Friday, September 5, 2008

Fashion Friday: Rasta Daisy!

This is my new Rasta cap. It is very convenient, because it has built-in dreadlocks. This saves on the hair-growing time.
See how the light shines upon my dreadlocks? My fake hair is of the highest quality! I'll bet you could not even tell it is not my own hair!
Hmm, I see some catnip! I might like to sample this...
Do not worry, I know how to work the zip-lock on this bag. I can just use my teeths.
I am a little worried, because I do not think real Rastafarians use a chin-strap to help hold their hats on.
My Mommie laughed and laughed when I ran off to play and kept my cap on. I say, if you have a cute outfit, you should wear it as long as possible.
Here is my official portrait. I think I will go listen to some reggae music now.


119 Notes for Daisy:

Ailurophile said...

These are some very very purrety pikturs of you Daisy ~ especially the last one!

Anonymous said...

daisy in dreds.... Oh my... have fun with teh catnip. Wish I had some...LOL!

Samantha & Mom said...

Oh Daisy, you look cute in your Rasta hat and your dreadlocks look so natural!! You look so happy that your Mommie is home!
Your FL furiends,

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

You look just FABULOUS in your Rasta cap, Daisy! I can quite understand that you would want to keep it on whilst you play!

Your Pal,

Anonymous said...

This is cute! LOL

Parker said...

Hey Mon! What's the haps?
(I'm speaking Rasta, but I am not very good at it).

The Furry Bambinos said...

Daisy, we LOVE your new look! WE can just about hear the strains of Bob Marley...

Yah mon,
Padre, Panda Bear, and Meerkat

Anonymous said...

It it you Daisy!! OMG :) Ok have fun with the catnip.

i beati said...

Daisy Marley - You have the funniest eyes when you are wearing clothes - especially your Rasta clothes ha ha

Joy0z said...

What a fabulous Kitty...having fun watching you Daisy...

The Lazy Iguana said...

I hope you are watching Ike.

Anonymous said...

I an I Jah Daisy, ah seh won, har well natty dread, har cris, truss mi.

Gwaan gal, sidung an ketch yoo a pyur of cat ganja.



Anonymous said...

We love Reggae, Daisy! Ummm... We might be able to tell that it's not your own hair.

Lidian said...

Daisy, i could not tell that those were not your real actual dreadlocks! That is a mighty cool hat.

My cats say that they are so happy for you that your mom is home and boy does that catnip look great or what?

Felix, Garfield & Jawsy said...

A'wha u seh, Daisy? No mommie, no cry? whahaha sorry, we couldn't resist! U are just too hilarious Rasta Daisy! XD
Happy weekend to you and Pixie!
Hugs and Purrs,

Cupcake said...

Oh! I like that hat!

Babs (Beetle) said...

Ha ha ha! That is a really 'Far out' look Daisy! I was expecting you to sing to us - maybe after some nice nip?

Purrs, Sukie x

Mickey's Musings said...

Oh Daisy!!! You are the first cat I have seen with dreadlocks! You wear them well too :) That hat is very pretty !!!
I hope you have lots of food and treats stored!!! It looks like "Ike" will come blowing your way and he sounds mean!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Purrs Mickey

Donna said...

You should make an album now!

Honey P. Sunshine said...

yeah mon, lets roll some catnip spleefs

Sarah Coggins said...

Daisy, you are too cute! What a fun hat. :)

Sarge Charlie said...

Rasta Daisy, I am cracking up, welcome back mommie....

Anonymous said...

Daisy, that headgear is adorable, as are you! You can come round to my place to play Reggae anytime!

Love Milo xx

The Fitness Diva said...

You are toooo crazy, Mon!
Good that you have fake ones sewn to a cap. The real ones are a big job to take care of! :)

Liss said...

You're hip mon.

Pumpkin said...

Hehe! I gess yoo are now Daisy the EXTRA-Curly Cat!

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

You are adorable in your Rasta hat.

We are a little worried about the nip. Youngest Boy Bean helped us translate and the package says.

The Crazy Cat.

We do hope the nip doesn't drive you crazy. Good job on the zipper with your teeth. ~S, S & C

Dma said...

hey mon- u look great.

Anonymous said...

Daisy, that is SO cool! What pretty colors and I love the dreads! Was that a present that your mommie brought?

Designing Hilary said...

There. Are. No. Words.

(Daisy is biding her time ... she says your day will come!!!)


Laila and Angel Minchie said...

That must be some powerful nip! El gato loco translates into The Crazy Cat!

Love the dreds!!! You are just adorable!

The Florida Furkids said...

That isn't your real hair? We wouldn't have know it if you didn't tell us!

Welcome home to your Mommy!

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

jenianddean said...

Hey Mon, that's a great hat. Just don't do too much catnip in that outfit or you might get a reputation. Mom was so excited last night because Target has great kitten costumes, but she resisted buying any because she knows we're not as patient as you with dress-up.

The Furry Kids said... Hahahahahahahaha! Mama's coffee came right out her nose. Daisy, you look so adorable. And I could not tell that that was not your real hair.


PS - We like how your catnip says El Gato Loco.

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

I sure hope that is catnip in that bag and not something else!
Your look so cute!

Tesla and Hansel said...

Daisy i just LOVE that hat on yoo! yoo look so coot!

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

did you get the el gato loco open honey? you sure look cute!

smiles, auntie bee

Janet Roper said...

Daisy, you look quite hip. Where's your steel drum?

Milton said...

Daisy, mon, you's is a cool kitta!
We has a little nip and dance, dance, dance.

JD at I Do Things said...

HA! I love Rasta Daisy! Now I'm in the mood for some . . . catnip. Yeah, catnip!

JD at I Do Things

Bonnie Story said...

"El Gato Loco" indeed! Hey, does that lead to stronger stuff?? I think your dreads are divine!! It's a good look on you, I love the contrast! You rock, Daisy. So glad Mommy is back where she belongs!!

Chrissie said...

I say, HEY, MON! I say, whatchoo thinkin' you be wearin' tha dreads, mon? I tink dey be lookin' jus' nice, oh yes. Jus' nice!

dennis said...

Dennis is sad today but the rasta thing is very cheering, but Dennis is still sad because Precious the cat went to sleep and didn't wake up.

her family is devastated.

see her whole story at this blog:

Colby and Cheddar said...

We likes your hat furry much, Daisy; it is so colorful! Where do your ears go?!

The Oceanside Animals said...

No catnip no cry mon!


Your eyes match your hat!

Listening to some Bob Marley??


Laura said...

This is my favorite outfit yet. Very cool, Mon!

HRH Yao-Lin said...

hahahahaha Daisy!!! Is you high on d'nip in your rasta hat??? Really you look like you should be on a beach in Jamaica! Hilarious! x

Mo and The Purries said...

O mon, you be jammin.
Work the look, girl!

Anonymous said...

I am definitely LOL-ing at you Ms Daisy! I love your dreads! Boogie on!


Robyn and The (Mostly) Badass Cat said...

Maybe it was the catnip that made you run off in your Rasta hat.

Anonymous said...

you're just too cool! :)

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Gosh Daisy, there really isn't anything yoo don't look good in! We is so happy yoor mommy is home...whoa, lookit dat giant bag of nip. Didja forget dat "reefer madness" movie yoo did wif Pixie?

Tiger Lily said...

Hahahahahahahahaha! I was very surprised to learn those dreadlocks are not yours ~ they look so natural!

The Meezers or Billy said...

you're just too cute Daisy

Karen, author of "My Funny Dad, Harry" said...

That hat sure is colorful and the locks are hilarious! I can't get over how much you like wearing hats! My cats really don't. Here's a tip for you, I think you could get to the catnip faster with your teeths just on the bag part and forget the little ziplock thing. Just tear into the bag!

LODS said...

lol your really one of a kind daisy!!!!!you remind me of the two jelly fishes in sharks tail i think it was ernie and bernie,lol

Shaggy and Scout said...

Another fashion winner Daisy!
Now, where on earth did you get that gigantic bag of catnip?????

BeadedTail said...

Whoa mon! Love your dreads!

TabbyNormal said...

Wow, man, that is one big bag of green stuff you have there.

We are glad to hear you can play with that hat on. A costume that does not stop the play is the best kind of costume! We think you should just laugh back at your mom.

Abby & Stygia

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

We don't even know what to say do look cute though.

Unknown said...

we likes the hat!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

You mean::gasp:: the dreads are fake? We would never have known it. Are you sure that is nip, and are you going to roll in it or roll it up?

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

You are just way too cute! We could never have guessed that hair was not really yours.
Your 'nip looks good!!
~ Maggie Mae

Forty Paws said...

Awesome hat Daisy! Have fun!

Luf, Us

Anonymous said...

That is one hell of a hat on you daisy :P.... it certainly made her look like 'a cat from the cool fashioned 60's' ;)...

Tybalt said...

You look wonderful as a Rasta, Daisy! Maybe you can replace Bob Marley, and it could be Daisy and the Wailers!

Unknown said...

Okay Daisy I love your dreads, they look marvelous on you -- I'm going to put on a Bob Marley album and we can start jammin :)

Asta said...

I was totally fooled..I was suwe you had gwown youw haiw..I think it's OK to use a chin stwap..that way when you dance to raggae, youw bootiful hat won't fall off
smoochie kisses

Lux said...

What a really cool hat, Daisy - I think you look wonderful!

Anonymous said...

Hey Mon real cool...Lol Hugs :)

Anonymous said...

We see a movie in the making here ....

PB 'n J said...

Ya Mon, we love it! And you're gonna need some of that nip while you listen to the reggae beats!

Fat Eric said...


Sorry Daisy, hope you are not offended at the noise my human was making looking at your new headgear. Of course I think you look furry stylish, cannot understand why she is still going...

Gaston is back! muahahahaha said...

Ha,ha,ha,ha, make me always laugh Daisy!.. I want catnip too >_<

Questdriven said...

Hey, Daisy. We have something for you. Look at our latest blog post on the "Musings of Two Dogs Blog".
You look cute in your Rasta cap. Love it!

Chat Blanc said...

That's a hawt look! I love to be incognito. :)

Purrageous Pirates said...

You do make one cute rasta Daisy!!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Wow! I can see you are getting in to the movement Daisy!

Does this mean you no longer dislike hats or do you just happen to like the Rasta hat?

Unknown said...

Oh Daisy, my Mum and I can't stop laughing - you are just adorable in your new Rasta Cap! I LOVE it!

(angel) Grrreta and Fam said...

I love your hat! You're so funny!

Anonymous said...

OMG Daisy you always make me smile. I really need it today as this next week is going to especially hard for me. Thanks for being you! I will try to visit while I am out of town next week. Too bad you can't come along so I can smile the whole time.

Anonymous said...

Hi Daisy,
Love your rasta hat, and as you say, the dreads look completely natural!

Love from your distant cousin Sookie (I'm a cornish rex) in Sweden

PS My mommie reads your blog every day :)

Copito said...

Wooha Daisy Marley jojojo.

Tomorrow my mom and dad go at soccer Mexico vs. Jamaica


Marian said...

Daisy - You crack us up and add a smile to our day. Thanx!!!
:o) Thomas, Phoebe and Trixie

Chaffee Street Cafe` said...

Ooh Daisy! You're Jammin' !!! This is such a creative fashion item. I love it!



Rosemary B❤️ said...

Oh Daisy you look really... um ..... .... cool. My mom laughed too.

I hope you kittygirls have a good week-end. I hope Ike takes a hike!

Skeezix the Cat said...

I like how the gold in the cap matches yer gold eyes. I coodn't even tell fur a secund that it was not yer reel hares!

PEE ESS: Rocky wunts to know ware he can skore sum of that El Gato Loco catnip.

Black Cat said...

Wha hay mon, I'm diggin' da titfer an' teh skunk erm, catnip luks well crazy man, but yu tak it eezy, yu hear moi?

Goodness knows what speak that is, on reading it back it looks a bit Scottish, a bit cockney and a bit lol-speak, hee hee!

My sister bought one of those hats in the caribbean and we took some photos:) xxx

Anonymous said...

Daisy, the rasta look fits you even better than your pretty pink dresses!

Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

Oh, goodness ... You MUST come to San Diego in February for the Bob Marley Festival, Miss Daisy! You can get totally irie, mon.

The Island Cats said...

Okay, Daisy, we think your rasta look is over the top!!!

Wally, Ernie & Zoey

SophieKitty said...

Ya, Mon. Let's get together and feel alright!

Daisy, this might be your best Fashion Friday yet!

Bogdan, the editor said...

Did you try to smoke your catnip, Daisy? It would bring authenticity to your Fashion Friday.

Moki The Wobbly Cat said...

That was too funny...did you listen to any Hendrix?

Moonchild Dancing! said...

LOLololOL Oh my tummy hurts from laughing so hard Daisy! I think you're right.. if your wearing a cute outfit wear it as long as possible. Peace cute kitty!

L. Alida said...

Hi Rasta Daisy! I love your look! Why are you just so darn cute? I'm glad you got your "awardies".
I am worried about Ike. If it hits the Keys what would The Hemingway House people do with the kitties?
I will hope and pray it loses strength and doesn't come near you.
Did you and Pixie enjoy your reunion with Mommie?
Have a lovely evening sweetie,
Hugs and Smoochies,

Lorenza said...

Hi, Daisy!
Your rasta hat is great! But you don't look so happy in those pictures!
El Gato Loco?? What is that?
Kisses and hugs

Anonymous said...

Hey, your cat is looking amazing :)
Wish I had a one like this.
Cheers buddy !!

Jans Funny Farm said...

Oh, Daisy, you look cute in anything. What an outfit!

Anonymous said...

We love REGGAE@! ANd Daisy absolutely looked like a real Rastafarian! SOOO cute!!!!


Anonymous said...

You look so cute in your hat, Daisy! And I'm glad you made your mommy laugh hard after she was gone for awhile. Say hi to Pixie for me!

Rosie & Cheeto said...

Hahaha, that's the funniest thing weeve seen in a supur long time. Yoo luk awesume, Daisy!

Amazing Gracie said...

I was gonna say you've outdone yourself this time but I'm sure you're already thinking up the next one! Absolutely adorable...

Christine and FAZ said...

Iron like a lion in Zion. At least that's what I think Bob Marley sang. FAZ

DSCALIN said...

Hy ,

The Crew said...

Daisy dear, once again you have shown that you look wonderful in anything & everything. You look like you just got back from a vacation in Jamaica.

Anonymous said...

We don't even know what to say do look cute though.

Quasi said...

(To the tune of Bob Marley's Rasta Man): Rasta cat, vibration yeah!
Irie I (continue with lyrics)

Mrs Sweetwater said...

Mi Gyal Daisy,

go easy on dem herbs Mon..
it look like di ChroNip


The Cat Realm said...

And your Mom is such a great human! Supporting the cancer research and volunteering - she could be a role model for all humans!

Mr Jingles said...

Daisy you looks so cutes with the dreads... it's a good look for you!

Teddy Westlife said...

I would like to print out your official portrait and put it on my wall please Daisy.

Huffle Mawson

Maria Paris said...

Definetely one of my favorite Fashion Fridays because even I can wear this! Wouldn't that be cool?
Youu look Rasta FAB!

LizzyT said...

Daisy I love your pictures, you look such a cutie in that hat.

darlene said...

hee the dreds!!

Anonymous said...

Chica - It's time to hit the nip!

Anonymous said...

...that is one patient cat.

Deb DiSalvo said...

That is so adorable!!! How on earth do you keep that hat on her? She's an extremely photogenic sassy girl!

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