Photo Hunters #57: Wooden
The Photo Hunters theme this week is wooden. I really wanted to do some wooden poses, but my Mommie told me to stop fooling around. So I am going to show you this carved wooden lizard from Oaxaca, Mexico.
Here is what I learned about these wood carvings:
Here my lizard is trying to show off his intricate patterns. My back has patterns too, but they are not intricate. Maybe because my patterns are not painted on.

In a great variety of subjects and sizes, the painted wood figures are carved from copal wood using the natural shape to inspire the sculptural form. If representing snakes or animals with tails, for instance, the tail takes the winding form of the tree branch. Copal wood is easy to carve while green. An uncomplicated piece such as an armadillo 10 inches long, takes about three days to carve. After drying in the sun for another three days it becomes light weight and hard. A sealer is applied to protect it from insects. Men do the carving, and the women paint, everybody working up to 15 hour days. The prosperity of many of the artisans is an amazing turnaround in villages where 15 years ago many were wondering how to make a living.

76 Notes for Daisy:
OMG! what a spectacular image that you sheared. Thanks for shearing this nice and awesome photos.
He he this is the only purrety lizard we've seen. No harm in befriending it. Thursday's bird video was the first time we heard your voice ~ it was very cute just like you :)
Purrs from the SnowForest family :)
THat's a beautfil piece. It looks ike you both will be the best of friends. Besides you could break your teeth on it! Happy weekend
That is a neat looking lizard. Don't think the kitty quite knows what to do with it. Have a great weekend.
That is a very pretty lizard, Daisy. We like the intricate patterns on him! :)
I like the intricate designs on the lizard. I have seen similiar wooden crafts in Indonesia.
Daisy sure knows to choose a cool friend. Fine sequence of shots.
Have a great weekend!
That is a beautiful lizard, Daisy. But it would be even better if some of the flowers on his back were daisies.
That is a byootyful lizzerd Daisy. Our mum once brought back a turtle furrom Mexico furr a furrend of hers. She can't remember eggzakkly now , but she finks it had similar markings. Maybe they are related.
Pawsome lizard and he's almost as big as you. Is he called George? :) xxx
dis wooda (hahaha) been a grate day to join da photo hunterz ... doo to da fact dat i hav allotta wooden catz ...
however ... wooden't (hahaha) u know it ... it'z reeb'z birfday today an it wood (hahaha) be rood uv me to take off hiz video.
oh well.
do u think da photo hunterz wood (hahaha) do dis subjec again?
jus wunderin.
You two have very unique coats that can't be duplicated. That's what makes you so special!
Yeah, that sad thing. Cannot eat wooden lizard. At least this one not run away from you.
Wowww Daisy,
This wooden lizard is BIG.
And really very colorful~! I think you have many different kind of lizards in your home~!!!! You collect many different colors, sizes and live or not-alive ones, hehehe~!!!!
I love seeing your lizards collections~!
Daisy,that is a very beautiful lizard and would make a great pal,even if he is WOODEN :)
He certainly would not taste good :)
Purrs Mickey
Copal wood is also considered a very sacred wood. The resins (or sap) smell really yummy and are burned for protection and to clear 'bad' energy. So, you've got a great protector friend!
He's a big lizard! It's smart to be his friend!
ps - I hope you win too Daisy!
It would be good to be able to have one of us donate the winnings to Churchill!
I like this wooden lizard and the fancy painting on it. Très cool.
Your wooden lizard is very pretty.
We think the patterns on your back are very attractive too.
We have wooden birds for our post.
Scylla, Charybdis & Socks
Wow, nice wooden lizard!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Daisy, what a nice wooden lizard friend you have there. What's its name?
Mr. Chen & Ollie
That is a beautiful lizard! We love the paint job!
You shouldn't have any trouble catching this one,Daisy! He wooden be able to move quickly enough to get away!
"Wow" That's a very beautiful
lizard :)
that is a cool looking lizard. I used to have friends who were lizards but I decided they weren't very good friends.
My pet human is screaming.... she LOVES the carvings from Oaxaca. You look stunning next to that wonderful lizard too.
Thank you for making my pet human shriek!
I like your wooden lizard but I think I prefer real ones! I think your furs have intricate designs.....they are pretty.
that is a beautiful lizzard you have there. Who ever mad eit and painted it did alot of work.
Hey Daisy,
I read at Loriana's that you like the cat dancer too! It in a fine toy. We like it a lot at my house!
Yes, that is one lizard you cannot eat. Maybe he can help you lure George in...
That is a pretty lizard, Daisy.
It makes me happy to know it helped a family in Mexico to make some green papers for their food.
~ That Gracie
Your little feets look about the same size!
He looks like he might like to party!
That is a beautiful lizard Daisy. Do you suppose it will give up it's secrets to tell you how to catch lizards?
I think that is the most beautiful Lizard i have seen, and it don't look scary. the cat is very cute.
Wooden Doorway
Wooden Staircase
That's a beautiful lizard, Daisy - so colorful and intricate!
Your lizard friend is very pretty Daisy, but he couldn't be as pretty as you. And he's made of wood, so you're much softer, too.
Beautiful carving, and such intricate painting! I love the shot of you nose to nose:)
Since this lizawd doesn't wun away , you can pwactice youw pouncing moves on him ..and maybe he can gie you valuable infowmation in youw quest fow lizawds..he's pwetty, but youw pattewns awe pwettiew
smoochie kisses
My mom really wants to visit Oaxaca. Maybe she can bring us back a wooden friend too.
daisy your wood lizard is puritty!! mai mom say she loves the illustration onn top. me too!
daisy your wood lizard is puritty!! mai mom say she loves the illustration onn top. me too!
You have quite the lizard collection!
Ohh wow that is incredible design on the lizard..that looks amazing!
That is a really neat lizard, Daisy. What a pretty painted back he has. I am glad he is your friend. It is good to have friends. Then again, maybe he can help you lure real lizards in the house. hahahahaha
Your lizard friend is very colorful!
That is a cool lizard! I think you underestimate your intricate patterns.
Yay, Daisy has a lizard friend!
You always have the best stuff for photo hunters!
Not The Mama
What a beautiful lizard! He's a lover turk-oise color. Furry pretty wooden photo.
Dennis is always amazed by Daisy and loves to see what she is up to! Daisy is always busy and happy and having fun.
Dennis had a "set - to" with a human today. The human forced dennis out of the closet and tried to hold Dennis down and tickle him.
That human is going to wear a Dennis Hat while attempting to sleep tonight.
Daisy, do your humans ever bother you?
Thanks Daisy for all your help! i got one posted!
Your back patterns are way-purtier than the lizards, Daisy!
Very truly yours,
The Whiskers & Purrs Gang
Wow, that fella is very, uh, "visible"..I mean that his colors leave no doubt that he's noticed wherever he goes! Kinda showy, wouldn't you say? I guess that he's big enough not to consider himself prey-which is unfortunate, cause he'd make a great lizard fricassee-he's a bit too hefty for your Easy Bake Oven!
Daisy ... Your lizard is a beauty. It's common to see Oaxacan artwork in San Diego ... I've seen lizards similar to yours, but they've been red or yellow. Yours seems to be the perfect size for you to use as a lizard decoy to lure your neighborhood lizards into your house for ... lunch.
Your wooden lizard is pretty. It's a good thing he's wooden. A painted wooden lizard could be bad for your health if you ate him.
Daisy, I hope you don't eat the wooden lizard-he wouldn't taste too good!!!!
Kodak, 3 Perf and Winton
We "wooden" haf guessed the lizard was wood. So, thank you for the innerestin explanation of it!
Its nice you are his friend. Maybe you can get a real lizard to visit him... ;)
Daisy, since he is a protector lizard he probably wouldn't taste good anyway so being his friend is probably best. You have the best show & tells!
WillThink4Wine (2G's Mom)
Wow, what a gorgeous work of art, love the colors on the lizard!
He does not seem to be as rude as da other lizards in yer neighborhood.
Oh Daisy, your lizard's markings are almost as pretty as yours! Maybe if the outside lizards see him next to you they will feel more comfortable coming in. :) Yes, I think Cody will be getting a catdancer or something very similar to it. (little goober driving us crazy...) ;) Have a Happy weekend!
Love and Purrs,
That's a beautiful lizard. Haven't been around for a while because SS is out of town. Love your Polka dress. Why aren't you doing a polka?
That is a lovely lizard you have Daisy.
Dat's a really purrty lizzerd and we noticed dat it doesn't haf teef. We know yoo think teef are bad so he makes a really good frend.
Gee, the lizard do looked BIG, but you are not afraid, are you Daisy?
See you again Daisy.
Greetings and lots of love from Malaysia.
It's interesting becasue the painting almost looks like Australian Aboriginal...
Of course you would have a wooden lizard - why am I not surprised???
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Have a wonderful Sunday!
Love the lizard on the mirror!
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Finally! A lizard who won't run away!
Your wooden lizard is lovely. I love all the intricate painting on it. This one won't run away from you, Daisy.
Wow I think that pretty lizard would be like a deep-fried lizard, because it's hard and crunchy. I wonder what it tastes like? I think your Mum would be sad if you ate it though!
I love your lizard...he is dressed for the up coming St Patricks day! I love the book your featuring on your sidebar, "The Cat Who Wouldn't Come Inside"
Last December I told about it on my bloggy and guess what!!!? The author of the book came and left me a nice thank you...isn't that just the best thing!
I will see you next week.
Love Miss Peachy
That's the only lizard that'll ever be safe from Daisy.
My dog loves lizards too. They're like a walking buffet for her.
wow, the details painted there are amazing! Not as pretty as you, tho!
Now see, I woulda chewed the crap outta that lizard if it had gotten that close to me!
Hows my favorite Calico girl doing? My frog is still here so I been busy drooling on him.
That's a cool WOODEN theme for this weeks Photo Hunt Theme!! Cool looking Lizard, too!
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