The Photo Hunters theme this week is blue. This is a little bit hard, because I do not have many blue things. Here is my fancy blue sailor's cap. I like it because it does not squish my big ears. If my ears are squished, then I might feel blue!

Here is my blue denim coveralls. This is a good outfit to wear if you are doing something where you might get a little bit grubby. I like the word "grubby." It reminds me of bugs.

Here is my fuzzy blue cap. It has a special chin-strap for those windy days.

And finally, my blue plaid jumper. I thought, since it is called a "jumper," that I am supposed to jump around in it. I found out that I was not correct.

Photo Hunters: Blue
95 Notes for Daisy:
We love your hats! We especially love the blue fuzzy one with its special chin strap! It actually made Mom choke on her coffee, and we love anything that does that! =)
I do not wear overalls anymore, Daisy. That makes me a little bit sad, because I use to love wearing them when I was growing up! I am still a jeans and tee shirt kind of gal, tho! So it is not all bad!
Oh daisy - you are the cutest thing on the blogosphere!
Happy Hallowe'en! :)
Oh....I love the 'jumper' and I think it is quite usual to assume it is for jumping! :o)
Miss D you are a pretty picture in blue, I especially admire your jumping picture.
Have a nice weekend sweetie.
Blue suits you Daisy but then you are a fashion icon in the cat world. I'm glad to see yoy can jump ion your jumper! Happy weekend
As always, adorable. Daisy... you seem to get cuter every time we stop by for a visit!
Daisy, you look very graceful in your jumper. Do you have ballerinas in your family history?
All of those outfits suit you fine - you should go blue more often. My mom said something about getting me an overall for my gardening work. Uh oh!
Purrs, Siena
Excellent photos! Our favourite has to be the "jumper" one, though!
As Tim Gunn would say Daisy on Project Runway - "You make blue work !"
I especially like you ion blue . It is Sebring's color!!
Hi Daisy! I made it back from my big trip and now mum and dad are home too. Nobody got eaten by any alligators so that was good.
Huffle Mawson
I especially love the blue fuzzy cap with the holes for your ears. That must be extra comfortable. I also like the jumper action shot because it was such an amazing photo. You, as usual, look stunning.
oh man ... today'z photo hunterz theem iz "blue?"
i gotta get owt mi yankee cap an put it on.
dat'z blue.
Your hats are so cool, Daisy. And I love your Halloween outfit below. Have a lovely, purry weekend with Harley.
Hey, Daisy, I thought you said you don't have many blue clothes -- after following your blog for a while I'm realizing your wardrobe is way better than mine! You are one fashionista! I might have to come over and borrow some clothes, like that blue denim jumper or maybe I just need to go to the mall.
Daisy just look at you flying!! Wow you are really good and you're in the navy too!! You better watch out with the overalls mommy might put you to work in the garden. I simply adore all of your lovely blue hats and and little outfits. My I am very impressed with all of your blue!!:-))
Oh my on the last shot! Nice moves! hehe Love the attire too specially that hat in the first photo:)
Mine are upHERE and HERE. If you get a chance ;) Happy Photo Hunting!
Wow that's a mighty leap you made. Hope nothing got broken in the kitchen. We like the blue fuzzy cap the best too!
Super jumping pic
blue is very becoming on you miss daisy.
Very cute shots of your daisy...Happy weeekend.
Your photos are all great, but the "Jumper" one is amazing! How does your Mom take a picture like that???
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
I think Blue suits you very well, Daisy. Tell your Mommy to get you more of it. I especially loved your overalls and jumper. Mommy is a very good photographer to capture you jumping like that without it getting all blurry!
I have some Blue friends today, too, Daisy. Please visit if you have a chance:
What a great jumper you are! Pawsome!
Daisy,you have very pretty BLUE outfits :) I do not see anything wrong in jumping in your BLUE jumper ;)
Purrs Mickey
We think your denim outfit would be purrfect for gardening.
You look lovely in blue Daisy, you should wear it more often. ~S,S & C
Daisy, you meet very beautiful in all the photos, I am your admirer I number one from today, kisses
You've peaked my curiosity about what happened when you jumped in the jumper!
Thank-you Daisy!
I appreciate it.
And so does Mommy!
You look pawsome in blue!
Dear Ms. Daisy,
You're the coolest with the bestest outfits! We love you!
Lola & AppleJack
We like your coveralls. They are too cute!
Luf, Us
That's quite a bit of blue! I love the blue cap ;O)
Purrs, Sukie x
Love the action shot in your cute little jumper!
Daisy, you look good in every color!
Daisy, as Van Halen says, Go Ahead and Jump!
You blue coveralls dress is our all time favorite. We love to see you in that!
The jumper is adorable with the cheery plaid,
And your caps are very jaunty.
Why would dey call it a "jumper" if it is not fur jumping? Dem hoomans are weerd...
Oh, my gosh. Just when I think you can't get any cuter, Daisy. That last photo of you jumping magestically thru the air is amazing! How do you and your Mommy do it?!
JD at I Do Things
Oh, Daisy, you make me laugh so hard!
You are a funny cat!
Love your blue outfits. Blue is my favorite color, you know, so you can never go wrong when dressed in blue!
love your jumper! lol...
Miss Daisy you always make my day!! I don't think you could take a bad picture and blue certainly seems to be your color. I didn't know about this photo hunter Saturday 9new to blogging) but I am going to post to hope I am correct, that the picture must have blue in it? If I am wrong, please let me know, I want to play by the rules.
You look very nice in blue. We like the jumper and the demo!
~ The Bunch
Ha! Love the "Jumper" and those hats... you amaze me that you'll wear those. My cats would never let me do this!
What a lovely collection of blue clothes you have Daisy! :)
Thank you for all of the very fine examples of blue. I learn so much from you, Daisy!
Ah you look so furry cute Daisy!
Blue is lovely on you!
i love all of them but especially the blue sailors' cap. If you wear it to come and visit me I will take you down to the sea to see the big waves and then you can be a really-truly sailor Daisy. FAZ
Daisy, you always look so pretty no matter what you are wearing! We are so glad you are wearing blue and not feeling blue, because that would be bad.
P.S. Why do they call it a jumper if you can't jump in it? Beans are so silly sometimes.
Thank you for the laughs! I really need them today!
You make us feel giggly, Daisy. We love that fuzzy blue cap!
Thanks Daisy for cheering mee up. I sure needed it today!!!
Hi Daisy,
Your great pictures chased any blues away for me!
Not The Mama
I love the sailor hat. It would go perfect with my blue photos of the lakes. And I thought jumpers were perfect for jumping! You did well.
You are so darn cute, Daisy. I've been lurking on your blog for a few months since I found you on Entrecard. You should come over and play dress-up with my Brownie!
Daisy, I love your overalls! And I think you did exactly what you are supposed to in a jumper!
Daisy, you look so wonderful in blue! We especially like your coveralls ... you would fit in so well at Momma and Daddy's country home wearing them, all you would need is a straw hat to top it off!
Purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam and Simon
Those are some great hats daisy! Hey, what kind of camera does your mom have? she can always catch you in motion! We're jealous!
Ohh nooo daisy... mom came home with clothes for me...
Considering you don't have many blue things, you did extremely well. Your sailor's cap is particularly fetching I think.
oh wow! that's fantastic blue shots! cute and fabulous Daisy:)
I am glad that you don't wear blue too often, Miss Daisy, for I wouldn't want you to ever feel blue. I particularly like the fuzzy blue cap with the West Texas wind, it wouldn't blow off and you'd always look fetching!
Daisy, it is true,
You look a picture in blue!
But even in pink
You'd make boy cats wink.
And I bet in green,
You'd cause a scene.
And if you wore white,
The boy cats would fight.
Whilst dressed in red,
You'd knock 'em dead!
If you wore yellow,
You'd soon get a fellow.
Whatever you wore,
Boy cats would want more!
from Milo the poet!
Miss Daisy I do not like the sailors hat on you, maybee because it takes some of your feminine's aways, only a little though.. I do love very much your little denim dress hehe you looks all country like.
I think that is plenty of blue items for a little girl :)
Given how lovely you look jumping around in your jumper I think that must be what it calls for, absolutely.
Zorro is very flattered that someone with your fashion sense approved of his costume idea, by the way.
Daisy, blue is a lovely color on you! Mom said SQUEE over your pictures. You look darling in hats, and overalls look great on you, too!
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn.
i think you should jump in your jumper honey! it looks like fun too. i am home and it is warm and i am happy!
smiles, auntie bee
I love your fuzzy blue cap! And seeing you jump in your jumper is hilarious.
A banjo was playing in my head while I was looking at that picture of you in your overalls ...
Blue is a great color.
Visiting friends helps our "blues" this weekend.
I LOVE your 'jumper' picture! Cool!
These blue series are great~!
I think you could lead a blue fashion as next season~!!!!
And I always love your jumping shots, just too awesome!
Daisy we love your BLUE things! Especially the hats!!
Your Fl furiends,
Oh my word, what an awesome cat you are, love your wardrobe!
I am sorry but you make me laugh Daisy! You do look so cute though!
Yoo luk anything but bloo in bloo!!!
We love your blue fuzzy cap, it has purrfect ear-holes fur yours lovely ears to peep thru.
Great photos.
Love & Purrs,
Hi, Daisy!
I like your blue things!
The jumper is great!
Kisses and hugs
Wow! That hat is win. I likes it. Even if it no has lift power.
I like the word "grubby" too. And your sweet little denim outfit would be purr-fect for gardening in (which is when I wear my "grubbies").
Happy Halloween Daisy! Your devil cotume was sooo cute. And we liked the blue theme! Macy wants blue clothes now...
Ohmaigosh!! Daisy you is too cute in blue! well you look good in any colors in fact!! Me luvs how you are such a good model...i try too ut mai mom think me is too dont know why...
Oh, come on these photos are too cute! I look forward to coming on this site. Good job!
That is one awesome jump there Daisy! We are impressed! We've actually seen that jump before on your blog quiet a long time ago - but it looks even better with the "jumper", hahahahahahahaha
That's a purdy good jumy anyhoo!
My favorite is the blue-jean dress ... too cute! Hey, but that jumper sure works great too! ;o)
Daisy you are totally stylin' in all of your blue ensembles! I think you look graceful in your jumper-I hope you landed well! :)
loving the the overalls!!...omg!
Your such a well dressed cat...My mommy likes the jumper, she said it is really adorable.
I seems you love to dress up your pets. You might be a very nice owner to them.
Bwhahahahahah.....your chin strap is very sexy!
That's a great air-shot of you jumping Daisy! You are an excellent jumper!
Daisy I think I love you! You dress so nice and have such a great sense of kitteh humor! So glad to have found your blog!
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