Thoughts on Thursday: Manners are Important
My thoughts today: Manners are important. If you leave poops behind, people will think that you do not have good manners. Lizards are bad because they leave poops everywhere. Yuck!
If you cannot see the animation, you can also click HERE to see it.

67 Notes for Daisy:
Dear Daisy, you are right manners are very important and my mum says you must of been to etiquette school, cause you know all the rules.
I like the animation, it looks like they are poopy chocolate peanuts.
Have a great day, and banana kisses to Miss Pixie.
The animation's so cool, Daisy!
I can really see and feel ur utter flabbergastion with the bad lizard's lack of manners...
U could have a class to teach them etiquette, hmmm... an idea for lizard 'camp'? XD
Have a good morning and lots of fun, Daisy. Scritches for Pixie too. :)
What a naughty lizard!
Rude and unsanitary is no way to go thru life. What an awful lizard!
Rude Lizards! They are everywhere, Daisy.
You were quite correct yesterday. That Hideous Buzzard is a Turkey Buzzard, sometimes even called a Turkey Vulture.
That is a very RUDE & unsanitary lizard. We suggest you go and teach him some manners!
p.s. Mommy says that you are so talented at blogging! How DO you do it! Such great animation!
Daisy, I can see how shocked you are at this lizards rude behavior. I am also shocked that you have allowed him to keep his tail when he is so near your mouth!
Haha... this is way too cool Daisy. I had problems with the kitties for some time. After the frequent scolding from Mama Jess, they finally left those in the toilet. what a relieve for me :)
By the way, you just got featured in my CATSOPHERE magazine.. hehe :P
Lol...Ewww Gross.
Geesh! Those are mighty big poopies those lizards make. YUCK! Bad lizards!
That's a pretty good etiquette lesson. With my recent dog sitting duties I must admit I more and more admire my boyz ability to do there business where they are supposed to and without my assistance...
Dennis says: One thing you need to know about lizards--they are like asparagus spears --made to be eaten. And a little melted butter is good with them too.
Dennis missed Daisy--Dennis has family visiting and has less time to visit all his fave blogs.
You cannot housebreak lizards. Sorry.
Idiots don't know they should use a box, poop heads, no manners
Please share those thoughts with our kitteh, Darien. He pooed in the tub last night!! I was horrified.
Yes manners are important. I think that the lizzard is so rude to not clean up after him/herself. No wonder you are giving him/her a mean face. You go girl!!
Rude lizard!
Wow! Dirty dirty boy!!
Yuck Daisy
You are right, lizards do leave their poop lying all around. We think that they are rude too...
Great animation, we loved it...
HOW RUDE! Daisy - you need to teach them to have manners.
-Jasper McKitten-Cat
PS Great animation!
yes lizards are rude and you are right daisy, all the more reason you should run for president!!
smiles, auntie bee
Oh daisy, thanks for all the kind words. And i love your animation, thats hilarious!
You are so right, Daisy~!
Show those lizards who actually rules!!!!
Although we will say when you get to be a certain age (Georgia) it is not quite such a faux paws to leave a few behind... she does it just at the edge of the litter box so she is not so bad as a lizard!
HA! Nice job on the animation!
That is super duper cool Daisy! And yes, you have to pull yourself along the stairs sideways, that's the best part!
EWWWY gross lizard! Momma is glad they don't come in our house!
Lizards are rude and messy indeed.I guess that means you must be very careful when you go out for a walk ;)
Purrs Mickey
Wow! That is totally fantastic! How did you do it? You are one smart cat!
Nasty, poopy things!!!
Manners are very important, Daisy. Too bad more people don't use them. Perhaps lizards have such small brains that they do not understand this.
Those poops look like jumping beans!
Dear Daisy,
You is right...leavin' poop everywhere is not very nice. Could you maybe help us teach that to Senator Henry Jackson Edward Graves III? He does not believe in usin' a litter box. Mommy says he's an expert at creative poopin'. He ain't right...we keep prayin' for him. Maybe you could talk to him for us?
Very truly yours,
The Whiskers & Purrs Gang
::shock:: OMC! That lizard is very rude! Daisy I hopes you has a plan to teach em's some good manners.
Very naughty lizard.... purrhaps you could turn the tables on him and hypnotize him to use the litterbox... or step into your Easy Bake oven?
We luv your purrfect animation!!!
So maybe that is where the saying "well, Lizzard poop" came from.
I think lizzards are messy and gross.
purrs to you and Pixiekins
Eww lizard poop?! You're right, lizards are rude!
What rude lizards. Lizards are not only rude they are gross.
Maybe you should rethink eating them Daisy, they appear to be unclean creatures.
Scylla, Charybdis & Socks
dennis sent me over here-he says Daisy is the best cat on earth!
Miss Daisy - that is just awful and terribly rude for that lizard to poop right in front of you!
We think you need to teach him a lesson or two.......
Ick! Goodness Daisy, I hope he doesn't expect you to clean up after him! He's very rude and deserves the Easy Bake treatment! Thanks for the smiles honey. :)
Love and Purrs,
maybe you should buy the lizard a book by Emily Post??
Do lizards not have litter boxes? That is very rude of them to leave poop behind! Bad Lizards. I don't think they would make very good house guests.
My goodness, that is one terribly rude lizard! I would not let him in your house ever!
Purrrrrrs, China Cat
P.S. That is terrific animation!!!
Eww, poopy lizards!
You were very nice to not bite that lizards tail, Daisy!
Where's his little baggie? It's only polite to carry a baggie and keep your environment clean. Miss Daisy, I'm afraid you've a very rude lizard on your paws!
Dat is a great animashon Daisy and truly shows yoor shock at how rude that nasty lizzerd is. We have good manners and leave our poops in da litter boks or close to it, right Speedy?
But Daisy, I thought you is trying to catch lizardies. You wants to catch a lizardie that leaves poops behind? Yuck!
Daisy, that rude lizzerd made you look so shocked when he left poops efurrywhere.
Wow, that's rude. Even we buns go in the litter box!
I don't think you would like my sister PooPoo at all! She leaves poop all over the place and she is not even a lizard!
Hhhmmm. Do they have cling-ons?
Luf, Us
Bwhahahah! Poops are so funny. But da surprised look on yur face is efun funnier!
Oh, Daisy... I can't quit giggling! What a hilarious animation! I agree with you, it isn't polite to leave poop around. My little brother, MaoMao, oh I do love him so, but he could use some training in etiquette... one of his favorite games is *gasp* poop hockey!
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn!
lizerd poops is gross!!
I totally agree with you. Lizards have no manners at all. They leave their poos everywhere
~ Girl girl
I don't believe it!!
That lizard was unbelievably rude. How dare he come into your house and poop and then walk away. Toys shouldn't be that rude.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie
Love that animation! How dare that lizard leave "things" behind!
EWWW! Yer lizard friends need to go to finishing school!
I can see the animations! You are so kind not to catch the lizard. The lizard wouldn't survive in the Spice Cats house.
Bad lizard! He didn't have good raising like you did. That's why the lizard has no manners!
Shame on you Lizard!
Uh, those look like your pet jumping beans to me. Do you think the rude lizard ate your pets and then pooped them out??
Great animation.
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