Photo Hunters: Water
The Photo Hunters theme today is water. I like to play with waters, sometimes. Here is my special drinking cup. It is next to the bathroom sink, and it stays filled with water just for me to drink from. Here is a funny game you can play with a cup of water...
You just tap, tap, tap, tap on the water cup....

64 Notes for Daisy:
Miss Daisy, I think the water falls down the tap and comes out in New Zealand!! So maybes I gets to drink you tipped over water!
I like to drink my water from a glass too.
Wow! That is way cool, made me laugh out loud! :) Thanks for sharing this!
Now....just take this in stride....but I'm going to be a little poetic this morning. :::ahem::: Ready?
DAISY? You never cease to amaze me!!!
Like that? PuRRzZzZ
My 'water' theme this week is a road trip along the coastline of South Texas...ending at an historical mansion. Come by for a visit if you can!! Lots of pictures this time...hope you'll enjoy the history.
That looks like a fun game, Daisy! We like to play with water from the tap, but we don't like to drink it, because Munich water is very hard and tastes horrible!
Miewmie often lets the water wun so I can twy and see wher it goes. Now I know. It goes to New Zealand. Thats a long way away.
He he that's a funny game. We like to play it too. Only we like to spill water on carpet and other areas where it's hard for our human to dry quickly :)
I'd LOVE to try that!!!
Well, Miss Daisy, at least you tipped it into the sink rather than onto the floor!
I keep fresh water in the kitchen and out on the patio for Gandalf and Grayson, but they prefer to drink from my water glass. In fact, when I go to bed, I always bring a glass of water. They can't wait for me to set my glass down on the bedside table!
Dennis thinks Daisy looks cute playing the water cup game.
Err... We can't really fit on the sink, Daisy... Even if it's 1 cat..
Hmmm, tink we will just knock the cup on mum's office table, wonder wat sounds will we hear??
Lucky you tipped the cup of water into the sink. You would be hearing different sounds from your Mommy if you have tipped it over her computer.
Daisy, that does look like a fun game; you are lucky you get to play it! Our Momma used to keep a water glass on her night stand for me and Sam to drink out of, but since Simon came to live with us that isn't happenin' no more ... he would knock it over on Momma's wood floor for sure! Hee hee!
Purrs and headbutts,
Daisy, you have such good and fun ideas about water. We might try the cup trick sometime. We likes to drink straight from the fawcet as you will see.
Terrific sequencing! Love that last "what happened here?!" shot. :-)
It goes down a big black hole Daisy, and if you stare at it long enough it may come back :)
Ricky plays that game too- must be a cat thing. That last photo of you is priceless!
My photo is
Daisy, you are always so experimental and teach us so much! Plus, you are just the cutest little kitty!!!!!
As long as I don't get wet, water is fun to play with!
That looks like a fun game to me.
I would be careful not to get wet!
I don't like WATER on my furs! heehee
Purrs Mickey
What a great game...and your latest outfit is Hula-riffic!
Now I think I would like that game! I like to climb into the bathroom sink and watch the water but I hate to get wet!
Purrs, Sukie X
Great water shot. I'm most impressed that you knock the water into the sink. I'm more likely to knock it on the floor for Mom to walk across in her socks and go ew.
That looks like a neat game to play.
Sometimes when Mommy is taking a bubble bath we will sit up on the tub and swat at the bubbles. Mommy laughs and tells us we are going to fall in one day. We hope not the water is deep, we would have to swim. ~Scylla & Charybdis
Scylla steals our water, she hooks her little paw in the bowl and pulls it away from me and Charybdis when she wants something to drink and we are there first. ~ Socks
Ha ha ha! Good one Daisy! Hmmm, where does the water go? But Daisy, when you do that, who refills your water cup? Isn't it fun to make them refill it over and over? Hee hee!
Hi Daisy! Playing with water is long it not water that for a you get baths?
Love & Licks,
We leave bowls of water all opver for our cats too. I'm ashamed to say some of them have learned to turn on the water faucets. It's funny to us, but I hate for them to do it when we have guests LOL!
That was a great photo hunter. Loved it! Daisy you always make me laugh.
hmmm, that's a very good question! where DOES it go daisy??? i will see if mr. whiskers knows.
smiles, auntie bee
Daisy, I think you enjoy playing with your special little cup more than drinking from it.
Something makes me think your Mommy isn't thrilled with your little water game.
JD at I Do Things
puuurfect!! sandy
Thompson loves tovsit at the edge of the sink and watch the water swirl down the drain, contemplating where it goes.
Hi Daisy darling! I prefer to drink the water, I don't like it splashing on me. Especially when God is throwing it at me from the sky.. and if I have to walk in puddles..
Kisses and sneezes (they're rather wet, too!) from Bajas.
I like to drink from a jar with ice water. It splashes on my face. It is too heavy for me to push over. Looks like you are having fun!
~ Timothy
well Miss Daisy, you have created a mystery in my mind, where will that water go, where will it go.
What a great game! I like water games too. I sometimes play shower games. This is where I sit on the edge of the shower (between the curtains) when my beans are in there, and watch the water fall down. I also like bath games. This is much like shower games. :)
That is funny!! Does Daisy do this often?
I sink yoo always haz best photo hunters! Makes me jealous. I sink, i wanna whap a cup of water around!
What a neat way to for your bean to keep water for you. My flat little face wouldn't be able to fit in that little cup. My mom keeps my water bowl in front of an air condition went so it stays really cool.
Oah Cutest Daisy,
I wonder where does the water go as well~!!!
You are so cute playing with the water!!!
I have wondered that about water myself. I, too, enjoy drinking from glasses. The humans had to buy heavy-bottomed, wide-mouthed glasses so I wouldn't tip them over with my amazingly large head when I drank.
Well, you are a well behaved lil' girl..we would keep moving it till it hit the floor, then we would hide and wait till a bean stepped in it! We have learned to quietly snicker...=^Y^=Ty
I like to drink the water. It helps when you are thirsty.
we're so afraid of water splashing around coming from now where, but surely our sister, Pinyi is the one & only who knows how to drink from our mommy's cup:)
-Meaouwy Troops-
I don't know why, but momma was laughing very hard when she saw these picture. Hey, we're cats, it's what we do.
that's really funny, & your cat's so cute! =)
thanks for dropping by my bubble by the way!
Oh Annie LUFS to try & figure out where the water goes too! Such a fun time!
Luf, Us
Now that's a fun game. I'd rather tap it onto the floor though...
Haha that 's a great game. Happy weekend
Daisy, you sure know how to have fun. Have a lovely, purry weekend!
Oooo ... Excellent photos an' game, Miss Daisy!
We had some furry good "water" photos, too ... But Mom an' her thumbs are too far away to help us to post to our bloggie. Sigh.
It goes down da drain - HAHAHA!
Daisy, you are very curious and active, once again nice take on the theme.
Hi Daisy! Cricket like to drink her water from a glass on the kitchen counter by the sink. She has not tipped over yet. She will drink my water if I leave it out too.
You are so cute watching the water go down the drain. :)
Happy Saturday afternoon to you and Pixie and Mommie!
Hugs and Smoochies,
What a cute series of photos with commentary … perfect for today’s theme!
Hugs and blessings, you think it is holy water?....
Scientist Daisy! What great photos these are. I used to have a cat that would walk down the counter and deliberately push every glass there onto the floor to see what would happen. Always the same result: CRASH! She loved it. I ended up with only Dixie Cups. Can't wait to see what else you ponder about, Daisy!
Looks like great fun! :)
My kids love to do the same thing. *LOL*
Daisy: I think all the water does is come back out of the faucet waterfall for drinking. We should do some investigations.
Daisy, thanks for showing us the cool trick to do with that water!
Mindy & Moe
Lot's of fun Daisy, I really like the sound of splashing water. I'm surprised you let it splash on you and still have fun. I was told Meow furry friends don't really like water. Have a good weekend my dear friend!
Great picture of the water splashin outta the cup!
That looks like a really fun game Daisy, but it might also be a bit scary! When the water splashes a lot, that's the scary bit!
Do you like water Daisy? Do you have baths? And if you do, do you like them? (It's okay, I won't tell your Mommy if you say you don't!)
We love to do that with efurry thing! We tap tap tap and watch it fall. Sometimes it even makes lots of little pieces! We think it's a lot of fun!
Yoo know whare the water goes, into that mettul thing? Tenny likes to dig at that. We also stare at the hole in the flore of the rain room cuz we wanna know whare the water went.
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