Friday, September 26, 2008

Fashion Friday: My Two-Piece Outfit

Hi everybuddy! I am very happy today because I get to wear this cute two-piece outfit. My favorite part is the puffy skirt. The outside is made of corduroy and it is lined with puffy netting to it sticks out real cute-like. It fastens with velcro, so I do not even have to stick my legs through the opening!
Now I am a little bit crabilated because my Mommie said I have to model the top, too. I like the skirt best. I do not understand why I cannot run around in just the skirt.
Oh, all right. I will wear the dumb top. Hmmm. It does have this shiny trim at the shoulders. And sparkly diamonds stuck to the front.
Okay, I admit the top is cute, too. Sometimes you must give your fashions a chance.
Now it is PLAYTIME! I am playing and playing very hard...
... and my skirt fell off! No matter, I can play in just the top.


105 Notes for Daisy:

Forever Foster said...

Daisy, that is a beautiful outfit! We love the bow on the front of your top, very pretty. Mum wishes they made your skirt in human size! MOL!

-Suey and Evie (and secretly Fui).

Anonymous said...

Daisy, you look very cute in red! And Diamonds are a girl's best friend!

Felix, Garfield & Jawsy said...

This 2pc outfit makes us concentrate our eyes on ur belly, Daisy.. and we do not know if its is Good or Bad...
Are u chasing ur skirt?? We c ur googly eyes!

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Oh you really played very hard for your skirt to fall off Daisy. hee

~ Girl girl

Kathy said...

Daisy, you have such a trim midriff! You should be happy you can pull off a two-piecer like that. Also, I see you got The Big Eyes in that last picture. You do not look very crabilated there!

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

That is very very very beautiful fashion~!!!!! I love it~!
I think you are so ready for a cute party with Skeezix!!

gemmak said...

You need to be very careful about letting your skirt fall do after all have a new boy for company and one just never knows! ;o)

Us4 Cats said...

That is the cutest thing.

I cant believe she stays still for the photos while dressed up.

I love it!!!!

Daisy, you rock sister!

Parker said...

I can see by your wild eyes that you were having a lot of fun with your fashion!

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

That is quite the number Daisy! Maybe today you wanted a "clothing optional" Fashion Friday. You keep losing something!

Alex the Blogging Kat said...

Hi. Daisy! I iz gladz u getz to playz in ur hoomin thangiez. I be tempteded 2 eatz da shy-nie topz thangie or maybe jist chewz on itz. OK?

Poppy Q said...

Daisy it is a very pretty outfit you have chosen for this Friday.

We was wondering if you and Harley will blogshare, or will he have to have his own? I know your mom must work really hard on yours and run out of time.

You tell her to relax and put her feet up for the weekend.

Big smooches.

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

Daisy, you look lovely! This is one of my favorite of your outfits!!!

::Hi Harley::

Karen and Gerard said...

Oh you are so funny! I laughed out loud when you lost the skirt and you teached me a new word too: crabilated! I'm going to add that to my what I learned this week post. Thank you, Daisy! I think that is a very fancy outfit you have there. You could go topless with that, but the top actually brightens it up!

Karen and Gerard said...

Oh, I forgot to mention what a smart idea that is to use velcro too! Your mommie is a very smart and talented lady!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

That is a pretty outfit Daisy. We're glad you wore the top as well because it is lovely. You must have a huge wardrobe to keep all your beautiful outfits in.

Anonymous said...

always Miss professional Daisy!
I just knowz you must have been some top model like Betty Page!
I think you is betty re incarnated, only coz you does not mind removing.. well you know (wink wink)
Momma wants to know how big in sizes does your tailor go coz she wants what your wearing!! ;)


Sweet Purrfections said...

What a beautiful skirt. You looked like a little cheerleader when you stretched out and exposed your belly.

Thanks for coming to my birthday party yesterday.

The Florida Furkids said...

You look super in Red! That's our Mom's favorite color! We think the diamonds are a nice touch too. We're jealous of your nice flat tummy - ours are very floofy and Tamir's!

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Mickey's Musings said...

Neato!! You can play in your outfit or with your outfit!!!! ;) It is pretty too :)
Purrs Mickey

Cupcake said...

Daisy, where do you shop? I'd like to get something.

Chrissie said...

Daisy, I think your outfit is very cute, but I wonder if the skirt gets in the way of your high-wire practicing? Also, what does Harley think of your fashion-maven-ness? I'll bet he's never seen a ladycat in cute fashions before!

Teddy Westlife said...

It is a very fetching outfit, Daisy. How are you getting along with Harley?

Huffle Mawson

JD at I Do Things said...

Daisy! First you want to go topless, and then you "lose" your skirt! That is not very Ladylike!

JD at I Do Things

i beati said...

I like how the maj0r tail accents the outfit and of course those eyes!!

The Furry Kids said...

Mama seriously thought about how much you looked like you needed tummy scritches in picture #5. I do like the sparkly top a lot.


Chat Blanc said...

that skirt is to die for! you're my new fashion icon. :)

Anonymous said...

Daisy once again you look so cute.
Your the perfect model :)

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

We like the pretty red top the best. You look pawsome in red, but the whole outfit was adorable.

~S,S & C

Babs (Beetle) said...

Ha ha ha! Oh Daisy that was some hard playing, for your skirt to fall off!

Purrs, Sukie x

Unknown said...

mai! Daisy your dress is purrfect for u!! you lookz like framenco princess!!

Figaro the Therapy Cat said...

Hi daisy! your outfit is buuutiful. It will be perfect for Valentine's day since it is red.

I am so happy for you to have a new brothar! (although they can be a pain sometimes, Figaro is one eggzample).

I also like your signatures! How did you did that?


Dma said...

i don't know about all this in and out of clothes business... what are u, a stripper?

Lidian said...

You look adorable in that outfit, Daisy -

Plus the skirt is such a great toy! It is handy that it comes off when you are playing...

It could also be nice and soft to nap on later when you get tired from playing with it.

xx Asha and Katia

The Island Cats said...

Daisy, that is a very purrty outfit! We can't believe you played so hard that your skirt fell off! Time to tighten the velcro!!

Wally, Ernie & Zoey

Liss said...

Oh what a great outfit!

Monty Q. Kat said...

Oh my, Skeezix might not be able to see those last two pics...

Maggie May said...

Daisy, that is the most purrfect outfit. You look smashing!
~Maggie May~

Forty Paws said...

That is a loverly outfit! You modeled furry well!

Luf, Us

Shaggy and Scout said...

That's a lovely fall fashion.

TabbyNormal said...

Not only that, but you can play WITH the skirt!

Abby & Stygia

Tiger Lily said...

That is a beautiful outfit Daisy. I think it would be very hard to play in a poofy skirt but you made it look easy!

Isis said...

how are you and harley getting along? Thats a beautiful skirt you've got there!

Mini said...

It is sooooooooo cute I wish mommy cod mack me one!

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

I learned a new word today, Daisy. Crabilated!
You look very cute in your outfit, especially the shiny trim on the shoulders.
~ Timothy

Daisy Deadhead said...

I try not to play in my fancy clothes, that always happens!

Very nice!

The Oceanside Animals said...

Daisy, is your middle name "Mae" by any chance? ;-)

Asta said...

You look wavishing in that outfit..I think the skiwt would be excellent fow dancing, and even when it falls off you look adowable.
Awe you teaching youw bwuddew about fashion sense?
smoochie kisses



You look like you are puttin the bitey on your was a very cute outfit and you as always looked adorable.


Laila and Angel Minchie said...

Love the picture with the curly tail!

jenianddean said...

That is quite a spiffy outfit, and you are ingenious to use the skirt as a toy once it fell off.

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

wow that is beautiful daisy. i bet i could wear something like that myself. my tummy could stick out like yours. do you have a tattoo? i don't but i might get one if i wore that! what do you think?

smiles, auntie bee

Sarge Charlie said...

you look really nice in that outfit Miss Daisy, will Harley do fashion shows also?

Tybalt said...

Daisy! I just love the picture of you in your outfit with your tail all curled!

Anonymous said...

OMG! I have a favorite new word - crabilated! I love it! I am very crabilated all the time lately, what a nice word. Thank you so much!

Oh, your outfit is really cute, I love the neckline on the top. The skirt looks so cute on you. Will Harley be modeling boy fashions soon?
Smoochies -

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Daisy.....we think maybe you were just doing a bit of a strip tease for Skeezix!

Little Big Man said...

Daisy, as always you are absolutely beautiful! Love the tummy picture.

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Oh, dat outfit is furry cute. We think yoo could wear dat cute top to dress up some jeans. Um, what does Harley think of fashons?

LZ said...

It is a very pretty outfit! Harley hasn't tried to play with it has he?


Anonymous said...

Daisy you do look beautiful, you have so many outfits we're not sure which we like best.

Anonymous said...

Furry nice Daisy! Will Harley model like yoo? Yoo would be a great teacher.

Gemini and Ichiro said...

You look great in your fashions Daisy! I think the skirt could need to be attacked by the look on your face at the end!

Spooky said...

Daisy, that is a really pretty outfit! Red is such a nice color on you.

Niko and Cloud said...

Hey Daisy!
Where did your mommie get you that? My mommie wants to buy my sisfur Cloud one too!

Anonymous said...

Daisy, You are quite the fashion model! Mom said she'd like a skirt like that too!

myspoileddogs said...

Wow Daisy that is a cute outfit!!

Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

Daisy ... Are you gonna share your keen fashion sense with Harley? I'm sure that he'll love FSF as much as you do ...

BeadedTail said...

Daisy you are just too cute! You made me laugh when you played right on out of your skirt! Your outfit is adorable!

Thoughts said...

HAHAHA! Daisy I really like your outfit, its adorable. I love the picture of you playing with your cute little belly showing. And then that last picture - your eyes are so big. That's what we look like when we are spying on critters and toys! MOL!

Theodore and Sasha

Anonymous said...

that's a great outfit! you wouldn't be able to wear it over hear though. Midnight has an unnatural obsession with netting. she'd eat your skirt.

Skeezix the Cat said...

T...T...T...Topless shots. B...B...B...Bottumless shots. T...T...T...Tummy shots. Sumwun call a medik!!!!!

Lux said...

You always make wearing clothing look like fun, Daisy!

The Meezers or Billy said...

Daisy, that is a beautiful outfit!!!! we love the stretching pikshur!!! - Sammy and Miles

HARLEY!!! YES!! ME loves TOYS!!! and ME loves to RUN and RUN and RUN!!! COME OFUR AND PLAYPLAYPLAY!!!! - Billy

Kimo and Sabi said...

Wow - that's some hard playin fer yer clothes to fall off!

Eduardo said...

Your so cute Daisy!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle

LadyJava said...

Daisy... I would love to see your wardrobe.. I'm wondering what it would look like.. is it like a barbie closet or something??..heheh

Unknown said...

Daisy that is a very stylish outfit!

I can imagine that your skirt falling off whilst you are playing could be a problem, but you handled it with incredible grace : )

I just read the post about your new Brofur! How exciting! He seems very nice and friendly, I know you guys will be the best of friends!

Anonymous said...

Duz anybuddy have smellin salts? I think the wite rat had a seezhure.

Evergreen loves Kilroy said...

You look so cute in this week's fashion, Daisy! Whether with or without the top!

zevo hussein calamari said...

YOu are stunning in that outfit!!!!!!

Mr. Hendrix said...

that is a very cute outfit Daisy! not only is it beautiful, it also allows you to play without constricting you. i think Skeezy will faint when he sees those last two pictures.

will Harley be taking part in Fashion Friday. i didn't realize how dainty you are until i saw that cute MiniMancat next to you.

we're sure Pixie approves of you rescuing a kitty who needed a forever home.

Cindy Garber Iverson said...

The photo of you stretching to show your tummy is so cute it made me giggle out loud!


L. Alida said...

Daisy, red and black look so good on you! Very sophisticated. I'm giggling at Skeezix's comment. He's so silly! You look like you could go out to dinner and dancing tonight. :)
Have a great afternoon!
hugs and smoochies,

Black Cat said...

I was going to say that you look so adorable Skeezy will wet his pants, but I see it's worse than that - he's had a seizure! OMD, hope the ambulance got there in time!!!

I did just what you said Daisy. "Anonymous" has left me a sweet comment!

Love to you and Harley:) xxx

Quasi said...

That's what humans call a wardrobe malfunction. The whole outfit is very cute!

MaoMao said...

SQUEE!!!!! You look adorabble in yur outfit! You are such a wunnerful model.

Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!

Rosemary B❤️ said...

OH I missed all of your blogs of late :-)
I am so happy to see you in this fancy outfit. It is lovely!
I am also thrilled that you have a noo brother and goodness, Pierro came to live with us when he was 6 months so that is very special that you have a new two tone brother. He is really handsome and he looks so happy!
Yay a happy playmate for you
welcome Harley. That is a good name.
Love and purr

Quill and Greyson said...

You look great as always... will Harley be modeling too?

(angel) Grrreta and Fam said...

You look beautiful in that outfit.

Lorenza said...

Hi, Daisy!
You look beautiful in your two piece outfit! I like it a lot!
So, do you prefer to be topless?
Kisses and hugs

Linda S said...

Super sure have a lot of fancy outfits! The Big Guy won't let my Mommy dress me up which is a bummer...I show him your cool outfits, but he says no way...after all I'm his kitty...oh well, No fun for me!

Little Ding

Sushi said...

This is a very posh one dear! The whole outfit seems to allow your movements, so it's a beautiful but practical outfit. I know in the end you lost the skirt but you look good anyways!
PS: I little award is waiting for you, come pick it up ok?

Alexi said...

Tatyana, Alexi's daughter says:

Daisy, you are too cute. Our beans nefur haf any clothes like that for us. Who's your designer?

We3Katz said...

Look at ur eyez in da last pichur! Jist like Pandiz when he chased Smudgie frum da kattree! Wild child!

Sassy Kat said...

Beautiful outfit. Your mom is right you should wear your top too, you must not go topless. I guess you could if you really wanted to, maybe you could get a job at the playboy club.

Janet said...

Daisy, you are such a good model! I wish that Tinsel and Lily would model as nicely as you! And thank you so much for stopping by our blog this week!! :-)

Anonymous said...

Oh wow Daisy you have a nice view there...

Anonymous said...

That is a pretty fabulous skirt!

Sasha said...

you look nice in that Daisy. Some Diamonds are for me.

Donna said...

That shirt is perfect for a night on the town. :)

Anonymous said...

Daisy, you look beautiful! Could you please tell my cat, Echo, that clothes aren't nearly as scary as he thinks they are?

Unknown said...

You know, with just the skirt on, you looked like a wonderful, welcoming tribute to your new black-and-white catbro Harley!

Can we expect him to join you on Fashion Friday?

Your pals,

Petey and Mica

Anonymous said...

Daisy you are an utter saucepot in that outfit!


Sunny's Mommy said...

I love your outfit! It is so cute on you :-D You are always so fashionable, Daisy.

Mr. Tigger in Cat-Lands said...

Daisy you are so cute in your new outfit! The top looks really good on you! Red must be your color! Wow! You played so hard your skirt fell off! (hehehehe)
Your FL furiends,

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