A Typical Spring Day
Look! I'm in Florida, visiting Daisy! Daisy said I could bring all the snow I wanted, but I've had it with the snow, so I decided to leave it in New Hampster! The weather here in Florida is so gorgeous, sunny and warm. I've got my shades and I'm heading out to the beach. I'm going to try some surfing. I'm going to have some fish tacos… (actually, I wonder if Daisy and I can find some lizard tacos?) Afterward, I'm going to hit the shops, and later, some hot Latin Salsa Dancing!
The best part? NO SNOW!

ps: You can visit Monty Q's blog to see what else I have been up to today!

83 Notes for Daisy:
April Fools to you Miss Daisy. Don't you look a delight with your tongue sticking out!!! I wonder where I will post today!! I hope you finds me.
By the way, I almost believed they would accept a painting by you.
Poppy Q
Thank you for this April fools joke for me, Daisy~!
I have fun with it~!!!
Michico is very easy to be fooled, Arion always make jokes to her, drives her very mad all the time~~
But I think I like your jokes, it's ok and cute to me!!!
Your funny smile also makes me smile, very touching my heart!
What a fun joke! Happy April Fools' Day!
Oh that's so funny Daisy! :) I however have some good news that isn't a joke... It came yesterday so I know it's all true! :)
Millie looks good as a Florida kitty...;)
My spring break lasts until June.
APRIL FOOLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!;~)
(It ended yesterday.)
Hahaha....happy Apwil Fool! You had me there for a while, Daisy!
You look seriously adorable when you laugh Daisy! Happy April...my favorite month!
ha ha ha, i am laughing so much daisy, you really got me! what a good joke!
smiles, auntie bee
OOPS! You got us Daisy!
ha ha ha daisy
I was so excited about the museum, mommie was not so nice today. Your friend looks great with those cool shades, lizard taco, oh my
Millie wants to try some surfing? I got Gretchen lookin' like The Big Kahuna out there!
Lizard tacos!!!!! I'll steal mommy's car keys and drive down to join you two! I sense another kitty road trip!
Happy April Fool's! ;)
tell your mom that she should rent the movie 'my kid could paint that.' she might change her mind about your paintings...
He he he!!! I really loved that!!!!
That's what ya gotta do sometimes Daisy,stick out your tongue!!!!
I hope you played an April Fools joke on your Mom ;)
Purrs Mickey
weeee me want to join you paitingz!! you is such talent kitty!! me love it! happy April fools day!
I think MOMA would be highly complimented by your work, Miss Daisy..maybe they'll even put one of your works on an umbrella, like that Monet guy!
Hi Millie!
Daisy....I think your artwork is spectacular!
Happy April's Fool to you Dear Miss Daisy...
Daisy, I must congratulate you on your artwork. You have real talent.
That was not a nice April Fools Daisy! That was sort of mean wasn't it. I bet your art was good enough to do that!
I think they should except your painting! ~Queen Snickers
We think your painting is great. You tricked us twice today!!! Good job Daisy! We'll have to think all year to come up with a good trick to play on you next year...
Ha ha ha. Good luck finding me. Mom, in her infinite wisdom, put neither my name nor my picture on the blog that got posted somewhere, far away. I will give you a hint, I am not on this continent. And if you can't figure out who wrote the blog, then you know it is me!
Oh, and btw, mom thinks your artwork is good enough for the MOMA contemporary section. We think you should submit it anyway.
Nice tongue.
You and Millie had me fooled Daisy! I love the picture of you with your tongue out. :) Happy April Fools Day! Lots of hugs and purrs to you and Pixie,
WOW I really believed they accepted your paintings!
All this bloghopping is craziness! Millie on Daisy's, Eric and Flynn on PB&J's, Fat Eric on Kellie's, Latte on Kashim and Othello, PB&J on Camies, and the list goes on!!!
I love your art work. I would be very proud to hang your artwork on my fridge!
-Jasper McKitten-Cat
PS your pictures today cracked me up!
Daisy, even though the art museum offer was a joke (and a cruel one at that!) leave it to you to think of the fashions you could wear as an artist. We think you would be quite saucy in a beret!
April Fools To You,
Miss Daisy!
Not The Mama
this was a really funny joke today!
Happy april Fools day to you!
Daisy, we think your painting DOES deserve to be in a museum... A cat museum at least!
Your April Fool's jokes were very fun!
Hee hee hee! Happy April Fools! Hi Millie!
Oh Daisy you got a joke on you - that's not nearly as fun!
Switching blogs today has been so much fun!
Hi Millie!! I hope that sun melts all of your snow once and for all!
Dennis didn't get fooled yet.
Dennis thinks Daisy is another Matisse in the making! Keep painting!
Oh, Daisy, don't you just hate it when someone plays a trick on you like that?
aaahhhhh...poor Daisy. It's not nice when the joke is on you eh? :) I think your paintings are lovely! Great use of color and form. *giggle*
So silly! Happy April Fools!
ROFL! That picture of you sticking your tongue out, Daisy, is priceless! Now THAT can go in the Museum of Modern Art!
Hahaha! Daisy, you could certainly do anything you set your mind to! Do you think you could find a pink beret?
How neat, Daisy. A nice joke for everyone, including you.
We like Millie in her shades.
We hope you and Millie have fun together!
We love the picture of you sticking out your tongue Daisy. You always have the best pictures to make us and the beans laugh! Our bean always calls her mom to have her look at your silly pictures. :-)
You look so sweet! Funny girlie!
You always make us smile. Thanks for being you, my dear!
Mommy forgot today was April 1st. ~Scylla, Charybids & Socks
You fooled us Daisy! Happy April Fools Day!
Happy April Fools Day! These are funny.
I thought I was visiting the wrong blog. haha. Happy April Fool's!
I haven't been around long so it is very confusing to me. I don't know who is who any more :O) I love your tongue.
Sukie X
You tricked us, Daisy! hee hee
Momma's boss was in your town last week. She asked him if he saw you, but he didn't. :(
Well, one good joke deserves another, I guess. The first one was more fun, I will say that. Happy April Fools anyway, Daisy.
Oh, Miss Daisy ... You are an excellent April Fool's Day prankster!
Those are some great pictures of your cat. Especially the one of the cat sticking his tongue out and the squinty eyed one. Those both made me laugh out loud. Thanks.
Gosh Daisy..you got me fooled there :( Anyway, your tongue look brightened up my day. I had a tough time with the J family and a stray last few days.
Thanks for the laugh! :P
Daisy, you just get cuter with each passing day!
Oh, Daisy....Mommy missed you so much! She is FINALLY back so that we can start catching up on the blogs! She will have some pictures on the blog tomorrow. She only took 600 pictures....silly lady!
haha, that's another one found. Happy April Fool's Day.
ooooo hot Latin salsa dancing sounds like lots of fun!
We know what you've been up to, Daisy...
Skeezix told evaryone yer big sekret about him being yer babie's daddy!!!!
HAHAHA, April Fools!
dat wuzza grate april foolz day joke.
i luv yer paintinz. can i buy one?
jus wunderin.
Happy April Fools to you Daisy!
Those were cute jokes - Happy April Fool's Day, Daisy!
your cat with glasses......next time I also 1 2 put glasses onto my "adai"(my buuny=))
Hahahahaha - we saw you at Monty Q. - hahahahahahah - happy April Fools Day!
Oh Daisy!!! I waz tinkin' dat mebbe you waz gonna gets your 15 minuets of fame! dangnabbit.
I'm so confused.
Happy APril Fool's Day, Daisy, look like you had some fun. Way to go.
Mindy & MOe
Dat was not a furry nice joke yoor mommy played on you. Jokes are only funny if both of yoo laff!
I think that your paintings are very good. Maybe you really should get the beret and show your mommy that you really are an artist! Millie sure surprised me on your blog today! What a fun April Fool's Day!
Purrrrrrrs, China Cat
LOL Happy April Fools!
Oh april fools day.. You look cute sticking out your tongue..
~ Girl girl
Oh, you're very funny. Happy (almost over) April Fools.
WOWY - yu gots a long tongue. Maybe you and Gene Simmons is related.
` Did anyone ever tell you that you're soooo cute when you're disappointed?
Daisy, that last picture is so perfect, the reaction of one who's had a prank played on them! Loved all the pictures and the story that went with it :D
I do not think your Mommie's April Fool's joke was funny, either.
We told the two oldest I was pregnant. My husband smirked and gave it away, but for a moment there, PANIC! snort.
You must have enjoyed the spring time with so many fun working.
I think your paintings would be great, Daisy. And that's coming from someone who used to have a membership at the Museum of Modern Art.
Goodness Daisy, do we have an upcoming artist in our midst?? I thought you were doing just fine without it being an April Fools joke. Enjoyed your picture with your collar on Louche Tabby site. Very colorful.
Lol..Well me and the niece love your painting your a great artist :)
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