Friday, October 10, 2008

Fashion Friday: Not all crowns are good

I just got a fancy Princess Cat "Headware." I was very, very excited to get a new crown. But then, things went a little bit awry. First, I do not know why they would call this fancy crown a toy. And why is it not suitable for children? Maybe this is a crown only for old people.
Then, when I tried on the crown, my Mommie forgot to take the tags off. I do not know of any royalty who keeps the tag on their crown.
My next problem is that this crown is impossible to keep straight. You can wear some headgear at a rakish angle. But it is not correct to wear a crown askew on your head.
The worst part is that the beautiful pink feathers got into my eyes so I could not see good. Also, I found out that the purple gems on top are really just little pom-poms.
Finally, I got a photo where I managed to smile real big. Because I am a professional.
After the photo shoot, Harley caused big problems again! He STOLED my crown. But I let him have it since this crown is No Good.
He took the crown back into the tent. But he did not wear it.


99 Notes for Daisy:

i beati said...

Always the consumate professional , and truly regal.. that Harley is a fun guy!!

Anonymous said...

They just don't make Crowns like they used to, Daisy. Purrhaps you should get a nice Tiara instead.

Cromely said...

Harley is really cuddling that crown. Maybe it reminds him of someone he used to know. Or maybe it reminds him of some security blanket he used to have.

Forever Foster said...

You are a natural, Daisy. It's good to see Harley appreciates pink things! :)

Girl Girl Hamster said...

That crown sure is big. I wonder what Harley is doing with it now

~ Girl girl

gemmak said...

Oh Dasy! but you still look so glamorous despite the 'rakish' look! :o)

Anonymous said...

Daisy,you are such a fashionista!

Parker said...

Daisy, I agree with G&G, they really do not make crowns the way they used to.
I think it might have been OK to leave the tag on, Minnie Pearl did that all of the time and she was very famous and fashionable, right?

Felix, Garfield & Jawsy said...

U did make it work with that BIG smile of yours, Daisy... But it's better off with Harley cos he knows a Good toy when he sees one! haha

Anonymous said...

I think Harley has the best solution - using the crown as a toy!

Maybe your Mommie could order you a little crown from Cartier? I think our Queen uses them ;)

Isis said...

That's a very cute looking crown Daisy, and I love it that Harley takes toys back to his tent to play with! When I was little I used to take my toys to my tent and put them to bed every night! :)


Tristan Tabby Cat Longtail said...

If you go to burger king you can get a crown - for free! However, I think harley's got the right of it, ripping up the fev-vers.

Sweet Purrfections said...

Daisy - you are very professional and posed very well for your photo shoot, but Harley has the right idea. That crown just isn't it!

I left you an award today!

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

You deserve real jewels, Daisy. Not pom-poms.

Purrs Shade

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Oh dear, Daisy, you do look rather like the old Queen Mother with that on.... I think Harley has the right idea. You look lovely anyway and do not a crown for us to know you're regal!

Your Pal,

The Island Cats said...

Daisy, now you know why they call it a toy! You need a real crown!

Wally, Ernie & Zoey

Maggie May said...

Looks like Harley is having fun with your crown. Always the professional, Daisy!
~Maggie May and The Creek Cats~

The Meezers or Billy said...

You are always professional Daisy, and very beautiful as well.

The WriggleButts said...

Umm.. I guess it's only for old people! Maybe their heads are big enough to keep it straight?

Have a great weekend!


Mickey's Musings said...

Yeah,that crown is a bit fuzzy!! Maybe it's for little brothers anyway ;) Harley seems to think it's OK
He hauled it into his den ,heeheehee
I think he likes the fuzzy part ;)
Purrs Mickey

Donna said...

I think this makes Harley the Crown Prince. :)

Don't worry, Daisy, I'm sure you'll find something that suits you better.

Babs (Beetle) said...

That is a funny crown Daisy. You do look rather regal in the last photo. Harley is very cute.

Purrs, Sukie x

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

Harley is so cute in his tent. We are glad you let him play with your crown.
~ The Bunch

Tommy and Teaghan said...

Someone famous used to wear tags on her hats. We forgot who it wuz - someone silly.

The Furry Kids said...

Minnie Pearl always had tags on her hats, too. hee hee I'm not sure but the fact that the label said "headware" might be the first clue that it's not a quality crown. I am so sorry your crown disappointed you, Daisy. :(


Anonymous said...

Minnie Pearl used to wear her hats with a tag on it. She was one of the queens of the Grand Ole Opry.

Dma said...

you wore that crown very nicely. make sure harley knows it's not a toy and not for children.

Cupcake said...

Tsk tsk tsk. Talk about a fashion disaster.

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Oh you looked so elegant in that crown even though it was crooked.
Silly Harley. he would make a great chum for Pierro... partners in wild and sillieness

Unknown said...

Daisy, I'm afraid to say you look a tad like the late Queen Mum of England in your royal headware. Perhaps after she's had a tibble or two of gin. Not your best look. Harley did you a favor --perhaps he will emerge as your personal "Andre Leon Talley (Talons?)" and guide you on your sartorial catwalk?

Direct to you from the world's fashion capital,

Petey and Mica

Unknown said...

Our mom says you look like the Queen Mum in that crown, whatever that means. Harley looks very very cute playing with the crown.

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

not every fashions are all good.
I can see you can't have clearly eyesight with that crown.
But I still like the color, because it's your favorite!

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Hi Daisy, maybe Harley has the right idea and while it was a BAD crown, it will be a GOOD toy.

You looked beautiful in it, even though it was uncomfortable to wear. ~S,S & C

Anonymous said...

Daisy you look very cute in your pink crown....hugs Ariel

Anonymous said...

Oh No! Now there will be Harley stink all over it!!:)

You are such the professional Miss Daisy, I would haz had that off in an instant. I like my nose being tickled but I hate stuffs in my eyes :)
You did look very pretty though as always :)


L. Alida said...

You always look good in pink Daisy. I love your little smile! Harley is so cute in his tent. I think he likes the fevers in your crown. :)
I love your slapping game video!
Big hugs and lots of Smoochies,

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

You kind of remind us of the Queen of England with your feathery crown. It's very becoming on you. And what can we say about Harley? What a fun brother you have!

Moonchild Dancing! said...

Oh Daisy! You look wonderful in that crown even if the jewels are not real. That crazy Harley.. he certainly keeps you on your toes doesn't he? :)

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

While yoo did yoor usual wonderful, profeshonal job modeling dat "crown" it just isn't yoo. We think Harley knew dat so he took it away. It would be nice if yoo could find one wif da purrty pink fevvers AND real faw jooels.

Thoughts said...

Daisy you look beautiful in your pink and purple crown and you are so nice for letting Harley have it to go back into his little tent. I LOVE the pictures!




Smiling under adverse conditions is the ultimate in professionalism...Harely you are more adorable each time I see you.


Eduardo said...

Y'all are the cutest cats around! I liked your crown on you Daisy!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle

Puglette said...

Daisy, you always look like a princess! Harley is funny, does he have pink feathers all over his tent?

Lidian said...

Crown or no crown, you are a beautiful princess, Daisy!

That sure was nice of you to let Harley play with the crown. There used to be a dress-up box around here with a pink feather boa that we loved, but we do not know where it went!

xx your pals
Asha and Katia

The Oceanside Animals said...

hello daisy its dennis the vizsla dog hay wen did yoo joyn the famus noo wayv band a flok of seegulls??? ok bye

Tybalt said...

You still looked lovely and royal, Daisy!

Harely is too cute . . . mommy squealed at the picture of him in the tent.


Karen and Gerard said...

Harley came to your rescue, Daisy! You should thank him for taking it off and relieving you of all those problems you had. It did look very pretty though! I like his tent. My Manny likes the feather toy. I bet Harley would too since he's clutching the feather crown.

Poppy said...

I think that last picture of you in the crown looks very nice. And it was nice of you to let Harley play with it too. What a good big sister you are!


The Crew said...

Even if the gems weren't real, you still look wonderful, Daisy. I'm surprised Harley didn't want to try it on for size, but maybe he's not into pink.

Your friend

The Whiskers and Purrs Gang said...

Dearest Daisy,
Sounds like you gots a Minnie Pearl crown...ya know, one with the price tag still on it. We is sorry you gots a crappy crown...your mommy will just have to find one that is befitting a beautiful girl cat such as yourself.

Very truly yours,
The Whiskers and Purrs Gang

Shaggy and Scout said...

Pom Poms instead of gems? Absurd.

LZ said...

Why don't I have a fancy crown? The Tall Man always calls me Princess Kahzee-zee Bumblestumps III. I need a crown!


Skeezix the Cat said...

Boy, I feel yer pane. Sumtimes I order kyoot stuff online frum the innernets and win the man in the bloo shorts brings it to me it izn't qwite whut I ixpekt. Like yer purpul pompom "gems".

As fur the tag, yoo know, Mini Perl made a hole career owt of having the tag left on her hat. So maybey yoo cood, too.

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Daisy, you are such a professional. I am very impressed that you were able to wear that crown so well despite all the problems.

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Well Daisy, you tried. It is no fault of yours that the product was inferior. At least it looks like Harley is enjoying it for a toy.

T.Allen said...

This is my first visit and I am in love! Daisy is quite the professional, I'm too impressed. Thanks for sharing. I'll certainly be back...often!

BeadedTail said...

What a floofy crown Daisy! I think Harley had the right idea of what that crown should be for!

eastcoastlife said...

That crown does not fit you one bit. Glad you got rid of it.
Happy weekend!

Diane G. said...

A good piece of headgear is hard to find, but you made it look good. I hope you got paid extra for this job.


Mr. Hendrix said...

ah yes, you are one great model Daisy. truly a pro. i am sorry your crown was disappointing to you. at least Harley likes to play with it!!

Liss said...

Oh Daisy you are right you have much better crowns.

Team Tabby said...

Those fevers on the crown hang down into your eyes, Daisy. Maybe Harley, is triming them for you.

Thank you so much for welcoming me to the Blogosphere! I am happy in my new home.

contented purrs,

Amber-Mae said...

Nice crown but I also hate it when my hats move around oh mah head. The feathers must be tasty to him...

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

Leona said...

How were you not tempted to lick those feathers? Oh I would have licked them something good. Well at least you found a good use for it...that is what brofurs are for.

The Florida Furkids said...

Gee you would think all beautiful crowns would be special, but this one didn't measure up to your high standards! As always, you managed to triumph over the obstacles though - what a super model you are....and what a good kitty to let Harley play with the crown!

psst- we won't tell him it was sort of defective!!

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Bobby D. said...

you are so nice to share stuff, Daisy! that's what having a little brother is all about.



PurrPrints said...

I think Harley has the right idea...after all, with all those feathers how could a kitty not chew on it?

Ailurophile said...

Looks like Harley is going to bunny kick and then put the bitey on the crown!

Kimo and Sabi said...

If you are da princess, then is Harley yer royal subject? Jester? Hmmm . . .

Anonymous said...

Daisy I am very glad you doesnt like the crown cause I am sorry to say that it looks like Harley isnt gonna give it back to you! I likes to eat feathers I bet thats wut Harley is gonna do.

Marilyn said...

Maybe it is not a toy suitable for children because it's suitable for kitties instead.

If it didn't work good as a crown it still worked good as a toy for Harley.

Jans Funny Farm said...

Well, Harley certainly did you a favor, Daisy. You won't be wearing this crown again.

We think it's nice you were able to summon a professional smile while enduring such an indignity. Your mom really should have a talk with the makers of that crown, shouldn't she!

Anonymous said...

hehe Harley sure is silly! He wud look silly in pink fev vers!!!

Asta said...

What a weal jewels and it won't stay stwaight, and it gets in youw eyes and mouf..lousy desewve much bettew~ Although you do look gweat..hope Harley has fun wif it
smoochie kisses

Little Ding said...

Daisy, you are beautiful even if they are not real jewels.

mister jeter harris, hizself said...

"awry", "rakish", an "askew"????
duhr daisy ... yer gettin too smart fer me.

Poppy said...

Thanks for sending me to Storm's blog, Daisy. I think it will be helpful for Jasper's parents.


Donny and Marie and Casey said...

I like Harley very much....I adore fluffy fur. I would like that crown for myself, just like him!

Oh yeah, you are very pretty with the crown, even tho it looked very difficult to keep on your head - but you made it look very elegant indeed!


Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

You look cute with any accessories, Daisy.
Pink color agrees with your complexion.
Please come to my blog to pick up your award, choose your favorite one, it's my pleasure to pass it onto you.

Jackie said...

oh my Daisy you will forever be a queen in my heart!! And Harley here's some hugs for you too!!!:-))

Quill and Greyson said...

You even made that crown look good. Good for you Harley for attacking it!

Tatum Tot said...

Ooo that crown is no good at all! My Tiara is much cooler and I take it everywhere I go. You need a better crown Daisy!

Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

I dunno if Harley is supposed to be wearing your pretty princess crown, Miss Daisy. After all, he IS a boy, right? You should tell him "paws off" an' take back your crown for yourself. Afterall, it's YOUR cute headgear.


AM said...

You know what they say Daisy, "If the crown fits.........." And you definitely know how to work it!!

Ruby and Penny said...

Hi Daisy
I just stopped by to say hello.
I have 3 cats at home. One who looks very much like Harley.
I can tell you didn't like the crown very much by the look on your face. My mommy got quite a chuckle out of your pictures.

Love Ruby

sourpuss said...

You & Harley are so cute together!

Lorenza said...

Hi, Daisy!
You don't need a crown! We all know you are a princess!
Kisses and hugs

Lux said...

You are regal no matter what you wear, Daisy. And very professional, always! :)

Harley looks like he loves your crown!

RJ Flamingo said...

Daisy, you are a true professional! I hope your mommy finds you a proper crown soon - one that suits your stature, of course!

Anonymous said...

all the pics of the post is really so cool.

Anonymous said...

Daisy you looked just like Her Majesty the Queen of England! LOL! Only cuter!

Forty Paws said...

That's fine that you let Harley have that crown. It looks a bit untacky for your regalness.

Luf, Us

The Furry Bambinos said...

Daisy, Mom says that you reminded her of Minnie Pearl with the tags on the crown. Harley looks like he was having lots of fun with the crown.

Padre, Panda Bear, and Meerkat

Cory said...

I'm sending my mom out to shop for me so I can have a crown as wonderful as yours.

(angel) Grrreta and Fam said...

I can't believe the purple gems are just pom poms. I wonder if my mommy's jewelry is made of pom poms too.

Anonymous said...

ehehe that pink crown look fun! i wonder if my cats like to use that :P

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The Fitness Diva said...

You looked quite royal in that last pic, Daisy! Kind of reminded me of the Queen of England! ;)

Laura Brown said...

That is one of your cuter ones. :)

Sunny's Mommy said...

That crown is defective! I hope Harley bunnykicked it good!!

You truly are a professional model, Daisy. Despite that defective crown you managed to get one superb shot ;-)

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