Saturday, May 24, 2008

Photo Hunters: Shoes

The Photo Hunters theme today is shoes. Here I am playing around in my Mommie's closet. You can see some of her shoes. Most of them are very ugly. Here are two pairs of shoes: one pair belongs to me and another pair belongs to my Mommie. Can you guess which is which?
You are right! The ugly Dr. Martens Mary Jane shoes belong to my Mommie.
These are my cute pink bunny slippers. I hate them, because I do not like anything on my feets. I will wear almost any outfit, but I do not tolerate anything on my feets. Even very cute bunny slippers.
"Hey, bunny slippers! Get away from me! Scram!"


67 Notes for Daisy:

Brownie said...

Daisy, you forgot to post the 'vote for me in the stifler's contest'

I fink the big shoes are yours, because you can sleep there, and the others are frum yer mommy, when she wuz little

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

I think if the style is not fit you, even the shoes is pink still you won't like it!!
Your mommy has lot of shoes!

Poppy Q said...

I think my mums shoes are ugly too!! Our mommies must be old!

Your moms shoe cupboard is nice and tidy though and looks a great place to play in.

Have a nice weekend in Florida miss Ds fambly.

eastcoastlife said...

You are right. Dr Martens are ugly shoes. I love your pink shoes. They are cute.

tanabata said...

Cute shoes. But you're right. I don't think they're your style. ;)

Felix, Garfield & Jawsy said...

Daisy, u are most entitled to have this unbreakable rule regarding footwear, even though they are pink and cute. There's no substitution for comfort!
Hmmm, those big shoes are not THAT ugly, but they SHOULD remain in the closet... tee hee
Here's 4 {{{{BIG HUGS}}}} to you and Ms. Pixie in memory and tribute to precious Bonnie.
Purrs and kissies,

mister jeter harris, hizself said...

ah ... shoez.
i miself don't like 'em ... an mi mom duzzen't like 'em either becuz she wood rather walk arown barefoot ... (me too.)
da dr. martenz mary jane shoez ar so attraktiv.

Anonymous said...

Daisy, your bunny slippers are adorable. But don't you need another pair? Maybe if all four footies had slippers you would feel more "balanced"!

Your Mom has lots of shoes! And so neat! Our Mom hates shoes, and mostly wears sandals, unless it's really c-c-c-cold.

Anonymous said...

Gotta love those bunny slippers,.. but how come there are only two???? Mum sure has a lot of shoes! Have a great week.

Anonymous said...

Oh Daisy, your Mum's shoes look comfortable and practical - they aren't ugly at all! Your little slippers are very cute.

Ramses said...

My Mummy has ugly shoes too, though for some reason Tigmut'hep loves them all... I told you he's got real problems, now you have the written proof! ;)

Mickey's Musings said...

I think your shoes are much cuter too Daisy!! Too bad you do not like to wear them. I do not wear shoes either :)
Purrs Mickey

Anonymous said...

Looks like Daisy loves her shoes too. The pink ones are so cute :)

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

It sure looks like you don't like those Bunny Shoes!


~ Bandit

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We wouldn't wear shoes either, but your pink bunny slippers are cute. Maybe you could use them furr whapping practice.

Sabrina, Sam and Simon said...

We think you should bunny kick your bunny slippers since you don't like them, Daisy! Hee hee!
Sabrina, Sam and Simon

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

We love the pink bunny shoes. They would make a nice toy. Give them a good whap and bitey and see if it's not fun.

Mommy is green with envy over your Mom's shoe closet. What is it with Moms and shoes? Barefoot is best. ~Socks, Scylla & Charybdis

Parker said...

Daisy, my Mommy has the same pair of shoes.
And I kind of agree with you, your pink slippers are much cuter!

Team Tabby said...

Daisy, your mommy's shoe shelves look like a fun place to explore! Did you knock any off? ha, ha. We like your pink bunny slippers the best too - because they are pink and go with your furs.

Have a great day, Daisy and say hello to Pixie for us, thanks.

Mindy & Moe

Hootin Anni said...

Oh dang...that top photo is a prize!!!

My shoes are posted! Finally.

Sarge Charlie said...

daisy, your bunny slippers crack me up.
Remember those who died for your freedom.

Dear Lord, lest I continue in my complacent ways, help me to remember that someone died for me today. And if there be war, help me to remember to ask and to answer “am I worth dying for?”~

Eleanor Roosevelt

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

Daisy, you don't need shoes on those cute feetsies!!!

(((((HUGSSSSS))))) from all the Taylor CatSSSSS!

Anonymous said...

I love those adorable pink bunny slippers! Aw, Daisy, why won't you wear them?

Babs (Beetle) said...

MB couldn't stop laughing at the second photo! She wanted to see you wearing them.

Anonymous said...

Luckily, even though you hate wearing the bunny slippers, they look like loads of fun to play with.

jenianddean said...

My mom is so jealous of your mommie's shoe closet. She has been trying to get dad to help her finish her shoe racks so her shoes would be as neat as your mommie's.

I do love your bunny slippers, but I can understand not wanting anything on your feet. Toesies should be free!!

Happy photohunters!!
-Jasper McKitten-Cat

PS My mom has ugly Dr. Marten's too.

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Those are terrific shoe photos, Daisy! We didn't have any good photos of shoes, so didn't participate in the Photo Hunt this week.

The Meezers have started a hug-a-thon, so here are some *hugs* for everyone at your place!

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

I odn't like anything on my feets either, but I do like my mom to massage my back feets, only my back feets.

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

honey i don't like things on my feets either but sometimes in order to be "uber cute" you just have to suck it up and wear them! they are so cute, you really should try for the sake of adorableness....

smiles, bee

Victor Tabbycat said...

Kitties do NOT wear shoes. You tell them cute wittle bunny slippers to stay offa yur feets.

Fanks, Daisy fur yur kind werds of support. We will miss Bonnie furry much. She was proud to be a Pink Lady, efun fur such a short time. Pleez amember her wif smiles.

marcia@joyismygoal said...

Love the looking up perspective and the tour guide makes it:)

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

Such cute bunny slippers! They would go very well with our bunny ears.

Anonymous said...

Oh but that shoe closet looks a fun place to play! But not so much the indignity of having to wear slippers. Oh noes!

Nomi said...

A hole closet just fur shues !! My miewmie hides her few miserable looking pairs wight at the top of the ward robe where I can't weech em. Just as well weely. I luf your pink shoesies, shame you dont wear them on your puddies. Not efen for a foto shute???

Kimo and Sabi said...

Yer momma could use some of yer fashion advice and update her shoe closet! Our blurpy sisser gots some slipper like yers! We don't likes shoes on our feets either.

Shaggy and Scout said...

Those bunny slippers have a somewhat creepy eerieness to them. They look like the are Not To Be Trusted.
Your mom's shoes are good for hiding stuff in however. Like a secret stash of Temptations or some fuzzy mice.

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Wow, those are lots of shoes. I don't blame you for not liking to wear them though!


Black Cat said...

I love both pairs of shoes. Dr Marten's are very comfortable - wish I had some! Wish I had lovely neat shoe shelves too. Mine live in the bottom of my wardrobe and on my bedroom floor. ::Sigh!:: Why can't I be tidy and organised like your Mommie?! {{{{{HUGS}}}} to you and Pixiekins:) xxx

The Misadventures Of Me said...

Mommy bean hadid a pair of those black shoes too. She says they was comfortables. I understands why you don'ts want your feets with anythings on them, we kittys was made to be bare pawed!

Irishcoda said...

Aw, just love dem booties, Daisy!
from all of us to all of you

Anonymous said...

Very cool shots, Daisy. :)
Happy Hunting. I hope you can come visit me and see the kid's Patriotic Shoes.

CastoCreations said...

Oh Daisy those are SO cute! But I can see how you might not like them on your feet. :)

Thanks for telling Trooper not to eat my shoes. We try to keep him very tired and busy so he won't be tempted. *giggle*

Tesla and Hansel said...

i sink i wud like ta eat dem buns.

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

Mommies always have ugly shoes. I don't know why. We live in the woods that's why I figured the PM let herself go.


Donna said...

You've got so much style, Daisy, you could make the pink slippers look great.

Anonymous said...

Nice pics, Daisy. The fluffy pink slippers look cute, but I can understand why you wouldn't want your paws in anything. Have a lovely, purry weekend!

Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

I like your furry cute bunny slippers, Miss Daisy!

Anonymous said...

I think your mum's shoes look quite tasty!

HRH Yao-Lin said...

Daisy - My human would DIE for a shoe closet like that! All her shoes are scattered around on the floor!

My human loves those dm's! She says they are the best shoes in the world - comfy and they last forever! Plus they look a bit hippy/grunge which is a look my human loves! x

Anonymous said...

I just loooove you Daisy. I showed my cat Boots and Xena your pictures and they think their mom should start showing them off too.

Maybe I will!

dennis said...

Dennis says Yikes! Your mommy likes to hike. She needs sturdy shoes for that.

I think the dainty pink comfy looking ones are yours.

mister jeter harris, hizself said...

hugz an mor hugz frum jh

Anonymous said...

Oh the pink ones are SO cute!! :) Pyewacket says hi. :)

Honey P. Sunshine said...

my mommies shoes smell real gud and i like to roll all ofur them

Evergreen loves Kilroy said...

Ha ha ha! Daisy, you're so cute! I can't even imagine you in those bunny slippers, though.

Skeezix the Cat said...

Are thoze perpul Croks yer standing next to in the shoo clozit? Cuz the FL has sum like thoze. She has them in pink too, and I like thoze better.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Wow! Yer Mommy sure loves brown shoes! Or was that just the brown shoe shelves of a larger collection?

Sassy Kat said...

Boy you sure don't mess around when you don't like something. Those slippers must be certainly afraid, if slippers could feel afraid.
Sending you hugs in memory of Bonnie Underfoot.
Sassy & Momo

Jans Funny Farm said...

Daisy, Your pink shoes are cute but we understand you not liking to wear them.

We stopped by to give you {{{{{HUGS}}}}} from all of us at JFF, in memory of Bonnie Underfoot.

The Devil Dog said...

Those are very funny bunny slippers, Daisy. Your mom has a really big shoe closet. Lucky her.


Sushi said...

Hi Daisy, you are even more posh than Victoria Beckham! Mama loved your robe and your slippers. She wants to buy the same ones for herself. Sorry you have very hot weather in the summer, sometimes it can be unbearable. Thanks for the explanation on the E drops. Good to know you have some friends like me. Have a great week!

Anonymous said...

Everytime I visit, you make me laugh with your short picture stories.

I am going to have to add your link to my blog.

You tell those pink bunny slips to take a hike.

SnoopyTheGoon said...

I was wondering how you will succeed integrating Daisy with the shoes.
Now I know ;-)

Have a great weekend!

Sunny's Mommy said...

I like your shoes best. They're cute, and pink :-D

Rosa's Yummy Yums said...

Such a beautiful kitty! I love the slippers ;-P!



Anonymous said...

Really a huge collection. I have a 12 pairs of shoes in my collection. I want to full my closet with more designer shoes.

-tnchick- said...

that first photo rocks... totally love it

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