Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Wordless Wednesday: Daisy in Chains


92 Notes for Daisy:

Jientje said...

Now where did those come from? LOL!

Lovely pictures! Happy WW!

Anonymous said...

Oh, no! Did they think you printed the funny money?

They're going to need much smaller cuffs or they'll be arresting you for being on the escaped prisoner's list! Hahahaha!!

Tigmut'hep said...

Oh yes that's what I need for that pesky kitten who woke me up this morning! ;)

Parker said...

As long as you don't have to wear an orange jumpsuit!

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

I will report to CSI to check the whole thing out~!
I am sure you are innocent!

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

Oh Daisy, I didn't know you had that in you. Do you have any "connections" up here? I am looking for help with the fox.


Girl Girl Hamster said...

No.. I didn't think you can get arrested on that... You need help to break you out Daisy?

~ Girl girl

mister jeter harris, hizself said...

wut prettee braceletz ...

Felix, Garfield & Jawsy said...

Oh nos, Daisy! The moneys were really too good to be true. U wanna get Pixie to post bail for u?
But pls do not tell her to use the shady cash-back credit card, ok? :P
Purrs and keeping tosies crossed,

Hootin Anni said...

Now now Daisy....we're not going to have to change your name from "The Curly Cat" to "KINKY" cat, are we?

My W W is shared. I sure hope you can drop by. Some may quote a movie character from JAWS when they come over for a visit today ---"I think we need a bigger boat"

Happy Wednesday

Anonymous said...

You were framed Daisy. You bought that money in good faith at the store. How's a kitty supposed to know it's not spendable. We'll be glad to help you post bond. Happy WW
Jackie, Gidget and Lola

Anonymous said...

meooowww!!! happy WW! :)

Irishcoda said...

Oh noes, Daisy, you need a cattorney!

Anonymous said...

Daisy: you were framed! Get you a good lawyer.

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Oh no, Daisy!

Sabrina, Sam and Simon said...

Daisy, our daddy would never arrest you for that, we just thought we'd let you know. But now we wonder if he should try to handcuff Simon when he is being a monster kitty, food for thought ... hee hee!
Purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina and Sam

The Meezers or Billy said...

does we really want to know why there's pawcuffs in your house Daisy?

The Misadventures Of Me said...

And I's thought that was such a good idea too! I hopes you didn'ts has to stay there long.

Poppy Q said...

Daisy I thought you were gettin arrested for being too cute for words.

I am glad you doesn't have to go to prison - who else would make us smile before bedtime?

Blowing kisses to you sweet friend, and banana ones to Miss P.

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Sorry the law won. We do hope they let you out of chains soon.

jenianddean said...

Oh Daisy! My first thought would be how do you look in stripes?? And my second thought would be my mom could make you a tuna cake with a file inside.

-Jasper McKitten-Cat

Donna said...

Oh noe! Daisy is a convict! Will you send us letters while you're in the clink?

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

Oh goodness...We will teleport right over and help you escape those chains. Do you need a good lawyer? Spats can help you with your defense.

Although, look pretty...even in chains!

Clarissa said...

Oh Daisy! We are sorry you got arrested for the funny monies. If this is your first offense maybe yous will get community service instead of jail time! We are keeping all of our toes crossed!

Anonymous said...

Just tell me Daisy... who did this to you.....! I will see him.

L. Alida said...

Oh Daisy you are heading down the same bad girl path as Cricket! What are we going to do with you two? ;)
I'm sure the judge will take one look at your adorable face and you will not have to go to kitty jail. Maybe just the time out corner.
Thank you for the Birthday greeting. You are very sweet. I hope you and Pixie and Mommie have a great day!
Hugs and Smoochies,

Anonymous said...

Don't worry daisy I'll bail you out your to cute for jail :)

Mickey's Musings said...

Don't worry,we'll bail you out and find a good lawyer!! Good thing there are some in the Blogosphere!! ;)

Purrs Mickey

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Yoor not gilty! Yoo bawt dat money in good faith and da store should haf warned yoo it was not spendibul. Get yoorself a good lawyer and I'll bet yoo get off wif a light sentence. We'z gonna steal, er, borrow mom's plastic money card to get yoo out.

Captain Jack and Sir Dante said...

Uh oh. The police caught you? Never fear! The pirates of the Black Furrball will come and bust you out!!

Unknown said...

Oh no Daisy you is troublez? Mai mom tole me jail is not fun. it iz scary. me want to play chains too!! u look good in anything Daisy!!

Tybalt said...

Oh no, Daisy!!!! How horrible!
At least I am sure you will look stunning in stripes.

Anonymous said...

Daisy is becoming cute day by day.What is the secret?

Anonymous said...

What is Daisy doing with the chain?She is looking cool.

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

oh honey you poor little thing. they only have bread and water in jail i hear, no treats at all... i will spring you!

smiles, auntie bee

Di said...

Cute fur baby! Hope she got out early for good behavior lol.

kml said...

Oh Daisy - if it sounds too good to be true - it must be a bum deal! Since you are so cute, I bet they let you go on good behavior!

Quasi said...

Would you like me to write a letter to the judge begging for leniency?

Bela said...

she is so cute...

mine is up too. hope you can check it out:

Happy WW!

Sarge Charlie said...

oh no Daisy, were you arrested

Anonymous said...

Thanks Daisy for the link. Come leave a comment on PlotDog press and I'll link to you as well. P.S. The dog belongs to the author, but the web master loves cats :)

CastoCreations said...

Oh Daisy you bad bad kitty. :)

But where did your mommy find those pretty bracelets? My hubby has several pairs he uses to arrest the bad people but you're so much cuter than they are. =D

yamaya said...

Escaping quickly so...haha

Monty Q. Kat said...

Blame Tripper?

Katie said...

It's a good thing those handcufs were made for human paws and not kitty paws! I bet you can make a fast escape :)

LZ said...

I thought Daisy chains were nice necklaces? I'm so naive my Lap Lady says.


catsynth said...

Uh oh. Looks like you get yourself in a bit of trouble :)

Babs (Beetle) said...

Daisy you are clever, you can escape those chains - no probs!

Purrs, Sukie X

Chrissie said...

Woops, you got busted!I wonder if you look good in stripes, or black and white, or even fluorescent orange? Do you think they'll make you go pick up trash on the side of the highway?

Shaggy and Scout said...

Did that Snail get you in trouble?

Anonymous said...

But Daisy, couldn't you have had them put you in time out instead?

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Uhoh. I wonder if they are coming for me?

Jans Funny Farm said...

You mean you were arrested for buying money? That can't be against the law.

Oh, we know, it was for spending the money you bought.

Mr. Echo said...

Skeezix is gonna be so jellis that he diddint get to frisk you.

The Man Under the Mango Tree said...

Arrested for what?

For trying to impersonate Harry Houdini?

Why did they handcuff you? Did they do that to Paris Hilton?

Anyway, you're still pretty with cuffs and seems to be innocent.

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

Oh Daisy, you must be careful with your schemes!

Sunny's Mommy said...

Uh oh. You're going to need a good lawyer. Good luck, Daisy!

Unknown said...

Uh Oh! I guess it isn't legal to "purchase" money at the grocery store - who knew?

I hope you don't have to spend any time in jail. You shouldn't have to, just do like Paris and say you are clausterphobic (spelling?).

Haley H said...

Oh no! Daisy! Say it ain't so!

Moki The Wobbly Cat said...

We think you better get yourself a good lawyer, Daisy.

Dma said...

somehow i'm guessing pixie has something to do with all this...

The Crew said...

Daisy!!! All 4 of us are on our way over to carry protest signs outside your jail. We'll have you free in no time.

Come on everyone, let's go!!

Cara said...


Susan Cook said...

Daisy, be careful were you get your money from - lol. Hope you weren't "handcuffed" for long! Happy WW!
ps. thanks for stopping by mine earlier. You're right Minnie didn't have a chefs hat I didn't even notice that till u said it. I guess Disney believes in Women's rights - lol!

MaoMao said...

hehehehe!!!! Guess you should have made it look like Monopoly money or somethin!

Let us know if you need us Ballicai to break you out of jail!!

Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!

The Cat Realm said...

We are just a bit surprised about why these hand-cuffs would even be in your house.......????

Anonymous said...

Oh, Daisy! I'm so sorry you got arrested. Hopefully you will not have to spend any time in jail, but if you do, maybe they have cute uniforms!

Hmmm. I think you could probably slip right out of those cuffs... *smile*

Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn!

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Oh no ... Daisy. I hope bail was cheap, like a few Temptations and a banana or something.

Purrs to you and Pixie

Queen Snickers, Empress and Princess Renna said...

Oh no! That money didn't look funny to me! I didn't laugh or anything! Do you need a witness or something? ~Queen Snickers

PB 'n J said...

Uh-oh - I guess that it the get rich quick scheme wasn't so great! Good pictures though!

zevo hussein calamari said...

uh oh.. you have been hanging out with us too much! have we corrupted you?

Jans Funny Farm said...


Don't forget the surprise birthday party over at CrizCats. They have tons of food.

Beaman said...

Naughty Kitty!

Lux said...

Eek, Daisy! Don't be arrested!


dennis said...

Dennis would take the rap for you and do the time.

Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

Oh, Miss Daisy! I think that you just might be too cute for jail! Throw yourself on the mercy of the judge!

Nancy Lindquist-Liedel said...

Gene-Gene says he has twenty bucks from his birthday and he'll bail you out. I think he means it too.

Rocky the Gutter Cat said...

I've seen those shiny things beefore. The peepul have them for win they do thare Saterday nite rasslin' in the peepul bed. It's hard to sleep wile thare rasslin'.

Skeezix the Cat said...

Duz this meen yer a bad gerl?

Motor Home Cats said...

Oh No Daisy - How could they put you in chains??? That is just not right. We'll testify on your behalf.

Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Oops, there seems to be a flaw in your money system! I suggest you "flea-bargain" fer a couple days in a fancy rehab spa...

Detective Skeeter

LeAnne@Hairs My Story Team said...

What a precious site. And I'm allergic to cats, but now I get to enjoy yours without worry of deathlol.

The Devil Dog said...

You are so funny Daisy. Those are great photos.


Cat Street Boyz said...

We agree with Poppy q, they had to arrest you for an overdose od CUTENESS! "Mommy...we want a lil sister just like Daisy!"

Anonymous said...

Oh Daisy, Daisy, Daisy. Arrested! Were you trying to buy something with that money you bought from the store?

Amber-Mae said...


Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Anonymous said...

Whoof! Wash yur paws real good to get 'em wet, well you'll only need to do this woof one by the looks of it... then slip the cuff off, and RUN DAISY.... RUUUUNNNNN!!!! Head fur Canada!! I live just a bit north of the border and can hide you.

meemsnyc said...

Daisy, do i need to bake you a cake with a file in it?

Anonymous said...

Handcuffs, Rocky may even print out that picture and put it above his heated cat cup.

Jasmine Shanea said...

They shouldn't arrest you! They should arrest those people at the grocer who sold you those stuff! Get a lawyer!! :)

Anonymous said...

What she tries to do with the chain?

Anonymous said...

She looks preety cute.Thanks for the pictures.

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