Happy Halloween!
Happy Halloween, everybuddy! Did I scare you? This is my Devil cap. I got it from my friend Bobby at SKDD! Can you see the creepy raven on the side? I hope it does not peck my eyeballs.

Happy Halloween!
Posted by Daisy at 10/31/2008 04:00:00 AM
Labels: accessories for cats, cats in hats, Halloween costume for cats, Happy Halloween
120 Notes for Daisy:
Not sure about scary, but we think you look absolutely adorable, Daisy!
Happy Halloween!
Your Pals,
Sen-Chan, Tom-Kun and Tama-Chan
Wht a cute and pawsome halloween outfit you got. I'm sure you'll get lots of treats
~ Girl girl
Stunning pikturs! You look very very puretty :)
Adorably Scary Daisy!
WisHinG yOu a FaBulOuSly SpOoKy HalLoWeEn!
I'm telling you right now between the eyes and the outfit , I am shaking !!
Evie is so scared she could not even look at the screen.. Happy Happy
and the award for best cat wearing a hat goes to... Daisy the Curly Cat!
Devil cap, Schmeveil Cap! Daisy, you are a Scream this Halloween! We wish you and Harley a wonderful Trick or Treating!
That raven deserves a treat!!! Eyes appear still intact.
Didn't know you were a Poe fan, Daisy?
Have a fun day!!!
Purrs and a Halloween Kiss,
Goldie and Shade
You make an absolutely fabulous devil, Daisy! Every pose, a classic! And I love your Halloween basket, too! I think you should give the raven a treat, too, and he'll leave your pretty eyes alone...
Happy Halloween!
nice outfit, daisy. happy halloween too!
Great photo shoot this week Miss D!! You don't look very scairty although you has a stern expression on your face. I hope you get a millionbijillion treats.
Oh my goodness Daisy, what scary pictures! I hope that raven is still behaving himself.
Oah Daisy!
I like this adorable hat on you, so so cute~!!!!
I think your smile is having some meanings inside, hahaha~~ You might thinking of some naughty thought, I like it!!
Happy Halloween to you!!!!
Great fashion!
Hihi, you're a devilish little devil. Happy Halloween to you, oh, and of course to Harley, too!
Daisy, you look absolutely adorable. I have never seen such a stunning devil. Thank you for being here every morning. My girls can't wait to see what you have been up to.
I think that the Raven is stunned by your beauty!
Daisy, even on Halloween you are a fashion plate!
Happy Halloween!
Daisy, you are adorable! I do not think the Raven would dare to peck your eyes out! I am sure he secretly adores you, as do we all! Love your askeery Spidey basket, too!
Awwww......you make the cutest Devil Daisy!! Happy Halloween to you and Harley!!
Have a wonderful day!
Your FL furiends,
lil scary...indeed!
Ha! Love it!!! What hairy eyeballs you have there... Happy Howl-O-Ween Daisy!
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
Happy Halloween to you too Daisy..and lot of treats
Happy Halloween Daisy! Since you don't want tricks, where are you "treating"?
Happy Halloween! You're really brave to wear a cap with a scary raven on it! You look devilishly cute!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Oooooo. That brings back a memory of a raven who said, "Never more!" What does that mean, Daisy?
Oh My God, that is the most adorable Daisy ever!!! How could anyone not lvoe that wee face. Classic!!!
Great Halloween photos. Hope you have a great day!
you don't scare me Daisy! You look so cutesy cutesy in these little outfits.
I can't see the raven Daisy but I can see the nasty spider....could you 'peck' at that please?
Stunning as ever dahling :o)
Great costume, Daisy! Watch out for that raven. He looks sneaky. Happy Halloween! :)
Oh Daisy,you 'lil devil ;)
Happy Halloween!!!!
BOO!!! Mickey
HAPPY HALLOWEEN! Hope you get lot and lots of treats today, no tricks for such a good kitties. Speaking of kitties where is your sibling? Hope you didn't do any tricks to get you in trouble.
Oh, and I thought you look oh so devilish!
Wow Daisy, you've got the best treat of all sitting in that basket with you! The bird! It may be posing as a scary raven, but you are a cat and it's a bird...go for it!
I liked your skeleton and pirate costumes better. I like your spider blanket though in the basket. I hope that raven does not hurt you! I'm surprised Harley did attack it.
Yep, yoo is a little devil alright. Hay, it jes dawned on me that the man on the "I'm Savin Up to Clone My Cat" picture looks like Mr. Tasty Face. And of course the kitty reminded me of yoo! Izzint dat strange?
You look very cute, Daisy! Have a fun time!
Daisy, that is a very good costume you have on. You wear it very well! Make sure to keep the raven in line. He looks like a tricky one indeed.
I like your cap, Miss Daisy. And that raven is behaving very nicely. Perhaps his too respectful of your clawrs to even THINK about pecking your eyeballs. I'm sure that's it.
Happy Halloween, Daisy and Harley!
I know it's early, but that's the best costume I've seen all day.
Keep your eyes on that raven, Daisy!
JD at I Do Things
Daisykins and Harley too
your cape and hat are very cute!
You look very devilish, Daisy! You are very photogenic.
Perhaps you should give that raven 'what-for' before he starts anything.
What a Darling Devil you are Daisy!
Happy Halloween!
Laila and Minchie
Happy Halloween Daisy your a cute devil :)
Awesome costume, Daisy! That raven is kinda askeering Mama. Birds freak her out after she watched The Birds. hee hee
Lol, too funny,and cute, love the outfit, Happy Halloween Daisy.
You look fabulous, Daisy! Happy Howl-O-Ween to you and your family!!
I don´t know about devil.. you look more like the candy! SO SWEET! I hope you manage to scare away all the bad black cats tonight.. and don´t go eating too many treats.. they make us all ill. Happy Halloween Daisy the (cutest) Devil :-)
Daisy, once again you are absolutely adorable! You pose perfectly! Your costume is pawsome!
I hope you and Harley get lots of treats and maybe Mommie can have one too. ;)
Happy Halloween!
Hugs and Smoochies,
I love everything about this photoshoot because this is my favourite day of the year! I hope you & Harley get lots of treats today!
Happy Halloween Daisy.
The raven on the devils cap is very scary. We hope it doesn't hurt you. You look so cute in the cap.
~S,S & C
Happy Halloween Daisy! You look really cute in your devil cap. :)
Glad to hear that raven is behaving itself!
Love Clover xo
great outfit. ravens scare me.
Happy Halloween Daisy & Harley!
Nevermore! cried the raven.
If that Raven gives you the evil eye you could just eat him! At least that's what my friends cat tries to do when she sees birds.
We love your capelet, and you model it so well. We have a lot to learn from you Daisy! Happy Halloween!
~Maggie May and The Creek Cats~
Oh you look fantastic in your costume Daisy! Honestly I bet you get lots of treats tonight when you go out Trick or Treating with Harley if you look like that! :) I've decided to be Mummy's "familiar" and make her dress up like a Witch and feed me treats! *giggle* The more treats I get the more "familiar" I think I'll be... ;)
you are too cute to be too scairty
Ha ha ha ha! Oh Daisy you do make me laugh! You look very stunning in your devil outfit
YOU look adorable in your outfit and I hope you get all treats and no tricks this Halloween.
Yay! Fun costume, Daisy. :)
Great costumer Daisy! We are really glad to hear the raven did not peck your eyeballs, that would be too scary!
Happy Halloween!
Sorry about the delete Daisy but Mom double posted. She is not having a good finger day today.
Oh Daisy, how you don't have your own book deal yet, I'll never know!
Thanks for making me smile every day!
Much love,
your pal
Not The Mama
Hi Daisy! I had to look hard to find the raven, I thought it was on the side of you hat! Have a Happy Halloween! I hope you and Harley get lots of temptations and treats in your baskets!
Happy Halloween, Daisy!
You look "greyt"!
Jack and Scout
The Greyhound Kids
Oh Daisy, you are a cute Lil' devil, have fun today, Happy Halloween to you & Harley and your beans too!=^Y^=the Cat Street Boyz
Daisy ... You Little Devil, you! You surprised me and my Mommy! Wait until the other kitties see how wonderful you look. Happy Halloween my sweetness.
Love Always,
Bobby and Theresa111
Daisy, you look adorable in your costume! Happy Halloween to you and Harley and your mom too!
Happy Halloween Daisy!! You are the cutest devil ever!
Love Finny Buddy & Jazzy
Have fun Daisy! Don't let Harley be too scared, its the first time with the doorbells & yelling kids you know.
You are an adorable little devil and that nasty raven better mind his own business.
Happy Halloween, Daisy! Luv your little costume! Hope you get lots of treats today! :)
oh, daisy, no cat would efurr believe you were a devil--you are just too cute. you make efurry costume look like a winner! we hopes all you gets is treats, no tricks!!
happy meowloween!!
Oh Daisy, you little devil you. If only you could teach my Sassy such tricks and treats!
Daisy you are too cute! Happy Halloween.
Oh Daisy, you look very cute in your hat. No one can wear a hat like you : )
Have a Happy Halloween!
Happy Halloween Daisy -- be safe, it's a spooky night out there!
Ravens are part of the mom's favorite bird and she likes the poem too! Happy Halloween! We hopes yoo gets sum nip tonight, safe indoors.
Daisy, what a great costoom!!! Happy Halloweenie to you, dear friend!!
Mr. Chen & Ollie
You sure are a cute kitty!
No you didn't scare me, you only make me wanted to hug you.
Great costume!
Are you gonna trick or treat tonight?
Please come to my blog to share with me my double dating story.
Daisy your great!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle
P.S. Happy Halloween!
Happy Halloween Daisy
I love youw hat wif capelet, not only is it stylish , but vewy good pwotection against nasty ravens
smoochie kisses to you andyouw sweet bwuvvew
Happy Halloween Daisy and Mommy!!
You're as cute as ever .... even in a devil's cap. :)
Watch out for that raven! You look adorable!
Happy Halloween
Purrrrrrs, China Cat & Willow
Oh Daisy love this one!!...you are adorable!!...
Daisy...you sure are a pretty little Devil kitty.
But where's Harley in his costume???
Daisy, with the little cape, you look very Salem witchy -- but in a good way!
I was a Devil Dog once - Mommy had to keep reminding me to keep the horns on my head, otherwise I looked like Little Red Riding Hood!
Have a SPOOKtacular Halloween!
Your pal,
Happy Halloween!
You did not scare me, not even for one minute! :-) Have a fun and safe Halloween! Hope you fill your bag with treats!
Daisy, those are absolutely wonderful photos of you as a devil!
My favorite pose is you being mysterious and dramatic. I am so glad you got through that photoshoot with your eyeballs intact. What a professional you are to model with a dangerous raven!
Happy Halloween to you and Harley :-D
Great costume, Daisy! Have you told Harley all about Halloween and what to expect yet?
Happy Halloween dearest Miss Daisy! You are so enchanting...
Adorable, Daisy! Happy Halloween to you, Harley & your beans!
Very nice outfit, Daisy. And versatile, since it will protect you from a raven attack.
We hope you worked out the small bag problem for your trick or treat candy.
Ha ha oh Daisy you are very cute in this pitcher and you know what else you look kinda like a bad Red Riding Hood! Well Happy Howl-o-ween Daisy!
Trick or treat! Yoo look sweet!
Ohhh, I love the devil cape Daisy! And your sidekick is really scary too!
happee halloween daisy ...
wut duz da raven say?
nevermor ... nevermor?
iz dat rite?
You look so precious in that costume, Daisy!
I just LOVE the capelet. very very dashing Daisy :-)
That is an awesome costume, Daisy, and great photos.
happy Halloween.
Roxy & Lucky
Happy Halloween, Daisy! You look devilishly cute! I'm glad the raven didn't do anything to your eyeballs!
They're coming to take me away, HA HA
They're coming to take me away, HO HO HEE HEE HA HA
To the funny farm
Where life is beautiful all the time
And I'll be happy to see
Those nice, young men
In their clean, white coats
And they're coming to take me away, Ha-haaa!
You is da cutest little devil! Happy Halloween!
I ma glad that the Raven did not take your beautiful expressive eyes Daisy!
hehe we love your dramatic look and are very impressed and your little line from Poe, not only are you a Lady, model and cute you is also well learn-ed :)
Happy Halloween!! :))(to Harley too!!)
You are too, too cute. Happy Hallowe'en!
Hi, Daisy!
Happy Halloween!
Kisses and hugs
mommy says to be nice and give harley at least one of your treats.
Oh Daisy you are the best cat model!
Oh Daisy please forgive me for being so late.
But we spent the day going to vote.
I think you look absolutely grand!!
I just know you got all of the treats in town.
Happy Halloween Daisy:-)))
Aw, what a great costume! Happy Halloween to you too Daisy!
Hi Daisy,
Charlene Butterbean over at the Itty Bitty Kitty Committee has the same devil cape on today! She is a nice foster mom kitty to small kittens for the Tacoma Humane Society.
LOL someone does not look happy at all! Look at those eyes! ;)
Hi Daisy, you look soooo good! Happy Halloween a day late and thanks so much for stoppin by !
I don't know if the cape will protect you from the raven, as it will probably go for your eyes, but it might hold off the vampires for a few minutes ...
ohmaigosh u don look scaryz u is cutez!! Daisy you looks so good in REDZ!!
OMG just when I think you can't get any cuter, you do.It's their night to come alive. Please let me adopt you.
Happy belated Halloween Daisy! You look pretty darn great and scary!
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