Seven Weird Things About Me
I was tagged by Jackie, Gidget and Fritz at Catnip Corner; SophieKitty, and Mrs. Lilly White for the Meme "7 Weird Things About Me." I have done this one a couple of times before, so I will try to think of some new things. Here are the rules:
Link to the person that tagged you and post the rules on your blog. Share seven random and/or weird facts about yourself. Tag seven random people at the end of your post, and include links to their blogs. Let each person know they have been tagged by leaving a notification on their blog. Here are my 7 weird things:
- My curly whiskers are brittle and break off very easily. The whiskers on the right side of my face are always shorter and more broken than the left side.
- I never make a true "meow" sound.
- After my bladder-stone surgery, the furs around my incision site grew back fawn colored instead of white!
- My Mommie got me from the same breeder that she got my big sister Pixie from.
- Sometimes I get busy and forget to go to the litterbox and when I remember, I must race upstairs very quickly and leap into the litterbox so I do not have an accident.
- My Mommie keeps a little Dixie cup of water on the bathroom counter for me to drink from. Every night, when I am done drinking, I kick the cup into the sink.
- If I am playing with a lizard and nobody is home to take it away from me, the lizard usually ends up deaded and my Mommie has to throw him away. I guess I am a little too rough.

20 Notes for Daisy:
i think i will start kicking my dixie cup in the sink too. that sounds like FUN!!!
smiles, auntie bee
I love the photo, mommie has skills.
hahahaha, Daisy~~
I have "No.5" issue problem as well~!!!!
These are all very cute points of you~!
I don't think you're too rough with lizards, Daisy. I just think that lizards weren't built to last.
when i'm done drinking mommy's water on the night stand, i whap the cup into her head
intrestin daisy.
mi weird stuff iz up, too.
yer mom izza grate photographur ...
How very wonderful of your mom to leave you a dixie cup! Is the whisker thing part of being a curly cat?
Daisy, you are the smartest kittie I know. And the image of you drinking out of a Dixie cup and kicking it into the sink is priceless.
You rock.
(and so does Mommy)
Nice picture Daisy. I have "No.2" problem as well!!
We only have tailess lizards around our house. We don't know how that happened. =^..^=
Maybe the lizzerds are eating your whiskers on the right side of your face Daisy.
What breeder did you come from? Bean knows of one in Miami - they were here for cat show - and just wondered if you come from there.
Dee Dee has a bathroom cup too except it's too big for her to kick in the sink. But she does move the other cups and counter stuff around in the bathroom when she wants to wake us up if she's thinks we're sleeping in too long. Then she knocks the people cups in the sink. You kitties are so tricky.
Cindy at Rosehaven Cottage
We luf that you kick the cup into the sink! How clever!
Luf, Us
But a deaded lizard means you have excellent hunting skills! I don't think there's anything wrong with having excellent hunting skills. You're not too rough on them in my opinion, Daisy ;-)
Is that why DKM keeps a closed bottle by the bed stand...
Daisy you sure are cute and so nice. You deserve those cute and friendly awards. Thought you looked really cute in your new plaid dress. God Bless you and your Mom.
Hi kitikiti... wonderful picture.
My cat has a bowl for her water in the bathroom. If it gets empty though she knocks over a vase to drink from!
I think that is about the sweetest thing I have ever heard: putting a little cup of water out for you. And you kick it out when done. You two are totally in synch. Now those lizards? ewwwwwww But I guess it's the same as my bad boys killing mice and stuff.
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