I am very excited and happy today, because the Photo Hunters theme is bad hair. If you are having a bad fur day or a bad hair day, there are many fashionable ways to cover up so nobody even notices. Here is a retrospective of some of my headgear!
If you live in the wilderness, you can wear this plaid hunting cap. The fleecy lining makes it very warm. This look is not very practical in south Florida.

A more stylish look is this jaunty sailor's cap. This is good if you are sailing the High Seas. I have not done this yet, but I still think it is okay to wear the cap.

The next option you can try is a hooded top, like this Baja Hoodie. I do not like how it squishes my ears. If you have small ears, you might enjoy this hoodie better.

For sporty occasions, you can wear a baseball cap. This one is extra-fancy because it is all fuzzy. I recommend the chin-strap for extra security.

If your hair is only a little bit bad, you can try a fancy headband.

Another good option is a wig. I enjoy being a blond.

Finally, if your hairs or furs are really, really, really, really bad and you do not wish to be recognized, you can try a disguise. Can you tell that's me inside the pink pony suit? Well, you cannot notice if my furs are messy or not!

Photo Hunters: Bad Hair
80 Notes for Daisy:
Miss D, I thought I liked the blue baseball cap on you the best, but the red headband made me think it was super, but really nothing tops the wig. You are such a doll!!
Have a good weekend in Florida and watch out for them gators.
Awww poor Daisy. I have to admit, the pigtails are my favorite!
She is super cute :) Hope you both have a great weekend.
i like the blue fancy head gear and the wig!
Millinery madness!
We like Daisy 'au Natural' the best, but the red headband is kinda kyoot!
Dear Daisy, you do look kinda cute in the pink pony suit!
These are adorable. Great pics.
We like your red headband, but the wig is the best.
Fabulous pics, Daisy. My favorite shot is of you in the blue baseball cap. You're lucky to have so many nice things to hide a bad fur day - not that I've ever seen you have a bad fur day :).
Have a lovely, purry weekend!
Oh dang....those are so darned cute!
[hide...my bad hair day creature has a legendary LOVE for cats!!]
My 'bad hair' is of a TV star from decades ago...stop by, won't you?
[there is also a long meme I did for today, so if you wish to leave a comment for me, you will have to scroll down the blog entry to find the comment link!]
Happy Hunting!!
hee hee....bad hair days!!..too funny...love all the hats..love the wig the most..it is so cute..
Excellent suggestion, Daisy~!
I gonna try your way to let me hair style looks great!
You are really really good could wear hats so perfectly well!
Daisy,that is a great take on the BAD HAIR theme!!!! You have wonderful hats,something my Mom could use with her BAD HAIR! Hahahahaha!!
Purrs Mickey
We enjoyed your post, Daisy, you do everything with such flair, hee, hee. We just love your collection of headwear.
Mindy & Moe
We think the headband is very chic. And now we know why Mommy often wears headbands and bandannas. She has bad hair. ~Socks, Scylla & Charybdis
I luvs the pink pony! I can imagine how hard it is to keep all those curly furs under control.
Those are some great fashion tips for those bad hair days. Mom wishes we were half as patient as you are so maybe we would wear a cool hat. But no luck here. I guess we'll just have to hide in the closet on our bad hair days.
I like the Hooded Top best. I do not think you like it best, tho. Whatever you wear, you look stunning.
Maybe I should borrow the Pink Pony Suit??
~ Miss Emily
ps Bob and Patrick said to tell you 'Thanks Again' for the carrots!
Whoa whoa whoa... thumbs up for you when it comes to fashionable attires. I kinda like the blue baseball cap but you do look great as a blond :P
All great looks for you. Daisy, you can wear anything and look fabulous!!
Oh Daisy, you are such a fashion icon! I bet you never have a bad hair day.
Purrs, Sukie X
Defiantly the wig.
Daisy, you always crack me up ;~)
That wig! You look like a movie star, dahlink!
How can one decide .. all too cute!
your furs never look bad daisy honey! but i love your hats and blonde hair!
smiles, auntie bee
Hi Daisy!
Mica and I agree, with your blonde wig you look like Cattie Bradshaw from that new movie "Sex Kittens and the City!" Purrfection! Mica's mixing up a pitcher of Catmospolitans for you two to share right now!
Your pals,
Petey and Mica
My favorite was the pony disguise. You had me fooled.
OMGawd! This is too funny.
Luf, Us
You look like a Vegas showgirl in the fancy headband... (whistle)
What a wide variety of headwear you have. You are truly prepared for bad hair days.
MomBeam, don't even try it...
Daisy - I love your fashion photos!
I think you in the blonde wig is my favorite look of all for you!
But I do love you in a hat!
Not The Mama (who is having a bad hair day, and NO I didn't take a picture of it...) but Purrchance To Dream has an Entrecard now!
Hope you & Pixie & your mommy have a wonderful weekend!
Daisy, you never have a bad hair day. Cats, in general, don't, but you look out for everycat. I think the human beans could learn some lessons from you. You should be on America's Next Top Cat.
Daisy- You and your mother are great. I love your blog and it makes me smile EVERY SINGLE TIME I visit it. I just love your blog. If I had to choose my favorite photo today it would be really hard because they were all so good... but I especially loved the hunting cap and the baseball cap. You are the best Daisy. (Winston and LLoyd liked the wig- They wanted me to tell you that you are a very cute blond.)
Those are such cute pics! And very creative :)
Daisy, I really don't think there is any reason for you to wear a hat, other than to be fashionable. You always have great fur.
I think you look very lovely in all those photos, that red feather and head band looks a little risque
Love the blonde wig! Great shots. My cats would never let you put anything on them and be still long enough to pose. Have a great weekend!
Excellent all-season and all situation advice!
Daisy, we love your plaid hunting cap the best! We want to get one for our Daddy to wear when he goes to hunt the vishus deer at his and Momma's country place!
Purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam and Simon
We fink you look sooper good as a blond - but then, we likes yer curly hairs too!
Just love the cat, she's a fab....
Woz that weely you in the pony get-up? I am still not convinced.
Oh my goodness, those are so adorable! My favorites are the pink pony and the blue and white hoodie. I can't believe we haven't seen you on Access Hollywood yet.
We get the impression you really didn't appreciate the jaunty sailor's hat. You look ready to bite the hand that films you. Perhaps your mom ran out of treats that day.
But you look cute in all of them. A style for many occasions.
purrs and tail wags
Goma: Ohmaigosh!! you iz good with any hats!! Mai favorite iz blode wingz!! you lookz like seilor moonz!! Daisy you is such supa modelz!!
Excellent post for this week's theme, Miss Daisy! I kinda wish that our Uncle James was wearin' your blue baseball cap instead of all of the hair paint.
My ma said that was the best laugh she had her day-because you look so darn cute and funny! It's really hot as heck today and we are being like hermits and staying inside.
Sadie could have used a disgize dis morning. She came out from unner her kwilt and her furs were all standing up and messy.
Wow Daisy you must ahve your own walk in wardrobe. An excellent way to hide a bad hair day. Perhaps I should get some headwear for Robyn!
What a bunch of cute pix! I tinks I kies da pink pony da bestee.. but den, you cannot see my expressuve frend dat well inside of it... so... I justee has to wait until you comez out of da suit!!!
Most excellent BAD HAIR cover uppers Miss Daisy! I like the head band and Tigger likes the baseball cap! Have a wonderful weekend!
Your FL furiends,
You look great in your jaunty caps. I especially love the sailor hat.
You also looked mah-velous in your summer dress yesterday. The ribbon straps really make the outfit.
That hat that lets your ears through is the best, I think (I hate things on my ears). But you look cute in all of them!
I hate cats..but after looking to pics in ur blog it make me think again....nice collection of pics...:)
Oh Daisy, you look so good in all those hats! We know you don't like the Baja Hoodie cuz it squishes your ears but that is our favorite!!
Mr. Chen & Ollie
OK, since we are boyz we love the blue cap but for a girl we say the red headband, whoo whoo!!!=^Y^=Ty & The Boyz
Hi Daisy. I have tagged you for a meme that could be fun. It is optional though.
Daisy I cannot believe you ever have a bad hair day. FAZ
Oooh Daisy, I think your head gears are weawwy nice! I think you wook weawwy nice being a bwond!
I have never seen you had a bad anything day, you look beautiful no matter what! I enjoyed all of your ideas for hiding bad hair if you were to have that problem. Glad you liked the game at my place today. And I think your eyes are most beautiful.
Finally I'm here. I would not miss your blog Daisy! I love all of you looks today. You made me smile again!
Have a lovely Saturday evening with Pixie and Mommie.
Love and Smoochies,
We like the red head band and the wig. The headband is the best, we think. But then, you look very good in almost anything. Your plaid dress was very pretty.
Hi Daisy, I love your wonderful hat options. They all look so wonderful on you. I will have to try some. After a long ride with my motorcycle helmet, I hate how my hair looks and I must hide it.
Happy Saturday,
Biker Betty
I must confess, I recognized you in the pony suit.... tell your momma to watch you cuz I will snatch you up in a millisecond!
Wow Daisy, how big is your closet? Love all the solutions for bad hair!
Daisy, ya hafta be the most tolerant cat inna whole world!
How in the world do you get the cat to sit still long enough for a photo?! The wig is the best...
Oh my gosh, this post is too funny! I like the blond wig the BEST! Yeah, I think I'll go for the blond wig...
Butt shakes,
Solid Gold Dancer
What a cute post. Don't you hate that hood that smushes your ears down. The baseball cap had places for your ears to poke through and be free. I liked the red headband the best, though.
Missy Blue Eyes
You are looking heavy smart with these caps.
Cute cats..nice entry ..See you in my blog too, leaving a comment...Thanks
My favorite is the blond wig! :)
Oh Daisy! What do you let your mom do to you? You made us laugh so hard with that wig! You are too too funny!
Wow Daisy We can't believe you have so many head garbs!!!! Very impressive!!
Kodak, Winton and 3 Perf
You have the perfect expression on your face when you wear the hunting cap! I laughed so! But I think the best look for you is the fancy headband, and you look so relaxed, graceful in it. For me? I don't know. Just about all of them would give me hat hair except the headband, and that is red (not a good color for redheads!). You model them all beautifully.
If only I look as cool and cute as Daisy wearing those hat n wig...
You're very cute.
What a beautiful selection of hats you have there Daisy. :)
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