Sunday Comics with Daisy!
In case you missed it, please read PART I of this comic first!The moral of this comic is to never trust Snail in the lab.
In case you missed it, please read PART I of this comic first!The moral of this comic is to never trust Snail in the lab.
Sunday Comics with Daisy!
Posted by Daisy at 6/08/2008 04:30:00 AM
Labels: bad trouble, lab experiments, Sunday comics
72 Notes for Daisy:
Watch out - it's snailzilla!!!
I love the expression on your face miss D. YOu should be in movies!
Have a great week and banana kisses to Pixienana.
Dearest Daisy!
You had us on pins and needles waitin' to see what happened after last week! Be careful in that lab of yours, Daisy! Snaizards look kinda skeery!
Very truly yours,
The Whiskers & Purrs Gang
Oh it looks big. Glad Snail is all right.
Wonder what is going to happen now, will it stay??
~ Miss Emily
Wow, Daisy, that's a very interesting creature that was created in your lab!
I wonder what they eat???
Oh what a dangerous creature has emerged after snail's mistake...wonder what's gonna happen next...
Daisy, you are obviously a Mad Scientist in the making. What could be next? I shudder to think!
You may be on to something BIG here, Daisy; a lizard that not only can grow back his own tail but carries around his own house! Excellent!
Oh No!!! Better call the wildlife rangers to come wrangle that beast!
Hi Daisy, you have an interesting creature there. It could be the one and only in the world.
Daisy, I am curious about that~!
What will the snailizard do while he is scared or shocked by you, hehehehe~~~~
Very good comic!!!
I love this result!
The long wait if finally over! A new breed of snail, or lizard?, has been born.
We want a Snaizard, maybe you can take orders, it could be a wonderful money making scheme.
~Socks, Scylla & Charybdis
Oh that is really exciting! I think you better make friends with the snaizard and keep in his good books!
Purrs, Sukie X
note to mommie: daisy's expressions are SO cute, you have the best knack for this honey!
daisy: oops is right! uh oh! now what? i wonder how it tastes?
smiles, auntie bee
excellent lesson. I will try to remember to keep my lab snail free from now on.
Daisy, next time you try a cloning experiment, have pixie stand guard.
Also, I strongly advise you to...
Snaizards are scary.
Oh my. We think you are in trouble, Daisy. What is going to happen next?
I'm starting to wonder about snail's motives.....hmmmmm.
Now lizards won't hafta' hide under rocks any more.....very creative Daisy!=^Y^=Ty
Oh dear, a Snaizard! Should we call the National Wildlife Federation and let me know about this new breed?
Daisy, you are right...keep the lab snail free!
Hi Mr. Snail ::waving::
oh daisy, you made me laugh real loud.
Daisy, that Snaizard is really funky looking! No wonder you have that look on your face ... hee hee! We think this was a great experiment!
Purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam and Simon
Goodness! Don't trust those snails!
Luf, Us
You should call Animal Planet. You could get your own show!
Oh, no! That's terrible. Whatever are you going to do with it?
You don't happen to have an email address for Daisy Mae Maus? There's a problem viewing her blog (can't - get code instead) but can't find anyone who knows how to contact her.
PS - Daisy, this is Cameron. Thank you for your comment that I don't have a plain face.
Oh oh!
That was really great! I've been waiting all week for the 2nd part and this really worth the wait.
Oooo will there be a sequel? Will Snail and Snaizard have adventures with Daisy? Will Snaizard be tasty?
Hmm, we wonder if snaizards are tasty...we wonder if dey taste like lizzard and move like snails! Dat would be great, then even slow, old kitties could catch them.
...Trust a HAMSTER in a lab :)
But that mutant snail can be excellent, that's a snail you can chase :D
Oh Daisy, I too like your surprised expression on your face. Wow, I would think that you and snail would be famous for the new creation you two made.
What would happen if you stepped into the solution yourself?
Thank you for your kind words on my blog.
Uh, oh ... Now you're really in trouble, Miss Daisy!
hahahaha Dats a silly lookin lizard! Snail, bewares Daisy may has to rep pre mand you.
Hahaha, Daisy, that's so funny! :) xxx
he he, good stuff, good stuff.
Da look on yur face! I'm laffin and laffin! Whut duz a snaizard taste like? And is it faster?
Thanks, Daisy! We FINALLY got DaisyMaeMaus' blog back in firefox.
Wore us out. Nap time.
purrs and tail wags
Can I play with it, Daisy? I promise not to, uh, dead it! :)
LOL! I love your comics. "I did not touch it!" hee hee hee
Wow, thats scary Daisy. What next ? Maybe an alligator type animal, better be careful !!
Oh no Daisy! Just make sure that Pixie is nowhere around when you do your experiments.
Pretty scary looking creature the snail assistant created for you Miss Daisy!! We wonder what will happen next? A Liznail?
Oh now what will you do Daisy?!
Oh noes! Now how are you going to eat the lizards, with those shells on them?
By the way, you is a very talented model and scientist, Miss Daisy! You're purrrfect.
Oh no! I thought at worst the snail would have a lizard tail, but this is not good! I do really like the expression on your face though. :)
Your comics are the Best, Daisy!
I hope you are having a super Sunday with Mommie and Pixie.
Love and Hugs,
dis iz shockin daisy!
i feel like a full length feechur film will be made on dis subject!
da part uv daisy will be played by da grate gwyneth paltrow ...
da part uv da snail/snaizard played by robert downey jr.
i'm so eksited.
A snizard?! Oh dear... something tells me that we haven't heard the last of this one...
Run, Daisy!
That is a scary snaizard! You better be careful!
Good advice about snails in the lab. I'm going to share that with my team at work tomorrow :)
Daisy: Will there be a part 3? I want to know more about Snaizard's adventures!
JD at I Do Things
I think that Snaizerds probly taste reely good with garlic butter and maybey a nice shardonay.
However, if they REELY tasted good, then Fansy Feest wood have alreddy made a Grilled Snaizerd in Gravy flayver, dontcha think?
The Snaizard looks very good to eat if a bit crunchy. We hope that nothing else goes wrong in your experiments.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie
Oh my, I'm not sure this is a good thing.
Maybe if could be good and you could get in the Guinnessis Book of records for creating a new gritter??
Oooh, I'm scared Snail will say "Don't make me angry. You won't like it if I'm angry." We've some bananers for Pixie!
Hahahahaha!!! A snaizard!!! Hahahahaha!!! That's too funny :)
Now he can hiode in his shell!
Purrs Mickey
Oh no, Daisy! I hope he doesn't have LIZARD teeth!
Daisy, you've created a monster
This creature looks double-y delicious to eat!
I dunno...lotsa protein there. Might be good eatin'!
Heeheeheehaahaahaahaa! Thatz the funniest thing I ever seen. I luv yer imaginashun! Yer the best Daisy.
Luv, Willie
We were in Petco today buying fish food, and we saw lots of aquatic snails. Mom wanted to buy one for our fishy tank, but decided against it since we weren't going to be home right away. The snails are cute though.
I wecommend a nice gawlic buttew and snailizawdwill be quite exceptable..thank dogness that youw fwiend snail is Ok...but you'we wight, he should not be allowed in the labowatowy again
smoochie kisses
OMG Daisy dis is funniest comic yet!! I wonder how yummy snezard is!! Me think it is too much yummyz!!
Eeks.. That's very scary... What are you going to do with it?
~ Girl girl
Ooh, we was right. We THOUGHT ya was gonna get a part lizard, part snail thingie!
I warned you Daisy about this! But a snaizard looks, so far, as if it is safe. But you never know! Does it still have a slime trail? Can it lose it's shell and grow another? hmmmmmm
OMG, a snaizard? That looks scary!
I was already chuckling when I saw Poppy Q's snailzilla comment!
Great post, Daisy!
Can we have "Everyday Comics with Daisy" instead of just Sunday?
We can't help but tell you how we all burst out laughing when we saw the last picture!
Rudolf & Goofy
I guess daisy really likes the snail much. I liked the cartoon.
Oh , so that was the outcome of your experiment, maybe you'll enjoy some crunchiness from the snail shell.
ROFL! That's one creepy clone. No more snails in the lab! ;)
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