Monday Mystery: Find the Differences!
Today, we have a brand new kind of game! The two photos, below, are almost identical. There are three things different in the second photo. Look closely! You can click to biggify either photo. Good luck!

Monday Mystery: Find the Differences!
Posted by Daisy at 6/30/2008 04:30:00 AM
Labels: Monday Mystery, what's different?
84 Notes for Daisy:
oh Daisy you are so clever! I missed the box clue but got the other two!
The left ball color is different,
Box No. and Box is different.
And the right lower spot nip toy one is there, one is not there is different!!!
I missed the box change
also, but got the other
two changes. That was
fun, Daisy!
This is a cool game, Daisy! we got all 3 correct, the box no. took us a longer time to spot it. :D
Purrs and hugs to you and Pixie!
We got all of them!!!! Must be all the I Spy books the wee ones read!
We noticed the differences right away, Daisy! :) What a fun game! :)
Mommy only could help me find two, she has not had enough coffee this morning...
Dearest Daisy,
Today's mystery was very intriguin' and challengin'! You is very smart, Miss Daisy!
Very truly yours,
The Whiskers & Purrs Gang
Cool I got 2 out of the 3 right! :) I too have lots of toys today as well as yummy food 'cause I'm 8 today! :)
Dear Daisy,
That was so much fun! And you look like you are having a great time with all of your toys.
Abby Normal
Wowsie Daisy, that was hard! We got 2 of the 3!
We didn't notice the wording on the box was different but we got the other two. What a lot of toys you must have to need TWO boxes.~Socks, Scylla & Charybdis
Rats! We missed the missing writing on the box, too! We are big dum-dums!
Oh, we tried so hard, but we missed the box clue! Great new game!
Daisy! You are clever. I got two but missed the box change That was a fun mystery. Thank you so very much for your kind words when Evita had to be assisted to the bridge. You are a wonderful friend.
Oh Daisy!!!!!! WE LOVE those kind of games!!! We got all 3 with the box being last,heehee
Mom always did the 2 photos in the Sunday papers and some puzzle books :) Thanks for the fun !
Purrs Mickey
Wow, Daisy, you are such a smart kitty to come up with such a fun and tricky game!
I got two right off the bat, Miss Daisy, but that third stumped me!
Arrgh! I'm usually pretty good at these! I never suspected you would be so tricky as to change the wording on the box. Good one, Daisy!
JD at I Do Things
woo hoo I got all three. that was fun. and entertaining.
It was tricky, but then am I! Yippee I found them all!
Your puzzling pal,
no matter how hard i looked i only found two... you really had a hard one this week!!!
smiles, auntie bee
we only gooted 2 of the 3 - we missded the box one.
that was a fun game!!!
OK Daisy, I finally got one right. I must admit the Miss Bee told me to look at the box for the third item.
We missed the box change! You are SO clever!
Luf, Us
I found em. I love those kinds of games!
That's a very clever little exercise, Miss Daisy! I have about the same number of toy mousies. Mine aren't as nice, though, as they usually spend part of their lives under the refrigerator or washer and collect dust there.
We only caught the toy in the lower right! You come up with the funnest games Daisy!
Hi Daisy,
I finded the two but missed tha box clue.
It was a fun game.
I missed the box but I got the other two!!!!
YAY - we got 'em! That was lots of fun!
Oh Daisy, you and your Mommie are so clever!
Not The Mama and I only got two of the three - we missed the "no" on the box!
That was a great game!
Auntie Spooker
That was a good mystery!
WE just got back this morning from our trip... you have soooo many toys! WOW!
It was overwhelming to us.
Haha very funny Daisy! I was correct! ='·'= I'm a very smart hamster!!!
I don't like fleas hehe
I only got two out of three! That was a tough one Ms. Daisy :)
I got them! It took me a little bit, but I got them!~~Orion
I got them all...woowoowoo...that was fun Daisy. You always think of the neatest things...
Wow, yoo were vary wily! I finely got the anser but I had to stare at it for a long time beefore I fownd the diffrinse on the box.
GREAT GAME Daisy! We got them all but the box took a bit more to realize. Thanks Daisy, it was fun!=^Y^=Ty
Oh that's fun!! I think I seem them all.
That was tricky ... really testing my powers of observation. Fun new game, though!
"Yay" we got them. Yet mom needed her glasses :)
I love those kind of puzzles Daisy! I, like everyone else missed the box No. :)
Fun mystery today honey. Thank You!
Love and Hugs,
2 out of 3. Very clever altering the box.
me can see pink ballz!! dat's trick mee!!
I did, I did! The Box one was harder, but I got it!
Purrs, Sukie X
I first only got the one on the box, but then I slept for a little while and found the last two! Yay!
We missed the box no. but got the other two! Queen Snickers
That was a good game! Happy to say I saw all 3.
DARN! I only got two. I missed the box.
Cindy at Rosehaven Cottage
We got 2 out of 3. Rats!
Happy Monday, Daisy and Pixie!
I had to fink about dat one Daisy. I got dere in the end but I had to wake my bwain up !!
Well, we got two, but we were stumped by the box one! You're so clever Daisy!
Oh daisy, this was so much fun!
It is good for my brains, keeps me perky.
I hope your day is sunny and fun
purrrs to you and Pixiekins
Thanks for your comment darling Daisy, it certainly is disorientating - so much so I missed the box even though I felt sure it must be in the box part and stared and stared at it! Got the other 2 though. Kudos for the boss-eyed Englishwoman, yeah!!!(?)!!! Love you :) xxx
We only saw the missign stuff bottom right.
We got all three, but the box took longer.
Very, very clever Daisy. That was fun.
Dennis has been SO busy with Edward! Edward found a little opening under the cupboards (along the baseboard) just like you did! AAAGGHH! then he tried to go behind the refrigerator so many times we had to put duct tape there until he gets too big. He screams when he's hungry and eats really a lot, so soon he'll be too big to squeeze behind the refrigerator. He runs around a LOT!
1- The balls color
2- The thing in the bottom right corner
3- And the writing on the box!!
That was fun!
The box on top has box # and the one on the bottom doesn't..also the ballis a diffewent colow and the thingy on the lowew wight is missing in one pictoowe
Ithink i got them all
smoochie kisses
I totally missed that one. However, you have some sweet toys.
That was sneaky - I missed the missing "no!"
The pink/off white ball, something in the right bottom corner disappeared and "no." of "box no." is gone...
Ohh, this is a fun game!! :-)
Mum loves these and found all three of your changes.
Dangit the bocks change got me too! Fun game Daisy!
Yoo gots sum fine toys!
What a fun new game you came up with! We got two of the three, missed the letters on the box.
We couldn't leave for the safari etc without saying bye for a little while. We will miss you so much. Hope we can teleport and visit at least a little.
Sas & Momo
deer daisy,
mi mom iz in da sunshine state an took a pikshur uvva bird on stiltz.
hav u seen a bird like it?
jus wunderin.
Oh I didn't find the Box No. but I found the other 2. That sure is interesting
~ Girl girl
We totally missed what the game was about :( To be fair, Mom didn't read it to us very well. We will be sure to get it next time.
That was a great game.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie
I only noticed the difference of the color of that ball. I did not notice the word on that box & the other toy missing in the 2nd picture! Shucks but what a fun game!
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
Daisy... I waz sorry I didz not gets to play dis game.. although I can ssez right away dat a toy iz missin' (likes I waz) & dats your ball didz not seem to be da same color.
Mebbe you can throw da red ball at da vishus vegan deerz fur me.
Yay, I found them all! I'm a smart mancat! That was so fun!
Mmm....I am not very good at this. I only found 2!
I found them, but the box thingy was sort of tricky. This was fun!
Oh I've just missed the box no. Comparatively the box is harder than the others.nice game thanks.
Wow it is nice tricky game. Like everybody I also failed to find out the third one. It was easy but have to be more sharp eyes .
I see it! The ball is a different color! I am a smart Jelly Bean!
Well, I got two of them! Thanks.
I only got 2. Ack :/
That was a good game! We couldn't find one of them
~ The Bunch
We've found all 3!!!
Any prizes?
*** ROFL ***
This is a nice new game, Daisy!
Paws up!
Rudolf & Goofy
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