Thursday, October 30, 2008

Do you know the nose?

Last week, we compared feets. Today, I will see if you can Pick the Correct Nose. Hahahahaha! I said "Pick the Nose"! Here is a close-up of Nose A.
And here is Nose B. Do you know which nose is which? Please ignore the dirty thing in the nostril. I am pretty sure that is just something that got on the camera lens.
Here is a farther-away view of Nose A.
And another view of Nose B. Did you figure it out yet?
Nose A belongs to Harley!
And Nose B belongs to me!


93 Notes for Daisy:

snowforest said...

We figured that one out in the first two pikturs! You both got very cute noses :)

Lynn said...

nice pics, daisy!

Anonymous said...

Yay, I got it right from the first pictures! Those are two very pretty noses.

Anonymous said...

You asked us to Pick your Nose, Daisy! hahaha!

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

I think this is much more easier than Monday.... Very Very nice~!
I am very very please that I guess correct, HAHAHAHAHAHA~~~~~
Very beautiful noses~!

Girl Girl Hamster said...

YEah.. I guess correctly. You both have cute noses

~ Girl girl

Alex the Blogging Kat said...

I likez dat, Daisy! Dud u knowz dat my nose iz half pink and half black?

gemmak said...

Yayyy...I got it right first time :o) Very cute little schnozzles incidentally :o)

Parker said...

Mommy has taught me not to pick my nose, but she never said I couldn't pick yours!

Cat with a Garden said...

I guessed right too. Both noses are very cute, especially your Cindy Crawford-like beauty mark, Daisy.
Purrs, Siena

Anonymous said...

What pretty noses and so pickable!


Forever Foster said...

Wow! Your nosies look amazing so close up. They are neat pieces of equipment.

The Florida Furkids said...

Pick a nose!!! That's so funny!!!

Mom says they are both very kissable noses!

Karen and Gerard said...

This is the first time I ever got any of your "puzzles" right! Yippee!!!

Anonymous said...

Pick the nose! We did too! What a great way to show noses today.

Unknown said...

The nose knows. I , too have a very distinctive nose. Maybe a good witch nose hee hee Sandy

Purrageous Pirates said...

We got it right!! YAY!!! Harley, do you want to PLAYPLAYPLAY with me? I want to PLAY!! YAY!! Also, please come to our bloggie cause ME say you have been BOO-ED by me, Fagin!! YAY!!! - Fagin

Anonymous said...

I can not pick my noce coz I haz claws and it would be dangerous, but I do try!
Miss Daisy this woz too easy!!
And no explanation needed about the dirty camera lens, as if we would think anything different... :)


Cory said...

I'm so excited because I finally guessed right! You both have very cute noses.

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

We "nose" whose nose belongs to whose nose. hahaha!

Spooky said...

I guessed right, too! You both have very cute little noses.

You're funny, too..."pick the nose!"

badgirl33 said...

sweet little noses :)

Chrissie said...

I got it right! That's a switch, eh? (Mom says that's what Canucks say at the end of sentences. A Canuck is a Canadian)

What dirty spot? I didn't see any dirty spot!

Oh, maybe we DO need to pick your nose, Miss Daisy. EEEWWWWwwww!

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

We got it right. ~S,S & C

Anonymous said...

Yup, we's figgured it out, too. Mine Mommie ML loves kitty noses. You and Harley haf furry purrty nosies, too.

Mickey's Musings said...

I guessed right :) I must say, you both have really nice noses!!
It would be really hard to pick one,heeheehee
Purrs Mickey

Isis said...

Oh that's a very cute pink nose Harley! ;)

The Island Cats said...

We figured it out! Yeah!

You know what they say, Daisy, you can pick your friends and you can pick your nose, but you can't pick your friend's nose (or can you??)!

LZ said...

So cute! We knew right away.


Fat Eric said...

Hee hee, I guessed it too. Cute nose pics. My mum loves Harley's pink nose.

The Oceanside Animals said...

I love little kitty noses!

Puglette said...

two kissable noses!
very sweet.

Maureen Hayes said...

I would like to kiss both those cute little noses!!

Your beautiful markings gave you away for sure Daisy ;-0


Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

Our Auntie Marisol calls those things in the noses "unfriendlies" ... Hee, hee.

Cat Street Boyz said...

That was just to easy!! Very cute noses & toeses....=^Y^=the Cat Street Boyz

Babs (Beetle) said...

Those are very cute noses and Livvie has those marks on her nose too!

Purrs, Sukie x

Lux said...

I got something right finally - I picked the correct nose!!!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

We figured out your nose. We knew that you wouldn't have been so nice about Harley if his nose had any ickies on it!

Sarge Charlie said...

only the nose knows

Shaggy and Scout said...

We figured that nose A was probably Harley, but at the same time thought it might be a trick (tis the season) and it would be Skeezix's!

PB 'n J said...

Woo hoo - we "picked" the right nose! But Daisy your little freckled nose is so darn distinctive (even if there is something on the camera lense).

Sunny's Mommy said...

I picked the right noses from the first comparison. Um, eewwww.

Cat in the Foxgloves said...

yea! We figgured it out in the first pictures! You've both got such cute nosies!

Black Cat said...

I picked the right noses from the first two photos. Then having thrown the bogeys away, I kissed them (the noses, not the bogeys, hahaha!).

BTW, did you know that if your feet run and your nose smells you're built upside-down? :) xxx

Jackie said...

I guessed right...Yayyyyyyy!! And yes Daisy the lady known as Midnight Cherry protects all little ones. And most especially sweet little kitties such as you and Harley!!
Happy Halloween:-)))

Donna said...

That was so cool! I was really puzzled there!

Unknown said...

nosetastic Daisy and Herly!! sooooo cute!!

Evergreen loves Kilroy said...

I love those noses!

BeadedTail said...

I picked the right nose! (Giggle) Kitty noses are the cutest and yours are no exception!

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

We guessed this one correctly!!! You both have cute noses!

Niko and Cloud said...

we guessed right! that was fun!

Cat Naps in Italy said...

Daisy I picked your nose! Hehehehehehe! It isn't every day that a cat gets to say that! And what a cute nose you have!

Kitty kisses from Italy,
Prince Not-so-charming

L. Alida said...

Oh you both have just adorable noses! I think kitty noses look like little hearts. :)
I "heart" you!
hugs and smoochies,

Anonymous said...

I love being nosey and reading your blog! Haha!

You've both got cute noses - Hmmm but that camera lens does need cleaning!!!

Nancy Ellyn said...

OMG! I love kitties so much. I fear I would be a crazy cat woman if my hubby didn't limit me to two! LOL Thanks for letting me get my cyber kitty fix, Miss Daisy!

Sarah Coggins said...

ROFL! I picked the noses. ;)

Marilyn said...

I picked the right nose!

I hate when stuff gets on the camera lens.

Kaltsas Kats said...

We love both your noses. Patches has freckles on her nose. Looks like maybe your nose was a little dirty. Mine gets that way too, probably because I like to smell everything.

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Oh, we knew it right da furs! Yoo haf wavy furs by yoor nosie Daisy!

Anonymous said...

I got it right guess you can say I know nose...Lol

Anonymous said...

o I love the pics of your nose, I would have never guessed who was who! thanks for stoppin by the other day, mother dearest is a little behind these days in her daily visits. have a great weekend!

jenianddean said...

If B was Harley, I would have assumed he had a boogie in his nose, but since it was you, I'm sure it was on the camera lens. Cute noses, all around!

TabbyNormal said...

You both have excellent noses and terrific muzzles to accompany them. But then, we are cats, so of course we do!

Abby & STygia

Tybalt said...

I got it right on the first first pictures!

Unknown said...

Oh YAY! I got it right!

Both of your noses are very cute.

LizzyT said...

That was a very interesting nose post!

Forty Paws said...

We knew which nose was yours Daisy!

Luf, Us

Whimpurr said...

Awwww, I just love nosie pics ... but not picking nosies! *tee hee hee*

Anonymous said...

I picked the right noses! Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk...

The Furry Kids said...

We picked the right noses! Hahahahahaha!

Eduardo said...

I got it right! So cute!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle

Liss said...

I guessed right. I'd like to kissie those nosies.

Fred said...

I finally got something right!

Sweet Purrfections said...

Yes! I got something right and I even figured it out in the first two pictures! Cute noses!

CastoCreations said...

I can't believe I got it wrong!!! Sheesh.

Queen Snickers, Empress and Princess Renna said...

Hehe I figured it out! YEA!

Maureen said...

Awwwww...cute nosies!!!! Our Dakotah has a completely black nose. Tawnee has a brown one, and Sheba's is pink! So it would be easy to tell ours apart!

Skeezix the Cat said...

I've always got goobers in my noze. I gess we're a lot alike that way. Are yoo gonna do a tummy comparisun anytime soon? Or maybe a Spot 13 comparisun?

mister jeter harris, hizself said...

i wood like to pick noze b!!!!
cood u take a moment an vote fer halloween squillion uv 2008?
click heer
pleez an thank u.

Lorenza said...

Hi, Daisy!
You two have cute noses!
Kisses and hugs

Max said...

He he he I picked Daisy's nose...

The Devil Dog said...

Hooray, mom got one right for a change!


Kate (Pablo's mum) said...

I got it right! I've obviously got a nose for noses. (I bet that someone else has already used this pun, but I couldn't help using it again...)

Mr. Chen and Ollie said...

We knew it! We knew nose B was yours, Daisy! They are both beautiful noses.
Mr. Chen & Ollie

T.Allen said...

I picked the noses correctly! You're right, that is funny, Daisy!

Quill and Greyson said...

I guessed right!

Mr. Echo said...

My zombie hedded sisser has the same pink nosie. So I knew it wuz Harley rite away.

Yes, I sed zombie hedded sisser. I still kant beeleeve it all. I've bin able to spill the beens about the sinister plot. Be brave when yoo reed it!

Pearl C. Pritchard said...

Hey Daisy! I picked your nose! Hahahaha. Get it? Oh... I crack myself up.

duo_disaster said...

We figured out the "dirty nose" belongs to you! Cause if wasnt then you wouldn't have bothered explaining right?


Mo and The Purries said...

Daisy and Harley, you both have such cutie pie noses!
And Daisy, Petey gets those "must be on the camera lens" thingies too!

Happy Halloween!from Purrchance To Dream

(angel) Grrreta and Fam said...

I picked your nose. Heh heh heh. And, I picked Harley's nose too. Hee hee hee.

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

I knew it right away!

Julie said...

Too cute! Your momma is SO much fun and so are you and Harley for putting up with her!

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