Friday, September 12, 2008

Fashion Friday: T-shirts are for having fun!

My newest top has this very beautiful sparkle-y crown on the front! And see the sleeves? They are ruffled, and tie with pretty ribbons. You might think this makes my top extra-fancy.
But guess what? Tee-shirts are meant for playing in! And having fun! No tee-shirt is too fancy for that. And the best thing is that many times, when I model a tee-shirt, I get extra playtime instead of treats as my reward.
I have just one question: is it playtime yet?
Woohoo! My favorite toy, the Cat Dancer!
Okay, one last modeling photo....
... and it is back to playtime!
I think everybuddy should wear tee-shirts on Friday so you can have lots of fun!

96 Notes for Daisy:

Anonymous said...

I so love your tee shirt ... its cute and its PINK!!! I love pink and cats :) it looks good on yah

Jack, Persephone, Tenzing and Lancelot said...

Your shirt has a crown!!! I want a crown! I don't think I want a t-shirt though. Last time Mommy put a clothing on me I had to pretend I was deaded by it, because it felt funny, and messed up my beautiful soft furs.

You look very pretty in it though!


Thank you for your birthday wishes! I don't think there's a present still being wrapped though. My OTW saw the post and said "Do you SEE that first picture, Jack? Do you SEE all those toys? There all over there in that box, and you can get them out any time you want them. You don't need any more toys!" I think I need a new OTW.

House Trashin' party in a couple weeks. They're going away AGAIN! Maybe twice!


Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

You look very cute in your T-Shirt, Daisy. You really are a Super-Model!

Cat Dancer is also my favourite toy!!! #1 has to have them sent specially from the States for me.

Your Pal,

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

You look so lovely and adorable in that pink T-shirt~!
I bet your Skeezix will be happy to play with you!

Teddy Westlife said...

You look so cute in that t-shirt Daisy. But I do not like to wear clothes so I can't do fashion Fridays or play in a t-shirt like you.

Huffle Mawson

Poppy Q said...

You sure look like a princess this week Miss D. I am glad you got your fave toy as well.


Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

You look lovely in pink. Pretty in Pink, wasn't that an 80s flick? You would have made a better leading lady than that Ringwall chick.

Purrs Shade

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

You look very pretty in your T shirt Daisy. Mum can't get me to wear clothes. Once she tried to put a Halloween costume on me, and she says I exploded into a ball of furrs and claws. She wouldn't even try it with Flynn.

Black Cat said...

You look gorgeous Daisy and I agree, t-shirts are for having fun in and you look like you're having fun with that cat dancer:) xxx

Girl Girl Hamster said...

You look so pawsome in tee shirt. I wish I can find one in my size

~ Girl girl

Anonymous said...

hahah Miss Daisy you s the epitome of cute!! and pretty...
I can see momma's mind working though which means I has to keep her away from the shops, I can't wear clothes I iz a man!
Ohh momma wants to know if you have been eating extra cookies??? or is it just a better view of your cookie pouch coz she thinks it looks bigger and even more kneadable and wobble-able ;)

Parker said...

Oh you look spiffy - and I agree Cat Dancers are the best toy ever!

Anonymous said...

Look how kyoot you are, Daisy!!

We agree, Fridays should be casual. Maybe Mom will find us some tee shirts for Fridays. But first, we would like her to find us a cat dancer!

snowforest said...

We agree ~ t-shirts are for fun ~ we are switching over right now..

The Whiskers and Purrs Gang said...

Oh Daisy! Pink is YOUR color! We don't got no t-shirts. Mommy is gonna have to buy us some since they look like so much fun!

Very truly yours,
The Whiskers and Purrs Gang

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

Daisy, you are such a wonderful model. Have you every considered doing Fashion Week in New York?

Have fun playing!

Love, Auntie Deb

Mickey's Musings said...

Oooooooooooooooooooooooooo!! Fun T Friday!!!!!!! I like it :)
Purrs Mickey

Designing Hilary said...

Daisy, my girl, you know how to pose. You should get an agent!

The Meezers or Billy said...

tee shert friday!!!! yours is furry purrty!!!

Quill and Greyson said...

You're such a looker Daisy.

Cupcake said...

Ooh! I want that one! It is my favorite. I like that one. It is pretty.

Sweet Purrfections said...

You look so good in your t-shirt, but it would be just too hot for me to put a shirt over all of my floof! I bet your mom gets some neat pictures of you playing in your shirts.

The Florida Furkids said...

That is a furry purrty t-shirt and you look lovely in it! We wish we had a crown. Sniffie deserves a crown!

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Liss said...

Great shirt!

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

That is such a pretty T-shirt. Just right for having fun in. ~Scylla & Charybdis

You look lovely as always Daisy. ~Socks

Anonymous said...

Daisy you are the cutest cat we know. Wish you could come play with us.

Love Tiger and Smokey

Tybalt said...

Daisy, that may be your most adorable tee-shirt yet!

Babs (Beetle) said...

Daisy you look pretty as ever! It's a lovely Tea shirt - oops! I mean T-shirt ;O)

Purrs, Sukie x

The WriggleButts said...

I don't have a t-shirt :( But perhaps I could put on my Superman suit!


i beati said...

My cats are all in the laundry basket looking for t shirts ha ha

Karen and Gerard said...

I don't make my cats dress up to play. I play with them quite a bit. I don't think they'd even let me put any thing like that on them! They'd be growling, yelling and biting me no doubt! You are a very good model, Daisy.

(angel) Grrreta and Fam said...

I think everybuddy should wear SPARKLE-Y tee shirts on Friday. Sparkles add extra fun.

The Island Cats said...

Daisy, your t-shirt is so cute! But with all those sparklies on it, is it too fancy for play???

We love the cat dancer too! It's one of our favorite toys!

Wally, Ernie & Zoey

Sasha said...

Daisy you are so good at modelling. You look so pretty in the pink too.

Laura said...

What a lovely tee-shirt, Daisy! I like the sparkles too.



Have you ever considered trying out for America's Top Model?


Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

We like the way your eyes change when you see something you like.
The Cat Dancer is our favorite toy. Gracie eats it.
~ The Bunch

L. Alida said...

Daisy, I am squeeing with delight over you in your cute T-shirt! Sometimes when I see little toddler sized shirts in the store I wonder how you would look in them. You are so good about dressing up.
I saw devil horns for small doggies and I thought of buying them for Toeshee and Cricket. :) I don't think they would be tolerated though.
Have a really wonderful Friday!
Hugs and Smoochies,

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

okay, i'll wear a tee shirt today so i can play daisy!

smiles, auntie bee

Brownie said...

Hi Daisy,
T-Shirts look fun, mom said that one friend of hers wants to make me T-shirts but who knows, maybe she can make the new fashion for hamsters!

See you,

Gemini and Ichiro said...

I love that t shirt. It looks very comfortable. And you look like you are having a great deal of fun in it Daisy!

Sarah Coggins said...

Awesome t-shirt, Daisy! :)

Thoughts said...

Daisy your tee-shirt is adorable and you look so cute in it! you are such a good girl! That toy looks super fun too!

Theodore and sasha

The Oceanside Animals said...

It's always playtime!

Tazo said...

T shirts are so versatile! You can dress them up, you can dress them down. I like the ribbons on your sleeves. How ever do you keep yourself from trying to get them?

Mo and The Purries said...

You always look lovely in pink, Daisy!
The Cat Dancer that you sent Jazper for a Secret Paws is a perennial favorite with the purries at Purrchance To Dream!
Sending HUGS from Boston,
Vacation Mo

Dma said...

nice tee shirt. and i'm impressed with your multi tasking abilities in seamlessly going from playtime to modeling time.

lolcatburglar said...

Luv your pink shirt! I am wearing a fun t-shirt today too, with sparklies on it! Because I am a human and work around other peoples, I also have to wear pants. *pout* You need to write a dress code for my office. Once they see how lovely you look in just a t-shirt they're sure to change their minds.

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

What a cute girlie-girl tee shirt. Great modeling today, Daisy.

Toulouse said...

Oh Daisy, you are a natural when it comes to modeling. I can tell you are having a lot of fun! Pink is one of my favorite colors too!

Anonymous said...

What a pretty tee shirt Daisy! And it looks so comfortable to play in!

Asta said...

Even in a Tshiwt you look elegant! but how twue they should be fow fun..that toy looks weally gweat
smoochie kisses

Chaffee Street Cafe` said...

Howdy there gorgeous! You sure look purdy in your pink T-Shirt. I love the puff sleeves and the sparkle insignia. Have fun playing.

We haven't gotten to the post office yet. We procrastinate, me thinks.

I know cowboy and blimey speak.



Kimo and Sabi said...

We like havin' fun nekid.

jenianddean said...

Maggie has been so compliant with the stroller, maybe she'll try a t-shirt again. Maybe she needs one that is less form-fitting. It certainly looks like playing in your t-shirt is more fun than playing without a t-shirt.

Rosemary B❤️ said...

I love this adorable pink t-shirt!
It looks wonderful on you

happy friday curliegirls

Linda S said...

Very cute...Little Ding wanted to give Daisy some Linky Love on my blog..have a great day!!!

Unknown said...

Hmmm, good idea Daisy! I think I'll insist on wearing my Bark Obama tee-shirt when Mommy and I go for our walk this afternoon!

Your pal,


Mica here. I just got the bestest new toy! It's a "play 'n squeak" DangleMouse that makes real squeaky sounds like a real mouse! If only Petey didn't want to play with it, too!



Lidian said...

Pink is your color, Daisy! You look lovely in that T shirt.

May your weekend be full of fun toys and refreshing naps!

Moonchild Dancing! said...

Aww! So sweet Daisy! I'm glad you are back to playing again. What a lucky kitty you are to have such a special Mommy spoiling you with Love all the time. :)

Anonymous said...

Yoo do make wearin clothes fun!

Skeezix the Cat said...

I can see yer tummy good in that last foto!!!! And that is a VARY KLASSY top! Just like royalty wood ware!

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Daisy, Our Meowm wears t-shirts almost every day, so you would think she is having fun at work......we may have to schedule an office trashing day at her work. That should make her be less stressed while she is there.

We especially like the fifth picture of you!

Chat Blanc said...

I'm all for t-shirt Fridays! Yours is soooo cute. :) You're stylin'!

Motor Home Cats said...

The last modeling photo of you is wonderful Daisy. We like your pretty pink t-shirt.

Tiki, Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade

BeadedTail said...

Daisy, you are so cute in your pink sparkle-y tee-shirt! The crown is fitting because you are such an adorable princess!

gLoR!e said...

I love those tee shirt..mmm it looks good to the cats the pink is my favorite!:)

JD at I Do Things said...

WOO! Daisy, I'm wearing a fun T-shirt today, too. But mine is not nearly as cute as yours. In fact, mine is just plain white with no ribbons. But I'm still having fun.

JD at I Do Things

Anonymous said...

"Oh" Daisy your so pretty in pink...
Hugs Ariel

Spooky said...

What a perfect shirt for Friday!

Anonymous said...

Daisy, you look very, very pretty in that pink t-shirt. You look posh and playful at the same time!

Marian said...

Pretty in Pink!!! That's you Daisy. We love your pink t-shirt and the crown is just right for you.
:o) Thomas, Phoebe and Trixie

Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

That is a lovely t-shirt, Miss Daisy! It looks terrific on you an' I just love those ribbons!

Unknown said...

Daisy, that is a very nice t-shirt. I am going to ask my Mum to buy me a t-shirt because playing in a t-shirt on Friday looks like fun.

Marilyn said...

Extra Fancy AND Extra Fun... the world needs more T-shirts.

Figaro the Therapy Cat said...

nice tee, daisy! even when mommie is very busy at work we always tells her to make sure and show us your web-site on fridays because of your great fashions!!!

veronica and figaro

Anonymous said...

Pretty in pink as always Daisy! I bet its great to have something Pretty that you can PLAY in.

We want rattie sized cloths!

The Devil Dog said...

That is a very cute tee shirt, Daisy. You look very pretty in it.


Lux said...

Yes, Fridays are casual dress days! Your t-shirt is perfect!

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

You look cute! And the cat dancer, what fun!

Donna said...

That looks cute. You are having so much fun, Daisy. I am jealous.

mister jeter harris, hizself said...

verree byootiful daisy.
regardin da egg ... wuttza matter widda duck?
jus wunderin.

Tommy and Teaghan said...

Wowie! Yoo can play an wear yur pretty clothes at da same time. Dat's a lot of fun.

Daisy Deadhead said...

The second to last photo is possibly the best of your whole career!

You've really come into your own as a supermodel now, Daisy!

Team Tabby said...

Daisy, it sounds like you get a salary paid in treats for modeling fashions, or at least quality playtime. We are going to have to look into doing something like this, all along we have been missing out on an important source to tap, must speak to our mom.

Your today's pink outfit is especially nice.

Mindy & Moe

Speedcat Hollydale said...

Daisy! You look like a superstar :-)

I saw this at the monkey's blog ...

"Have fun with your toys. Because soon they will be broken."

The more I looked at it, the more genius it became. If there is one cat that is capable of science - it is you.

CAT NIP for EVERYONE !!!!!!!!!

Lorenza said...

Hi, Daisy!
You look great wearing your pink t-shirt!
I have one. I guess I am going to wear it every friday and have fun too!
Kisses and hugs

Evergreen loves Kilroy said...

Hi Daisy!You look very pretty in your pink t-shirt!

I hope you don't think I've forgotten about you and checking out your blog! Just been super busy. Hope all is well!

Mr. Tigger in Cat-Lands said...

Daisy you are such a wonderful Model!! We love your pink t-shirt and it looks great for playing!
Your FL furiends,

Chesney Cats said...

Mama loves your T-shirt!! She said you look lovely in it & we would have to agree!

Hugs & Purrs,
Sammy, Festus & Emma

Anonymous said...

I cannot help but love this cat! :) Great blog!!!


meemsnyc said...

Oh that sure is a pretty t-shirt. You look great in pink.

Kimo and Sabi said...

P.S. - fanks fer visitin' us on Kiera's special day!

Bogdan, the editor said...

T-shirts are very versatile. Good for play and modeling!


The Fitness Diva said...

Another good look, girlie!

You wear anything well! I like to get treats too. I never get anything special when I wear a T shirt!!

Anonymous said...

Lookin' good.

Although I'm not the pink type. Actually, I'm actually not the clothes type either.

The last time a human tried to dress me, she ended up... well, I best not go into that (too many impressionable, political catrectness kitties out there).


Footrot Flats, NZ

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