Monday Funday: Let's Color!
Hi everybuddy! Instead of a Monday Mystery, today we are going to have some fun! I like crayons because they are colorful and they smell funny. So I made a coloring page just for you! Here is the original picture, so you can see the different colors. But you can use any colors you like!

91 Notes for Daisy:
Great job, Daisy! You are a very cute Barracuda! We will have Mom help us color you when she gets home!
Mom is leaving Boaton this morning and driving back. She says she will be home in a few days. We hope to see you all soon!
oAH Daisy!!!
You are just so so so cute~!!!!!
I love it~!!!!!!!!
I like your smile, always melting my heart~!
You make a very cute Barracuda Daisy and you did particularly well staying in the lines. I don't have any crayons but I do have computer 'crayons'...does it count if I colour you in that way?
Daisy, this is possibly the funniest picture I saw of you! You did a great job. Very talented!
Daisy we are very impressed with your colouring in. We don't think we could make as good a job. Flynn would probably lie on the paper anyway.
That's a great idea, Daisy, and #1 recently bought a whole new set of colouring pencils when she visited a pencil factory in the Lake District in England!
Your Pals,
Sen-Chan, Tom and Tama-Chan
What a great idea, Daisy! Maybe you could have a coloring contest with your coloring page!
I am going to print out the colouring in page and do the colouring and then put mine on my blog later this week. I hope I can do as good as you did Daisy.
Huffle Mawson
That is a great idea Daisy!!
You look very cute!!
You sure make a cute Barracuda! We're going to have Mom print one out for us to color!!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
What a good idea. I may try this while I am watching it snow some more!
That is a great idea Miss D. You look so cute in your fish costume )altough the love bug is my fave).
You colored very well, Daisy! I should let my cats try coloring. Maybe they would like it too. They like chasing each other around. One day they actually played tag in the living room, taking turns chasing each other from one side to the other. It was very funny. They were having a great time!
That is beautiful, Daisy. Too bad Mom's nieces are all too old for coloring now.
Mom checks out your blog on her BlackBerry first thing in the morning--before she even feeds us! We are getting more than a little bit jealous.
That is great! Your great at coloring Daisy!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle
Dearest Daisy,
You are very talented at colorin'! Daisy, is there anything you ain't good at? You are one sharp cookie!
Very truly yours,
The Whiskers and Purrs Gang
Wonderful job Daisy!! oh my you are an artist too!! How wonderful!!:-)))
You're very talented Daisy! I have downloaded a copy of your picture so that I too can try colouring in. I've seen a big box of crayons here many times when D'boy is doing his homework and have been dreaming of trying them out myself one day. I shall have a go soon I think... :)
PS: We has squirrel now!!!!
That's so cool! Mom said she will help me color my own picture when she gets home from work tonight.
Daisy, your picture is almost as good as the original! You are so talented...
sounds like fun. little ding will have to stay in the lines, though!
I think I'll print it for my little students. Thanks for helping with the lesson plan guys !!
What an awesome way to start Funday, no, Monday, no, Funday!
You did a pawsome job coloring. And what a neat idea to create a coloring page for all of us to enjoy. ~S,S & C
I've never tried coloring before, although my momma and I tried painting with our tails...we got in trouble for that! This looks like fun. Thanks Daisy!
What a neat idea. You sure have the most newest of anyone that I know. Your coloring is great and you stayed in the lines to much. I think you could turn this idea into a contest.
ps: Opus isn't with me today, I forgot to change my calling card. Opus is back at home now. We spent the weekend working on the new CCSI show. Should have some interesting news soon!
you just so thoughtful miss daisy, you give us things to do, I wish i had some crayons. Do you have any relationship to Sarah Barracuda?
Your coloring page is awesome, Daisy. You have to many talents.
great coloring daisy!!! i don't have any crayons though but i do like to smell them.
smiles, auntie bee
i'm going to color mine to look like you colored Harley yesterday...
I'll have to print out a page or to for my little beans.
YAY!!! This is fun!!!!!
Oh wow! This sounds like soooper fun! The one your colored was really nice. Good job! I like color pencils better coz they have very strong colors & I'm good at using them. Never tried crayons before.
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
Hey, that's cool! I'm gonna get mom to print out a copy for each of the SK's and then, I'll post the results!
You did a good job on yours, Miss Daisy!
Hi Daisy, thanks for the cool coloring page. We will ask the teenage boy bean if he still has crayons. If not, Mom will have to buy some.
Lucy & Trixie
very very pretty, Daisykins
How wonderful that you have made a picture for others to color as well!
I hope you and your brother have a delightful day
Daisy, you are a great artist!! You have so much talent!
~The Creek Cats~
Okay, Daisy, Got a pencil? Write this down and hand it to your Mommie. Repeat this process fifty times, bind them together and make a book to sell to all your friends. It would be a best seller. DO the same for calendar, children's books, etc. Remember the first review and how I suggested these things? You are a star and that is the reason so many of your readers love you so. You are precious.
Love Always,
Theresa111 and Bobby
love it!
hello daisy its dennis the vizsla dog hay why is that crab thing on yore hed giving yore mama the eye roll??? i think yore mama needs to smak it arownd a littel and fix its attitood first she shud tayk it off yore hed first tho ok bye
Perfect timing! When i went to Wally World last night, I came so very cose to getting me a box of 64 crayons and a coloring book.
Coloring relaxes me.
aw, what a cutie pie you are Daisy. Thanks so much, my grand kids will love this.
Wow, Daisy! That is so cool, I will print that out and start coloring!
very nice drawing.
Oh Daisy you are so talented that you can even color!
That is really clever Daisy!
I've never coloured in before, but I think I might have a go too!
Purrs, Sukie x
You did a gweat job colowing that pictoowe..thank you fow sending it to all of us to play's cool
love and smoochie kisses
YOU did a fabulous job and I bet Harley helped too, didn't he?
Coloring! Yoo did a good job Daisy, we are going to try too. We hope dad will help us cuz mom is, according to her, up to her armpits, in dirty laundry. Gess dat is what happens when yoo don't do any laundry for two weeks.
Very good colouring in there Daisy. Thank you for posting the blank one, I shall print it out for the kittens, it will keep them occupied and hopefully allow the humans to tend to the rest of us!
Whicky Wuudler
That is a cool hat, Daisy! And I think you did a very nice job of staying inside the lines...although it is okay if sometimes you want to go outside the lines.
Oh boy! That is fun!
So Harley is in training to be a model? I can't wait to see his outfits. Do you think you'll do theme poses with him Daisy? That would be cute.
Awww Little Daisy that is so puuretty! We love you as barracuda!
And now I can colour you in.. I must make Momam buy me some crayons!! :)
Wow Daisy you are a true artist! I tried to color you but I couldnt get my paws on the crayons. And then I ackcidentaly putted one in my mouth fer a little tasties and Mummy tooked them away after that. I think I need a tekneek demunstrashun from you Daisy!
Awesome project, Daisy! Mom loves to color.
Your pal,
You did an excellent job coloring. We'll have to try that!
That is so cool, Daisy! You are a very good colorer. I am printing out the picture now so I can use my fancy new markers!
JD at I Do Things
Daisy, you are an adorable barricuda and a wonderful artist! I love the idea of being able to color our own picture of you!
You did a wonderful job coloring, Daisy! That's a great idea.
Daisy my bean girl will lub to do this! I cant wait to show her.
~ Molly ~
Daisy, you are brilliant!! What a great new way to see you.
What fun Daisy! We're not sure how many crayon colors we have - but we're gonna use a bunch of them!
What a fun project! Did you draw the picture of you free-paw?
Daisy, you are going to be a famous artist some day!!!!
Here to see what Daisy is up too today!!...wtg Daisy!!..hee hee
great job at coloring...i've never done that before.
Hi Daisy,
Mom printed this for the niece she likes to color and she loves you.I will post it on my blog when she colors it...Hugs Ariel
Daisy!!! What a novel idea !!!!!
What a way to have fun :) You did a nice job too ;)
Purrs Mickey
That is adorable!
Hi, Daisy Barracuda! Ha!
I am going to look for my crayolas to color you!
Kisses and hugs
You did a great job coloring, Daisy. Very neat.
oh daisy you is look so cute with fishz on our heads!! lookz yummyz!! meee loves your sketchez!!
That's so fun. I'm gonna print out and color you.
~ Bae
We love your Barracuda hat. Mom says she is going to try to have us model and use temptations for us to behave. I hope you get paid lots of temptations for all of your modeling.
-Patches and Nemo
i wunder if i can color dat grate pikshur uv u.
yer so talentud daisy.
Daisy, you are so funny!
Harley will probably get as large as Dorf. We think Harley is well on his way.
Luf, Us
Daisy, that is just great!! You are always so very creative!!
Great idea! I love the picture and I'm sure my kids will love to color Daisy:)
Good coloring Daisy, I'm an outside the lines kinda cat.
Making a few for my Grandaughter and I ... we will see who does the best colors.
I hope I can do as good as you did Daisy.
Ahhh, Daisy, that is awesome!! We will need to print this out and color it!!
Beautiful - you're a *great color-er! :)
Thank you for putting this together Daisy. This is perfect for your younger fans.
I printed it. I gonna colors it good!
Daisy that is SO neat! How in the heck did you do that? You did an awesome job coloring too!
I love that picture of you! You look adorable. You did a very good job coloring in the lines.
That is very cool, Miss Daisy! Did you draw the picture yourself or did your momma?
How many testing color you have tried? only these 2. I don't believe that.
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