Saturday, March 29, 2008

Photo Hunters #62: High

The Photo Hunters theme this week is: high. This is a good one because high can be many different things. You know I like to climb on high things! And I also love to jump high! Wheeeeeeee!
Here is a place that my Mommie and Daddie climbed that is a little bit high. It is called Harpers Ferry.
And this high place is called Old Rag Mountain. I think you can see in this picture that what is really high is the length of my Mommie's pants. Hahahahaha! Sorry, Mommie.
This is a different house in South Florida where we used to live when I was just a baby. A hurricane is coming, and you can see there are high winds! Those metal things on the windows are called hurricane shutters.
This is from the backyard of my old house. You can see that the high winds made some of the trees fall down.


69 Notes for Daisy:

Barb said...

Daisy, we use to live in Florida and had some nasty brushes in Hurricane Alley. We hope we've moved far enough out the way of hurricanes! Be careful!

Anonymous said...

Daisy, those are some wonderful photos. You sure look cute flying! Your Mom sure knows how to Landscape! And we think her pants are just fine!

Hootin Anni said..., LOVE the action shot Daisy. You can fly!!!!

And the mountain tops....neat photos. Oh and the hurricane shutters....we got 'em here on our house too.

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Those are all great examples of high, Daisy! We also love to get up high and to jump high. Merlin can jump very high, but he moves so fast we don't have any good photos of him doing so.

Dragonstar said...

That's a lot of "high" Daisy. I hope you take care on high places.

Leslie said...

Great photos Daisy, and the shorts look fine!!

Anonymous said...

lol lol cat really love to jump!!!!! looks so cute where she jump with the suits on her....A very nice place-Florida

Anonymous said...

All great photos - the leaping one is just amazing!!

Happy Weekend.

Anonymous said...

Very cool photos, Daisy. Thanks for sharing.

My favorite is the "high jump"!

Happy Hunting!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

That's a lot of different types of high Daisy. Wow how did you learn to fly?

Mickey's Musings said...

You really have some high places Daisy. WE do not have any stairs :(
I guess now that you are a fashion expert, you can give your Mom all kinds of tips about what to wear so she always looks good ;)
Purrs Mickey

Anonymous said...

Wow, I love that pic of you jumping! You are very good with high things. Have you ever tried high heels? ;)

Parker said...

High can mean a lot of things - you are a super high flyer!
I think your Mommy has good fashion sense, her pants are great!

Rosemary B❤️ said...

oooh my mommie has some of those dorky short pants too.

I remember back in the day when I would fly and be up high.
Those are very cool houses in Fla... lots different than in Va for sure. Every house here seems like it is made of paper...

I hope you and Pixiekins have a very happy week-end

Samantha & Mom said...

Look in the sky! It Super Daisy! We love that flying picture and you certainly are very HIGH. As for the winds they got very HIGH her, too! Have a wonderful weekend and say Hi to Pixie for us!
Your FL furiends,

jenianddean said...

Those are some great high pictures. The pictures of the high winds are just nuts! We don't like winds very much, but we never knew you could take pictures of the wind -- but you did! And your Mom is such a good Daisy Documenter to catch you in mid-jump.

Sarge Charlie said...

High High Daisy, tell mommy I love Harpers Ferry, one of the neatest places in the world.

Dma said...

Hi Daisy... hee hee.

those are very good pictures of high. I was expecting a catnip photo in there somewhere.

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

i love the one where you are flying the bestest! you can fly daisy??? wow! maybe it is the cape that gave you super powers!

smiles, auntie bee

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

Daisy, you and your Mommie are so brave to go to such high places! We get high winds here too, but ours are called tornadoes. When our Momma was a little girl in Kansas City, she lost her house to one. Ever since she's been a big fraidy cat of them!

Diamond Emerald-Eyes said...

When I get into the catnip I get high....

(You forgot that one!)

CRIZ LAI said...

Gosh! Your old place sounded so dangerous. Luckily you have moved to a better place now. I love your jumping shot Daisy.. but you jumped with a skirt? hehe :P

Hop in for some fun
and/or have a look sometimes why need things to be HIGH
Have a nice weekend!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

High winds can be furry danjerus! Oh look, it's Daisy our flying frend...

Team Tabby said...

We like all of those pictures, but we liked the high jumping one of you Daisy. Mom said she remembers seeing hurricane shutters in Florida when she an dadbean were visiting last year - there was a tornado that came within 10 minutes drive of where they were staying (near Daytona), yikes! They liked Florida, it is different from east coast Canada, but like Florida, we do get hurricanes sometimes.

Mindy & Moe

Tesla and Hansel said...

wow those are some great high pictures!

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Dear Daisy,
These are very great meanings of "high", you explain it so so well~! And while I watching of your photos, my mood is so "high"~!

Charlotte said...

WOW! Those winds look crazy. I didn't realise there were such things as hurricane shutters. Thanks for the insight into hurricane living!

I also love the action shot with you jumping from a high place in your wonderful outfit You are such a model!

Love Charlotte x

Anonymous said...

Daisy, your blog is the new highlight of my day. My friends think I'm nuts for talking about how your big sister Pixie likes bananas and how you get your Temptations payoff for modeling - even though you sometimes give your Mommie the bitey. What fun to read about your adventures! And you're such a good writer as well.

MB from the Shenandoah Valley of Va - near Harpers Ferry AND Skyline Drive

Nancy Lindquist-Liedel said...

Wow, I didn't know there were hills like that in Florida!!

meemsnyc said...

Hi Daisy, we love the photo your mommy got of you jumping. What a great photo!! That is a high jump indeed! Those are great mountain photos too!

TheSlyCat said...

OH OH, Harper's Ferry. I've never been but my mom and dad travel near there to visit out Grandbeans. Those are some great pictures Daisy:) Have a great weekend!

Cecil the Cougar: said...

High winds are not nice I do not think. I has not been alive for a hurricane yet because we did not get any last year. Mommie says that was a good thing, but I fink it would maybe be exciting to have just a small one. Just so I could say I was alive for one.

Unknown said...

Very great shots!

L. Alida said...

Oh, your pictures are so neat today. Great examples of "high"! Daisy, you are such an action girl! Even though you have hurricanes I still think Florida would be a nice place to live. Have a really wonderful day!
Hugs and Purrs to you and Pixie,

Cindy said...

I'd be scared to live where there are hurricanes, so I guess I'll stick with Western NY, where we might have some high winds now and then, but no hurricanes.
See my High here.

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

Oh Daisy! You are soooo high up on that railing. You are very brave!

I like all of your HIGH photos.

~ Noah

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Sorry about the above... Anyway- I just wanted to say hi. I love your blog Daisy and I look forward to it every day. Now Stefano reads it too!!! :-)

Laura W said...

Very interesting post with pretty photos, Daisy! I came over to see what the theme is today. I have a good post for high, I think!

Mo and The Purries said...

Daisy, as soon as I saw "high" I KNEW we'd get a picture of Circus Daisy The Gravity Defying Wonder Cat!

Not The Mama

Anonymous said...

Great shots, most especially the one of you jumping Daisy! I'm just glad we rarely have high wonds here.

Anonymous said...

I'm not so fond of high places. You are very brave, Daisy.

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Those are lots of different ways of being high. I like your jump the best!

Shaggy and Scout said...

Great job Daisy! Very thorough!

Anonymous said...

Daisy, those nature pictures are very nice. My Lady and Senor are planning a big trip here in a couple of months. They are going on a cruise for over a week. When they get back, they want to go camping and do some nice outdoor things. We are in Ohio and that Harper's Ferry place in W. Virginia looks really good to My Lady. The Lady is gonna have to look these places up and get more information.

The Whiskers and Purrs Gang said...

Dearest Daisy, is brave to walk on the super-high railing like is what we call a tough chick. That picture of Harpers Ferry is pritty...our mommy is from WV...she has been to that same spot that your mommy was at!

Very truly yours,
The Whiskers & Purrs Gang

crpitt said...

The hiking places look fantastic! I want to go there now :)

Spooky said...

Wow, Daisy! You are so brave! I'm afraid of high places - I don't even like to be picked up.

I remember hurricanes...those were not fun. Sure hope we never see anymore of them.

Anonymous said...

Ooh, Daisy. You and your Mommie are so brave to climb to those high places. Have a lovely weekend!

Gretchen said...

My mom bean used to live in Flordia a bunch of different times when she was younger. She knows what hurricanes are all about, too.

I've been reading you post for the week. I love your pink outfit after you added the diamoneds and the boa.

I aggree, I think jumping beans would not make a good pet. I didn't see it do any jumping, so it must be a very boring pet.

I loved your strollering post. I guessed wrong, of course.


Rebecca Mecomber said...

Wonderful photos, Daisy! You look so elegant on the stair rail. I've never done a scavenger hunt before, so I did it! Thanks. :)

Irishcoda said...

Those are some high pictures particularly of Daisy flying!

Anonymous said...

Daisy you always make me smile. I especially love the "highwater" comment you made about your mommies pants. Too cute!

Wrigley, Cobalt, & Penelope said...

That is an awesome picture of you flying Daisy!! Your beans sure can take good pictures. What kind of camera do they have?

-tnchick- said...

Wow, the action photo is FAB!! Love that! Super photo of you on the rock, too.

Asta said...

I love it especially when you'we flyint thwough the aiw in you billowy dwess..stay away fwom those huwwicany winds!!1 Youw Mommi looks vewy cute in those high photos
smoochie kisses

Anonymous said...

Great photos!! Especially the photos of Daisy and ht one on the mountain. I would have never associated a hurricane with "high". Great idea!

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

Great pics, Daisy! Love the house pics and green grass and palms and stuff.

Randi said...

Hi Daisy!

You could have taken a pic of you with some catnip...I hear that can make a kitty high too!

he he he!

love & licks,

The Devil Dog said...

Those are neat "high" pictures, Daisy. The hurricane coming ones are scary. Have you been through many hurricanes? Don't you get scared? You must be even braver than I thought you already were.


Sassy Kat said...

You should be in the Olympics, I bet you could take a gold medal. I don't think I would like a Hurricane but yet we have to watch out for those tornadoes. We don't have as much waring for those things when they come by. I wouldn't have noticed your mom's pants if you hadn't have said anything, ha, ha,ha. Isn't it great that Momo is home and Miral had a good day on Saturday!!!

Max said...

Whoa...wicked jump!

meemsnyc said...

Daisy, we just read the CNN article where they talked about your blog! How cool!!! Kudos to you.

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

Daisy, I didn't know you could fly! Great picture!!

I'm blogging from my sister's computer. Still in Texas until tomorrow.

The Furry Bambinos said...

Wow!! You are very many talented, Daisy!! You model, do circus stunts, are an expert lizard huntress, and can even fly!! You are very brave to walk on the railing like that. Our Mommy was scared for you!

Padre, Panda Bear, and Meerkat

Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

Excellent photos, Miss Daisy!

Unknown said...

wow your mommy has very nice photos!! Daisy can jump like ninjyas!! wow!

dennis said...

Dennis likes the person sitting on the rocks. This person looks she would be kind to cats.

Anonymous said...

Great photos Daisy.I really like the one of you jumping high in your dress
so cool :)

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