The Photo Hunters theme this week is:
different. I have decided to show you some of the different kinds of toys I have. Let me dig around in my toybox...

Here are many different kinds of toys: there are balls, catnip toys, feathers, mousies, jacks, squiggles, and other things. I do not know the names of all of my toys.

The catnip bananer is one of my favorites. I like to chomp on it. You can see the bottom of my tongue!

This is my Gommelgrabber. I even made a
movie about it! My Mommie calls this an "interactive" toy. I just call it fun.

These toys are getting boring. I will see if I can find some other different toys...

My Green Spring! I love this toy. It is good to have many different toys.

Photo Hunters #59: Different
57 Notes for Daisy:
You are different from other cats because you have so many toys to play. Can you share your toys with me?
What a lot of toys! Our furry bosses ignore their toys preferring organic playthings instead... By which I mean toes! Happy weekend
Not only tons of toys....but you have your OWN toy box.
My Photo Hunt Different is shared, I hope, if you haven't already, drop by and pay a visit. Happy weekend.
You have lots of toys and different kinds,No wonder you are so smart~! Because you keeping making different brain exercise!!!!
I think that is great!!!
Daisy, you have so many toys! Does Pixie have this many toys, too? We only have about 4 or 5 that we share.
Good Morning Daisy! How lucky you are to have your own toy box full of toys. The boys are always taking theirs outside and losing them.
That's seriously a lot of toys, but I think the box would be the best toy of all!
The best thing about our toyboxes is that when they stay in there a while and then come back out it's like they are new to me again!
Whoa, can I come over to play??
You have lots of different toys Daisy. I haf a nippy bananer too which I love.
Wow Daisy, you have a lot of DIFFERENT toys and a great toy box, too! Have a great Saturday!!
Your FL furiends,
And we thought we had a lot of toys! Our toy box is overflowing and Mom is always complaining we never play with them and what does she do? She just keeps going out and buying MORE!
well daisy i don't have many toys. i have cards to play with and i like that. you might like cards too...
smiles, auntie bee
I have a really big silver toy called an airstream. It's my favorite.
Toys are good!
wow, you have lots of toys, do you share very well with others.
does pixie like the banana toy too? or just real bananas?
Wow you have a toy box. We are very impressed and shall start lobbying Mommy to get us one.
Thanks for visiting us.
Scylla, Charybdis & Socks
You sure do have alot of toys! WOW! That must be alot of fun to climb into that box!
Kodak, Winton and 3 Perf
Dem is a lot of different toys Daisy...we haf outgrown our old toy box and now mom sez she's gonna take one of da storage boxes and make it our toybox. She sez thank you for da idea...we haf no clue what she is talking about!
Daisy - your site is always full of a different curly cat adventure!
We ♥ Daisy!
~ Not The Mama & Daphne & Chloe
Holy Moley Daisy! You could open a toy store with all of those! And the picture taken that shows the bottom of your tongue is really cool! Momma has to go to PetSmart today, maybe she will see if they have catnip bananers and buy us one because they look like lotsa fun, and I bet you can bunnykick them really good too!
Purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam and Simon
I like the green spring. I agree with Daisy, they were getting boring. Hurray for toys!
Daisy, it's important to have many different toys, so I'm glad you have such a big boxfull. I bet the box is fun, too.
I see that you have many toys Daisy, but I wonder if you do not think Pixie is the best toy of all?!
Great picture of you putting the chomp on the bananner.
Yoo have some reely interesting toys Daisy. It's good to keep stimyoolated by playing wif dem all.
You have some wonderful toys!
"Wow" your toy box is filled like the niece thingy's.
Wowie Kazowie! You have bunchies of great loot to play with! You are a lucky girl!
Mommy? Did you see Daisy's box full of toys? hint, hint, hint....
KC said...
That's a serious toy box, Daisy.
I've never seen a Gobbergrabber before. I'll haf ta check it out. But i's loves springs, i's jus keep rolling 'em under places i can't get to 'em.
Good Photo Hunt...
Love & Purrs, KC
pee ess: can't wait fur tomorrows comics!
Wowie, you've got lotsa diffrunt superduper toys, Daisy! And we've gotta catnip naner, too -- we just love that naner!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
You're different in yourself Daisy! Great toys and they've given me some ideas...
Daisy, I love to see you having fun! It's important to take time to play. :)
Have a fun and happy day!
Love and Purrs,
Wow, you've got almost as many toys as Auntie Jane's mini-Beans! That Gommelgrabber looks pretty complicated, to tell you the truth. I think only a future school-girl cat could figure that one out.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
P.S. Yeah, walking in the mud is pretty cool!
Hello! I'm fine! Everything went well. Beanies have been taking good care of me! thanks for checking in!
My beans and i appreciate your kind words!
Awwww, sweet Daisy! You have a bountiful bevy of beauteous toys! *smile* And as MaoMao said, I also am particularly fond of Catnip Bananers.
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn!
Wow, great toys and a great tox box. Sam would love that box! Can't wait to see tomorrow's comic!
You've got a lot of very different toys, Daisy!
Wow Daisy, you have so many toys! I have never seen most of those cat toys! When my people bring me toys, I usually ignore them. You seem to know what to do. Maybe you should send me a video about how to play with cat toys!
Purrs, Halloween
Wow! You sure do have a lot of toys Daisy! Do you let Pixie play with them (especially the bananer) too?
Oh, it's definitely good to have many different toys! Looks like you've got a nice stash there, Daisy ...
Oh Daisy, you're such a curious cat! lol You're so adorable :)
Those toys are so cool! You are a very tidy girl to keep your toys in your toy box.
Luf, Us
You've got some pawsome toys, Daisy!
Dennis has 2 toys. One is a catnip mouse, one is a ball in a round track.
Daisy of course has more interest in toys--she is smarter than Dennis.
It's ok. My cats don't know the names of all their toys either.
They DO know the words "hungry" and "treat," so I guess at least they feel they have their priorities straight. :)
I'm glad I'm not the only one with a toy box, Daisy, except mine is a basket..and I have lots and lots of toys,too! I think having many different toys is essential to a well-rounded feline!
That catnip bananer looks cool. We get these neat crocheted catnip balls that Mom gets from the local shelter. She even brought a bunch home for us today!
You really do have a lot of different toys, Daisy. Exploring that toybox looks like lots of fun.
Daisy - your mom really spoils you rotten!
Have a great week.
Those toys are DIFFERENT!!! It's cool to put them away for a while because when you see them again it's like getting new,DIFFERENT toys!!!
Purrs Mickey
My cats are so thrilled to find your blog and the great post about your toys. Of course they now want to know when they will be getting a blog!
Yes, you sure do have a lot of toys. You could open up a Toy Park for cats. I would certainly come. I love wand toys, do you have any of those?
A catnip naner. What will they think of next?
Ber-nah-nuhs are good for you. :)
Anyone know what cat-nip is in Japanese? I would really like to get some here...
I'm jealous now... you sure have lots of toys to play with. Share some with m babies please..hehe
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