Friday, February 22, 2008

Fashion Friday: Doing the Polka?

Here I am modeling a very pretty, casual dress. I love the frilly pink ruffles. This dress has what is called a pattern of polka dots. I am a little bit confused about this because I never saw even one of the dots dancing the polka. I could probably do a polka or a tango while I am wearing this dress though, because it is very comfortable. Look at me! I got all shrunken! I can do funny optical illusions with this dress.
Hahahahahaha! I cannot stop laughing at my Shrunken-Daisy trick!
Okay, I had better go now. See you at the Polka! Hahahahahaha! This modeling business is much more fun than I realized.


83 Notes for Daisy:

Poppy Q said...

Hi Daisy I love your Friday fashion this week. I bet you are fun to go dancing with, although I couldn't wear such a pretty dress. I think it was funny that you were laffin at being shrunken.

Have a good weekend and I look forward to the Sunday comic. What you going to do with the lizards this week?

Ramses said...

Oh that's a cute dress Daisy! I'z been writing to complain to My Marie's Mom's Boss about all the hours she's having to work and how they're affecting me and my urges etc. I'z sure you and Skeezix will understand my plight...


The Whiskers and Purrs Gang said...

Dearest Daisy,
You look marvelous, darlin'. You just git purtier and purtier everyday. I bet you is gonna be on America's Next Top Model soon.

Very truly yours,
The Whiskers & Purrs Gang

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Dearest Daisy,

Pretty dress is for a very beautiful girl. And you are that beautiful girl~! This is one very very cute polka dots on it~! And I love that feature on it~!

I can almost imagine you are dancing, with your very spirited heart~!!!

Thank you for your kindness comments on my blog, I am also happy~!!!

Wish you have a lovely weekend~! And please say hi to Pixie for me as well~!


Anonymous said...

That dress is so cute Daisy! And I love your shrinking trick - but I got scared at first because I thought you really DID shrink!

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

That's a very cute dress, Daisy. The polka dots and ruffles are darling. You look ready to go dancing.

Parker said...

All you need is a little champagne and a some accordian music and you'd be all set for a grand time!

Beethoven said...

You've got such a cool shrunken up look! I stared at your pigtures very hard too hoping to see those dots doing a polka, but no luck. I love your pink frills.

Charlotte said...

OMG!!! I love the dress and how you are modelling it! It looks so amazing that I had to check out the photos again. I could never get away with the dress though. The frills are absolutely gorgeous and the design of the dress does make it easy to wear. That is definitely ready-to-wear!

I love the shrunken midget look!! Oh so funny. HAHA HA HA
Charlotte x

Jessica said...

Hi, Daisy! I was laughing right along with you. You're funny!

Anonymous said...

anna one, anna two.

Oh Daisy, if only Grampy still had his accordion! He could play while you Polka in your lovely Polka Dot dress!

Mickey's Musings said...

That is a very prettu dress and the pink looks nice against your white furs. I like the shrinking trick,hahaha! You are too funny :)
Purrs Mickey

Spooky said...

Oh, Daisy, you look so cute! That shrinking trick of yours is pretty funny, too!

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

Daisy, you look beautiful, as always. That was a neat trick....The Amazing Shrinking Daisy!


Pumpkin said...

Yup I don't see the dots doing the polka eithur. I wunder why they call them that. Yoo look vury purrty in yore dress like usual.



YOU look very cute in your polka dress....


Anonymous said...

Daisy we laffed and laffed when we saw you shrunk.

You look very pretty in your polka dotty dress.

Sarge Charlie said...

I want to see you doing the Chicken Dance, It is a little early to start Oktoberfest celebrations.

Rosemary B❤️ said...

I like the pink ruffles very much.
super cute

jenianddean said...

Daisy - You are so funny! I love Shrunken Daisy! And your polka dotted dress is super cute!

Happy Friday!
-Jasper McKitten-Cat

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Lovely dress Daisy we adore the pink ruffles ~Scylla & Charybdis

Dma said...

that shrunken pose is an amusing pose. ha ha ha...

LZ said...

I would like to get into modeling but I fear I do not have a closet full of cute clothes like you do. You're such a lucky cat!!


Monty Q. Kat said...

Daisy, you're too funny! :D

zevo hussein calamari said...

Absolutely stunning! You will be crowned the Polka Queen!

Nancy Lindquist-Liedel said...

You are a true pro! Darien says, "She ees very cute."

Darien is one of our kitteh's.

The Furry Kids said...

We liked the shrunken Daisy picture. hee hee

That sunshine coming in your window looks really nice. We are missing it here in the mitten state.


Diamond Emerald-Eyes said...

That's a good trick. I do a shrinking Diamond trick, but it's usually when my feets get stuck in the cusions of the quicksand loveseat. We have very dangerous furnitures in this house!

Rosie & Cheeto said...

hmmm, maybe thay wure dancing when yoo were purforming yer shrinking akt? I bet yer polka-dancing dots are shy in front of the camura.

Oh, and yoo luk dashing in polka-dancing dots and frills, daisy!

The Misadventures Of Me said...

That dress is very pretty. You make fashion Friday irresistible!!

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

This is a fine fashion you are wearing today. Looks comfortable and of course with the pink you look marvelous!

Jimmy Joe said...

Hahahaha, that shrunken Daisy shot is a grate trick, Daisy! I hope you have a fun day dancing in your polka dress!
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe

Anonymous said...

You look so debonair, Daisy. Work it!

Scout said...

I wish there was a video of you doing a little dance in your dress!!

PS: Mommy cackled about you being "shrunken"!

admin said...

You have a very expressive looks:)hmm, on your 3rd picture there from above, what is actually are you talking or singing about?
Could you please tell us....

btw, what do you think about catwalk? try to sneak-peak and have your say in

See ya around!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

That is a lovely dress. How many temptations did you get for modeling today? I mean you did the trick and all.

Shaggy and Scout said...

That is a very cute little dress Daisy. Just right for you!

L. Alida said...

Oh Daisy you look like a little doll! You wear polka dots and pink so well, probably because you are petite. :) Fashion Friday is the best! Have a Happy weekend!
Love and Purrs,

Irishcoda said...

Roll out the barrels! Love the dress, Daisy, you are ready to go party!

Unknown said...

Ha, ha, ha....shrunken up Daisy! That is so funny! I love your Polka Dot dress, it is very stylish. I think it is time we saw your closet again, you must have about a billion squillion outfits in there by now!

PB 'n J said...

That does look like a good dress for the polka!

We love shrunken up Daisy - that's a cool new trick!

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Will you teach me to polka Daisy?

You look lovely in that dress!

Dragonstar said...

That's a funny shrunken-cat picture Daisy!

Skeezix the Cat said...

Wow. Yoo have vary good posscher in the ferst pikcher. I like pokka dots. But I've never seen them danse, eether.

Anonymous said...

lol.. How cute!

Spooker said...

Daisy, you are always such a consummate professional! Hopes you got lots & lots of temptations!

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

We think that is a pretty dress.
Pink definitely looks good on you!

~ The Bunch

HRH Yao-Lin said...

hahaha its a mini daisy! Hey you! bring the real daisy back! Imposter alert! x

Tara said...

That is a very pretty dress, and the polka sounds like fun! Mom plays polkas on her fiddle sometime.


None said...

You scares me with your shrinking! Very pretty dress, go make some kitties go crazy as you dance the polka!

Purrrs, Tamra

Leslie said...

Dear Daisy,
Mom's students have now read every single one of your comics.

They all have a special exercise book and they all have thought up a theme and each week they get some writing time to do their Daisy's Designs.

They have done a cover page and their first comic with a short moral story underneath it.

One boy has "The Happy Camper" as his theme and his first comic has the camper standing underneath a waterfall taking a shower, but up above him, coming over the waterfall is an alligator.

So the moral reads something like (mom can't remember the words)... you never know what's coming up next. Or something - mom will have to have another look.

Another child has a castaway on a desert island... all 30 children are doing this.

It's up on our class time table - Daisy's Designs (creative writing).

Queen Snickers, Empress and Princess Renna said...

I've never tried polka dots before! They look fun! I like your shrinking Daisy it made is laugh too! ~Queen Snickers

Anonymous said...

I hope you got extra temptations for this photo shoot since you did tricks and all, Daisy.

Chancy, Jake, Babe and Ernies Voice said...

you look wonderful. We love your dress. Mom will you get us fancy clothes?

HUGS~ Chancy, Ernie's Voice & Jake

Forty Paws said...

You are so funny! We hope those dancing dots don't make your eyes go funny.

Luf, Us

Unknown said...

Heehee, we think your shrinking Daisy trick if very funny.

Kate (Pablo's mum) said...

As well as being a polka dress, I think that your dress could be a Pink Ladies dress too. Daisy, please don't shrink too much, or there'll be no Daisy left!

Tesla and Hansel said...

ho ho!

I laughed at your shrunken Daisy pic too! It was great!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

That's a furry pretty dress. We wuz laffing at you being shrunken too. We haf given you an award. You can see it on our blog.

TheSlyCat said...

Great trick! Love the dress! Have a great weekend!

The Meezers or Billy said...

you look very frilly and pretty Daisy

SophieKitty said...

You're crazy, shruken Daisy! Love the outfit.

Catzee said...

That's a furry purrty dress but I don't fink I'd like to wear a dress.

KC and the Giggleman Kitties said...

KC said...
You's look furry purrty, Daisy. Can Skeezix do tha polka?
Purrs, KC
pee ess: I'm wif Catzee, i's not wearing a dress either. Daisy is such a good, patient model.

Anonymous said...


There goes Mom again!

Daisy, dear, you look absolutely huggable adorable kissable in your Polka Dress! *big smile*

Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn!

MaoMao said...

I can't do the polka but I can do the hokey pokey! Does that mean I'd need a hokey pokey dress? hehehe

You look superduper, as always, Daisy!!

Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

Too funny! The PM laughed out loud at the shrunken Daisy one.

The Devil Dog said...

What a very pretty dress, Daisy. You are such a good model. I am not sure about the polka either. The dots didnt look like they moved.


Motor Home Cats said...

Daisy, don't shrink too much - you are tiny enough as it is. That is a very pretty dress for a very pretty cat.

Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Dat dress is furry purrty on yoo and pink and black is a nice look. We laffed at da shrunken Daisy too!

Asta said...

Daisy You kill me hehehehe

I have a polka coat on in today's post..but not a look adowable as oosual
smoochie kisses

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Wow, that's a great polka outfit. Do ya haf a lizzarcordian to make sounds too?

Gretchen said...

I think you very look lovely in your polka dot polka dress.


Karen Jo said...

I love your pretty polka dot dress, Daisy. The shrunken Daisy trick made me laugh, too.

Anonymous said...

Great dress your the best model I've ever seen :)

Icon Baxter Bentley said...

haha! Daisy, you look so cute as a miniature.

Lux said...

You look gorgeous in anything you model, Daisy ...

Tyler said...

That was funny. Ha, ha, ha.

Sunny's Mommy said...

That is a very cute dress, Daisy. I love the pink ruffles on you!

The Furry Bambinos said...

Daisy, we love your polka dot dress! You look very cute in your shrunken pose!

Padre, Panda Bear, and Meerkat

darlene said...

pretty in pink as usual....hee hee

Anonymous said...

Oh I don't know, Daisy. This looks too much like a French maid dress-up for you-know-what! I don't know. I like the pink tho.

Trent said...

a good documents thanks,I usually follow your writings


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