There has been much sadness lately about our friends who have gone to the Rainbow Bridge. So, I have been doing some thinking. Here is what I think about the Rainbow Bridge: every cat gets to wear beautiful angel wings and a halo. The weather is always sunny and warm. There are many, many, many toys and fun things to do there. And best of all, we have many friends waiting for us there. Here is what it is like in my dreams:

I would like to remember the Cats-Who-Came-Before in my family who are waiting at the Bridge. This is Haiku. She was only Four when she had to go to the Rainbow Bridge. I think this is because she was extra-special. This picture is over 25 years old!

This is Slinky. She was a stray kitty that my Mommie got from the U.C. Davis veterinary school. Slinky liked to growl a lot.

This is Cricket. My Mommie got me after Cricket had to go to the Bridge.

And finally, I want to say that I love you to my friend,
Storm, the Furry Fighter. Stormie is the bravest and sweetest kitty I know, and she put up a valiant fight against lymphoma. Storm's little body is tired now. I wish her a peaceful trip today, and I will meet her again at the Rainbow Bridge, when it is my time to go. Rest well, sweet Storm.

Here is a picture of a double rainbow from right outside my house!

About the Rainbow Bridge
71 Notes for Daisy:
Yes, the rainbow bridge must be very nice like how you described it. Our friends are all there. That's so pawsome you get to see a double rainbow
~ Girl girl
KC said...
O, Daisy, i like tha way you see tha Rainbow Bridge. it looks very nice.
Love, KC
The last two cats I lost just vanished without a trace. I do not know what happened to them.
Sake's gooey eye is starting to look better. And she is getting easier to give the eye medicine to.
I fink you saids it all, I couldnt has added more to your thoughtful words for Storm.
It's always sadder when loved ones near and far has to leave.
It's the most wonderful place to be, once we leave this world behind.
No worries about allowances (lack of), bad weather, bad hurties and free-flow of crunchies + treats, without putting on the pounds! :)
Extra purrs and scritches to you, Daisy and Pixie.
You look lovely in your angle outfit Daisy and it looks like Storm will have many meezers to play with over the bridge, our Barbie-Q is there to meet her with your before cats too as well as Bonnie and Caesar... We purr she will have an easy crossing...
Dearest Daisy...this is too beautiful...and THANK YOU for wearing such a beautiful outfit for look the prettiest you ever have...and then some...
Take care little lady...i have to go now...thank you for your love xxx
What a beautiful post. Daisy, you made us all feel better.
That is a great post Daisy!! We hope the Bridge is just like that!!
Purrs, Shade and Goldie
Miss D, thanks for telling us about how special the bridge is. I think it is just like your dreams too.
We are all going to miss sweet Stormy and we hope her journey to the bridge is eased with lots of kisses.
Poppy Q
This is a very nice tribute, Daisy.
It is always good to remember the ones who came before us...we know that they will all be there to welcome the Bridge's newest angel...
The rainbow bridge is also lots of hope and happiness to me. There are so many friends there, we could have party everyday there....
Thank you for introducing kittens in your family. There are all very precious, one day, that day...we also hand in hand together looking for Storm and your family members~!!! Let's promise first!
That's the way we think of the Bridge, too. We are Mom's first kitties, but she's got Peke woofies and woofies of Heinz 57 variety that came before us already there, playing and all better again.
Thank you for this, Daisy! It's just right!
At the Rainbow Bridge, there is always an angel to scratch your tummy.
What a beautiful post Daisy! It brought tears to my eyes! You are a very smart and sweet Kitty!
We are all purring for Storm and her family today.
The double rainbow was lovely, and you make an adorable angel. But we hope you are here to entertain us for a very long time.
~Socks, MoMo, Charlotte, Scylla & Charybdis
Daisy, I think you're right on about the Rainbow Bridge. Thank you for introducing us to The Ones Who Came Before. They are all beautiful angels.
Daisy, I think the rainbow you saw today was Storm!!!! What a beautiful post and a great way to tell about those that came before you and the Bridge. I posted about Storm today too.
Oh dear MB has had such leaky eyes for two days now. It is a very sad day for the humans and us, but not for Storm.
I think now she is at the bridge and we wish her happiness and peace now.
Purrs, Sukie, Livvie & Mitzi X
I am so sorry to hear about your friends Daisy. The Rainbow bridge is a wonderful thought though.
Thank you for the sweet and thoughtful post today Daisy. The kitties who came before you are so beautiful and I know your Mommie loves them all very much. She loves you and Pixie so so much too!
This has been a hard month and it's nice to have dear friends like you to bring comfort and smiles. I know Storm is with her new friends at the Rainbow Bridge, including your Mommie's kitties and mine.
Lots of Love and Hugs today,
what a sweet posting.
That is very beautiful, Miss Daisy. I would like to wear wings..but not just yet. Stormie is an extraordinary girlcat!
What a sad day :(
We can be happy that there will be lots of wonderful friends to meet Storm when she crosses the Bridge
It looks like Stormie will have some great friends to greet her when she walks over the bridge!
What a sweet tribute to the ones who came before and to Stormie!
-Jasper McKitten-Cat
Wonderful post today Daisy....we hope the bridge is just like you see it.
Dearest Daisy,
We is hopin' the bridge is just like you describe it.
Very truly yours,
The Whiskers & Purrs Gang sure do look purty in your angel wings and halo!!!
Oh Daisy that was a wonderful tribute!!!
Many of our "cats that came before" are waiting at The Bridge, including my littermate sister Gracie. I know they'll be at the gate to greet Storm and all our friends who've gone ahead.
On a lighter note, you do look lovely in your wings & halo!
Oh Daisy, you made me get all misty-eyed all over again.
Such a lovely tribute to Storm and to the ones-who-came-before.
Sending lots of chin scritches to you & Pixie today.
And HUGS to your Mommie!
Not The Mama
Awww Daisy, that is a beautiful tribute. Momma's eyes aren't ever gonna stop leaking today. We all are going to miss Stormie so much ...
Love, hugs, purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam and Simon
You look lovely in that outfit, Daisy. We won't ever really know about what will come until we take the trip, will we? We wish Storm didn't have to make the trip so soon, but she is at peace now.
purrs and tail wags
I like the way you described the Rainbow Bridge. If our angel attire is that cute I shall really be satisfied! I am happy to know one day I will see all my kittens again, and to see all the kitties momma will adopt after me because I was the one that started it all. :) ~Queen Snickers
What a lovely memorial post. That is a very pretty rainbow!
Daisy we are certain that you are right about the rainbow bridge and the double rain bow is lovely.
Thank you for sharing all the ones that went before, they look like wonderful kitties. We're sure they are all there to help welcome Storm.
Pearl, Bert and Jake
What a wonderful and sweet post, Daisy. It is such a comfort to know that all of those furries who have come before will be there to greet Stormie at the Bridge. Purrs.
that was very beautiful daisy and i am sure you are right about what it looks like there...
smiles, auntie bee
That double rainbow must have appeared just for Stormie. What a beautiful post.
Our eyes start leaking when we read tributes to Stormie too.
Give Miss Pixie a gentle headbutt for us please.
I think that a double rainbow happens when someone special makes the trip to Rainbow Bridge! So everyone can look up and remember.
The Bridge is an awesome place, and that's the only thing that makes letting go of our friends a little easier. Storm has lots of friends waiting there for her. And I'm pretty sure there are Cheetos on Demand there, so kitties can lick all the cheese dust off as many of them as they want.
My cat, Tinker Bell, is there too. And so is my dad's cat Ferdnan and my mom's old cat Bronson.
May Stormy pass in peace and enjoy meeting old friends again.
And Daisy make sure you give your mom extra hugs and lots of purrs.
You make a great angel but your an even neater cat so please stay around for a long time.
Love you. . .
That is so touching, Daisy! DO you think they cat blog over the bridge?
Daisy, that is a beautiful tribute. Purrs FAZ
Stormie will be forever loved, forever missed by so many.
~~ The Bunch
Yes Daisy, I think that is what the Rainbow Bridge is like too, it is a very special place that is peaceful and beautiful.
The cats that came before you are all very beautiful!
Oh Daisy that made my mommy cry. It made me remember my sister kitty, Jewels.
That was a beautiful post Daisy, full of hope and very consoling. I know when its my time to go to the Bridge, miewmies other babies will all be there waiting for me; Bootsie and Snudge, Teddy, Buster and Sally. I expect they are already playing with Stormie right now !
Very nice post daisy, but unlike us human cats you get to go around 9 times, we only get one bite of the apple.
Hi Daisy...oh...what a wonderful post about the kitties & Rainbow Bridge...
I know your mommi must miss all the kitties that came before you...
I am sending pawsitive thoughts to Stormy's family today...
Love & Licks,
Slinky was a stunningly beautiful little kitty!
I know the wainbow bwidge is bootiful, but why does it still huwt so much to have the ones we love go thewwe??
I hope we all get to see each othew thewe when ouw time comes..I know I will look fow all my fwiends and sissies and bwuvvews
Storm was the bwavest kitty..Ihope she cwossed softly
smoochie kisses
Oh Daisy, last week the little girl kitty I rescued with her four foster brothers died. She never had the chance to be clean or loved or full of warm milk, except for the day and a half she had with us. When I washed her little body all she was was bones and skin. I cry for her everyday, for the chance she should have had, for the beautiful kitten she should have been, for the love she should have gotten. I want to believe so much that your vision is true, and that my poor darling baby is fat and furry and loved and with all the other sweet felines who have left me all too soon. I want that for her so much. Sometimes I need you to have faith for me though. Thank you for your post. Karen
We also have ones who came before at the bridge, and will see them some day. I'm already missing Stormie.
nice shots!!! love to look photos of the rainbow..
A very brave and beautiful Cat Angel crossed the Bridge today. We will miss her like everyone at the CB!
These day, we also think a lot of our brothers and sisters who went to the Bridge, Daisy.
On this sad day we ended our honeymoon and Karl will stay in the Netherlands for a week. During our adventures we will think a lot about Stormie and keeping her brother and mommies in our purrs and thoughts.
Back home now we also want to thank you for all you have done to make our wedding "a special one!"
Hugs and love from us,
Karl & Ruis
I bet Storm's mommy will feel very good abour what you wrote.
What was your mommy doing in Davis, CA? My big sister, Kali was born there. My mom was visiting her brother who was studying summer school there and found Kali at an adoption fair. She had been dreaming about getting a kitty and there my sister was. That's cool, Daisy. Your mom gets around.
I think about the Rainbow Bridge sometimes too. I have a doggy and a kitty waiting there who I never got to meet in real life.
Double rainbows must mean double luck. Think hard what you want and den wish on it. You haf nice thots about da rainbow bridge. If it's like dat den it's a wonnerful place.
Daisy, thanks for describing the Rainbow Bridge and telling us about the ones that came before you. Your double rainbow is a nice tribute to Storm.
Mindy & Moe
That is a lovely tribute to all your friends. We agree, we think they wear wings.
What a loverly post this is. I know Rainbow Bridge is a very loverly place to be in. There are lotsa lotsa fun stuff to do up there & we can eat anything we want. Right? But best of all, all of our friends are there waiting for us. You know, I actually can't wait to go to Rainbow Bridge but yet, I don't want to leave Earth & my family so soon. I think I'll wait until it's time.
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
Farewell to Storm... you get to see Rainbows every day.
Daisy this post was very sweet like you.
What a nice tribute to all these kitties.
Thank you, Daisy. I hate to think about it and am glad you have the courage to talk about it. I hope that I too will be back with all my kitties that are there, especially Frankie. I don't think the kitties catch anymore mice over the rainbow. What do you think?
What a beautiful way in remembering friends and members of the family than with a picture of a double rainbow.
What a nice post about how you see the bridge, Daisy. We are sad about Stormy, too. We are curious how your mom got into your type of breed since it seems like she was a Meezer kind of girl before you!!
Mr. Chen & Ollie
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