After last week, I had to go back to the drawing board to figure out how to lure lizards. Here is my newest idea:

This plan did not work out, either. But I learned an important lesson: Lizards do not enjoy sleeping in the Scientific Observation Pen. Next time, I might try hammocks.

Sunday Comics with Daisy!
58 Notes for Daisy:
Crikey! They were just too fussy! It even had screens on the windows!
I'd give it the thumbs up. :)
Being on school holidays, we had forgotten it was Sunday - we love it when you post your Sunday comics. It is one of our two favorites. The other is Zits (about a teenage boy - mom has a 19 year old and a 17 year old).
laffin an laffin daisy.
wutta grate b + b ... wutz da matter wid doze lizerdz?
How ungrateful those lizards are! That scientific observation pen looks very comfortable for a lizard. FAZ
Maybe if you did not put the Scientific Observation Pen in the fireplace, they would like it better?
Oh well Daisy I'z guess it's back to the drawing board for you! ;)
This was so cute Daisy.
There are lizards in Mommy's plants. Maybe you could try to lure them with potted plants. They seem to like the ones with lots of green leaves.
Scylla, Charybdis & Sockie~Pooh
maybe if you put the hammocks IN the lizard observation pen??? ha ha ha
smiles, auntie bee
Rude Lizards !!!Your B&B looks great to me.
Lizards must be very smart. Yes, next time try a hammock.
That's a good lesson Daisy. It also shows that you do not give up easily and that is important!
Purrs Mickey
hammocks might be a good idea, hehehe~!!
And try some sun~~ I think they will like it~~
drats, they got away again.........
You make me laugh ever single Sunday Daisy! Maybe you could drape your observation box with a tasteful flowered fabric and the Lizards wouldn't notice?
The pen looks like a lovely place for lizards to stay. Too bad they didn't like it. Good luck luring lizards, Daisy!
Daisy, that last photo is a very good one of your tummy.
I have an idea! Velcro a pouch to your tummy, tell them you are a nurturing Momma kangaroo, and invite them to take a nap in your pouch.
Try a soup pot next time...
maybe you could put curatins up on the observation pen to disguise it?
I think you will have to be very cunning to outwit those lizards!
The B&B looks pretty! Maybe the observation pen could use a slightly different style and colour scheme to match the B&B....
I think you need to be a little more subtle about their sleeping area, Daisy. You can always pounce on them after they are asleep.
Poor Daisy. How will you ever entice lizards into your bed and breakfast! I will (again) ask Alex (when he awakens from his late morning catnap) if he has any ideas.
hahaha another excellent comic Daisy! They are always so profound. He he xx
I didn't see anything wrong with the accommodations you offered. Looked fine to me.
hmmm... i've never had lizard.... maybe when you catch some good ones, i'll come stop by and taste some. I MEAN, when they come over to hang out and be friends.... i wouldn't want to make them think we'd be EATING them...
***shhhhh... they might be reading this***
Hammocks are good. You'll find the best way to implement your plan yet.
Maybe they expected an attached bathroom.
Luf, Us
Maybe a little to rustic for them...
i love cats and this is beautifull!!! bye!
Dem lizzerds is just to picky. We think dey need a lesson in manners. Wait, is dat a dead lizzerd in da SOP? Um, maybe dat's what scared dem...
Keep trying Daisy dear! I think your B&B looks lovely:) I'm late reading your comic today because I've been wrestling with the paperwork for my tax return and I made myself do it before I had any treats - and your Sunday comics are the bestest of treats:) xxx
P.S. Congrats on your Certificate!
P.P.S. I think your Mom had a perfect figure and neither of you should try to get skinny. Find a skinny lizard for your entry instead, hahaha!
I don't understand why they didn't stay. That SOP looks comfy to me! Lotsa windows....
George and Georgette sure are picky!
Jajaja poor lizards. Their eyes makes me laugh :D
Kisses for Daisy*
Hi Daisy!
Them lizards was what we call "divas" don't want them stayin' in your bed & breakfast, anyways. It's way too nice for them!
Very truly yours,
The Whiskers & Purrs Gang
Hi Daisy!
I suggest you open up a SPA for lizzards..they like water right? You could lure them into a darkened room & put cucumber slices over their eyes & then when they are nice & relaxed you could eat them..urm...I mean...invite them to dinner....or whatever.
Love & Licks,
We hear dat lizards like warm rocks. Maybe ya could show them the warm fireplace hearth first. When they fall asleepies there, pounce!
Goodness Daisy, you sure tried hard to make those lizards comfortable. You sure did your best. Maybe what skeeter and lc said, the warm hearth might be nice. I'm so very sure you will find a way. Keep at it.
Crazy lizards, they don't know how wonder having a scenic observation pen can be. Keep trying, Daisy, you're sure to come up with a good idea to lure the lizards.
LOL you make our day! ~Queen Snickers & her Momma
Mao is home!
This is the funniest Daisy comic yet. I hope you figure out a way. Hammocks sound great. Warm, sunny ones! Or next to that fire.
Those are sure particular lizards..after all, many other insects and amphibians find the Scientific Observation Pen quite're going to have to upscale a little for those snooty lizards, Daisy.
That B&B looks furry comfy. Mebbe you could disguise the SOP as a four poster bed and tell them it's a luxury room.
I forgot to mention that I have a little award for you on my site.
You do not scare, small lizards. I´m sure that Daisy wants to give you a kiss... Muhahahahahahaha!
Maybe you could put a fruit basket in the Scientific Observation Pen? It might distract them long enough to lock them inside?
Hi Daisy!
We agree with Randi's idea - how about a spa for lizards? They're sure to fall something like that!
Your comics make our Sundays, Daisy!
Love and kisses,
Rocky, Angie, S'more, & our Mommy!
lizards are kidna funny like that...
Get them some flies. My mom says she thinks that is what they eat. Then you can catch them!
P.S. Daisy, you do have a little pudge like my sister PooPoo!
I'm sowwy youw plan didn't wowk out again..but i know you'll nevew give up just cause a few glitches in the plan...bettew luck next time
smoochie kisses
Hmmmm...we didn't realize lizzards were so smart - maybe next time you should disguise the observation pen wif some curtains and pillows inside.
or, you could just hang the observation pen on the wall. They like them high
We love the big, googly eyes on the lizards!
Gypsy & Tasha
We love this post. Too bad your plan didn't work out. Better luck next time. But they've undoubtedly warned the entire lizard population to avoid your bed & breakfast.
jans funny farm
Hahahahahaha - you should offer tanning beds! We all know how they like to lay in the sun.....
Funny! I betcha glad your first guests weren't dang dawgs or something bigger!
We thought you had them Daisy!! Your Sunday Comics are the coolest! Better than the funny papers!
Your FL furiends,
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