Wacky Wednesday: Making Funny Faces
Sometimes I like to make funny faces. Here is a collection of some silly ones:This might be a yawn. Or I could be very, very angry!
Here you can see my curly whiskers. The curly whiskers on my left side are normal, but the whiskers on my right side always snap off. See how they are very short on that side?

78 Notes for Daisy:
I see you haven't tried the "my big belly's stuck fast in the door and I'm stuck" face... If you do try it take it from me not to do so when their are brother type mancats around, they giggle worse than girls! ;)
Dear Daisy,
These are very good funny faces collections, I am so happy let you share with us~!!!
I think about your right side whiskers, it's really a mystery!! Hehehehe!!!
We enjoy all the many faces that are you Daisy, but we are tickled the most by your curious face and cocked head.
My "I'm staaaaaarving please give me a treat face" is pretty amusing! At least that's what Mommy says!
You sure can make funny faces. Whene are you going to the movies?
We think you make adorable faces...Momma unfortunately has some..unflattering pictures of me...I hope she doesn't get any ideas and publishes those.
Even when you are making faces you are still adorable... how do you do it?
hee hee Daisy, those is cute faces!!!
You are so cute with all those funny faces!
I also make funny faces Daisy, but I am not quite as experienced in making them as you most obviously are. Your yawn/angry face is very good indeed. It scared me a bit and then made me sleepy!
Hi Daisy, great face pulling there. In the UK in Cumbria they have a face pulling competition for humans. They call the face pulling "Gurning" and it's a very old tradition. Perhaps you could enter? ;)
Here's a link to one of the competitions -
With your huge eyes, your faces are truly funny!! :)
Purrs Mickey
Audrey Hepburn starred in a film called Funny Face I think - and you are a bit like Audrey Hepburn because she had loads of character and wore beautiful clothes - just like you Daisy. FAZ
LOL those are some cute and funny faces, Daisy, 'specially the first one!
excellent uses of your face.
I like the first on the very very best!
purrrs to both of you
my favorite is your "yummy" face!!
smiles, auntie bee
I always wondered what was up with your whiskers on the right, but I figured it was impolite to ask. Thanks for clearing up that mystery!
Sometimes I make funny faces. Usually I just have problem with BHS.
Great faces and expressions, Daisy! I have my smiley face, and also my silly face where my tongue sticks out.
Purrs and headbutts,
You look so cute in all of them, Daisy. I love your dainty whiskers.
We are all laughing our butts off over here! We love all your silly faces. You are soo cute!
-The McKitten-Cat
Great faces Daisy, speshally with the pink puff. In the first picture I thought maybe you saw a vishus deer or rude lizard and was screaming at it to go away.
You are so expressive Daisy, it's no wonder you are such a great model. Momma said that your whisker-display pose looks kinda like a Yoda-impression. (?) She assures me that that is a good thing.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
You have some very cute faces, Daisy! I'vebeen known to make a funny face, but Mommy hardly ever manages to get a picture of me while I'm doing it.
Such expressive faces; you're mommy did a great job capturing them! We love 'em all.
P.S. You're whiskers are cute!
I hope that you got some treats when you used your yummy face!
I like all of your funny faces Daisy. You are just so cute! Billie's whiskers on her right side break of too. Maybe you girls need a good conditioner. :)
Have a great day!
Hugs and Purrs to you and Pixie,
I make funny faces too! But yours are super funny. Maybe you need some whisker conditioner for those whiskers that break off?
I do think the first one is vary angery, but all of them are cute.
I make many faces...but my favorite is when I give Meowm my hissy-leave me alone face.
I am kind of partial to your curious face.
We luv all your cute, wacky faces!!! Momma has managed to capture a few of Rossetti's funny faces with the flashy box, but I have eluded her so far. We shall post one of Rossetti today for your viewing pleasure!!!
haha Those are great funny faces! I like to make funny faces but momma is usually to slow with the flashy box. ~Queen Snickers
You make the cutest faces Daisy!! We like the first one! You look very mad and ready to get someone! We make faces, but Mom always misses them with the camera.
Your FL furiends,
Yoor furry cute, and telented, Daisy. We make faces but mom never has da flashy box handy when we do. Mom sez she needs a better camera anyway cuz wif the one she's got she pushes da button, we move, den da flashy happens....
You have the cutest, most expressive face ever! Our favorite is your curious face :)
Daisy, yur the bestest. You haf got to come see Bonnie's face today! It's the evilest yawn I efur sawed!
Dearest Daisy,
Your faces are wacky but...they is a cute-kind-of-wacky!
Very truly yours,
The Whiskers & Purrs Gang
You have a cute face no matter what! Yes, those are very funny cute faces.
Is that a pink feather wand in the last photo? I love pink feather wands a lot. I get excited when mama brings it out to play.
Great collection of faces!
Your faces are excellent Daisy!
Mrs. OZ
I never tire of seeing your nice photos. You really can make some different faces. Some of them are too funny.
I am glad that you got to meet Punkin, I think he is a sweet little puppy. A real cutie.
Your poor right side whiskers. Such a shame.
Cute faces. We think the first is a yawn.
RE: the cheeseball and poking it down Grey's throat. He doesn't do well AT ALL with having stuff poked down his throat. Maw only gave him his thyroid med one time by poking it down his throat. He's a major bitey kinda poodin. major...
Luf, Us
Hee hee - those are some great faces Daisy! We do lots of funny faces, but Mommy never has the flashy box ready!
I love all youw expwessions..You have the most bootiful face with those big eyes ,dainty nose and lipses and I love youw cuwly whiskews..I make some funny faces , but oosooally not when the camewa is awound, hehe
see you at the pawties..pee ess.Joey is pwetty funny I'm suwe he loves anyone coming by
smoochie kisses
Daisy, you make such great faces! I left you an award!
Thanks for the vote Daisy!
We fink that in your furrst pikchur you are saying,"I told you to stop that RIGHT NOW!!!"
We3 like your curious face the best.
I love making funny faces! I like to drop my jaw all of the time but I really like to merf really quietly out one side of my mouth so its like a puff of air.
Daisy, your curious face is one of the cutest things I have ever seen.
My main face is the 'Leave me alone DKM glare'
Oh Daisy! You make the very bestest faces! I like the photo of your whiskers...or lack there of on the right side of your face..my mom/secretary just found a whisker that I dropped today...it does into the whisker vault for safe keeping...
Love & Licks,
Soooo funny! The wee lad laffed and laffed!!!!!
You make some good faces!!
You look so silly Daisy.
We are late visiting everyone today. It's nice to see you.
We make some really funny faces too. ~Scylla, Charybdis & Socks
Haha... these photos are cute especially the squinted eyes and sharp fangs one! I have many around but I'm showing only at appropriate time.
You are such a good actress Daisy. When are you going into "CattyWood"? :)
I am nots sure if I make funny faces, I should have (dare I say this) mommy bean take more pictures of me.
I think you make some interestings faces.
Sorry about your stubby whiskers on the one side Daisy. Fritz has 1 whisker above his eye that curls around and almost goes into his eye. When mom found him as a kitten, he had a real bad case of ringworm, so we think it disturbed his hair folicle. Either that or it's trying to strike back at him for being so ornery.
jackie and gidget
Your funny faces are also very cute. Except that first one, that scared me. You look very mad in that one.
Our kitties only seem to make funny faces when I don't have the camera out :-p
Oh Daisy at least you have some nice whiskers! I like the first face because it conveys attitude not to be messed with!
always get a smile out me here....she is the cutest!!
me like phunny faces!! my mom say I has one too! the first one made me want to run!! you is fierce kittyz!!
Dearest Daisy,
You make my heart sing fur joyz. I has to laugh & laugh in spite of tingz. Look at doze curlee-cued whiskerz! Look at dat funny face! Look at da curry-us eyez. Oh daisy, you are da bomb!
Dr Tweety
Those are great faces, Daisy. Whya re your whiskers shorter on the right side?
Daisy, you are still just as cute regardless of which face you make.
I make funny faces, but mum usually doesn't get them with the flashy box.
You are one expressive kitty! My favorite it the whisker shot. I wonder why the one side is longer than the other??
I like your faces, Daisy! They're all cute!
You have the cutest faces, Daisy ... I like that curious one 'specially!
Hehehe! I like your yawning look! You look F.I.E.R.C.E!!! I too make funny faces like when I scratch myself. I scrunch my face to the side & circle around 360 degrees while scratching my neck.
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Those are some great funny faces!
Is dorky da same sa funny? Cuz Sabi makes dorky faces - hahahaha!
Daisy, your faces are the best! We think you were just yawning in that first one though...
Mr. Chen & Ollie
I like your curious face. You sure look fierce when you yawn
~ Girl girl
You have a very expressive face, Daisy. It makes it pretty easy for your human to figure out what you want. I wonder if the lizards can understand your faces?
You must ask them sometime.
Dennis says all of Daisy's faces are BEAUTIFUL.
Good heavens, Daisy, that first face is scary! Are you roaring at lizards?
Your yawn face is the best!
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