Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Tattle Tail Tuesday: My Mommie and Skippy

Today I am going to tell you a true story about my Mommie, the outlaw.

This is my Mommie many, many, many, many, many, many years ago. Decades ago! Maybe even an entire century ago! I was very surprised to find this photo because I did not know cameras were invented then. This is a picture of a picture, that's why it looks No Good. I cannot explain why her hairdo was No Good.
Back then, my Mommie had a pet hamster named Percival. You could call him Percy for short. Here is a picture of the hamster. Sorry the picture is all scratched up. I did not do that. I promise.
So, after Percy went to the Rainbow Bridge, my Mommie really wanted a gerbil. Here is a picture of what a gerbil looks like:
But back then, my Mommie lived in a place called California. Gerbils are illegal there! But my Mommie and Daddie used to go to Nevada all the time to ski or go to the casinos. So, they went on a roadtrip to Nevada and bought a little gerbil there. His name was Skippy, after the TV show called "Skippy the Bush Kangaroo." The pet shop sold Skippy in a little cardboard box with round holes for air. Sort of like a Chinese food take-out container. Only no food was in there.

Here is my best imagination of what the trip home with Skippy was like. Except the car stayed on the road. And this was my Mommie's car from only about 10 years ago. If you biggify, you can see her big scream. Hahahahaha!
This is the outlaw part. My Mommie had to hide Skippy when they went through the California/Nevada agricultural checkpoint. She just stuck him under her jacket and tried to look innocent. Then, during the entire drive home, Skippy was gnawing and gnawing on the holes of his container and making them bigger! He would gnaw on one hole, and my Mommie would cover it with her finger. Then he would gnaw on another hole! He almost escaped! My Mommie had to keep saying to my Daddie "Can't you go any faster? Hurry! Hurry!" Finally, and just in time, Skippy made it to his new home and lived happily ever after. Until Skippy had to go to the Rainbow Bridge, too. It seems that many stories end this way.

I hope my Mommie does not get in trouble because I told this story. I am pretty sure that the statute of limitations ran out a few decades ago.
I do not recommend breaking the law.

91 Notes for Daisy:

The Whiskers and Purrs Gang said...

Dearest Daisy,
It's kinda excitin' to have a Outlaw for a Mommy!

Thanks for all them very nice comments you have leaved on our bloggy...all the comments and emails we been gittin' sure do help as we are so sad and skeert.

Very truly yours,
The Whiskers and Purrs Gang

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Well I am sure your mom will be ok~~~~
She is very very beautiful at her younger age~! Still very pretty now~!!!

I think your mommy is very young~~~~ But I also think it's funny you always say she is very very very very "big". hehehehe~~

Poppy Q said...

That was a great tale about your bandit mommie. I hope she doesn't drive in the middle of road like that too often.

Nice hair Daisy mom.

Parker said...

My Mommy had a Gerbil when she was much younger too! His name was Chaucher - strange name if you ask me!
Your Mommy is such a rebel!

mister jeter harris, hizself said...

wow ... wutta grate an eksitin story, daisy.
yer mom cooda been arrested furever an den dis wood be a entirely diffrent blog! har!
i clicked on da "gerbils are illegal there" an i went frum cal-i-for-ni-a to noo york an noticed dat in da grate state uv noo york anythin goez!
we cood havva skippy widowt a problum ... but matsui wood eet him.
an den barf.

Ramses said...

Wow how cool having a Mommy who's an Outlaw and you living in the West and all! :)

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

Wow!!! You mom was a real wild one when she was younger!!

Purrs Shade

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

We liked the hairdo. We really did. Mommy said it was similar to how she used to wear her hair.

We also think it was a silly law, we are glad your Mommy didn't get in trouble. ~Socks, Scylla & Charybdis

Teddy Westlife said...

Wow, I think my mum is nearly as old as your mum! We don't have many photos of her either.

I hope she does not get arrested after you tell this story. And you are right, you should not break the law.

Huffle Mawson

Marian said...

Daisy - What an exciting story! We think the only thing Crazy Lady does that is illegal is when she drives too fast. D.C. says she has something called "a lead foot", but we can't see anything wrong with it.
:o) Thomas, Phoebe and Trixie

The Meezers or Billy said...

Breaking the law is wrong. so we won't tell anyone how our mommy's "furriends" stealed lab rats from the psychology lab at their kollig. and named them George, Rudolph and Ty. and keeped them as pets. Nope, we will not tell that at all.

(note, mommy may or may not haf been included in that group of "furriends" she won't tell)

The Florida Furkids said...

Hi Daisy,

What an exciting story! We've never had a hamster or a gerbil. We're pretty sure either one is legal here in Florida.

Our Mom laughed when she saw the car though - we just sold our Meowta last year!!

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Cupcake said...

OUTLAW MOMMIE?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?


Dma said...

Wow I'm shocked. An outlaw mom. That's pretty shocking.

One day I'll have to post on how I became an outlaw smuggling a baseball bat in my pants through airport security.

Brownie said...

Wow Daisy! That hamster looked just like Copito, and the gerbil was funny! hahahha

Have you thinked about having a hamster someday?

Paula said...

What a great story! I hope you tell more -- write them when your Mommie is sleeping and she'll never know. :)

Anonymous said...

Daisy: evidently your Mommie had questionable taste in shirts also.

Daisy said...

@feefifoto: Hahahaha! Maybe that is the real crime!

Sarge Charlie said...

Mommie many, many, many, many, many, many years ago. Decades ago! Maybe even an entire century ago!

Miss Daisy I think you have misrepresented the amount of time since the photo was taken. I understand that you would protect your Mommie from the Law.

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

daisy i am glad your mommie "came clean" of the law breakin'! ha ha ha

smiles, auntie bee

Ailurophile said...

Percy and Skippy are both very cute ~ we iz glad your Mommie didn't get caught while smuggling Skippy..

Tybalt said...

Your mommy was very brave, and just a little bit naughty, to break the law like that!

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

Great story! Your secret is safe with us.

We wonder why gerbils can't live in California. Goodness, they let every other strange creature (human and otherwise) live there.

The worst thing our mom ever did was have a kitty in an apartment when she wasn't suppose to.

Laila and Minchie

dennis said...

Dennis read about the great gerbil germ infestation caused by skippy back in 1932.

nice futuristic car they had back then. Your mommie was a time traveler.

Daisy: Do you have a PINK HAT? I bet you do!

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

I think there is a little outlaw in most Mommy's.

Anonymous said...

forget about breaking the law, you mommie was kinda cute back then ha...

The Furry Kids said...

Your Mommie is such an outlaw! Smuggling contraband Skippys across the state line. We liked hearing about her bad girl side. hee hee


PS - Mama really likes your Mommies Kermit the Frog shirt. :)

CRIZ LAI said...

Haha.. what a difference compared to how her hairdo was then. Anyway, I love Skippy. He's just too cute!


Nomi said...

Wow, you have a very daring mommy. My miewmie had a hamster once, a furry long time ago. His name was Pirmin. He was named after Pirmin Zurbriggen, the Swiss ski champion. He was legal though...the hamster I mean.

Amber-Mae said...

Your Mommie's hairdo then was kinda cute! You should check out my Hooman M's hairdo three decades ago! It was like spaghetti man! Hehehehe!!! It was the "IN THANG" in those days here in Malaysia. Perci & Skippy were cuties. Heard that hamsters can only live for about two years is that true?

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

Beethoven said...

Wow! That is such an exciting story!
It's so cool you've got a pictor of your Mommie an entire century ago! That must make it an antique!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

That's exciting having an outlaw furr a mum. We wuz very interested in the gerbil being in the take-out container. We may have taken him out if we were there.

BeadedTail said...

Thanks for sharing the tail about your outlaw Mommie! I wouldn't worry about her getting in trouble after all this time but it's a good thing you are so cute or you might get in trouble for what you said about her picture!

jenianddean said...

Wowie! Your mommie's an outlaw. That's pretty cool. My mom likes your mom's Kermit shirt the best! It actually made her giggle. :)

-Jasper McKitten-Cat

Asta said...

That was not a vewy big law bweaking youw Mommi did, and it was to give a little cutie a home..so I think it was fine..I'm suwe no one will stick hew in jail
smoochie kisses



Wow your Mommie was an outlaw that sounds reel excitin! I bet she has some other stories about life on the lame...


Karen and Gerard said...

Skippy was very cute. That's a great story, Daisy. It was nice seeing a picture of your mommie too, even though it was from way back. A picture of a picture is better than not at all. I had to do that too sometimes.

Petra ~ said...

OOHHH sounds like blackmail material you have there Daisy. I think you can definitely use that information to get a couple treats our of your mommy! (And you tell a very good story, I might add. Love the pick of your mommy screaming!)

catsynth said...

We did not know about your mom's deep dark past ;)

We were just looking up info about the gerbil ban in California - it's good to stay on the right side of the law...

Kellykat said...

Wow! What a dangerous woman your mommy is. Living on the edge! It must be really exciting at your house.
-Stryder, Scotchy & Sugar

Anonymous said...

Wow. We never would've believed that your Mommie was an Outlaw, Daisy! And your Daddie was too because he aided and abetted! Ohmygosh!

Percy & Skippy were very, very cute. We think that Skippy might've been worth the risk of going to Gerbil Jail.

Questdriven said...

We won't tell a soul.

Jans Funny Farm said...

So your mom was an outlaw? Now we can see why she is so kind. She is trying to put the past behind her. With you, she turned over a new paw. See what a good influence you are on your mom? We're proud of you, Daisy!

Anonymous said...

Hi my bunderful Miss Daisy! My mom used to have a gerbil and a bad hairdo too! One gerbil named Oscar who had half his tail cut off, was missing a front tooth and liked potato chips and eating ice cream off a spoon! (But here in Buckeye country we think gerbils are legal :)

The Devil Dog said...

Wow, your mom was a rebel! Cool. Mom had two gerbile, Shelly & Telly after Shelly Winters & Telly Savalas. But that was like a squillion years ago. My mom never had your mom's haricut, though.


Anonymous said...

We won't talk about those bad hairdos....It's a memorey I care to keep behind me...

LOL @ mommie being such an outlaw...Wow... did they ahve wanted posters and everything? LOL!

Anonymous said...

My female human says that your mommie looked really cute back then.
Good that cats are not illegal in Florida - think if you had to be hidden away all the time!

Shaggy and Scout said...

Wow! Our hearts were pounding during the smuggling part!

The Fitness Diva said...

Hey, my mommy likes gerbils too.
But I think she had hamsters. She likes anything small and furry!

Your mommy is pretty cool for her to smuggle Skippy out so he could live in Cali! I like California! ;)

Hopefully your mommy has calmed down a bit from her wild ways and wild days....
she could get in serious trouble if she doesn't watch out!

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

We would have never guessed your Mommie was a bandit. Those sweet looks really fooled the border guards!
~ The Bunch

Anonymous said...

Daisy, nah, I don't think your mommy looked much younger than she is now, she looks very beautiful today too :) Only the quality of those pictures misled your opinion I'm sure :)

And that car picture is hilarious :D

Forty Paws said...

We like your Mommie's shirt.

Luf, Us

Mickey's Musings said...

WOW!! An outlaw for a mom!!!!!!! Cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Gerbil's are not allowed? How come?
Purrs Mickey

Mo and The Purries said...

Oh Daisy, you always tell the best stories!
My last hamster was named Ms. Whiskers, she was a miniature teddy bear hamster.
I had lots of hamsters and gerbils when growing up, but my best little one was a guinea pig named Wilbur (after the pig in Charlotte's Web).
Whenever I came in the room, Wilbur would greet me with "Weeeeee! Weeeeee! Weeeeeee!"
I still miss Wilbur, but he lived for like ten years, which is a long time for a guinea pig!
Thanks for sharing your mommy's outlaw story with us!
Not The Mama

Chrissie said...

Wow, Miss Daisy! I wonder if we'll find her picture in the post office? My mom says that people who break the law sometimes find their pictures in the post office. I guess that will make her very famous, too!
OOooo-maybe she'll end up on America's Most Wanted! Then we can all say we know a fugitive from the law!
This is all very excitin'!

Gizmo said...

Oh Daisy, your mommy was very pretty back then. And still is now, from the few pictures I have seen. Glad she didnt get in trouble and yeah I'm sure you wont get her in trouble for posting that. My mommy has never had one of those. But she did have other kitties and a birdie once, that was before she got me though...I would have LOVED to nom..ER...play with the birdie!!

Mr. Hendrix said...

wow! an outlaw! maybe it was a hint of Evil Alter Ego?? Bendrix would break the law to have a yu, um, cute gerbil like that.

my mommy got two "boy" gerbils in the 6th grade. then she had 9 gerbils total for a while cause one of the boys was a girl! they were fun and cute.

i think her gerbils and your mommy's gerbils are running in big wheels and chewing TP rolls together right now with the hamster!

Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

Wow. I didn't know that your momma was a renegade. Yee-ha!

Thoughts said...

What a cute story Daisy. Its obvious that your Mommie would do anything for her animals and she's very passionate and loving :)

Theodore and Sasha

Mr Jingles said...

Before me my mommy had a hamster named Tickles... cause he used to tickle her when he gave her kisses.
Your mommy looks so cute in that pic!

Sunny's Mommy said...

Wow! Your Mommie was an outlaw :-0 I would have never thought she would do anything against the law :-0

PS: Why is her hair No Good? I used to wear my hair like that many, many, many, many years ago. I think it's cute, and that was stylish wayyyyyyyyy back when ;-)

Anonymous said...

Oh noes Daisy Momma is going to be singing Skippy, skippy, skippy the bush kangeroo... for the rest of the day at me.. gah!
And we can seez where you get your looks from Daisy! ;) puuurrrrr *headbutt*

edward said...

skippy was not worthy of mommie's love but Daisy is. and Pixie. how is Pixie?

Clover said...

Haha, that is a funny story, Daisy!! I did not know that gerbils (and ferrets!) are illegal in California! Anyway I am glad your Mommie did not get arrested. I like her shirt in that picture!
Love Clover xo

Liss said...

THat was a good story. Is your mommie going to get you a gerbil or hamster? I want a hamster.

Copito said...

That hammy looks like me!!!


Queen Snickers, Empress and Princess Renna said...

Eeep! You have a naughty mommy! hehehe My momma never had an illegal pet before but she said she would sneak a baby Desert Fox into our house if she could! She thinks they are cute!! ~Queen Snickers

Evergreen loves Kilroy said...

Hahaha! That was a great story, Daisy. I think some of the best friends come from outlaw activities (like, my gramma sneaked a puppy over the Mexican border once). Your mom is very pretty in that photo - you even look a little like her!

Skeezix the Cat said...

Wow, I never new yer mom was an owtlaw, or that she duzn't dress vary fashunubly. Or that a lot of her pets wint to the Bridge, just like yers! This was a vary informutive post! My FL smuggled sumthing thru custums win we came bak frum Irelund. Evry time the doorbell rings, I'm afrade it's the police coming to take her to prizzin!

Skeezix the Cat said...

Oh, wate. Am I gonna git in trubble for ratting owt the Food Lady?

Sweet Purrfections said...

My lips are sealed! I will never tell on your mom.

Speedcat Hollydale said...

Cat whistles at the hot rod renegade mommy ... (Woot woot)

Have all cat people had a rodent of one kind or another?? I had hamsters back in the day. 20 years ago I also had a thick head of hair and was ..... (yadda yadda yadda)

Daisy, you are a great storyteller. Love the BIGGIFIED picture too :-)

I wonder will your litter box be cleaned tonight??? If not, you are welcome to potty on my lawn.

Babs (Beetle) said...

Sorry I'm late daisy, but I have been very busy today.

I like the outlaw story, very much and I loved your mummy;s scream ha ha ha!

Purrs, Sukie x

Anonymous said...

Your mommy was and still is very beautiful. I like how you mad e the picture so it could be biggified too!

Alex the Blogging Kat said...

Dat iz a wunnerful story and pickturez, Daisy! Tank u fir tellinz it. OK?

Anonymous said...

You forgot to add "... unless you're sure you can get away with it." ;-)

L. Alida said...

Oh Daisy, the things us Mommie's do for love! Your Mommie is very pretty and I like her Kermit shirt! ;)
That was a great story and I would probably do the same thing. Thanks for tattling Daisy!

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness! A gerbil smuggler! How awful!

I think we have some of those people in New York State, too.... it's a good thing your Mommie has mended her ways, Daisy. Cats are legal everywhere. :D

Black Cat said...

That's a great tattle and Percy and Skippy were furry cute! What's wrong with the hairdo? Looks fine to me:) xxx

Gemini and Ichiro said...

That was a very good tattle tale Tuesday Daisy. I bet they will never find your Mom for her to get into trouble though!

If she does, Cheysuli's friend Tony knows lots of good attorneys...

Girl Girl Hamster said...

That's a cute hammie and gerbil your mom had. I'm glad she didn't get into any trouble when she bring Skippy home..

~ Girl girl

The Island Cats said...

Wow! We didn't know having a gerbil could land you in the slammer! Good thing your mommie hid Skippy.

Wally, Ernie & Zoey

Anonymous said...

What a great story! Our MamaCat loved watching "Skippy the Bush Kangaroo." There were so many cool animals on that show.
MamaCat & the FurryPurries
Ozzy, Alice, Bootsie, Freckles, Lola, Dandelo & baby Honey

caspersmom said...

I think your Mom is pretty even back then. Sure can't understand why Gerbils would be against the law here in California, they are cute. I think they sell them here now, but I'm not sure. I wouldn't call you Mom an outlaw though. Goodness, the gerbil almost gave it away. The gerbil was the oulaw. He he.


Lux said...

Wow, your mom has led an exciting life! That was a wonderful story, but I don't know anything if someone comes asking questions. ;-)

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Detective Skeeter decided not to investigate this case...

Squirrel said...

skippy wasn't worth the bother...Daisy is worth any and all bothers!

(angel) Grrreta and Fam said...

Your mommie is very pretty. So is the gerbil.

Mr. Chen and Ollie said...

Oh daisy, We are so glad you shared this story. It made mommy smile (and that is very hard to do this week). Mommy said she had gerbils when she was younger too. Maybe we will do a post of what awful tragedies occurred with mommy's gerbils. It will be less of an "outlaw" tale and more of a "horror story". Someday we will tell it...
Mr. Chen & Ollie
p.s. Mommy loves your mom's shirt with kermit the frog in a santa hat!

Mimi Lenox said...

Scandalous!! I'm so glad you have Daisy to keep you clean and honest now. Thank goodness!

duo_disaster said...

We sure cant stop laughing!
Hahahahahhahahhaha ~

Thanks Daisy for sharing this story! We really love it.

And I guess your Mom did wanted so badly for the Gerbil. *winks*

Oh yeah, thank GOD Percy didnt enlarged more than 10 holes, else I am not sure how the story will end. Lol~

Rudolf & Goofy

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