Sunday Comics with Daisy!
I did not make ANY money from my lemonade stand. I decided I would rather have a desk job, anyway.

PS: My thoughts are still with Lilly Lu, Mu Shue, Iris and mom Laura. Please read the post below to see how you can get free pet safety stickers from the ASPCA.

I am also very sad to report that I just learned this morning that my friend Miral went to the Rainbow Bridge yesterday after being recently diagnosed with Dilated Cardiomyopathy. I will miss you, sweet Miral.

58 Notes for Daisy:
.......waht a heavy weekend.....
Oh, Daisy, such a funny comic to cheer us up. You are right, the best birthday present would be good news about Lilly Lu, Mue Shue, and Iris for Mom Laura!! Good idea--I will edit my post!!!
gesh....8 years old is so very young..i lost me Cody at 8 years old...9 years ago now...i still think of him...and miss him....what a heart break these guys give us...and yet...i have 7 heartbreaks with me now...
Dear Daisy,
This is michico from the airport, I am at Free Internet Access. I just have to get online and see your post, and report to Adan.
I think I will ask Arion help Adan post, but I don't know if he could type in English, so we will see. Meanwhile, certainly Adan asks me to help him blog, so....I will try to contact him.
I think you could have more way to make money, I bet you are going to find the best way.
I am very very sorry about Miral, this is very sad news.
I will miss you very much, thanks for the wish!!
Best Regards
Thanks for the comic. Something to smile about during this very upsetting weekend.
purrs, Shade and Goldie
Daisy you are a good girl for trying to make us all smile. Maybe you should have been more polite to your customers? I can't wait to see what else you do to raise moneys. I think you should start your own cat fashion line.
Poppy Q
I am so sorry. Rest in peace, Miral.
daisy darling, as sarge always says: "werk sucks"... take a little nap honey!
auntie bee will be back in a week... i shall miss you but i will catch up when i get back. be a good girl!
smiles, auntie bee
Daisy, you were completely professional and forthcoming in saying "no, but if you buy three, I get a bonus". That's about as honest a salescat as anyone could hope for. We're very surprised you were not more successful.
This is a heartbreaking time in the blogopshere. Thank goodness we all have each other to lean on.
Daisy, thank you for the great comic to cheer us up. We can always count on you to bring a smile to Mommy's face!
I must agree Daisy,get rich quick is hard to do! But don't give up.You just never know :)
I am purraying for our friends too.
Purrs Mickey
Daisy: So sorry about the loss of your dear friend.
About the money making: telemarketing is hard, isn't it? Have you considered professional modeling? With your looks and flair, you're unbeatable.
Thanks for making us smile today Daisy. It's been such a sad few days...
Sp sorry to hear about Miral....this is so sad.
My mom has to sell stuff too and sometimes it is really hard.
This weekend is very hard for all the kittys and beans! I am hopings that something happy will happen soon!!!
Dennis loves loves loves Daisy's comics and Daisy, Daisy, Daisy!
You'd think talking on the phone for money would be easy, wouldn't you? It's too bad you couldn't convince anyone to help you with your bonus.
Still purraying for good news...
We thinks all kitties must hurry hurry up and get listed in the "Do Not Call" Registry... or Daisy will drive us Crazy. Crazy Daisy, that rhymes.
Thank you for today's cheer up, as we've been sad by all the news of our friends troubles...
Time heals.
hi daisy! that is a grate comic. I do not knows what kind of job I would like but I think dadbean wants to be a pro-fesional video game player because he does that all day. we don't think it is as fun as chasing toys though. maybe I will be a pro-fessional toy chaser, I am very good.
Daisy, you're right. Sales can be hard, especially phone sales.
Sorry to hear about all your friends. Will keep everyone in my thoughts...
if a telemarketer was that direct and honest with ne, I'd be more apt to buy their goods.
the safety stickers are such a simple but great idea.
We are so sorry about Miral and are still purring and purraying that Lilly Lu, Iris and Mu Shue will be okay. We also think that you should forget about work and just be a lady of leisure!
Purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam and Simon
I cannot believe how upset I am by Miral going to rainbow bridge. I didn't know her, but I am really hurting.
She looked like she was such a beautiful cat in every way.
I now realize that cat blogging is going to really hurt at times. It's almost like losing your own pet.
I love your comic strip :O) had a job like that once, except she took incoming calls from people who wanted to order something. They still were nasty & rude sometimes.
We are very worried about lilly lu, mue shue & iris. gosh we hope they are found. They must be so frightened if they made it through the fire.
Paws & tails are all crossed here.
Daisy, making money is very difficult. If it were so easy, don't you think everyone would be rich? Keep trying though. You have a positive attitude, which is a very good thing.
Luf, Us
I do not think I should like that job at all Daisy!
Such a sad week for the cats and the humans. But we did get a good laugh from your comic today, Daisy. Thank you for cheering us up.
Your comic sure cheered us up in an otherwise sad and rainy weekend. We keep our paws crossed for a good outcome!
The WriggleButts
We just can't stand all this sad news, Daisy. It's too too TOO much! At least we had your funnies to make us smile.
Very truly yours,
The Whiskers & Purrs Gang
We are sooooo relieved you gave up telemarketing since Jan hates them.
We are also sad for Miral's family and hoping Laura's kitties will be found soon.
Your comics always cheer me up and that is just what I needed today. I am so sad about Miral going to the Rainbow Bridge and about that terrible fire in Laura's house. I am hoping that the missing kitties are found safe. Just been a bad week.
Thank you for your comic Daisy. We needed the smile today.
We are so worried about MuShue, LillyLu and Iris and are sending comfort thoughts to Miral's family.
Hi sweet Daisy. Maybe if you did door to door in your stroller you would sell more. You're so cute no one could resist.
The news of the 3 kitties in the fire and of Miral going to the bridge hurt my heart. Thank you for bringing sunshine to a very dreary month of April.
Love and Hugs,
This has been a very sad weekend in the Cat Blogosphere. We are purrrrring hard for Miral's family and for Mom Laura, Lilly Lu, Iris and Mu Shue.
Hi Daisy, Thanks for cheering us up on such a sad weekend!
Padre, Panda Bear, and Meerkat
Wow Daisy, you look so hard at work in your telemarketing gig.
You are a busy girl Daisy! We are sad to hear all the sad news this weekend.
we are purring for a miracle.
Hi Daisy,
Your comic put a much-needed smile on my face.
HUGS to you & Pixie and your Mommie!
Not The Mama
DKM had to do that a long time ago... she hated it!
Haha. Daisy. You should have tried this:
Cute comic made me smile.It's a sad time.
I am so sad about Miral..I pwayed so hawd..and now those poow kids in the fiwe..I hope thewe is a miwacle...
I hope you find a bettew way to make money sweet Daisy
smoochie kisses
Drat. We had not heard about Miral. Now mom is unhappy. Your comic is very funny, though.
Daisy what would we do without your comics to cheer us up at this sad time.
Oh Daisy I will buy your productz!! anything you sell I buy!!
Jobs should be fun. When they are not they make us sad. We thought you already had a job chasing leezards? Yoo mean yoo don't get paid to do dat?
Thank you for making me smile, dear! Your comics are precious. *smile*
We Ballicai are so sad about sweet Miral, and we are purring as hard as we can for Lilly Lu, Mu Shue, and Iris.
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn.
hehehe, yur comicks always make us Ballicai laff! We are purrin fur sweet Miral's fambly and we are purrin so hard that Lilly Lu, Mu Shue, and Iris are okay.
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
We certainly needed your comics today, Daisy. I have a question, what do you need all this money for?
We are so glad to hear the kitties were found safe and sound!!!
Telemarketers are no fun. I bet a lot of other callers hung up on you. :-(
I really love the tummy shot in the therd panul.
Hi Daisy, you are really funny. love the pictures
take care
paws up
That was pretty funny!
This weekend has been a REALLY difficult one.
Such sad news. But I read where the others were found, and that is a relief. I follow the noos on catblogosphere so I had heard what happened.
Thank goodness for your comics, Daisy. And this one has a moral at the end. Are you going to publish a book of these?
If only all telemarketers were as honest as you, Daisy! OMC, Miral was only 8!!! I'm 8.
Yeah, I do not think that is the job for you. There has to be something else you can do to make money. I'm sure you'll find it soon!
We are sad about Miral, but glad from Lilly Lu et al.
We loved the cartoon. We felt bad fer you at first, but The Big Thing splained it to us. He said that cats are strat-ferword an honest, so we make bad saleskitties. It seems our sneakiness is fisical, not "fiscal"!
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