Here is my brand new pink quilted Bed Jacket. It is very soft and cozy! You will never believe this, but I got it from the designer pet clothing section of Target for only $2.49!

Since I am wearing a pink Bed Jacket, I think I should be able to use Pixie's pink bed, right?

I found out that the pink bed can also be turned into a turtle shell. Did you think I was a shiny pink turtle? Not even for a second? Oh. Never mind.

Here I am opening wide for my modeling treats! Sometimes my Mommie just drops the treat right inside my mouth.

This is my thoughtful expression. Even though I am not really thinking about anything important, except how cute my Bed Jacket is.

Fashion Friday: My Bed Jacket
88 Notes for Daisy:
Your bed jacket sure looks very cute Daisy. You're a pawfect model
~ Girl girl
Daisy, I like your bed jacket - it look very soft and comfy! But what I really like is the treat! YUMMY!
It sure cute :D
Daisy, you look very dainty and snuggly. I love you with your mouth open waiting for your treats. You sure work hard.
Me and the niece agree you are the cutest cat model we've ever seen :)
Dearest Daisy,
You work it, girl! You is fierce! We really appreciate the fact that you is showing all the little girl cats out there that it's okay to eat your don't gots to starve yourself to be a super model.
Very truly yours,
The Whiskers & Purrs Gang
That is a nice comfy looking bed jacket, and you nearly had us fooled purrtending to be a turtle.
Your bed jacket looks very relaxing, Daisy. And wow, you have the cutest teefs!
Ooh Daisy, while pink is not exactly my colour I'm totally in love with your new bed jacket! I so want one of those for lazing around in after the kittens leave home, by then I'm really going to deserve something purrty like that I think! :)
Wow! Pink! I love pink!
I hope Pixie didn't bust you laying in her bed :)
Don't you love it when you find a great bargain that looks good too.
Very lovely jacket, Daisy! We DID think you were a turtle for a few seconds. Great disguise.
Purrs, Shade and Goldie
you look very lovely in your beautiful bed jacket!! Does they haf robes for boy kitties?
I like your bed jacket.It would keep you cozy while you are in bed reading your Sunday comics ;)
I'm gonna get Mom to drop treats in my mouth :)
Purrs Mickey
Oh your pink bed jacket is so cute! Scylla, Charybdis & Socks
You's very pretty in pink. As always you are a super model!
We are getting furry sleepy seeing you in your cute bed jacket. Can we come over and snuggle with you?
We liked the nice little touch around the collar of your bed jacket. You know embellishments are so chic and 'in' this year. You look so girly in pink.
You look beautiful as ever in your pink bed jacket. It looks very cozy too.
Purrs, Sukie X
You're such a good Kitty to let your Mommie dress you. My Tex is not so cooperative. In fact i'm pretty sure he laughs at Minnie (the Chihuahua), when she gets dressed. Oh well, even if he is stubborn I sure love that temperamental cat.
You look very lovely in everything you wear.
No, I really don't believe it because we can never find any cute clothes at our Target.
You look more in style than any cat I know. I love your pillow, too.
Lovely bed jacket. I love PINK!!!
This jacket looks so nice on you.
When I first looked... I thouhgt 'oh wow is that one of those shiny pink turtles?'
really I did think that.
purrs to you and Pixiekins
Great Bargain Shopping Daisy! I love Target too! It looks great!
Great fashions today, Daisy. Do bed jackets come in dawg sizes, too?
Treats are good! I have developed a taste for salmon temptations myself. I think I will have to try having Mom drop treats right in my mouth. That looks cool.
That bed coat looks so comfy. I want one. :)
Oh my can Daisy be any cuter in her new jacket -- what a doll!
you sure do a nice job modeling your beautiful bed jacket, I am sure pixie did not object to your use of her bed.
That bed jacket is stunning. Our Target doesn't have a designer pet fashions section, unfortunately.
Daisy, you look beautiful, as usual! WE LOVE YOUR NEW BEDJACKET! Pink is your color!
That looks like a very yummy treat!
your bedjacket is adorable, just like you honey pie!
smiles, auntie bee
YOu look very cute in your bed jacket. Pink is definately your color!
Maggie loves your bed jacket! It's so cute! And I think it was very nice of Pixie to let you use her pink bed.
The turtle picture could be on
Happy Friday!!
-Jasper McKitten-Cat
That's a beautiful bed jacket Daisy! Tar-jay is a great place to shop for darling poodin fashions!
Luf, Us
OH my! I loves your bed jacket so much, I wants one too. Only 2.49 at Targets?? I loves target couture. mombean did not see one when she was at Target last weekend - of course, she sometimes forgets to checks out the pet coutures...
Good Morning Daisy! You look as if you are about to receive a fancy breakfast in bed. Your jacket is so cute! I need to find a nicer Target. I can't find cool kitty stuff at the one I go to sometimes. That is a cool trick with Pixie's bed. I have never seen a hot pink turtle before. :)
I hope You and Pixie have a great Friday!
Hugs and Purrs,
That is a very CUTE bed jacket and you look absolutely darling in it!
Your bed jacket is lovely. It does look good on you in Pixies pink satin bed!
You are doing a very good imitation of a piggybank with mommy dropping the treat in your mouth. Except you'd be a kittybank!!!!
Very nice!
Hey, I also posted your interview today!!! It is at Thanks for doing that for me.
I really do like your bed jacket. You look great on Pixie's pink bed too!
Did we tell you we saw the cutest outfit and the Woman said this would be so perfect for Daisy but then she saw that it cost about $75 and she did not think she could afford that (it is so embarrassing to admit)
I think you look stunning in your pink bedjacket, Daisy!
That is very comfy jacket for sure~!!!
I like it very much, it's very good on you~!!! You are always very good on pink~!
I think borrow Pixie bed for a while will be ok~!
Hello Daisy.
You are such a pretty cat!
I love cats, but unfortunately we do not have any pets in our family because of allergies.
You look adorable as ever, Daisy, but your last photo - you look like you're interested in something outside the window. A squirrel, maybe?
We're sorry to see Cecil the Couger go. We understand you introduced him to blogging. He will be missed. are just gorgeous!!!
Fashionable, and budget-conscious, what a Purrfect Pink Lady!
Not The Mama
u not only are a fabulous model but u do a great turtle imitation and an equally great baby bird imitation. I've never seen a kitty directly fed likecthat before.
Thanks for coming by and leaving a comment.
Actually, Jan never got litter delivered to the door before either. But we came across an opportunity a while ago and volunteered her to test it and then review it. We hope its good litter so she can write a nice review and thank the generous people for sending the tasty cardboard box for Buddy & Samaritan to snack on.
What a lovely bed jacket Daisy! It looks like it would be very cozy on a cool evening.
That is a beautiful bed jacket and it fits you so nicely!
I like the picture of you with your mouth open really wide - it made me laugh and laugh!
I love your bed jacket, Daisy. You are a paragon of style and sophistication.
You is such a perty girly girl. I'm not much into pink my manly meezer self but I wooda liked hiding under that bed!
Dennis thinks daisy looks like Marilyn Monroe
Even the inside of youw mouf is do uyou do it???
It's not always the cost, as any one wif gweat fashion sense knows..if you have the eye and can weaw it well...and you doooo!!!
I love youw bed looks vewy soft and cozy and elegant
smoochie kisses
Daisy, I laughed OUT LOUD when I saw how wide open your mouth was in anticipation of a treat.
You are soooo cute!
You look fabulous in that bed coat!
Very cute bed jacket Daisy, a little more your style than the foil antenna....
Purrrs, Tamra
Hi Daisy!
You look lovely in your new pink bed jacket!
You are such a good model ~ your Mommy must be very proud :)
We hope you and Pixie are having a great Friday!
you are irrestible with your new jacket
That is a very fasionable bed jacket. We can't believe you got it at Target so cheaply!
Only $2.49?! That's a steal of a deal! And you look so good in it, Daisy!
Our local Target never has much in their kittie couture department. Either I need to go more often, or try a different Target.
That is a VARY kyoot bed jakkit!!! I espeshully like the way it duzn't cuvver up yer tummy!
You look like a movie star in that pink jacket!
That really is adorable on you! And you do look kinda like a shiny pink turtle...kinda...
Hey Daisy - maybe the Pink Ladies could go over and leave some nice comments for Angel & Taz's mama. They've got a very long post about her and she needs some purrs.
Wow - you look so regal in pink!
You so look like a real princess. What size do you wear?
How wonderfully pink in honor of Lilly Lu!!! Daisy, we think you should compete on America's Next Top Model! You would win hands and paws down over beans and kitties
Daisy you look so lovely with your pink bed jacket.
Such an extraordinary model.
Daisy, you sure look nice in pink! It's awfully nice to get treats for all that modeling you do!
Kodak, Winton and 3 perf
u know ... sum catz can ware target clothez an make 'em look like dey're frum bloomie'z.
Target has a designer pet clothing section? Not here in Tasmania! I would write a letter of complaint, but I'm not really that into fashions.
You're INCREDIBLY cute!
That's what I love about some of your fashions, Daisy. You demonstrate how a girl kitty can look on a budget.
Oh Daisy, you look just darling in your pink bed jacket, and Mom SQUEED over your last picture -- you look so sweet and contemplative -- Mom wants to rub your sweet little nose!
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn!
Mom NEVER brings ME any kyoot outfits from the designer section of Target!!! Ugh. I wanna have a pretty pink jacket, too. Mmoooommmmmm ...
You look extra kyoot in your outfit an' I like how your momma just drops the treat into your mouf. Yum.
Miss Daisy, my mom made that really weird "squee" sound when she saw yo in your purty pink bed jacket-does that mean you went back to bed after your photo shoot?
Wow, you really have a nice bed jacket. Much prettier than the PJ's we are wearing. Momo, Opus, and Roscoe are staying at my place for the weekend, I think we will have a good time.
oh we love the new bedjacket Daisy. It suits you ~the FLuffy Tribe
Your bed jacket is adorable, Daisy ... great that it didn't cost too much, too!
Your bed jacket is adorable, Daisy. Just like you.
You're so pretty.
Herbie thought that you were a turtle. Nixon and Fatty weren't fooled.
Your bed jacket is really cute & I love that picture of you taking the treat from your mom's fingers!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
You're looking especially perky today!
oooppsss, bcareful on swallowing that treats daisy!
Daisy you look so cute in your bed jacket and you are very thrifty in getting good bargains! The pink bed looks wonderful with your outfit and the treats yummy!
Your FL furiends,
You are quite the fashionista! I love that pretty quilted bed jacket. I think it is quite sexy especially with the pink satin bed.
Are you sure you don't have a mancat for a boyfriend....
HOO HOO HOO!!! Aw, man, you look SOOO funny as the pink turtle!
Milo the cutest cat
from New York (not city, lol!)
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