Photo Hunters #64: Twisted
The Photo Hunters theme this week is twisted. Here is a picture of my tongue, all twisted up!
Here is a picture of what my ears do when I twist my head really quickly. And they make a sound like this: flap, flap, flap, flap, flap.

60 Notes for Daisy:
Hi Daisy - we are waving from over hte ocean here - on school holidays for two whole weeks!
Your PhotoHunt twist pictures are just dandy. :)
Help!! Someone please get Daisy to a vet! Her tongue is twisted... haha. That's a cute way to show us how good you are in tongue twisting. Now try saying these words, "The sea shells go sunning under the shiny sea shore" :P <-- see I can pull out my tongue too but it is not twisted .. hehe
You always have the purrfect pics for photohunt. I love your twisted tongue!
Daisy, even your tongue and ears are talented! You are the cutest and most clever little curly girl!
Daisy you are cute. You even haf a curly tongue.
Cute pictures and great idea for the theme.
I bet you taste like sugar and spice!!
Wow! That is really clever, daisy. I can twist mine too but I didn't think of taking a photo. Well done.
Oh Daisy, you twisty cat you!!!! I bet you're the envy of the 'hood!!! PURRfect photos as always.
I'm Twisted! Drop by if you can. Happy Hunting.
I love the one with the twisted ears!
Cute cat!
Didn't realize you were such a twisted sister. Ha Ha! I know, that was a bit lame.
"Wow" Daisy not only are you cute but very talented too :)
well honey you are one cute little twisted sister i say!
smiles, auntie bee
You look sooo cute with your twisted ears. It needs a special photographer to capture that.
Purrs, sukie, livvie & mitzi X
I love your TWISTED tongue!!
TWISTING yourself into a pretzel is neat too. I do it and Mom always laughs,because she can't do that ;)
Purrs Mickey
You really got some show stopping moments. Looks like a very active cat!
Very cool! :) Makes for a clean coat, right?! Great shot.
Daisy, your little pink tongue is so cute!
That was a nice "twist" on photo hunt!
Cute photos, Daisy. My dog does the ear flap too.
Are you licking the table? 0_o
You bring new meaning to the phrase "tongue twister", Daisy. Love your pictures!
My take on "twisted" is Here
Hi Daisy!!! Wow, cute twisted tongue!!! How do you do that???
We like doing the cat pretzel thing too.
You look adorable as always in your photos. ~Socks, Scylla, & Charybdis
Cute little pink tongue! LOL!
I did a Photo Hunt, too. It's a little different. I suppose it is a combination of last week's topic and this week's topic.
Your twisted tongue is very cute, Daisy! All your photos are fabulous.
Oah Daisy, this is a great sample of twisted~!!!
Your mommy is the best your personal photographer!!
You are the master (or should we say mistress ... hee hee) of the twist, Daisy!
Purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam and Simon
We love your TWISTED pictures for today's Photo Hunt!! Especailly your little tongue!!
Your FL furiends,
You are twisted for sure Miss Daisy. Special purrs for you friends in the fire.
I woulds worry if you tasted likes a pretzel. The big male bean here's likes em, he may mistake you for the real things!
I love the tongue twisting pic! Really cool... Wished I could too that too.
maybe u should be daisy the twisted cat instead of daisy the curly cat... and maybe if u flap yer ears fast enough and catch the right draft you'll be able to fly...
ps I like your suggestion of getting your operation set out. let me know if u find the hemoglobin bone...
Oh Daisy. Those are just too fabulous. I think YOU deserve to win the pictures of the day. =) I am super impressed with your mommy's picture taking skills. I love that she captured your head shake. lol
Daisy, au contraire! I bet you taste just like a furry pretzel! Have a great weekend.
Purrfect "twisted" photos! I adore the one of your beautiful "twisted" tongue!
Oh Daisy, I love your twisted little tongue.
Sending hugs today,
Not The Mama
You have a lovely little twisted tongue!
You've got an amazing tongue Daisy! And I wike it when you show us how your ears go fwap fwap fwap!
I love those pictures of you daisy. The one of your tongue is especially cute :)
wow what an amazing photo shot....daisy, yur mom is sooo smart.....
What a great closeup of your twisty tongue Daisy! I call Cricket a twisted little sister, but that's because she's so darn naughty!
I hope you and Pixie and Mommy have a really happy day!
Hugs and Purrs,
Hahaha, Aunt Bee sed twisted sister...we don't know why mom is laffing we think yoor twistings is cute.
I like your twisty tongue, Daisy, I wonder if you've ever accidentally tied it into a knot?
That's amazing that you can do such things with your tongue & ears!!!
I love the curly whiskers the most. Do your ears really go flap-flap loud enough to hear? That's fantastic. Beautiful as always, Daisy.
My eaws twist inside out sometimes but that's it..Iwish I was as flexible as you
smoochie kisses on youw twisty tongue
Haha! You do cat pretzel very well :-D
That is pretty magical the way you can twist your tongue, Daisy.
Your ears look cute!
~ Bob and Patrick
You are one twisted kitty!!
Good posties this week, Daisy! I don't think I'm as good at twisting my tongue as you are.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
Yeah, flap flap flap flap.
I know that sound.
Your tongue is really cool all rolled up like that :-)
great photo examples of twist!
Can't wait to see tomorrow's comic!
Great pictures!
Hi Daisy, good choices for your twisted Saturday pictures! :D
My Daisy you are quite talented!
You are very twisty indeed! How do you do that?
Mine is no where near as cute as you Daisy, but its definitely twisted!
Cute little nose Miss Daisy!
You look very twisted, Daisy. But how do you really know you don't taste like a pretzel? Have someone really been eating you?
Worried sniffs,
the Wriggles
We love seeing your tongue and ears. They are soooo cute, we especially love your ears.
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