My fate is in your paws!
Here is a fun game: you get to decide what I do next. Just enter your choice in the poll, below. Whatever the winning answer is, that is what I get to do! You can also write in your own answer.
The poll will close on Wednesday at 9:00 am Eastern time, or when the poll maximum of 100 votes is received, whichever comes first. Later that day I will get to do the thing you picked for me! Then, on Thursday I will show pictures of me doing whatever you selected for me to do. Please choose wisely!
PS: It looks like the poll will allow more than 100 responses, so it will remain open until Wednesday morning!
PS: It looks like the poll will allow more than 100 responses, so it will remain open until Wednesday morning!

63 Notes for Daisy:
What fun Daisy! That's a very cool idea. :)
Hahaha, I voted!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Ohhhhhhh this is fun Miss Daisy. I don't think you should bite your mom though.
Poppy Q
What fun! I wonder which one will win!
We hope you get to go outside and mabye catch those Birdies!
I hope you get a new toy Daisy! :)
We voted for you to go outside. The weather has finally turned nice here and we are having lots of fun outside.
Scylla, Charybdis & Socks
I chose wisely.... I think.
Hahahahaha! Must be cabin fever,so far,it looks like you are going out!!!
Purrs Mickey
This is a fun idea. It doesn't look like you will be getting extra treats though.
I voted! Have fun!
This is truly funny, you are so creative!
that's a very sweet photo of you...
Me voted for you go out with harness and leash with your pupia harness!! you is so cute in that!! me want go outside with u!!
We voted you have a shopping in Paris!
Alright Daisy we we'll wait until Thursday to see how everyone else voted...
We voted for you to go outside on your harness and leash! That sounds like a lot of fun and you may meet some of George's relatives.
I voted "other":
Meet a handsome male cat for a date.
What an adventure! Good luck, Daisy.
Daisy, I'm torn. I'd like to see you play with a new toy, but I also like to see Pixie. But, Then, I think it would be fun to see you play outside in the warm Florida sunshine. Could we see all three? :) Have a Fun Happy Day!
Love and Purrs,
That was sooo hard!
I think Pixie should get ear rubbies *and* you should eat treats!
Oh the littlest girl bean is so excited, she gets to help choose with us kittys later. She haded to go on the big yellow metal machine so she didn'ts has time to vote for us.
That was fun!
Luf, Us
We want to see you outside in the sun! I think that'll win!!!!!
~Goldie and Shade
That is a very original idea for a poll. Good job Daisy!
(I voted for the new toy)
Daisy, what a great idea! This looks like it is going to be alot of fun. I wonder what Skeezix will write in? Mmmm.... or what Tripper will...
I am quite worried about you in the funnies and I am quite upset that our bloglines was not working properly so I missed out!
We we will be on pins and needles until Thursday!!
-The McKitten-Cat
What a cool idea! Looking forward to checking back and seeing which activity you get to indulge in, Daisy!
Sounds to me like no matter what, you will have fun Miss Daisy! Perhaps one exception, if you don't like giving Pixie ear massages. ;-)
Perhaps I should have a poll and make all the choices a version of a vacation in a nice villa in Tuscany. hmm....
Treats are good, but we haven't seen pics of a harness & leash adventure for a while, so that's what I voted for.
not the mama
I picked eating 4 treats for you. Looks like you will get to go outside though.....I did not pick that because I get scared just thinking of going outside!
Oh, this is going to be a real claw-biter!
We voted for eating bananas! ~Fiona Bun
I think you'll be watching a lizard - but maybe outside in your harness:) xxx
What a great idea Daisy! You're always doing such fun and clever stuff. I tolk mommy when she gets caught up on her paper scrapbooking, she needs to make my site more fun like yours and Dragonhearts and so many others!
I hope you get a new toy or get to eat four treats Miss Daisy!
If not, be sure to put the bitey on Mommy.
~ Andrewbun
that was a fun poll!!
I voted. I hope my choice is the winner, because I think that would be fun for you!
My sisfur, Fiona, likes to put the bitey on our mom too!!! And we saw your picfur over on MeanKitty this morning! Concatulations!
Clarissa & Co.
I voted but it's the 125th so I guess it doesn't count. But what a great idea! You are so good to do what we ask you to!
Is it strollering weather there yet?
sorry Daisy's mommy, but Grr got her paw on the mouse furrst and she picked "give the bitey to Mommie". the rest of us NEVER would have voted for that. maybe we can each vote...
It was hard to vote - they're all so good!
If you evew came to NY..You would be the most stylish giwl in town!!!
I look fowawd to what wins youw contest
smoochie kisses
I would like to see you and Skeezix having a romantic weekend in...uh... Paris! :)
But I voted for going outside. Be careful,Daisy, watch out for alligators and hopefully you can catch a lizard or two!:)
I think it's funny that you put the bitey on your mommie as a choice! Ha Ha! This is a great idea, Daisy. I hope you go outside.
Wonderful idea but on my lap top I cannot see to vote. I am going to send you an e-mail with my idea and hope you will add that to the ideas.
I gonna cheat.
I tell yoo, i vote for harness and leash, because i wanna learn more about the great outdoors! I wanna yoo to show mes!
Aw, "give the bitey to mommie" is losing! Er, not that I voted for that one or anything!
We voted! This was fun!!
Your FL furiends,
We voted, Daisy. That is a really neat poll.
I vote for you to have yummy treats. THis is fun. hee
~ Girl girl
I tried to press all da buttonz so dat all da choicez would be availabull. Shux, 'cuz it wouldn't lets me. But I didz vote twice? Well, mebbe three timez. Iz dat cheatin'?
We lovez you Daisy. Pleaze furgive us fur not leavin' commints lately. Soon I hopes.
Dr Tweety
We voted hehehe...
We can't wait to see which wins, but so far, it looks like you get to go outside. We've been out a couple of times in the past week.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie
If you get a new toy, check it for fish hooks!
Whatever it is you will do next time, I hope you enjoy it. I picked something that would be very enjoyable. :)
Oh it's just gotta be a feather butt mouse! :)
I voted for treats, but it's not the most popular. I hope you get to have a treat, too.
I voted for Pixie because we haven't seen her for a little while. FAZ
I did an "other"-that you would get to eat a rude lizard's tale!
This is a very cool idea.Carry ob the pool Daisy.
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