My coat is not very thick, and my curly furs do not really shed. But I still enjoy being brushed. Brushing feels good! Sometimes, it is a little bit dangerous for my Mommie to brush me, on account of my sharp clawrs. Turn up the volume, because my clawrs make some funny sound effects!

Brushing Frenzy!
80 Notes for Daisy:
Your claws are super sharp Miss Daisy. I has never scratched my mum, I is very careful.
Have a nice week and banana kisses to miss daisy.
I think Skipper is all better now. I thought that his adventure Sunday would cause him to have a sore mouth. Well that is not the case, as he does not have a problem with crunchy dry food. Or attacking my hands and/or feet.
You are really enjoying that brushing, Daisy! You have very sharp claws. Our claws are never allowed to get that long - our mom chops them off.
Mommy says that this is why denim is a good choice to wear when brushing us!
ps - we're in the finals!!!
either way, it's a good thing - Churchill will get a little more help!
Oooooh-eeeee, your clawsies do look sharp! Will be back to watch the vid clip as my DH is sound asleep and my comp-u-tator is on mute right now@
Hi Daisy!
Your clawsies are very sharp! You are definitely enjoying your brushing. We like to be brushed,
too :) If Rocky gets bored while he's being brushed, he likes to take the brush away from Mommy and bite it!
You and Pixie have a great day!
Rocky, Angie, & S'more xo
Dearest Daisy,
You sure is enjoyin' that there brushin' session! Dang...we love to git brushed, too. We git real excited when mommy brings the brush out and all 12 of us jump on her at the same time 'cause we wanna git brushed first! It's madness!
Very truly yours,
The Whiskers & Purrs Gang
We love this video Daisy. You look so relaxed and happy getting your brushing. And, wowie - what legs of steel your mommy must have. We thought you were scratching a chair but those are her legs aren't they? And, she doesn't even flinch!
Mr. Chen & Ollie
My kittehs won't stand for brushing. Are you sure you're a kitteh Miss Daisy, and not some alien kitteh-like-lady?
Oh, I bet it feels good being brushed. I don't like to be brush as much as you becoz I have to stand still. If I can roll around & lie down, then maybe I won't hate it sooo much. Your claws are needle sharp like my bad bad kitty sistas!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Daisy, you are so adorable! You really love to be brushed. Did your Mommy have any marks on her legs afterwards? That sounded quite painful...for her!
It's important to keep your claws sharp, just in case you need to climb up someone's leg or hang on to their head. FAZ
Wow you do love being brushed. We think it is a good thing your Mom had jeans on.
We like how the brush doubles as a toy.
Scylla, Charybdis & Socks
It's good for a cat to keep her claws sharp, because one never knows when one will need to use them on a vishus deer, or an alligator, or some such predator.
Your human is making sure you are properly spoiled. You have her trained well. Hint: are you getting Temptations for these video sessions, too?
I love being brushed like you too. When I get eggsited I bite hard. If I scratched mum's leg like that she would say "OUCH!"
I'm really surprised, Miss Daisy, that your mom didn't make a few funny sound effects of her own when you were being brushed!
My Kitter has the same brush and she loves it! She loves it so much that she sometimes gives me a bitey or two when I stop brushing! I love when you batted at your brush, too. You can have fun with anything, can't you?
Oooh, those are some impressive little razors you have! I love being brushed, too...
Even your brush is Pink! Daisy, you look so tiny that you have to hold on to your Mommie's jeans so you don't tip over from the brush! There's nothing tiny about your claws though! ;-)
MomBean keeps rubbin' her leg for some reason...
nice muzak, i get goofy when i git combed too
What big nails for such a little girl! We love the pink brush too. You are so much fun to watch in action!
You have some fearsome claws Daisy. Being brushed feels so good and Bouncey likes to claw Mom or Dad's leg too! I sure hope your Mom did not get any scratches on her leg.
wow brushing must feel good.
i'd advise your mom not to wear shorts while brushing you...
I need to get furminated again because I am being little Miss Shedden all over the place. Pretty soon, all my furs fall out and I will look like Zoey!
Cute video. It is always good to attack the brush after use! I think my sister PooPoo needs that brush.
Your mom has strong legs to endure your claws....hee hee, but then I guess mine does too!
Wow you have very very sharp claws!
I love being brushed too!
Your mommy is very brave!
It looks like somebody could do with a clawr trim.
Luf, Us
You sure love to be brushed! Cute video - I love how you were playing with your brush.hee hee Um, doesn't that clawr business hurt your Mommie's legs?
Unfortunately, this video reminded Momma that it's mani/pedi time. :(
Dearest Daisy,
I can see why you love to be brushed, and why you like to bike or lick after brushed~
But you make Michico went "oah oah oah" when she sees you using your claws to your mommy~~~~
Wowww...I think your mommy have very strong and hard laps~~
Mom says "ouch!" when we do that to her! But you look like you are loving it!
You really love that brushing, Daisy! My mommy thinks your mommy is very brave . . . those are some loud, sharp clawrs!
Oh that looks so good!! Makes me want to get brushed too!!! Mom!!!!!
Purrs Mickey
PeeEss: I bet your Mom needs new pants after several brushing sessions,heehee
Oh my goodness yous has share claws just likes me. Your video made mommy bean whince. It was funny to see cuz I do's that to her too.
Cool! And the brush makes a fun toy too!
I HEARD YOU PURR!!!! gemini
Momma wants to know if your Momma had scratches on her leg from you being so happy?
Wow, that is a super brush, Daisy--it looks like it gives great brushies, and it makes a great toy, too!
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
I never even thought of scratching during brushing time! Your clarws are super duper sharp, even sharper than Kaze's.
Miss Daisy
You do enjoy your brushing, don't you? Boo loves it too. Momma tried to brush me once and I said OH NO don't bring that close to my furrs...
Your poor mommie's leg!! I hope she wasn't hurt in the making of this video. I love to have my furs brushed. I also love to give my brush the toothy death like you were doing. Mom thinks it's too funny!
-Jasper McKitten-Cat
You're Mommie is very brave, but clearly you love it so!
I like to be brushed too! And I do what you did in the end of the video...I put the bitey on the brush and play with it!
That bwushing does indeed wook nice! And I wove the sound effects fwom your cwaws!
My Mum whinced everytime you clawed your Mum : )
Wow, when my Mum brushes me their is fur flying everywhere! She brushes me at least once a week, usually twice a week and still there is always so much fur. It gets up her nose and flies around, I try to eat it, it is just everywhere. After brushing Mum has to pull out the Roomba and then take a shower, he, he, he...
Daisy! You have very sharp claws.
I wish Billie liked her slicker brush the way you do Daisy. She scratches and puts the bitey on me whenever I use it. She likes her regular human like brush, but it doesn't get the knots out. I need jeans like your mom, cause Cody can get his claws right through mine. Ouch! You're so cute to watch. :)
Love and Purrs to you and Pixie,
Daisy, I think you must be the Happiest Kitty in the entire state of Florida!
Growls & Hisses,
Auntie Spooker
Wow did you rip her jeans? hehe Guess what? I have that same brush! Too cool! ~Queen Snickers
Careful Daisy or yoor mom will end up in Sunday pants, yoo know, holy..hehehehe. Sadie has dat brush too, it's da one she likes used on da backs of her legs.
Wow, we think your mom needs a chain mail outfit. Real thick steel too. Like the gloves they wear to go around sharks!!!
~Goldie and Shade
I have always admiwed youw fuww it's so bootiful..Iwould be a little scawed of youw claws but it looked like you wanted to be bwushed even mowe..I like the pink heawt on youw bwush!
I didn't know skeezix was youw ancat..he's vewy nice
smoochie kisses
too cool there Daisy, but is mommy's pants okay? meow...my mommy doesn't brush me much anymore since my hair has thinned out, but she does use her nails on my all the time..purrss
that looks like it feels so good!
Mom says she wishes I would let her brush me.I hate to be brushed and bite and scratch her everytime she tries.
That's kinda whut it sownds like win I'm putting da humpty on Mr TF's leg!
Mommy thinks your mommy is brave to risk your claws of doom to groom you.
I loves to be brushed!! I sit and purrrrrrrrrr. Sometimes Mommy just holds the brush still and I walk around and rub on it. Mommy says that I am "self-brushing".
But like you, I give the brush a good bitey when it is done with me.
Our mombean watched that with us and she said Ouch! You have a very nice purr.
Sharp calws, Daisy. I wouldn't dare mess with you, even though you are only small. You are one of the few fully grown cats that weigh less than me.
Daisy, yoo so silly.
yoo make me laugh alla time.
Yikes, dem are clawrs!!!!
You do have sharp claws. You were obviously enjoying it.
jans funny farm
My dog loves to be brushed. You look very nice in the video, Daisy. Your hair is so pretty.
I wish I had long clawrs like you. Mommie cuts them off. I think I heard you purr in that video. I think that it's funny that even your brush is pink!
You do look like you are enjoying that. What claws, mom would never let me have claws like that. I keep ruining her nylons.
Ahh...combed into a kitty frenzy. Just what any pretty girl needs. Love your blog.
I just started a cat blog. Stop by for a visit.
OMG! Daisy you is too cute! me like brushes especially when I can play with them!!
hehehe, how CUTE!!!!! Daisy, you just love bein brushed, don't you? And you do the same thing with yur Momma that I do with mine -- skritch-skratch her leggies! And guess what else, we Ballicai got a brushie just like yurs -- we got three diffrunt brushes and a Zoom Groom cuz us Ballicai all have such diffrunt furs from each othur!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
*giggle*, Daisy! What an adorable little scratcher you are! And I love being brushed, too -- when I'm brushed, I do Elevator Butt!
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn!
Wowie, does your mom have any flesh on her legs any more?
Looks like you really enjoyed that brushing session! Looks like you ALSO enjoyed palyin' wif da brush!
Brushings do feel very good! I could hear your claws clicking!
Did you get clippy claws after being brushed? We even heard you purr in your video. It looked like you really enjoyed your brushing session.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie
Nice video! When I get brushed I get the shivers because it tickles my back. Luckily I have very short furs, so Mommy does not have to brush me very often.
You sure look like you're enjoying the brushing. Are you brushing your mom's jeans in return? I hope it's not ouchie for her
~ Girl girl
You mummy is so lucky that you do not shed so much. The Spice Cats really shed a lot. Brushing does not help. Sigh.
Wow! You've got noisy claws, Daisy!
That was actually a peaceful comforting sound to me. I loved it.
Miss Daisy do you use any nail cutter?Your nails are very sharp.
It is obvious that your Mommie adores you and your sister.
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