Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Wordless Wednesday: Worrying that my Halloween Goodie Bag is Too Small!

Especially if I have to share!


116 Notes for Daisy:

TabbyNormal said...

Dear Daisy,
We think an awful lot of treats could fit in that bag. Though you could always ask for a refill....

Your wordless, back-turned pose in the last picture speaks volumes about how you feel about sharing!

Abby & Stygia

Cat with a Garden said...

You are absolutely right, Daisy: it IS too small! Harley looks so cute though, I'd share a bit with him...
Purrs, Siena

Anonymous said...

Daisy, that goodie bag can hold lots of Temptations! But Harley needs his own goodie bag!

Anonymous said...


I definitiely think Harley should have his own goody bag - 'cos he's the same age as me, and I'm having my own goody bag.'Cos we're big boys now.

Plus, you wordless expression says you are not keen on sharing wiv your bruv!

jams o donnell said...

You definitely need a much bigger goodie bag.. and a strong human to carry it for you!

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

We also think that Harley should have his own bag!

Forever Foster said...

Harley sure looks like he has the right idea about treats :) Daisy, does your costume have pockets? That could give you some extra treat storage.

Anonymous said...

Daisy share some for harley :) but I think he needs a goodie bag tooo...

Happy ww!!!

Anonymous said...

HAHHA Miss Daisy I saw you inspecting it, then saw you give stern words to Harley.. oh my why at the end was Harley licking his lips??? :(((
Did-ed he eatz-ed your goodies?


michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

I LOVE the expression you show to your brother~!!! Means everything.... HEE HEE HEE~~~~
Well, yes, it's kind of small, but it's alright~~

Anonymous said...

PES: The Momma has been trying to work out who Harley reminds her of and we has figured it all out...
Brian Thompson.. Eddie Fiori from he Kindred.. haves a look Miss Daisy.. see what you think!! :)


The Florida Furkids said...

That's a nice goodie bag, but we agree with the others - Harley needs his own bag.

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Parker said...

Oh my, Harley needs his very own goodie bag!

Poppy Q said...

Daisy I finks you better find Harley his own bag. That is just the right size for yoo.

Anonymous said...

You definately need a larger bag Daisy. Harley looks like he has quite the appetite for treats.

Your expression in the picture where Harley is asking to share is priceless. My Mum is chuckling her head off here.

Anonymous said...

awww that is too cute!!!! A lot of cat nip can fit in that goodie bag!

Hootin Anni said...

Not!! Not NEARLY big enough...why, a can of Fancy Feast could barely fit...bigger, much much bigger!!

My W W is my husband's alter-ego today. Stop by and say 'Hey!' won't you? I'd love to have you visit with me too. Happy Wordless.

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

I think you should get Harley a little Halloween bucket to take with him and you have yours all to yourself!!

The Island Cats said...

We think you need a bigger bag, Daisy! And Harley should have his own big bag too!

Sweet Purrfections said...

Did your mom not get two Halloween treat bags? You many need to do the rounds several times to get enough treats!

Lidian said...

That is pretty small for two kitties! You need lots of room for treats!

Asha and Katia

Donna said...

You could get a nice big bucket for the candy, and just give Harley the other one.

Anonymous said...

That looks ti will hold lots and lots of temptations. But I'll venture a guess that harley will get abucket of his own... just a thought.

Anonymous said...

I dunno Daisy, Harley looks pretty hungry...

i beati said...

Daisy you are right . It just might be too small. What is your favorite treat ever??

By the way do you know what a boogie mat is? . A rug filled with catnip.. I'm looking for one for Toppy and Bitty Bopper to play on.. Pinky is quite ill today ..

i beati said...

I see Harley is licking his chops already at goody prospects.

Good for Cosmo he looks like my wonderful cat Tandy

Unknown said...

Hello Daisy. Looking at your antics lightens my day. I've just given you some awards but you only have to acknowledge them if you want to. See them at my blog.

Sarah Coggins said...

Way too small. Tell your Mommie you need one as big as you are. :)

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

We think you BOTH need new larger Goodie Bags. ~S,S & C

bsilvia said...

Poofitza says: Harley needs his own bag :D


Anonymous said...

Daisy it is a cute and wonderful goodie bag. I am sure you can fit many many Temptations in that bag, even if you do have to share with Harley.

The WriggleButts said...

I think you should make sure he gets a bag of his own! But apart from that I think you can fit quite a few cat treats in there!


Liss said...

That is just too funny

Cat in the Foxgloves said...

I don't really think that treat bag is too small Daisy. I'm sure you can squeeze in a lot of goodies!

jenianddean said...

Don't worry Daisy, Temptations don't take up too much space in your treat bag ... and besides, you'll probably eat them as fast as it fills up.

Unknown said...

wow daisy do you have nips in your bagz?? man me has no idea why it iz smallz... maybe you can stick your hand in it.

Mickey's Musings said...

You are right to be concerned Daisy!!! It is pretty,but pretty small. Maybe your Mom can bring a bigger bag and you can empty that little one into the bigger one ;)
Happy Halloween, Mickey

Evergreen loves Kilroy said...

Hi Daisy! I got caught up on your blog and I must say that you and Harley look darling in your fashions.

Harley does need his own trick-or-treat bag! You never know how much us mancats can eat....haha.

Karen and Gerard said...

I don't know Daisy, those Temptations treats are very little. You could fit a whole lot of them in that pumpkin if they weren't in the bags. Perhaps Harley should get a goodie bag of his own though. He looks like he'd like one!

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

Harley should have his own goodie bag!

I is Jake said...

Maybe Harley has his own treat bag? We cud see him wif a ghost one!

Unknown said...

I hope you get a bigger bag. Or maybe just make a lot of trips out!

Ramses said...

You baggy is just the right size as long as you pick quality over quantity on the Halloween treats Daisy! ;)

Babs (Beetle) said...

I think you would have enough treats in there, even if you have to share with Harley.

Still, See if Harley can have his own bag, then you get more treats :O)

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

Uh-oh..You may need to get another bag for Harley. All the girls here are waving at him. What flirts they are!
~ Noah, Bandit and Timothy

The Fitness Diva said...

Daisy, you are too much! Especially in that third pic!!! lol

That bag is small, though. I can't imagine what good could be in there.
The best things come in BIG packages!

Puglette said...

I suggest you take a pillowcase from mom & dad's bed...lots of room for treats!


I like your attitude about sharing. That exactly how I feel too. What a great set of pictures and poor Harley seems like he just doesnt' understand...


Julie said...

I will lurk no longer! You probably knew I was here anyway! That kitty intuition is rarely wrong!

Chat Blanc said...

sharing can be hard, especially with all the goodies at Halloween time! :)

The Oceanside Animals said...

"No you CANNOT has goodeez!!!!"

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

This is what yoo do, and we know cuz da bean gerls useta do it...yoo both need yoor own treat bag so yoo can get double of effurything. When da treat bag is almost full yoo pour almost effurything into a great big bag dat yoor mom carries. Den yoo go get more goodies! Remember to smile cuz beans love it when little ones smile and say trick or treat! And amember to pretend to like yoor sibling, fur some reason beans is suckers for sibling love.

Anonymous said...

Oh no, Daisy! You have to get a bigger bag.

Gemini and Ichiro said...

I think it is a little small. I hope you get that sorted out!

sourpuss said...

Harley needs his own treat bag! And I just know your mommie is going to get him one! I can't wait to see it!

Thoughts said...

HAAAAHAAAAAHAAAAA! That picture of you glaring at Harley while he looks at your treat bag is FABULOUS!
You are too cute Daisy

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

oh honey, it is too small i think. tell mommie you need a bigger one! or.... you could just keep eating and filling it up!

smiles, auntie bee

CastoCreations said...

oh NO Daisy. I think your mommy needs to find a bigger bag for you!

TheSlyCat said...

Does Harley not get a Halloween Treat bag too? I know how hard it is to share. But fortunately for me, Kon likes the gross stuff that I don't like. He eats vegetables and chips and crackers and the like. Then I get most of the temptations because he doesn't like them as much as I do.

Forty Paws said...

Ya know, Harley seems to be growing many times bigger than you Daisy. We think you're going to need a much bigger bag for treats.

Luf, Us

Haley H said...

I wouldn't worry, Miss Daisy. Surely your Mommie will make sure your little brother has his own Halloween Goodie Bag and you won't have to share. But it's your first Halloween with a little brother. I can understand why you'd be concerned.

catsynth said...

You can never have too many treats. Maybe you can have a second one?

Lisa said...

Precious!! Love the kitty!!! Happy WW!!!

Findlay Furs said...

What a cute bag!
We think Harley needs his own treat bag tho... no fur should not have to share treats, well unless you lick them, droll on them a little and then decide you dont want to eat them.

Donna. W said...

Now that's cute.

T.Allen said...

Hahaha, I don't like to share my treats either Daisy. Maybe you can go eat them in a secret hiding place. Do you have one of those?

Shaggy and Scout said...

It could be a little small, but it sure is stylish!

Jackie said...

Oh my goodness Daisy and are so so funny...I can't stop laughing to even make a good comment!!

What a fabulous WW...Thank you:-)))

Clover said...

Oh Daisy, haha, I can see you do not look happy to share that goodie bag. I hope Harley gets his own!
Love Clover xo

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Not much room for Temptations or Greenies.

Skeezix the Cat said...

Geez, yoo praktikly need a mikroskope to see yer goody bag!

Jans Funny Farm said...

Daisy, We suggest you invite your mom to come with you and she can carry a bigger bag so you can keep emptying the little bag into it. And she can carry one for Harley too. A biiig one, because we suspect he eats more than you do.

Anonymous said...

That goodie bag does look a little small (and Harley definitely needs his own!) -- but maybe you can go back for seconds.

PB 'n J said...

We agree with Jan! You carry the cute one and then have your Mommie carry around the real "haul"!

Maureen Hayes said...

Dear Daisy,

You made my day!! Go see what Dharma does when she doesn't think she is being heard by her humans

I will be back to visit and hope your goodie bag will be full of treats!


Mr. Echo said...

I think hiding yur treets is a good idea. Mommy sez she hazta hide the treets from Daddy or the kiddies wont git none Friday nite. Now I know why Tenny is so crazy about Temptayshuns. She gits it from her Daddy. But he likes those eminems.

Spooky said...

That bag looks like it could hold more treats than you realize. Remember, too many treats make our tummies poochy.

The Furry Kids said...

It is definitely too small!

LZ said...

Way too small. I suggest borrowing your Mommie's pocket book. The LL's is so big I could fit in it so its sure to fit lots of treats!

(PS your prize is on its way :) )

Queen Snickers, Empress and Princess Renna said...

Thanks so much for checking in with us!! and wow who's that?? We're gonna go catch us on your blog!!

Anonymous said...

Yup I concur, it's too small. Great pics. I love me some kitties. Happy WW!

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, those photos were funny! The kids got a good laugh about the sharing photo!

Kimo and Sabi said...

That bag's not even big enough fer a blurp!
(looks like a nice nip stash bag though!)

Anonymous said...

Too cute. I especially like photo number 5, the share photo. So funny.

gemmak said...

Oh sweetie, I think the look on your face when Harley wants to share just absolutely says it all! Perhaps you should try playing the smacking game next time he tries! ;o)

zevo hussein calamari said...

Daisy... we hope you get many more treats.. you always look adorable!
See you Halloween night!

Whimpurr said...

Hmmmm, you might have a point there, Daisy!

The Crew said...

Hmmm...yes, I see the problem. The solution is easy, though. You & Harley should each have your own bag.

Your friend

Sunny's Mommy said...

Daisy, you should not have to share. Tell your Mommy to buy you a new, bigger, treat bag. Then you gift the smaller one to Harley ;-)

Anonymous said...

now that is really cute!
that explains the worried look on her face. poor Daisy.

Mo and The Purries said...

Sharing is good, Daisy - and we bet your mommie won't skimp on the goodies for your or Harley!
After all, it's his first Halloween!
Not The Mama and The Purries from Purrchance To Dream

Fred said...

That's one nasty look coming from Daisy in the third picture.

Tesla and Hansel said...

Ohhh nooo! you will just have to get a bigger bag!

JD at I Do Things said...

Oh, my gosh. This is one of my all-time favorite posts!

There certainly is no need for words with two such expressive cats. Poor Daisy! I hope you get a bigger bag and don't have to share!

JD at I Do Things

Sassy Kat said...

Thanks for checking in on moth the other day. She is doing great.
Heading to NYC for Asta's party.
That goodie bag of yours does look a little small but could you carry a larger one?????
Hope you get lots of treats and no tricks!

Samantha & Mom said...

We think your treat bag is too small Daisy!! You need a BIG bag!!
Your FL furiends,

Anonymous said...

Lol...You could always borrow the niece's Pumpkin Bucket....Hugs Ariel

Janet said...

Daisy, I think it might be a little bit smallish! Maybe your mommie can give you a bowl for you to put your treats in after your bag fills up. Then you can fill it up again! :-)

Anonymous said...

Hi! My first Wordless Wednesday! Thanks to you!

Chrissie said...

DAISY!!! I've missed you! Thanks for comin' by to welcome me back, I sure appreciate it.

I think that your Goodie Bag is one of those bags like Mary Poppin's..kind of bottomless and big enough to hold all sorts and shapes of things!

BeadedTail said...

Daisy, your expression when Harley comes over is so funny! He certainly needs his own treat bag and leave your lip smacking treats alone!

The Devil Dog said...

Yeah, we think it is kinda small, Daisy. tell Harley to get his own.


Quill and Greyson said...

So funny, seriously though it's way to small

Speedcat Hollydale said...


I always LOVE the posts here. This one is so cute, and so funny!

Sharing candy is hard.

Jimmy Joe said...

Sharing is very hard, Daisy. I'm glad Harley is going to get his own bag!
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe

Motor Home Cats said...

We think you each need new, bigger goodie bags so you can get more goodies on halloween.

Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade

Lorenza said...

Hi, Daisy!
Yes, I thing you bag is very small!
I hope you find something bigger!
Kisses and hugs

Girl Girl Hamster said...

I think you need a bigger bag for all the treats. And maybe get another one for Harley

~ Girl girl

Rosie & Cheeto said...

maybe yoo culd ware a BIG hat aksessorie and put the treets in thare!!

Sushi said...

OMG Daisy, I haven't got my goodie bag yet but, I did get my costume YAY! My very first halloween costume! I've been so busy today and lately that didn't even do WW... anyway, I think you guys will have enough treats to share. Be a good girl Daisy!

PurrPrints said...

aww! I dunno Daisy, it may be small but it's awfully cute!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Just keewp it empty wif all the goodies kep in yer pockets...

Anonymous said...

No no no not sharing! Oh Daisy how awful. Your Mummy should get two treat bags so Harley can have his own.

MYM said...


Little brothers ... sheesh.

Zoey and the furballs said...

I wouldn't share. All mine, mine, mine, mine....

(angel) Grrreta and Fam said...

You are going to need a MUCH bigger treat bag.

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