I have many, many toys, but I just got a new toy from
The Snow Leopard Trust that is extra-special. I first read about this toy from my friends
Elmo, Maurice and Pixie. This special mousie was handmade in Mongolia! I think that might be much farther away than even California.

Snow Leopard Trust was founded in 1981, and is the largest and oldest organization working solely to protect the endangered snow leopard and its Central Asian habitat. Here is a picture of a beautiful snow leopard.
Photo credit: Photo by Dennis Conner. Courtesy of Snow Leopard Trust.
Here is the tag that came with my new mousie toy. You can click to biggify if your eyes are No Good.

Here I am meeting my new felt mousie toy for the first time. He is a very friendly toy!

And he does not mind when I play rough.

I want to make sure he does not run away!

Here is some more stuff about this toy. He's made of real sheep's wool!

The website said that when I play with this toy, I am helping to protect my big cat relatives in Central Asia! This makes me feel proud. I also read this:
With your purchase of these adorable cat toy mice, you are supporting herders who live throughout the remote regions of Mongolia, helping them get the much needed food, medicines and clothing for their families that they haven't been able to afford. As part of the program, these empowered participants work together to help in the conservation of snow leopards in their region, making a huge difference in the survival of this species.

Here is a link to the
Toy Mouse Mini, in case you want one for yourself.

Thoughts on Thursday: Some toys are better than others...
75 Notes for Daisy:
That's a very nice and meaningful toy you have there.
~ Girl girl
The snow Leopard is a very beautiful big cat!
A felt Mousie made out of real Sheeps wool? Hey Daisy, I wonder why they didn't make it our of real Mousie wool?
Your new mousie looks very nice, and it is for a good cause. We are getting mum to look at the site for us so maybe she will get us one.
I think I may just have to get me one of those Mongolian mousies! One can never have too many toy mousies. Hey, Mongolia is probably closer to me than it is to you!
Wowww....toy with certificate of origin~! Must be a very good quality toy!!!!!
I bet this toy's smell also great, too!
Wow, that is a great toy, Daisy, and the Snow Leopard trust is a great organization! It is great that the toys help the herders and the big cats!
Daisy, its very nice to have a meaningful toy. Snow leopards and clouded leopards, like most medium & big cats' survival are being threatened around the world by normadic people's survival and also the terrible illegal trading of cats' skin, fur + parts.
Mum saw Siberian tigers in Harbin (same latitude as Mongolia) earlier this year, and they are beautiful creations and should be protected from crazy humans! Grrr
Thanx for sharing with us. :)
Morning sunshines to you and Pixie!
Mommy said I can get one too!
snow leopards are so pretty. We are very glad you were able to help them. Your new toy looks very nice, I am sure it will have a good home with you Daisy. ~Socks, Scylla & Charybdis
I knew you and your mommie were good at thinking of others in your community and around the world. I wonder if any snow leopards have a blog?
Have fun with your mousie.
Poppy Q
Daisy, you must really like that new Mousie! He looks like a lot of fun!
Dear Daisy,
You're one of the most adorable and expressive cat I've met so far! I love reading about your day. ^.^
Daisy, what a great post. I am going to ask mommy to buy one for me for my purrfday in June. - Sammy
That's a really good organization and a fun toy too. That's a happy cat there. The only toy my cat plays with is a small mouse too.
That is a nice mousie. Muuuuuum, I want a mousie, I want a mousie....
MB loves the snow leopard.
Purrs, Sukie X
That is very sweet, Daisy. Please make sure Mommy washes the mowsie in cold water. :)
Daisy, you clearly have what it takes to be a star mouser! What a great program!
Padre, Panda Bear, and Meerkat
That is a wonderful mouse! Great toy and it helps really big cats out too! A doubly good purchase!
Purrs, Shade and Goldie
That is a great post Daisy ! I think it's important to keep all our cat relatives alive!! It's a bonus that you can help AND get a really cute,fun toy:)
Purrs Mickey
You are so lucky that your mommie bought you a toy with special meaning that protects our cousins and helps beans in Mongolia! As a bonus, it looks like great fun to play with too!
Mommy?! I wanna Mongolian mouse to help snow leopards!! I promise to be good! (crosses paws)
That is a wonderful toy mousie, Daisy! And it even compliments your pretty furrs! It is great that your Mommie got that for you since it helps a good cause ...
Purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam and Simon
Wowwee! That's a really great toy!
Luf, Us
what a terrific story behind your mongolian mousie. the snow leopard is quite the impressive looking cat.
very cool mouse daisy. i bet it will be your new bestest toy!!!
smiles, auntie bee
What a great cause! Thanks for providing the link, when we have some extra, we want to get some of these special mousies!
You cat is adorable. The zoo that I brng my kids to has a snow leapard..they are just beautiful!!!
That looks like a great toy! Maybe we can get Meowm to order some for us!
Junior and Orion
And that Snow Leopard is gorgeous!
I hope it's all as good all around as it sounds. More toy mousies = more snow leopards would be a nice thing. Thanks for passing along that info!
On the other hand, don't tell Pixie, but there's a big problem with bananers - the real ones...
Ooo that snow leopard is one big cat. I wonder how friendly he is? We are so happy you are enjoying your Mongolia mouse. Wow I do agree that is long way from Florida.
That mousie looks so real! We just may have to have Mom get us one (or two!) too!
That's a lot of good from one toy mouse! Now if you destroy it your Mom will have to buy another one and do twice as much good, so keep playing rough with it.
I'm going to ask Steve to order one of these for me. BTW, Mongolia is just north of California.
We telled our mommy to order us some of them mousies right away. We can't wait to git 'em and also help them big cats.
Very truly yours,
The Whiskers & Purrs Gang
Wow what a great toy!! Its wonderful to help the big relatives like that.
Oh Daisy! What a wonderful way to help Snow Leopards! Tommy and I are going to ask our mom to order one. What a great toy all the way from Mongolia! Thanks for the info :)
What a sweet girl you are Daisy, helping protect your fellow cats and those who were hunting them. We can see you really like your new mouse.
That is a great mouse! I really like a wool mouse I have. We will have to get my next one from there! ~Queen Snickers
Daisy, you have a nice new toy and you are just a nice public servant when you teach us stuff.
We noticed the brown of your mousie matches your furs.
Ooh what a great looking mousie! We're currently waiting for some new catnip toys to arrive as a gift from a magazine, they're supposed to be special too, but I shall add a mousie like that to my KissMouse list now! :)
aw, what a great toy and a great sentiment behind it all.
do you fink they would sen Meowmie a real snow leopard? she says they are cute...
(she is joking, wild cats belong in the wild obviosuly)
That Lepperd is beautipuss, but I woodint want to trade bunnykikks wif it! That's a nice toy for a good cause. Oh and yur toob socks made Mommy spit tee out her nose. Good job!
Oh Daisy, this is just so sweet! What a wonderful cause. Snow leopards are beautiful and like all innocent animals need our protection. You are wonderful to help your cousins like that. And,your new toy is really cute! Have fun.
Love and Purrs,
That is so nice of you to play and help the snow leopards too. He is very cute!
What a great toy - we're going to have to send aways for one too!
what a wonderful toy! it looks fun and helps our big cat cousins. that is very nice. we will go to this site and see what i can have when mommy gets more green papers.
PS she read your tube socks post below during lunch, and laughed so hard she burped a little...
That is a very nice toy and it is so good that it helps the Snow Leopards too!
How totally awesome, Daisy! You are helping to save Snow Leopards, all while you are playing!
You are furry good Daisy to support Mongolians and our big cat cousins. I hope my miewmie will get me one for my birfday, whenefer dat is !!
Daisy, you look like you are having a blast with that mouse and it is so noble to support such a worthy cause, too!
Mr. Chen & Ollie
My goodness, that mousie looks almost real!
Your friend
That looks like a very cool mousie and it's a super good charity!
Hey! Mom and I saw a documentary about those cats recently-they're amazing fellows! And they have furry big paws, like me! I'm gonna ask my mom to buy me one of those meeses, Daisy.
What a cool toy and what an even cooler cause Daisy!!! The snow leopard is our Mommie's most favorite animal (well, besides us of course) :)
Sasha and Theodore
What a fantastic new toy! I will ask my Bunny Mommy to go to the site to see if they have anything a bun could play with. Or maybe something for my uncle Jack who LOVES woolie toys.
Thanks Daisy, daddy sez he's gonna order some of dem mousies to help out da leopards and da beans!
I definitely want one of those. And it is my Birthday and my Gotcha Day.
Thanks for stopping by my blog and wishing me a Happy Birthday and Gotcha Day.
Missy Blue Eyes
Oh wowie, that's wunnerful! That's great that yur Mommie is helpin the leopards. They are such beeyootiful big kitties!
And yur mousie looks like so much fun! Have fun with him!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Oh Daisy, I'm so impressed with your fashionable yet ecologically friendly toy!
Oh Daisy! I just love your new mousey. I will have to order one for Trooper's step-kitties now living in luxury at their grandma's house (they just moved on Sunday and are in pure heaven!). :)
And those pretty kitties - I don't think you'd like to play with one of those!
Oh, what a fun-looking mousie! And such a wonderful cause, helping the beautiful snow leopards.
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn.
Daisy, that is a really nice toy. Mom said after we move, she would see about getting us one.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie
Good for you, Daisy. I would play with one, but it says it is not a dog toy. :(
Hi Ms. Daisy!
That is a very nice mousie. We are gonna ask out Mommy to get us a couple of those.
The Snow Leopard's Lair is Mommy's favorite episode of Mutual Of Omaha's Wild Kingdom :)
What a cool toy Daisy!
I covet your mousie.
Wow, thanks for sharing with us! That is such a great idea for mousie toys.
wutta wunnerful toy mousie, daisy. it'z fun an it'z helpin da grate big catz uv mongolia (which i think iz jus up da street frum da bronx.)
The snow leopard is gorgeous! And that toy mouse mini is cute. What a great way to help the unfortunate Mongolians in Mongolia.
Butt shakes,
Solid Gold Dancer
That's a great looking mousie and fun, too. It's helping a great cause, also. I think I'll get one for Dodger (my brother's cat) for Christmas.
That looks like anice toy, but we're confused . . . is it a mousie or sheepie?
Thats a beautiful wool mousie and for a GOOD cause! We wanted it for ourselves while reading your post, den when we scrolled down it says: "NOT FOR CHILD OR DOG"...
Then we went to the net, there REALLY isnt anything for a DOG...
Oh well... Mummy is still planning to get the Mousie too cause she is born in the year of RAT (chinese signs) and Rudolf is known to 'behave' like a CAT!
Did you went blah...... after playing with your sheep-mouse?
Rudolf & Goofy
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