Thursday, September 11, 2008

My Surprise Egg!

This is my new toy! It is called a Magic Grow Surprise Egg. I do not know if my egg will hatch into a snake, lizard, 'gator, duck or dino. I am secretly hoping for a lizard. You must be at least Four to play with this toy. This means it is safe for me. Because I am four. Years.
The hatching solution has been prepared! In case you are wondering, the secret hatching solution is just water. Can you see me breathing on the water and making funny ripples?
Next we must read the instructions. Sometimes I skip this step, and the experiment does not come out right. I hope my egg is a good Style!
Now, I must wait and wait and wait. Finally, signs of life! The egg is cracking open!
Uh oh. Something yellow is hatching from my egg. This could be very bad, because I do not know of any yellow lizards.
RATS! I got a duck. I am very disappointed in this toy.
My advice is not to buy any eggs unless you know what will hatch from your egg. Because you could get a duck when you really wanted a lizard.


117 Notes for Daisy:

Teddy Westlife said...

Oh no! I know you were hoping for a lizard. But perhaps you can give the duck and name and it will be friends with Snail and Mr Shrill?

Huffle Mawson

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Sorry you were disappointed, Daisy! Ducks can be cute too, so maybe you should give it a chance? We agree that it might be a great addition to your Sunday comics!

Sen-Chan and Tom

Anonymous said...

oooooh Daisy, look on the bright side... at least it wasn't a



DINOSAUR (!!!!!!)


Parker said...

:::Imitating Chico Marx:::
Vhy a Duck...?

Poppy Q said...

What a funny toy, I think the duck is kind of cute, but I can tell you are annoyed.

You are the most clever cat I know.


The Whiskers and Purrs Gang said...

Dearest Daisy,
We bet the duck will be lots a fun...just give him a chance. I mean...he's a toy, afterall...he's just gots to be lotsa fun.

Try to enjoy him!
Very truly yours,
The Whiskers and Purrs Gang

Anonymous said...

Rats. We were hoping for a dino. Did you ever watch The Flintstones, Daisy? We love them. Dino the Dino would have been fun!

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

We actually like the pretty yellow duck the best. ~S,S & C

Spooky said...

A duck? What in the world will you do with a duck?

I was getting excited, too, thinking this might be a good way to get a lizard of my very own. I guess I'll just save my, er, Treater's money.

(I'm thinking that I'm glad it wasn't a snake!)

The Florida Furkids said...

A Duck could be a fun toy! We think you should give the cute little yellow ducky a chance. We're really glad it wasn't a snake :faints:

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

who wouda thunk it?? said...

awwww, I would have wanted a lizard too!

Felix, Garfield & Jawsy said...

Cheer up, Daisy...
Ah! Since the eggs are in assorted styles, why don't you ask ur mommie to be an investor for ur 'eggnest' and contribute by buying you many many many more eggs to hatch? We are sure you will get a Good Lizard style in no time at all!
Purrs and Hugs,

i beati said...

That is such a heartbreaking disapointed face..Say Hi to Pixie for us !!Princeman, Evie, Toppy, Angel Baby,Pinky and kitties

Chrissie said...

I like Huffle's idea..maybe your new him Eggbert..can be a new friend to the gang..I wonder what kind of mischief a snail, a duck, a rock and Mr. Shrill can get up to?

The Meezers or Billy said...

we are sorry you didn't get a lizard. the duck is cute though

LadyJava said...

Oh Daisy.. you always make me LOL...heheh.. Enjoy your duck.. luckily it wasn't a Mr Lizard... otherwise Mufasa would have run off with it!! lolzz!!

Anonymous said...

That's so funny Daisy! You really look mad about that duck. Maybe you can feed it to the alligator in your back yard.

Alex the Blogging Kat said...

Dat eggie toy lookz like it iz funz to playz wiff. I iz sorry u dunt getz no lizardie to eatz, Daisy! OK?

Kaz's Cats said...

We can understand you wanting a lizard Daisy - what cat wouldn't want one? Maybe the duck'll play with you anyway...


Gypsy & Tasha

Kathy said...

Daisy, I'm sorry you didn't get your lizard. But maybe you can use your imagination? For instance, sometimes I pretend I'm 18 again and can wear size 6 jeans. Try it!

Karen and Gerard said...

What a great toy! I want to get one. I don't care what hatches from mine. Your duck looks cute, I'm sure you probably hurt its feelings by showing your disappointment.

I thought it funny that you just got another toy after giving away eight. Maybe you could get your mommie to buy 7 more and perhaps then you would hatch a lizard. If not, at least you could have a very nice collection of these things. How long did it take to hatch?

Mickey's Musings said... least it's a pretty duck ;)
Purrs Mickey

The Fitness Diva said...

Well. The look of disgust on your face just says it all!
Sorry you didn't get the lizard that you want, but ducks can be cool too!
Why don't you give him a try?

Also, ask your Mommy to buy you another egg. Hopefully you will get a lizard next time! ;)

Anonymous said...

Miss Daisy, you forgets. ducks make good eatin.. you can has Duck a la orange or peking dunk.. even deep fried crispy it a treat.
Think outside the box ;)
Waste not want not and all that ;)

ohh p.s. That would have been very exciting, the hatching :)

Liss said...

but it's a cute duck

Team Tabby said...

Daisy, isn't a duck the next best thing to a lizard? Will it swim in that water you have there?

Mindy & Moe

Tybalt said...

I am so sorry you got a duckie instead of a lizard! It was super exciting to watch it hatch, though.

Sarge Charlie said...

rats, i wish you had gotten a toy you like, the duck is cute.

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

I think the duck is cute, Daisy. I agree with others it will be a nice addition to your Sunday Comics.
~ KittyBoy

Dma said...

Could have been worse, at least it wasn't, "Duck! I got a rats"

Tatum Tot said...

LOL oh what an awful disappointment, and you look so upset! Ducks are fun too.. but only if they fly!

Mary said...

Oh Daisy, poor Daisy
I'm disappointed too, toys may say what they bring inside, rigth?
Or later you may get an alien duck, who knows!

-Brownie's Mom

Jimmy Joe said...

Hey Daisy, you know what? That's a good life lesson: sometimes you want a lizard, but you have to make do with a duck.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe

Anonymous said...

The niece thingy got the duck too.
Must have had alot of ducks at the factory...Hugs Ariel

Sweet Purrfections said...

Boy, that last picture really shows your disgust at getting a duck. Tell your mom you want a refund and to get another egg. Ducks can be cute and cuddly, but lizards can be really fun!

Anonymous said...

Thats ok Daisy, ducks are nice too ... maybe next time you'll get a lizard

Anonymous said...

hahaha funny daisy.. well for me, I'll go with the duck because their cuter than lizards. But I don't think your up with the cuteness. Maybe you've wished a lizard for your meal.. :)

The Island Cats said...

Oh Daisy...a duck's not so bad! (Even though secretly we would have wanted a lizard too!)

Wally, Ernie & Zoey

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Aww Daisy, you do look disappointed, but better a duck than a 'gator. Would you want one of those in your house?

Anonymous said...

What a funny toy, I think the duck is kind of cute, but I can tell you are annoyed.

Questdriven said...

We once had a thing where a little Sea Turtle hatched. Not a real one, but he was cute anyway.

Milton said...

Its a real bummer that you didn't get a lizard. I bet sTony will like to play with ducky. Or you could just attack ducky any way.

The Oceanside Animals said...

hello daisy its dennis the vizsla dog hay it cud hav ben wurse it cud hav hatchd into mork from ork ha ha ok bye

Anonymous said...

Oh Daisy, I'm so sorry you were dissappointed in your duck. But wasn't it fun hatching it? If you really don't like your duck maybe it will want to play in the water...toilets have water....just don't tell your mommie....

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

We are disappointed too! Ducks are cute and could end up being a good friend.

Shaggy and Scout said...

Well, the suspense was kinda cool.
Maybe the duck can hang out with Mr. Shrill.

Marilyn said...

Not very supersize either. In fact, I think that's the smallest duck I ever saw. Sometimes I write a letter to the manufacturer and I get free stuff when they disappoint me. Free stuff is good.

jenianddean said...

Another duck and goose, and you call could play duck, duck, goose!!!

Sorry it wasn't a lizard...

-Jasper McKitten-Cat

Nomi said...

I fink you will haf lots of fun wif the duck. Don't forget, he thinks you are his mommy so you must be nice to him !

Anonymous said...

You look so miffed, Daisy. Trust me, duckies are fun.

BeadedTail said...

That's too bad you got a duck Daisy. It's quite obvious you are not at all pleased!

Mr Jingles said...

Awww poor Daisy! I know you wanted a lizard... but you never know maybe the duck will become a good pet. You should give him a chance... he is cute... and if you don't like him after that you can always bite his head off!!!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

The duck could be fun... I mean ducks are food right? Maybe it will quack around and do something silly. MAYBE the duck can lure a REAL lizard into your ovens... ! You never know.



I think you might find some fun activities that the duck could participate in...but still a duck is not a lizard...


Earthypix said...

Oh daisy! Nots a duck! You does not look happy at all wiv your hatchling lol xx

Asta said...

O'm sowwy you'we disappointed, but youw Duck could be a gweat pal fow when you have youw spa days..they'se gweat in bubble bafs
smoochie kisses

Anonymous said...

Poor Daisy - the disappointment of it! BUT ducks are good to pat about in a tub of water - they're fun! So praps it's not so bad after all.

Jans Funny Farm said...

Oh, Daisy, ducks can be fun. We know you are disappointed since you wanted a lizard but ducks can be fun too. Are you sure you can't learn to like the duck?

Mr. Hendrix said...

i am very sorry you are disappointed in your toy. i wish you had gotten a lizard and been happy. maybe next time

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

At least you get something correct from egg, right?
But~~~ Next time I really hope you could get a lizard.....really truly~~~


Diane G. said...

Maybe next time you will get your lizard. In the meantime, you can get a duck dinner out of it!


Forty Paws said...

We think your duck is cute. You can put it in your lake.

Luf, Us

Poppy said...

Oh Daisy, I think your ducky is very cute. You did a good job supervising!


Anonymous said...

Does it has fev vers? Id keep it if it did myself!

~ Shadow ~

Toulouse said...

Oh Daisy! I'm sorry you didn't get your lizard but you got a Rubber Ducky instead! You are too young but moms kids watched Sesame Street all day long!
Here's the catchy song!

"Rubber Duckie, you're the one,
You make bathtime lots of fun,
Rubber Duckie, I'm awfully fond of you;
(woh woh, bee doh!)
Rubber Duckie, joy of joys,
>When I squeeze you, you make noise!
Rubber Duckie, you're my very best friend, it's true!
(doo doo doo doooo, doo doo)

Every day when I
Make my way to the tubby
I find a little fella who's
Cute and yellow and chubby
Rubber Duckie, you're so fine
And I'm lucky that you're mine
Rubber duckie, I'm awfully fond of you."

Sorry I got carried away. I'm pretty bored sitting in the vets. I just can't tinkle on demand like they want me too! *giggles*

Tiger Lily said...

That must have been so disappointing for you Daisy. But ducks can be fun too you know. We have one who sits on our kitchen sink and yaks up dish soap when it is thwapped just right!

Kimmy said...

That disappointed pout! Priceless! Great picture. You are so photogenic Daisy!

Anonymous said...

The duck's kinda cute though. At least you didn't get a Vishus Turtle. We've got two real live vishus turtles right in our kitchen!

LZ said...

I'm sorry Daisy, that was quite the excitement only to be let down by a duck.


The Crew said...

At least the egg duck that hatched is cute! Besides, you don't need more ally-gators. You already gots lots of those.

Your friend

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

my luck i'd get a stinkin' snake! har har...

smiles, auntie bee

Gaston is back! muahahahaha said...

I like duckies but not chickies grrr...U_U
I hope you get a lizard the next time ^_^

Lidian said...

Poor Daisy! Better luck next time if there is another egg your mom buys...maybe it will hatch out a mousie - or our personal favorite, a tunafish, oh yum!

xx from your friends in Canada, Lidian's cats**

**our mom wrote this, we are busy sleeping right now

Anonymous said...

Oh Daisy, I'm sorry you got a duck instead of a lizard! But the duck is cute -- if he is polite, perhaps he will make a good friend after all, *smile*.

Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn.

The Furry Kids said...

A duck? How disappointing! Ducks don't even go with lizards, snakes, dinos, or gators. It's like that Sesame Street song: One of these things is not like the others, one of these things just doesn't belong...
The duck should get tossed out for sure.


Motor Home Cats said...

The duck is cute. We like Huffle's suggestion. He could become a trio with Mr. Shrill and Snail. BTW - does Snail have a name other than Snail?

Tiki, Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade

Thoughts said...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Daisy you are too cute with yout little experiments. You are so involved in every step of the process too! Its very impressive!

Maybe if you try again you'll get a lizard...?

PB 'n J said...

Ducks can't be all bad, right? It's no lizard, but maybe you could be friends.

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

But Daisy, dat duck is really cute!

Donna said...

That is such a cute experiment. I would like to do one.

TabbyNormal said...

I heard ducks taste good.

Unknown said...

I swear Daisy is a star -- she really looks dreadfully disappointed over that duck -- maybe next time Daisy.

Anonymous said...

I bought this for my kids and they both got dinosaurs! Maybe next time you'll get a lizard. :)

JD at I Do Things said...

Oh, Daisy! I'm sorry to laugh, but your disappointed face was very funny. I think you'll have a lot of fun with your duck. You already have a "Lizard," right?

JD at I Do Things

Babs (Beetle) said...

Oh dear Daisy. Still a duck is also quite fun. I am sure you will find something useful for him to do.

Purrs, Sukie x

Tesla and Hansel said...

You always have the best blogs! An egg surprise! Thats the best. And i'm sorry you got the duck!

Rosemary B❤️ said...

I agree. This duck is a dud!

I think they should only have lizards!

Maybe you can smash it back into the egg and return it

Lorenza said...

Hi, Daisy!
That egg is pawesome! I am so sorry you did not get a lizard!
Tell your mom to get another one!
Kisses and hugs

Ellen Whyte said...

Oh dear, poor Daisy! Hope you find a lizard soon.

L. Alida said...

Oh, I'm sorry you didn't get a lizard Daisy! Maybe you could name her Quackers and she could be a friend to play dress up with. :)
Your expressions are just too cute!
Big Hugs and Smoochies for you and Pixie!

Richard Catto said...

Ahhh, I feel your pain, Daisy, but on the bright side ducks are edible and they are tastier than lizards, so I think you should eat your duck and ask mom to buy you more eggs until finally you get a lizard.

Then you can eat the lizard too, if you want. If you want to find out if you prefer lizard to duck.

SophieKitty said...

Bummer! But I guess getting a duck is better than getting a gator that could eat you all up.

Anonymous said...

Duckies need loves too Daisy!

Bogdan, the editor said...

Maybe you need to make ducks into lizard-ade.

(angel) Grrreta and Fam said...

Thank goodness it wasn't a gator!

The Devil Dog said...

PlusOne wanted a dino! Bummer!


Chesney Cats said...

Poor Daisy......maybe the duck will be fun to play with. Give it a chance, OK?

Hugs & Purrs,
Sammy, Festus & Emma

Karen Jo said...

I am sorry that you are so disappointed in your duck, Daisy. Maybe it would be fun to bunnykick it, anyway.

Mr. Tigger in Cat-Lands said...

Poor Daisy!! A duck is sure not a lizard, but its a cuter than a lizard would have been!
Your FL furiends,

Lux said...

Oh, how disappointing for you, Daisy! At least it wasn't something that would hurt you, though ... ;-)

Moonchild Dancing! said...

Awww! A duck is as much fun as a lizard depending on your perspective! :) I so sooo love the expression on your face tho. lol

Kimo and Sabi said...

WOWY - that wuz a furry interesting pet. We guess da moral is, don't count yer lizzards before they hatch - does that sound right? Hmmmm . . . Maybe Mr. Shrill would like to pal around wif da duck?

Anonymous said...

That was very suspenseful, and then when you got a duck, I said "Awww!!"

Maybe next time you'll get a lizard!

Anonymous said...

That's cute,you can't say it's daisy ducks,very amazing and nice addition.

Anonymous said...

That's cute and wonderful, not daisy ducks i really enjoyed it

Black Cat said...

Oh Daisy, your face says it all, hahaha! But don't hate the duckling, you will hurt his/her feelings, and as 102 commenters before me have said, duckies are cute (and tasty!). :) xxx

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Aw... sorry that you got a duck instead Daisy. Could you get a refund on that?

~ Girl girl

Amber-Mae said...

Now THAT is sooo disappointing! I was hoping that a lizard hatched too. But at least the egg did hatch... So it was successful.

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

KC and the Giggleman Kitties said...

Hmmm, that's not as interesting as a lizard. but it was exciting.

Skeezix the Cat said...

Hmmm, how did yoo git him owt of the water? Did yoo have to git yer paws wet? Cuz that wood totally suk.

Skeezix the Cat said...

PEE ESS: Yer lucky a vishus deer didn't hatch frum that egg!

Copito said...

uh Daisy, you were deceived!

Buuut, I prefer the duck muahaha


Anonymous said...

I must "convince" Wal to get one of those. I'm hoping for a snake (or a Dinosaur).

Anything else would be pathetic.


Footrot Flats, NZ

Anonymous said...

I think you have a lover of cats. Thanks for sharing this cat photos.

Anonymous said...

The toy is very funny.

Aslam said...

The cat is very beautiful,i am also a blog writer i write many blogs some of those are Brazil property
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Anonymous said...

The cats videos are amazing and interesting.

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