Photo Hunters #50: Delicious
I am very happy and excited today, because the Photo Hunters theme this week is delicious! This means I have another chance to show you the very most delicious snack in the world, TEMPTATIONS! This is the beef flavor.
My favorite way to eat them is out of my Mommie's hands. It gives me the googley eyes.

64 Notes for Daisy:
awww....that's so cute!! :)
Googley eyes as googley eyes can get. Lol, I love that particular pic!
Temptations are delicious!
Thank you for your good wishes.
From the look on your face they must be utterly delicious. Happy weekend
You're googly eyes are great, but I loves the pictures of Pixie chowing down on a banana.
Has a good weekend Daisy fambly.
So many cute pictures. I bet the treats taste at least twice as delicious if they are feeded. =)
Pixie´s picture is also very cute!
Have a purrrrrfect weekend!
Before I click your blog today, I am waiting for your adorable expression for temptations~! I am so happy that my wishes come true~!!
Well, as for Pixie's favorite delicious banana, I don't feel that is yummy either, but~~ Everyone has their own tempt
Great Delicious photos, both of you!!!
wooohhhooo!!! thats really delicious mmmmmm... indeed you have a very nice picture, keep it up!!!
check mine:
Happy Weekend!
Mmmm. And now honestly, aren't they even more delicious when you sweetly share them...
They are always more delicious out of Mommy's hand!
Yes,I agree that delicious food does gives us googley eyes. I like how you use your paw to get the Temptations into your tummy faster,heehee
Enjoy your treat!!!
Purrs Mickey
We don't think banners are very delicious either Daisy, Mommy tried to feed us one. We wished we could have given it to Pixie.
On the other hand we think we would like to try Temptations very much, they sound so DELICIOUS.
~Scylla & Charybdis
aw look at you both, that pixie is so cute, meowmie adores her, the little semi-grumpy look on her face as she enjoys her nana is priceless x
I agree temptations are delicious.
I like all the flavors. Pixie looks so cute enjoying her banana .
honey they look so delicious i might have to feed them to sarge for dessert tonight! myself, i like the bananners...
smiles, auntie bee
Hi Daisy!
First of all, like we have telled you before, you is beeyooteeful. We like Temptations, too! But...we don't git 'em that often 'cause we is neglected and abused...Please say a prayer for us.
Very truly yours,
The Whiskers & Purrs Gang!
I saw what miss bee said, I will be watching what she gives me. You look very cute with the googley eyes, I od like bananners
hehehe! great pics!
You make sure you chew those well before swallowing! I know my Tomba inhales them whole and boy oh boy, kitty tummy troubles on the horizon, he just never learn... *sighs*...
Rocky Mountain Retreat
Daisy, since you love Temptations so much, I bought some for my guys and they were a huge hit! Of course with 10 of them, I can't hand feed them, but they didn't seem to care.
You look adorable as always, even with the googly eyes! Pixie looks cute and real happy with her banana too!
Daisy you are such a cutie, and so is Pixie - you know, bananas are nice. I had some banoffee pie recently and I loved it. Except it was just the cream I ate, the human can have the banana. x
Some of us like Temptations and some of us like Whisker Lickins and some of us like Greenies. And some of us don't like any treats. And none of us like bananers.
Luf, Us
Well, obveeusly Trixie enjoys her bananers furry much. She must think dey is deelishus.
Hi Daisy,
We've tagged you and you can get the details of the game at
Jackie, Gidget and Fritz
Hi Daisy,
I am laughing again! Your expressions on your face are priceless! I am not so sure about your sisiter eating a banana, though.
On a side note.....I have been meaning to ask someone, since I am so new to blogging still....what is this "auto-links, Mister linky thing that I see a lot? Sometimes I add my name but don't know what it is for. If you have a chance to write me back and explain, that would be great!
--JB (and mom)
Yay and hooray! I LOVELOVELOVE Temptations too!
I never thought to use my paw to help mommy give me a treat faster...I thought if I jumped on her arm it would help.....
Very smart of you to suggest to your mom that Temptations would fit in well with the delicious theme - and that she should feed them to you. We're not sure about the banana, but if Pixie likes it, then that's okay with us.
Gypsy & Tasha
We love your googly eyes pictures, Daisy! Yep, Temptations are the best, we go around the kitchen trying to find where mom moved the bag.
Hmmm... those temptations look SO delicious I might have to run out and get some!!! I think I MIGHT prefer the banana though... I don't think I've EVER seen a cat eat banana before...
Googley eyes make for cute Daisy pictures :-D
You certainly look like you are enjoying that delicious treat.
Your enthusiasm for temptations makes me personally want to try them.
I'm glad you included the picture of Pixie enjoying a banana.
furry cute girls
ohhh looks like hes really enjoying his delicious treat here..great shot!;
Mine is up too
I love your googley eyes Daisy and the pic of Pixie enjoying her banana is cute; she has a look of total concentration on her face. She's the first cat I've ever come across who likes bananas. William liked coffee though, which I thought was pretty unusual! Happy Mew Year to you all:) xxx
The googley eyes are cool, Daisy. As for your big sister - I've never seen a cat eat a banana before. Have a lovely, purry weekend!
My PhotoHunt is up at Siani's Pot-Pourri.
I am just not a big fan of hard crunchie things.. .now Pixie's nanner.. hmmm? I might want to try that.
Haha..your eyes Daisy! They're cute!
Pixie must be a vewy special cat. I think bananers taste yucky! In fact when mine Mummy eats them, I wefuse to kiss her until she washes her mouth!
It's funny how we always need to help our humans get treats in our mouths faster.
You are two greedy kitties!
I knew it...I told mom you were going to put Temptations! I love all the pictures! Pixie is so cute eating her bananer. I've never seen a cat eat bananers.
Happy Photo Hunting!
-Jasper McKitten-Cat
It's obvious from those pictures how delicious you & Pixie think your respective treats are!
Those Temptations look so yummmmmy! I wanna lick the computer screen!
I don't know 'bout that 'nana, though ...
Pixie has a very very cute face. It is nice to see her nibbling her favorite food! What a good girl. That potassium is probably good for her too, since she is taking heart meds.
daisy, we cannot eat temptations becuase they are not on our diet and we get babyfoods instead for the fabbie treat post subqs.
You make my tumyy rumble with desire for those yummy treats!
purrrs, Princess
Ya sure were munchin down the treats. Don't eat too fast or ya will get a tummy hurt. Oh guess what? I received a return e-mail that I sent to ya on November 23 saying that it couldn't deliver it. Do ya believe that. The black hole didn't eat it but kept it. Finaly it was returned. I don't get it.
Those are some very cute photos. As for bananers, I do not like them either, I think, but I have tried tuna and I like that.
Oh Daisy I love your googly eyes too! You and Pixie look so cute eating your treats and so ladylike too. :)
Hugs and Purrs,
I love the pictures of you eating things!
The one that you posted once of you biting your beanie made you look like a vampire!
deer daisy,
mi dad thinkz yer mommie mus be a profeshunal photograffer.
iz she?
i think u mus be a profeshunal comeediun.
Mommy Beans LOVES your googley eyes!
Fatty just gotted a bag of temtayshuns today from our Secret Paw!
I didn't know kitties liked beef flavored treats :) those are really great photos.
Hi Daisy!
Those Temptations look temptable! Yummy for your TUMMY!
Love & Licks,
Wow, you really DO eat 'nanners!
Our girls love the Temptations, too! They can't get enough of them, and little Latte loves to use her paws to get them to her mouth, too! :)
daisy like to eat bananas? wow. haven't heard that one before..
awwwwww... look at you Daisy, you look sooooo cute in these photos. your mommy surely is a fantastic photographer. keep photo hunting. have a great weekend:)
Temptations? I have never tasted Temptations. I must awaken my human and tell him about them. I do not think I would like a banana. No, I would not.
now that I have had Temptations, I agree! We should have done photo hunters this week and used Empress' "raptor face" hahaha I also showed daddy Pixie eating the bananer, he did not believe momma when she said your sister liked them. ~Queen Snickers
We agree with your vision of delicious Daisy. My mom wants to find out if any of us like the nanners that Pixie raves about. She keeps on forgetting to get them at the store though. Maybe next trip. It looks like she likes them very ripe. Enjoy your treats girls.
Yummy! The temptations are truly DELICIOUS!! The banana, we are not to sure about!!
Your Central FL furiends,
Hi.I'm here.
come and read my photo hunt
I love youw googlie eyes and youw little cutie paws helping the temptations get to youw bootiful mouf..I will awways have temptations awound fow you and nananas fow pixie in case you want to dwop by
smoochie kisses
you girls are so cute ~the Fluffy Tribe
I like Temptations, but not the beef ones. I do not like beef.
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