This is my new plaid dress. I have never worn plaids before. I think this is a good plaid, because it is a pretty color and there are shiny silver threads in it.

My new dress comes with a little white t-shirt to wear under it. Or, you can wear it alone as a sundress. This makes it a very versatile fashion!

I am smiling big!

I tried to show Pixie my new plaid dress. She did not care. I think she was a little bit jealous. But that is understandable.

I got a little bit hungry before my photo shoot was done, so I had a little snack on the set. Do not worry, I was very careful not to get my new dress dirty! I can be a messy eater.

After my little snack, I LEAPED back into action. This is one of my very favorite pictures. See how the pretty dress billows out during my jump? You can biggify to see it better.

Fashion Friday: I got a plaid dress!
77 Notes for Daisy:
I think you could jump for the Olympics! Wow! I am impressed. Trixe likes to dress up too, she knows she looks beautiful in pretty outfits.
She's mom's litle girl. :)
Dat's one purrty dress Daisy! :)
The blue is a very nice complimetn to your furs!
very nice dress daisy I love it I dont have anyfing plaild
Lilly Lu
That's a pretty dress Daisy. You jump very well in it.
Leapin' lizards! That's quite a jump! :-D)
I have developed a new skill. Getting clothing off me without the aid of the human servant who put them on me in the first place.
That's a lovely dress on you Ms. Daisy! As you pointed out, it is a versatile outfit, as well :)
What a fantastic jump, too! We don't think we can do anything like that!
Rocky, Angie, & S'More xo
I still haven't manage to make my cat wearing any dress. Let alone a plaid dress like daisy. hah!
I just noticed I am the one of the few non-cat-picture here! lol. I hope I still welcome. :P
You get the best cat action photos.
Daisy you is the bestest at jumping. What kind of camera does your mommy have?
Poor Pixie. I bet she is jealous of you, you little fashion princess.
Have a nice weekend Daisy doo.
WOW! What a shot, jumpin in dat dress should get some kind of award or somefin.
What a jump! I am always looking to jump up as high as I can but I rarely leap. I love your plaid dress, maybe you could lend it to Pixie to make her feel better.
Daisy,that is one pretty dress! You must like it too as it puts 'spring' in your step ;)
Purrs Mickey
What a pretty dress! It looks really great on you, and still lets you make death-defying leaps. Tell you mom that the leaping photo is great - our mum just wishes she could take great photos like that one.
Purrs & headbutts
Gypsy & Tasha
That jumpin' shot is so cool. I think they should make more action movies with females in dresses.
furry cute daisy, tyra would be impressed
leaping lizards daisy, that was a hugemumgus jump!!! what a beautiful dress, does it give you special leaping powers?
smiles, auntie bee
Yep, special leaping powers for sure, must be a magic are real cute.
Hey Daisy, your plaid dress goes with my Tam O'Shanter (except we call it tartan over here not plaid). FAZ
That is a lovely dress. And it's awesome for jumping.
Your stove looks very shiny. Momma had to dust our stove this morning. Don't tell her I told you. hee hee
Oah Dearest Daisy~!
You are the best jumping girl~!!!!
And that must be the greatest dress~!!!So fashion and also could support exercise~!!! That is wonderful~!!!!!!
Well Done~!!!!!
I think Pixie may a little bit jealous~!! Hehehehehe~! But I believe she also very proud of that she has a great sister like you :>
We love your jumping picture!!! You have a great photographer.
The Turkey Cats
Daisy, you looks like Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz!
Daisy, we have come to the conclusion that you look good in all fashions!
The action shot is awesome! Not only does it show how cute your dress is, it shows how fashion doesn't have to limit your routine.
-Jasper McKitten-Cat
What a gorgeous dress, Daisy! I think with the right accessories, you could make a stunning Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz. I bet Hollywood calls you soon. Everyone would love a Kitty version of "Wizard of Oz"!
Hmmm . . . maybe I should produce that before I work on Phantom . . .
WOW!! Now that is a leap! I think the dress looks easy to wear since you can be so active.
WOW! Whut a jump!!!!! And the plad dress is vary kyoot! I think the silver threds pull the hole look together.
You look really pretty in plaids Daisy. Blue is our Mommy's favourite color so she really likes your plaid dress.
~Scylla & Charybdis
What a cute dress for a cute kitty! Your Mommie is such a good photographer too! :)
Happy Friday and Hugs and Purrs,
Very nice dress! It's good to branch out into different colors and patterns!
That is an excellent jump. I hope you allowed for the fact that that billowing dress will slow you down. After all, I would hate to have you fall during a fashion shoot!
She's really hanging by a wire when you took that shot, right?
omg, thats a great jumping photo! We woves that dress!!!
Dat is a furry purrty dress, Daisy and it looks so nice on yoo. It's grate dat it comes wif a unnershirt and can also be worn as a sundress. Dat is furry versatile. Yoo also tawt us a new word.
Hey very nice dress! What a jump. You could go for the next Olympic.
Ps: I am really, really jumping. It is not Photoshop or a camera trick or hanging by a wire!
Oh Daisy! That is a beautiful dress and such a fantastic jump! You are a really cool cat.
Love Clover xo
"Wow" Daisy great jump shot.Your dress is very cute :)
That is one cute dress...and you look very cute in it. I bet it feels cool when the dress billows out!
I love your big smile, Daisy. So cute! And did you know that you have the same kind of bowl that Lucy does? Except hers is smaller I'm sure.
Cindy at Rosehaven Cottage
That is a very pretty dress Daisy. We like that you can jump really well in it. Its funny because we were just at Skeezix site and she said that he needed to wear blue to go with his eyes. We should go back and add that it will also go well with your pretty, plaid dress.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie
Daisy - that last picture made my heart skip a beat. You look beautiful in your new dress. I think the colour really suits you xx
Daisy .
I totally agree with you.
Cat's Meow what pretty plaid. It looks very good on you.May we add you to our Wicked CATS list.
Woof -woof
Lot's of Lick's
You really can jump exceptionally well in your blue plaid dress! I think you would make a great balerina! Do you have a pink TuTu (I don't know how to spell TuTu)?
You really can jump exceptionally well in your blue plaid dress! I think you would make a great balerina! Do you have a pink TuTu (I don't know how to spell TuTu)?
Daisy, that is a very pretty dress. Mom likes the silver and blue. My, you jump so far! Yo are very brave. And yes, your dress does look very pretty when you jump. I think Lucky and I will not try jumping like that as I am she we will not be as good at it as you are.
Daisy, you look wonderful in plaid. It looks like a very comfortable dress, you can do many jumps and stunts in this dress. Maybe you can wear it on your next circus act.
I want a Lotus Cat tree too - I keep telling my Mum that it would be like a sculpture, she isn't buying it yet....
Scarlett wants me to ask you if when you do your fashion show Fridays, do you get to wear your fashions all day long or just for the duration of the photo shoot? She only asks because she has some baby girl fashions that she wants to wear but she can't decide if she should wear them all day or not. What do you tink?
That's a beautiful dress, Daisy. It really sets off the grey in your furs. I must say that your leaping skills are excellent, but then, you practice a lot I think!
Daisy ... you look purrfectly beautiful in that plaid dress!! :)
Wow Daisy you sure can jump! We love your new dress and think it looks marvelous on you! The colors are great with your furs! A beautiful contrast! Purrs and Love from Zed Monster and the other Bad Kitty Cats
Daisy, I suppose that’s nice dress for a girl kitty, but if my human every tries to put human-like clothes on me I will claw him.
You're dress makes you look absolutely adorable! We also think the colors match your coat very nicely. (^_^)
That is a vewy lovely dwess layewing is so in! and I biggified it and it billows bootifully...I be if you jumped stwaight down it would make a vewy nice pawashoot too..
I'm glad you don't think my beawd makes me look like a boy
smoochie kisses
Wowie, what an adorabble dress -- you are such a superduper model, Daisy! And that pickshure of you jumpin in yur billowin dress is AMAZIN!!!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Daisy this is a cute dress. we love bloo and plaid is very attractive and a happy sort of pattern
We hope you had Pixie have a very fun week-end
The picture of your jump should make the cover of Vogue.. it is truly a fashion statement and you are so talented!
What a precious dress, Daisy! You look delightful in plaid.
And that last picture -- WOW! You are not only a model par excellence but you are also an extraordinary Acro-Cat!
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn!
awsome dress Daisy!!
We love the jumping shot, Daisy.
Our favorite one is your smile and your pretty whiskers.
~ The Bunch
Hi Daisy,
Again, you are making me laugh! That is a nice sundress. And what a big jump that is too!
Daisy ... Mom said that you reminded her of some of the elementary school girls who live nearby. They have similar rompers to yours an' the plaid is NEARLY the same.
Do you have the matching navy blue cardigan with the little blue buttons?
Oh Daisy! You are a fashion fashionista! Plus you've found a real versitile dress to do all your acrobatics! What more could you want? Well, maybe pockets full of Temptations!
Love & Licks,
Daisy that blue plaid dress looks great on you and the t-shirt is just right. We love the last picture of you jumping! Haw far did you jump?
Your FL furiends,
Ohhh picture #3 is sooooooo cute. If I get any more mushy over it I will make wallpaper out of it. I know some one who needs a dress.
wow daisy what a leap! i know the new bionic woman is perhaps not what was expected (a Brit if you please!) but I don't fink they will give the role to a beautiful cat in a plaid dress ;)
Wow you have snacks on set during your photo shoots? That's a real, professional photo shoot!
You look great in yer blue plaid dress!
I cracked UP at the photo of you leaping in your new dress! It's great! But (forgive me) I think pink is your color.
Wonderful leap!
Oh Daisy, I LOVE you in that last picture. You're such a tomboy in it. I can't believe your mom can get you in such wonderful shots. How did she know you would take that leap? You must like to do it often you silly girl.
Kali, my terribly awful big sister asked me to remind you to be gentle with Pixie. She feels sympathy for her age and heath issues.
I love yor plaid dress and your leaping!
i was at pet smart today, which i rarely visit, but anyhow, i seen the cutest dress and thought , omg, that would be perfect for Daisy, i could never even think of placing anything on any of mine....they just would not have
thank goodness i can come here and see Daisy!!
We just love your new dress! It'll be perfect to wear for the first party in the Spring.
Tipper & Misty
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