Sunday Comics with Daisy!
I am a little bit exhausted from trying to capture lizards, so I think it is my turn for a spa treatment!

ps: The semi-final match on Wozog's cute cat contest is on now! The final four contestants are me vs. the very cute Rexie, and Parker vs. Orlando. Please go vote for your favorites now. Parker and I have both decided that, should we win, we will donate our prize to Churchill's medical fund.

68 Notes for Daisy:
Yikes!! DAAAIIISSSYYYY!!! Look out wake up you may haf got a problem here!
We are going to vote furr you right now.
We think it is time for your Sunday Comics to be in the NYTimes and the Washington Post and the Chicago Tribune and USAToday... and on, and on, and on.
Always our first and best laugh on Sunday & the only way to start the day. Thank You!
Wake up, Daisy!!! The little lizard boogers are sneakin' up on ya and they gots some kinda evil plan. Ooohhh...this makes us so nervous!!!
Very truly yours,
The Whiskers & Purrs Gang
Oh Daisy, watch out, those sneaky lizards are up to tricks.
Thank you for the Sunday smiles - you are a superstar.
Poppy Q
Daisy, we hope you wake up soon!
We voted for you! :)
Jinkies Daisy, those Lizards seem to have the upper hand on you! Holy Lizard Tails!
Hi, I couldn't get the Wozog link to work? I'll try again later. Just wanted you to know. Thanks.
Uh-oh! Looks like trouble's a brewin' Daisy....Stay sharp!
Drat those Lizards!
I'm worried that they will turn you into a woofie or something!
Oh no! Daisy wake up!!!
Continued comic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The suspense will make me crazy!!! Heehee
Those lizards are up to no good I just know it!
Is it next Sunday yet !??
Purrs Mickey
eek daisy,
wut'z hypnotizm?
DAISY! Omigosh, dem sneaky rude lizzerds is up to sumthing. Dey must haf a evil plan to trap Daisy...
Them lizards are up to no good!
OH NOES! I hope they don't steal your cucumbers.
All cats are cute, but I voted for you, Daisy.
We went voted for you.
It looks like those dastardly lizards are up to no good.
Scylla, Charybdis & Socks
A day at the spa is always relaxing
yet I wonder what those naughty lizards are up to.I gave you my vote
and your winning :)
Wake up~!!!!!!!!!
Oah No~~~~~~~~ What are those bad rude lizards wanting to do!!!!!!!!
I am sure voting for you, Daisy!
Daisy! Be careful of hypnotizing! Those lizards can be wily and smart. I think they are on to you!
I'll go vote!
the suspense is killing me... this is more exciting than an episode of 24...
Oh no Daisy! you must wake up! What if they make you squawk like a chicken or bark like a woofie? Sneaky reptiles! You are truly the cutest, so you get my vote and it will be for a very good cause if you win. I can't wait for next Sunday. I know you won't let those lizards get away with anything. :)
Love and Purrs,
I can only vote once???? You are the best to donate to Churchill.
Daisy, you gotta watch those little lizards. maybe a watch hole in your cucumbers? LOLOL
(You really should publish these.)
Oh No! Be careful Daisy!
Oh no Daisy~! First rule of working at a spa..NEVER USE TWO CUCUMBERS ON BOTH EYES!
Love & Licks,
Wake up Daisy! The lizards are plotting against you! Wake up!
Wake up Daisy, the lizards are coming. The lizards are coming. Don't you need your eyes open to be hypnotised? Oh yeah, we voted for you!
Eoxy & Lucky
Evil little devils!
Oh my what might happen to you Daisy!
I love Sunday comics! I hope nothing bad happens. "To be continued" is very suspenseful!
Uh Oh . . . whut is them doods up to?
Oh wow, Daisy, I was just thinkin' that a spa day sounds pretty good, but I think maybe you should have a look-out when you spa.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
Wake up, Daisy! Those lizards are up to no good.
Love your comics. They are the best.
We will go right now and vote for you and Parker!
By the way, Daisy... you should be verrry careful to not stare at ANYthing!!
~ That Gracie
Wake up Daisy!!!!!!! Get up don't stay asleep, I hope we don't have to wait until next Sunday to see what happens. WAKE UP!!!!!
(Cue in The Matrix theme) Daisy, the Matrix has you! Get up, Daisy, get up, get up!
Every Kitty could use a spa day!
Daisy,Daisy Wake UP!!!!!!!!
Yoooo hooo!!
Watch out those lousy lizawds awe twying to twick you!!!
I'm going to wun over and wake you up if you don't wake in the next minute
smoochie kisses
I'm going to go and twy to vote again
smoochie kisses
DAISY!!! Take those cucumbers off your eyes!
Luf, Us
You look sooooo cute. Love your comics. I have voted at wozog. You always have my vote because you ARE the cutest. It's very generous of you and Parker to pledge your winnings to Churchill's medical fund.
Just wanted to stop by and wish you luck in the Red Carpet Buzz contest! We think you look so cute and pretty is your dress. You always have the best outfits!
See you on the red carpet!
Opus and Roscoe
Daisy - Not The Mama said that the pic of you with the towel turban & the cucumbers over your eyes was one of the funniest things he's ever seen!
I say, "Wake up, honey, those dastardly lizards are up to no good!"
Time for a nap myself...
Auntie Spooker
Daisy ... I hate to tell you this, but those lizards don't have your best interests at heart. RRRUUUUNNNN!
LOL, next to "For Better Or Worse" yours is my favorite Sunday comic!!
Hi Daisy. Chasing lizards must be hard work. You do deserve a spa day! If it involves water of any kind, I would be afraid of spa day.
Purrs, Halloween
KC said...
wake up, oh no....
effurrybody, let's all yell Daisy's name at tha same time an maybe she'll hear us and wake up...
shoo, bad lizards... uh, those lizards look kinda tasty... here lizards, here lizards......
Daisy!! Wake up!! Oh dear, we are worried now... Maybe we should send Meerkat AKA "Killer" over to your place! She would probably know what to do with a lizard, since she is so dangerous to mousies!
Padre, Panda Bear, and Meerkat
Thanks for coming to mai party!! We had so much fun!! Daisy you has cucumber on your think vegitable is not yummys but never try to put on my facez. I is trying next time!
Daisy, we hope you are prentending to be napping so that you can get those lizards .... you know they can't outsmart you!
Purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam and Simon
EEKS, Daisy!!! Watch our fur those lizzerds... they're up to somethin!
We went and voted fur you and Parker! That's furry ecksiting!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Oh no what are the lizards going to do!
Dennis says those Lizards are Crazy, Daisy--to think they can hypnotize the smartest girlcat on earth!!
Oh my!! DAISY! Wake up, dear! The lizards... they are a-plotting!
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn!
I can't wait to see what happens next!
Wake up! Wake up, Daisy! The Lizards are coming...the lizards are coming.
Oh dear... this doesn't look good for you Daisy...
Oh Daisy... seeing you there with cucumber onto your eyes.... hahahahhahaha. I am without words.
We voted for you and for Parker, and we just did again. You both are so sweet and caring to donate the prize to Churchill. You both are the cutest!!
Daisy being a very smart cat possibly pretending to be asleep...we're thinkin' that you're gonna turn the tables on those scaly boyz and HYPNOTIZE them be ur servants...
Oh, and those pix of you in that adorable dress...what a fab outfit...u remind us a lot of Asta...that girl knows how to throw and outfit together....
Do the cucumbers get rid of baggy fur around your eyes, Daisy, or just dark fur circles?
Cindy at Rosehaven Cottage
Revenge of the Lizards....
Tsk, tsk, tsk, deveious little stinkers, aren't they? Wake up Daisy!!
I am at the edge of my seat, till next week.
Yikes Daisy, we're getting rather worried here. We hope the Lizards are unsuccessfull!
The WriggleButts
Oh no. This does not look good. Daisy, wake up!!
Oh, the suspense is getting to us! WAKE UP DAISY!!! We want to know what happens next!!!!!
Oh no Daisy, the lizards are up to no good!! Wake up..........
We voted for both you and parker!! That is so wonderful of both ff you to donate to Churchill,
Your FL furiends,
We voted. It looks as if you and Parker will win. But then what? Who are we going to vote for then????
We'll see.
But we can't WAIT for next Sunday - what will happen next???? The suspense - ahhhhhhhh!
Karl, Emil, Mrs. OZ and Mike
This is getting better all the time! Daisy looks funny with the towel and the cucumber slices.
Crikey! The students read it without me - I was talking to the deputy principal - so I made them put it on again.
We all can't WAIT for part two!!
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