Here is my new toy. I am going to learn how to grow Magic Rocks! This should be a very fun experiment. Before we go further, I will warn you that you MUST have your mom or dad help you with this toy, because there are some chemicals inside. If you are 10 years or older, you can do it by yourself. I am only Four. Years.

First, I am making sure that I have all the parts to my Instant Crystal Growing Kit. You should not leave any parts inside the box. Except, you do not need the plastic wrapper.

These are the directions. They are too hard for me, so my Mommie is going to help. Sometimes, it is good to have a Lab Assistant. (DO NOT use
Snail for lab help).

All of the ingredients are assembled, and now we just wait for the Magic Rocks to grow! This part is a little bit boring.

Even though the water looks very delicious, DO NOT drink any.

LOOK! LOOK! The crystals, they are growing! Let's wait a little longer to see how big they get...

Uh oh. Something seems to have gone terribly awry. What is all that red stuff on the bottom? I hope it is not BLOODS! Because, bloods might draw sharks to the shipwreck.

Mommie, look! My experiment is ruined. Can you fix it?

I am very disappointed in this toy. I cannot recommend it.

ps: I do not think my Mommie followed the directions correctly. Or maybe Snail snuck inside and ruint another experiment. Snail is Bad.

My Not-So-Magic Rocks
86 Notes for Daisy:
Oh dear, I hope that didn't cost you too much pocket money. It's really nice of you to help test out the products and telling us the reviews
~ Girl girl
The box showed veri colourful pretty rocks, but u've gotten some kinda sludgey mess, Daisy.
We are suspecting Snail, cos snails love sludge.
We hopes u have better luck with next week's toy.
Awhh poor Daisy. Maybe mummy didn't read the instrwuctions pwoply cos they don't always. My miewmie onle reads instwucthuns afetr it all goes wong.
Directions are hard.
Very funny. I loved Magic rocks as a kid. Although once you've made them, there's not much more to do. They're sort of like fish. You can watch them swim around, but you can't play with them. And you definitely shouldn't eat them. (The magic rocks that is, not the fish. Although you probably shouldn't eat the fish either, unless they are specifically given to you. No skimming the fish tank for potential food.)
wut'z "awry" daisy?
Well Daisy,
It's very impressive to me that you are trying very hard on many things~!
It's very good, hard things could make us smarter, so... I think direction hard is not so bad, certainly it also means the inventor are stupid, because he makes people can't understand his product, which is not very wise.
Thank you for testing all the toys out Miss D. My mum went swimming with sharks once, luckily they did not bite anything off her.
Poor old snail - he gets blamed for everything.
We think that purrhaps your Magic Rocks got some bad Mojo. We do not think your Mommie would make a mistake, and poor snail... he wasn't even around.
I suspect that the mutant Snail mucked up your new experiment Daisy...
Poor Mr. Snail....he always gets blamed! :) We are sorry your experiment didn't work. But thank you for testing this product for us. We always learn so much from you!
Well at leasts it starteds out furry pretty. Maybe the sharks dids sneak in and gets something??
oh no. it started out looking purrty. that's a shame!!
We can all depend upon you to figure all of these things out for all of us...
We see one or two rocks that tried to grow. At least you tried. We hope it didn't cost too much of your allowance!
~ The Bunch
Oh, poor you.
drat! foiled again!
smiles, auntie bee
Hi Daisy,
Thanks for your review on this product - I will make sure not to buy it...
Love Clover xo
Thank you for letting us know about the magic rocks, Daisy. We'll be sure not to buy any. Momma says that this post reminds of her a chemistry experiment gone wrong when she was in high school. She says that's why she's an accountant instead. hee hee
I thought directions WAS supposed to be read after it all went wrong hehe!
That is a shame cos I was very interested to see it all finished.
Purrs, Sukie X
Oh Daisy, we are sorry the experiment didn't work perfectly. But you did have some crystals grow, and they look very cool!
Daisy, I am sure Mommie did perfect, it is that lizard/snail, since it is your own creation what can I say. Remember, don't mess with mother nature........
Oh no, we were very excited to see your new rocks but alas, it was a flop! Sorry!
However, our pirate attack yesterday was successful and Mommy even got to come home early. We have a badge on our blog for all of our crew members who participated in the attack yesterday. Please come by and pick yours up when you get a chance!
Oh no! I hope you saved your receipt.
You do the funnest things Daisy!
Maybe instead of Magic Rocks, you should try a Pet Rock.
I'm sorry your magic rocks weren't so magical. I bet a lizard came in and put something in that tank to make your experiment go wrong.
Better luck with next week's toy!
-Jasper McKitten-Cat
Daisy, if I don't have access to a Lab assistant can I use a Golden Retriever?
How disappointing, Daisy!
Dennis thinks you must have a big allowance. Dennis doesn't get an allowance, so he just uses his human's charge card online to get things.
Instructions are important Daisys MoM!
Advice: if you buy everything from IKEA they include nice picture instructions that are pretty hard to screw up. Of course they might not carry something like magic rocks.
Daisy, it worked! The rocks look all nice and pretty. That's what the stuff on the bottom is. It's okay to be friends with Snail again.
Oh my gosh! I want magic rocks! I bet I wouldn't kill them like I do house plants... maybe?
Gosh Daisy, you always have the most interesting things to show us! Do you really think one of those naughty snails got in there and ruined your experiment?
That did not look fun. I wonder why it didn't work.
Looks like red snail slime to me....
I'm sorry your magic rocks fizzled out Daisy. At least the colors are pretty! Maybe if you and Mommie give it another try it will work. :)
I'm sure you will find something fun to do soon honey.
Love and Hugs to you and Pixie,
Poor Daisy! I'm sorry your experiment didn't work. Maybe you made the Red Sea!
I hope you did not blow too much of your allowance on this really disappointing toy!
hi daisy!
yes I think the blanket is nice with Fig's fur colors. also we got it in blue and white because everyone thinks that Fig is a GIRL! now they will not think that he hopes.
I am sorry your experiment did not work. it looked very cool and it looks like a fun toy if it workies. one times we got a "rubber duckie" that grows from very little to 10 times his size in water but it taked over 10 days to get him to a big size and then we couldn't play with him because when you take him out he gets small again!!!
OH NO! It wuz lookin' pretty good fer a minit, but whut happened?
Oh Man! That totally is wrong! We sure hope the Snail didn't help with this experiment.
Luf, Us
We hate to tell you this Daisy, but the youngest boy bean had the same not so magic rocks and his experiment turned out about the same as yours. They don't work properly at all apparently. We were hoping you would have better luck. Anyway we don't think it was your Mommy's or snail's fault we think it is a product defect. ~Socks, MoMo, Scylla, Charybdis & Charlotte
Oh dear - If it had worked you might have been able to have a new set of sea monkeys live in the rocks.
Yoo gots rippt off Daisy. I wood whap it off the tabil but it wood git blood all ofur.
Loved yur cat scan yesturday. Yoo is so klevvir!!!
We don't think it was Snail...maybe yoor mom misread dem directions, they looked hard. Or maybe it's just a crappy toy. Dad sez dat sometimes dem toys is not as advertized and dey is furry crappy.
I'm sorry that it didn't work well Daisy. Sigh.
Daisy, your last several posts have been incredible! The CAT scans of your Raisin Toests totally made our day. And, the brushing of the teeths is great too. You are very good to let Mommy take such good care of all your parts. Good white teeths are a good thing, and fresh breath too for extra kisses. Too bad about the Magic Rocks - it's kind of scary. Started out pretty and then got ominous... hmm. I bet it was snail or maybe the SNIZZARD that messed it up!! Have a great day and keep up the good work!!
we had a recent experience like that with a ROCKTUMBLER. It did not work at all like it was supposed to and it was MESSY. Some toys are not as good as advertised it seems Daisy. THank you for your report. We won't experiment with this one ~the FLuffy Tribe
By the way, Daisy did you know that you are famous?
Oh, that experiment is a little disappointing. Maybe they just need more time to grow? I hope Snail did not try to sabotage you!
I am excited to see you confused.
I am glad you were able to let us know not to buy this product. Too bad you had to waste your money on it though.
Darn that Snail - he spoils all the fun!
We think it was Snail.
Our mom says she grew those all the time when she was a girl in the 60's and she did not have a Snail to help, and hers grew fine.
That will be your new rule,Daisy...Lock up the Snail before you conduct any experiment!!
Purrs Mickey
PeeEss:Sorry about your crystals :(
Poor Daisy, sorry about your experiment didn't turn out the way you expected :(
I hope next time it works! Oh, and I'm glad you like Grandma's cake, Thank you!
Oh, no. Another toy gone bad. We're glad the package did not include sharks.
purrs and tail wags
Oh dear, I am sorry your experiment did not work. I have never heard of Magic rocks and I would like to have seen what they were supposed to look like. Better luck next time!
Oh, my! You didn't find any sharks, did you?
Ohhh, Poor Little Kitty! You'll have more fun toys!
Nostradamus! and John Le Sainte
Sorry your magic rocks didn't turn out like you expected. It would have been cool if they did. But it's fun to watch you try new toys.
We're glad you tested those magic rocks cuz they looked like they wuz going to be good. Now we know not to get them.
My cats would have eaten the directions.
Fanks fur testing tha fur all of us. Bet Mr. Snail had sumfing to do wif it.
Dearest Daisy...I was hoping I would get to see your Fashion Friday before I go to the Bridge, I will keep checking back until Ben Vet gets here at 1.30pm. I love your Fashion Fridays sooooooo much, you are an inspiration.
NOw, I must say my final farewell to you and wish you a long, happy and healthy life...for you, your Beans and Pixie...take care my little beauty...Stormie, The Furry Fighter xxx
Oh dear Daisy, I think it really is difficult having pets. The Giant Kitty told me all about his sea monkeys going wrong too and I think I shall just stick to killing my furry mousies and not have any pets. I hope no sharks were attracted to your shipwreck?
That is too bad, Daisy. We are sorry you were disappointed in your new toy. That was a real bummer. We were looking forward to it, too.
hehehehehe!!!! Daisy you always make my Momma say SQUEE!!!!! I'm sorry yur magic rock projeckt turned out kinda rocky! and maybe the snail snuck in somewheres and got the rocks slimy or somethin!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
That was your best experiment yet!
Thank you once again for showing us why we should not waste money on these kinds of things.
Oh no! Another case of an Experiment Gone Bad. I wonder what made it leak with all those red bloody liquid? I think Snail went inside & left some sludge.
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
I yam so sorry dats your ex-pearymint wentz awry! It looked so promisin. I remeburrz da sea momkeyz. Oh... & dat da snail shouldz justee stayz outta da way. Dis snail may nots be a true frend. I yam tinkin' dats da ship wreck in da bottom of da tamk looks a itty bitty bit likes MAximillianz frayter.Uh-oh... you don'ts tink dat dere iz 656.000 tonz of 'nip at da bottom of da tank... doez you?
Miss Daisy, I am concerned that your experiment may have been tampered with by the result of your last experiment...THE SNAIZARD! And if so, the result may be even more strange..what will you do?
Thanks for visitin' me while my mom was gone!
Well, it started out lookin' pretty cool. You just can't trust those snails.
Oh no! I guess that failure is a very important part of the experimentation process. If they're bloods, they're only crystal bloods, and I don't think that crystal bloods will attract sharks.
Daisy, you are such a cutiepie! I'm sorry your magic rocks didn't work out quite as you had planned. Perhaps, indeed, Mr. Snail is guilty of sabotage!
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn!
Shoot! I was sertin that thoze majik roks were gonna be amayzing --- my faverites were the pink ones. Beefore they all ternd to blud.
We thinkz it waz the mutant snail, can't trust dem mutantz u know....
It was the snail fer sure. Or mebbe the Snailizard. Try the sea-monkeys next. They seem like fun!
The Woman is jealous. She had that when she was little and loved it. She *says* hers grew just fine, but you never know...she might be fibbing.
awww..... I was scrolling down eagerly, looking forward to the growing magic rocks! :(
Daisy, when I was a kid, magic rocks were one of my favoritest experiments!
Back in the day, you didn't even get a container with your chemicals - I had to grow my magic rocks in a Mason Jar!
But yes, I think something went horribly wrong with your magic rocks.
(Hope Snail is okay!)
Not The Mama
I'm sowwy you had a nothew disappointing expewiment..I don't think snail is bad, but I agwee that he's not a vewy good lab assistant
smoochie kisses
"Oh my" hope you didn't use all your allowance.
Yep looks like you made da Red Sea fur sure... Maybe Moses coulds part da waturs fur you.
- Katie Too.
Maybe dey grew too fast???
- Daisy May
It started out so great! I want to try it too. Wingnut is coming this coming week for the summer (YIPPEE) so we'll try it. It's on my summer todo list!
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