Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Wordless Wednesday: My big eyeballs!


143 Notes for Daisy:

TabbyNormal said...

Wow, Daisy! What are you seeing that makes your pupils get soooo big? We want to see it too!

Abby & Stygia

Brownie said...

Woah! What's that
I've never seen biggest eyeballs before, sice Stellaluna is always ourside and puts her little little eyeballs on.

Anonymous said...

Hai, sweet Daisy,

I visititted your bloggie lots of times, but never gave a comment. Dissis not a comment but com-ple-ment: your i-s ar bootyfooll.
Love Elka

Brownie said...

PS: I think you was seeing Skeezix somewhere hehehee!

snowforest said...

Big and bright!

Daisy said...

Thank you, Elka!

ps: I was looking at a toy that I was just about to pounce.

MYM said...

LOL!!! oh my gosh they got BIG! You must see something REALLY exciting!

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

You have beautiful eyes, Daisy!


PS: Tom says thanks so much for the offer to lend him your raincoat. He was very touched!

Teddy Westlife said...

Oh Daisy, did you see a LIZARD?

Huffle Mawson

Anonymous said...

Hi Daisy! You have big beautiful eyes!

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

That is extremely cool!
You can chanve your eyeballs's shape anytime!!!

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Woh.. how did your pupils get so big like that?

~ Girl girl

Poppy Q said...

Are thems nip eyeballs Miss D?

SandyCarlson said...

What a beauty!

Anonymous said...

My, what big eyes you have, my dear!

Parker said...

I hope you pounced that toy big time!

The Florida Furkids said...

Those are big beautiful eyes!

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

stan said...

she looks all ready to pounce!

Felix, Garfield & Jawsy said...

Daisy! Ur eyeballs are as big as flying saucers!
Did u put a big bitey on the toy, did u?

Anonymous said...

Youz eyeballs are in perfect proportion Miss Daisy as is the rest of you :)
Your pupils however makes me wonder what you hadz for lunch and how it woz ingested.. hehe just kidding.. I know that you iz a very good girl :)

i beati said...

Oh what big eyes you have my dear..The better to see to pounce with --

Daisy becaussue of you and Texas I donated to my shelter yesterday a nd again this Sat. !!Thanks for reminding me

Amber-Mae said...

You look like a shark ready for a strike! I can dilute my eyeballs too when I'm nuts.

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

The Whiskers and Purrs Gang said...

Dearest Daisy,
Your eyeballs are beautiful!

Very truly yours,
The Whiskers and Purrs Gang

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Daisy's got

"Betty Davis eyes"

~S, S & C

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

Goodness Daisy, what are you looking at! Those beautiful eyes of yours are HUGE!

Spooky said...

Wow! Such BIG pupils! What in the world are you looking at?

The Meezers or Billy said...


Sweet Purrfections said...

I pity the poor creature that you have your eyes on.

Anonymous said...

When we see those big dark eyes around here, we know there's going to be a rumble. Abby and Rosie usually steer clear. Happy WW Daisy

Mickey's Musings said...

ooooooooooooo!! Neato.
You have what Mom says are 'biggie eyes'!! She says that to Tillie when her eyes look like that :)
That is too cute .
Purrs Mickey

Daisy Deadhead said...

Daisy is CONCENTRATING on her next meal! :P

(Some beautiful people in the Dragon*Con parade!)

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

all the better to see you with my dear!

smiles, auntie bee

Kaz's Cats said...

Your eyes are huge in the second photo - are you about to pounce on a lizard?

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

What big beautiful eyes you have, Daisy! You can't see my eyes today.
~ KittyBoy

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

So cool how you can do that with your eyeballs, Daisy.

Liss said...

Pretty eyes

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

What big eyes you have Daisy. I don't think we can make our eyes that big.

Sarge Charlie said...

I think you have nice eyes........

Dma said...

i don't know why but i found that to be the funniest thing ever.

Patrice said...

Wow, look how the grow!

Bonnie Story said...

wow Daisy, Pepper really, really wants to go hunting for mousies with you!! You could probably see all the way in to the middle of the woodpile! Or underneath that suspicious pile of cut-up extra plywood. What a clean-up job you two could do on the vermin 'round here. Very impressive! The mousies would be so scairt.

Babs (Beetle) said...

Ha ha! They got VERY big Daisy! I bet whatever you was looking at was good.

Purrs, Sukie x

Tatum Tot said...

You do have some pretty big and pretty eyes! Better to see me with when I'm comin' to chase you! LOL...
Happy WW!

Moonchild Dancing! said...

lolol Oh my Daisy!

Anonymous said...

Wow This is one of very few blogs that was worth the daily visit, a great insight.

I'm looking forward to see your future posts. Cheers !!

jenianddean said...

Oh dear, something got you fired up for your pupils to get all big. I wonder what it was?

Tybalt said...

Wow, Daisy! What were you looking at?!

Asta said...

Oh Daisy
Youw eyes awe magnificent
smoochie kisses

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

I agree with Poppy. You look a little, or a lot, nipped out!

Skeezix the Cat said...

Ohhhhh! That's kinda creepy!

Kellykat said...

Wow! What big eyes you've got. You must be getting ready to pounce on something.
-Stryder, Scotchy & Sugar

catsynth said...

Looks like you're getting ready to hunt something?

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Oh you are watching something exciting. I can see it in your eyes.

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Oooooooooo!! You must have seen something wonderful!!

LZ said...

I had big eyeballs on Monday. Yours are very interested looking.


Amila Salgado said...

Daisy is absolutely gorgeous! What a lucky cat she is to have a blog dedicated to her!


*woo hoo*
Daisy you have such beautiful big eyes...


Laura said...

Windows to the soul, they are!

Haley H said...

What great big pupils you have there Miss Daisy. Did you Mommy turn the lights off then on to make them so big? It's fun to do that in a mirror.

Sushi said...

I'm falling for these eyes girl!!

Anonymous said...

Grief Daisy! Eyes as big as saucers!

Sarah Coggins said...

The froggie agreed - those are some big eyeballs. He's grateful you didn't do anything more than stare him down. :)

Thoughts said...

Oh my goodness Daisy! You certainly are concentrating and focusing on something there!

Chat Blanc said...

big is beautiful! I think that applies to eyes too. :)

Forty Paws said...

Yes, those are huge eyeballs!

Luf, Us

The Furry Kids said...

Whoa! Those are big eyeballs!

Whatcha lookin' at?

The Island Cats said...

Daisy, we have never seen you look so intense! Hope you got whatever you saw there!

Wally, Ernie & Zoey

pee ess. Wally wants to know if it was a spider!

Anonymous said...

Whatcha lookin at? Was it a lizard?

Anonymous said...

Hi Daisy! You have big beautiful eyes!

Toulouse said...

Oh Daisy, what beautiful big eyes you have! Light bothers my eyes and mom has a hard time getting good pictures of me.
Oh, I'll tell you a secret. I can jump up on top of the refrigerator -- but mom has to get me down! *giggles*
Your page is pawsome. I always enjoy reading it! Have a great day!

Quasi said...

Wow, I bet you can see lots and lots of things with your big, beautiful eyes!

BeadedTail said...

Your eyes get big fast Daisy! How cool is that!

Figaro the Therapy Cat said...

you have very pretty eyes daisy!

thanks for voting for me!


Copito said...

wow that is so big!


Leslie said...

So cute! lol aww. She has such cute colors too.

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Wow, you look wild! really concentrating!
Pierro does that.

Me?, I been there done that :-D

purrrs curlygirls

Unknown said...

How do you do that, Daisy?


Amy Lilley Designs said...

I wouldn't mess w/ Miss Daisy!!!...she's bone serious!

Kate (Pablo's mum) said...


Anonymous said...

You have beautiful eyes Daisy!

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

You are soooooo ready to pounce!

Tesla and Hansel said...


Anonymous said...

purty eyes there Daisy!!

(angel) Grrreta and Fam said...

I hope you got that toy good! You have such pretty and expressive eyes, and your mom is a very talented photographer,

Anonymous said...

So pretty. Great pictures!

Bogdan, the editor said...

ZOMG! Gigantic-a-sized!

Lorenza said...

Hi, Daisy!
You have big beautiful eyes!
Kisses and hugs

The Devil Dog said...

Ohhh, they are very big, aren't they?

Roxy & Lucky

Samantha & Mom said...

My what big eyes you have Daisy! It must be the better to see something.....what was you looking at?
Your FL furiends,

Max said...

Dang! Them's BIG eyes!

Kimo and Sabi said...

My, whut big eyes you have grandma . . . oops, wrong story! Nice eyes!

Chesney Cats said...

Daisy, you have beautiful eyes!!

Hugs & Purrs,
Sammy, Festus & Emma

The Oceanside Animals said...

hello daisy its dennis the vizsla dog hay wow i woodnt want to be wotever it is yoo ar giving that luk to it is sumthing feerse like zoolanders bloo steel almost!!! ok bye

Lux said...

You are very intent on something, Daisy ...

We3Katz said...

Git it! Git it!! Ummm...what waz it??

Just Sharlene and the Spice Cats said...

Oh wow! Your humans managed to capture your pupils enlarging! They are HUGE!

Karen Jo said...

You are really ready to pounce on that toy, Daisy. I bet you got it good.

Earthypix said...

Wow! them iz big eyeballs Daisy!!

MaoMao said...

Wowie kazowie, Daisy! You look superduper FASSINATED by somethin! Whatchya see? Godzilla?

Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!

Mr. Echo said...

Yoo look like yoo is about to pounce on sumthing reely good!!!

Anonymous said...

I think it's cute eyeballs,very shinning and beautiful,i like this.

Anonymous said...

It's very beautiful cat, I’ve been really enjoying checking up your posts from time to time. Looking forward to see your future posts :)

Anonymous said...

Daisy! Ur eyeballs are as big as flying saucers!
Did u put a big bitey on the toy, did u?

Anonymous said...

Goodness Daisy, what are you looking at! Those beautiful eyes of yours are HUGE!

Anonymous said...

That is extremely cool!
You can chanve your eyeballs's shape anytime!!!

Anonymous said...

I am in love with your quality articles! I wish I had time and patience to make my blog like yours. Thanks for the informative information you share. Bookmarked your blog.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for this post, my friend will be so exciting to check this. I really appreciate your work over here :)

Anonymous said...

Eyes are very beautiful.

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

Wow I think you can change your eyeballs shape anytime!!!
Good post really.

Anonymous said...

what beautiful big eyes you have! Light bothers my eyes and mom has a hard time getting good pictures of me.

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh they got BIG! You must see something REALLY exciting!

Anonymous said...

That's so funny and cute.

Anonymous said...

In the first picture it is normal but how did you make your eyeball that much black and big in the second picture? That is really horrifying.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the post

Anonymous said...

Tom says thanks so much for the offer to lend him your raincoat. He was very touched!

Anonymous said...

This is an amazing post! I will have it bookmarked. You have got my thumbs up. Thanks for sharing :)
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John said...

She (for sure) looks angry in both pics...but it looks like her claws are not out so maybe not.
Beautiful cat!
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Anonymous said...

awwww!! She is so cute Daisy! I love her eyes and her beautiful stare Siena

Anonymous said...

I remember arguing with my friend about this yesterday! Didn't imagine that I will run into this article :) . Wait till I forward this URL to him. Pretty sure he will have a good read. Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

I remember arguing with my friend about this yesterday! Didn't imagine that I will run into this article :) . Wait till I forward this URL to him. Pretty sure he will have a good read. Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Couldn't be written any better. Reading this post reminds me of my old room mate! He always kept talking about this. I will forward this article to him. Pretty sure he will have a good read. Thanks for sharing! Water Damage Restoration

Anonymous said...

Wow sweet Daisy!what are you looking with your 2 great eyes?So angry at someone;)hope it will the enemy rat?Really fantastic picture!!Thanks for showing this picture.

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Anonymous said...

I'm really thankful for sharing this I admire the stuff you post and the quality information you offer in your blog! Keep up the good work dude.

Anonymous said...

Those are some awesome eyes!

Anonymous said...

Wow this cat is really cute and playful, she reminds me of my lovely old cat Tushy.

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful pair of eyes your cat has. What was it staring at?

Anonymous said...

Your eyeballs are in perfect proportion Miss Daisy as is the rest of you :) Your pupils however makes me wonder what you hadz for lunch and how it woz ingested.. hehe just kidding.. I know that you iz a very good girl

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