS Momma don't look -- we want more than 4 each time,OK!
honey anyone that didn't get THIS one right doesn't know you very well! ha ha ha ha ha
smiles, auntie bee
Toys and nip will be there for later... Temptations are something we must grab immediately!
You made a wise choice! :-D
Drats, drats, and double drats! I definitely thought it would be the pink lizard. After all it is a lizard and then to top it off it is pink!
Oh my cat! I can’t believe it was not the pink lizard in all of its lizardy goodness!
Well, Daisy we thought of all the modelling that you do for Temptations, and naturally we thought you'd just have to go for the Tempations. We would too, if we could only get some here down under.
Gypsy & Tasha
i'm sorry, were there other things there 'asides the tem-tay-shuns?
I knew you'd pick the Temptations cause they give you googley eyes.
That's a sure sign. :D
Well, Duhr. Of course you picked the Temptations!
Hey, did that other kitty at the Shelter get adopted? The female who had been there forever?
Luf, Us
That was way too easy! Like dah...
YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Temptations every time!!!
We knew it! How could you resist?!?!?!
I got it...........
You made a very smart choice Daisy! I am impressed.
Daisy, that was the easiest one yet! No kitty I know can resist Temptations.
Hugs and Purrs,
Oh man, Daisy, I was thinking about that Cosmic Catnip. You were smart to eat your Temptations while you had them, though. You are very practical.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
I was right!!! I KNEW the temptations would win!
I was right!! I would've gone for the temptations, too!
We didn't do any better at guessing your mystery than we did at guessing Sassy's & Momo's. Guess we get another wrong guess dunce award. :)
We guessed nip.
Glad you liked the video. It gave us leaky eyes too.
jans funny farm
Temptations of course! Followed by the catnip!
There was no doubt in my mind which one you picked!! Daisy loves Temptations!!
-Jasper McKitten-Cat
Yay, I was right! Of course I just picked what I would head for and it was Temptations, what else!
What kitty would ever pass up a treat?!
I just knew you would do that!!!
Yes! Temptations!!! I know you now Daisy.
YES! Once again - we solved the mystery correctly!!!
And thank you for coming to Miss Peach's tea party on board the cruise ship. It was great having you there and we hope you enjoyed it!
Oops, I thought it would be the lizard. But Temptations were definitely the best choice!
Daisy, when you get a chance, could you come help me wish my beansister a happy birthday?
Nothing can compete with those Temptations!
Mindy & Moe
That ones easy - Temptashuns!! We's all knows you loves em ALOT.
I KNEW you would go for the temptations! I KNEW IT!!! I promise I knew before I checked!!! x
I guess correct too, Daisy.
We have a gift for you in our blog.
Kisses from Ari & Copito
I guessed right! 'Cos that's what I would do too ;)
Can't believed I have missed 3 of your posts. SS is busy... she says.
That's wasn't much of a mystery. I knew you'd pick the Temptations!
I knew yoo'd go for the Temtayshuns!!!!!!!
Was there really a choice?!?!?
Chloe is SO proud of you! Temptations rule!
Not The Mama
& the furry kids from Purrchance To Dream
*giggle*, I guessed Temptations, too -- and I was right! They're irresistible, aren't they, dear?
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn!
That was a no-brainer! Temptations of course! Guess what? I just talked to my mom and she just got on her plane to come back home to be with me! I can't wait to blog again tomorrow!!!!!
C U again soon!!
I guessed right! I knew you would pick the temptations. It was nice of your Mommie to put then on a napkin for you.
Temptations !!
Yay, we guessed correctly. We are so smart.
Roxy & Lucky
LOL! I am right! Temptations!
we would have had a hard time chosing, but we would have chose the Lizard!
We wanted to let you know that we are just finishing up a blog post and we is posting you for a meme we just started!!
KC said...
Hee hee hee. O, Daisy, we's jus alike that a ways.
Temptations Rule! We drool! hee hee.
Purrs, KC
Of course you went for the temptayshuns, Daisy!!! They just looked so tempting to pass over there! Come to our bloggie for something we have given you (sorry if you already got it).
Mr. Chen & Ollie
We would have sugjested a trip to da pokey place if yoo hadn't gone fur da temptations...
We guessed right ~ it was temptations ~ we knew u wud be too 'tempted' not to go anywhere else...
Love and purrs from the SnowForest family :)
food over nip?
hmmm ...
intrestin daisy.
I guessed wrong! I thought it would be the lizard.
I knew it!!! Temptations are to delicious to resist :)
Hooray, I was right too! I knew it would be the Temptations! They are irresistible!
Purrrrrs, Willow
I guessed right!
Who can resist Temptation? ;-)
I likes how you thinks really hard about your choices afore you makes a decision. I would have gones for the nip cause even though I like temptations, I'm a catnip addict. You are a vera pretty Devon Rex, I loves your curly hairs.
I guessed temptations too cause you always say you simply looooove them! but i think a sandwich with temptations and catnip and a lizawd in between to munch on while you play with youw mousie toy would pwobably be the best
smoochie kisses
i sooo would have picked the lizard!
This one was easy! I thought like a cat and I was right again! You always eat first!
Whoo Hoo!! We knew it would be the temptations! Eat first! Play later!
Your FL furiends,
The catnip of course! I am experienced at watching this! My cat $nack is a nipaholic I think. I am looking for a 12 step program for her right now. I shouldn't really help her as she brought fleas in here when The Woman found her sitting in front of the door. Then came all the respiratory things she spread to my other two cats. The woman calls her the Money Pit. But hey, she's mine so I gotta help her right?
Doh! we were wrong! we guessed the lizard.
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