Today is my lucky day, because I got this beautiful Fairy Princess suit from my friend Bobby at
Sleeping Kitten - Dancing Dog! It has a cute little tutu and a pointy hat, and best of all, it's PINK!

I am pretty sure that I can grant wishes while I am a Fairy Princess. Here is my fancy pink wand.

After my Mommie took this photo, she said "Daisy, you are the nuttiest little Princess of them all!" I think this means she loves me a lot because she hugged me and squeezed me tightly when she said it.

And finally, here is my most glamorous photo of them all. If you look real hard at the picture and think of your wish, I will try my best to make it come true! One wish per customer, please. Or two, if your wish is really important.

Fashion Friday: I am a Fairy Princess!
117 Notes for Daisy:
Oh Daisy, you're so pretty!
You are indeed very very pretty, Fairy Princess Daisy~!!!
How wonderful~!!!!
You make me want to make a wish as well.
Very pretty Daisy. I think your Mommy may be a teeny bit nutty too. Just a very teeny bit. :)
Wow you look so cute, Princess Daisy! I hope you can make my wish come true ;D
I've just tagged you for a really fun picture meme, hope you can join in - Sixth Photo Game... oh, and My Birthday!
Awesome fairy princess Miss D. I am going to make my one wish a special one.
Thanks for making us smile.
Daisy your dress is fantastic!
I'm sure you are allowed to magic power !
ViVi & AB
Daisy, you look so stunningly beautiful as a princess, I am sure you must be the best princess ever....even if you are a tiny bit nutty! Could I pass my wish to you please, you could make one on my behalf that might help Harley get his poorliness mended soon :o)
Daisy, you look amazing! I am lucky that I have everything I need so I am going to wish that all the kitties in the shelters find forever homes.
You look enchanted! I really like you as a fairy princess!
Awww now don't you make the most adroable fairy princess?! I think you will have lots of wishes to grant today -- you will be very busy!
You're a special princess allright! And you're becoming real good at wearing hats!
Oh! Oh! We have always suspected that you were a Fairy Princess, Daisy!
So, is it one wish per cat, one wish per Mom or just one wish per blog? We need to know before we make our wish!
I am squeezing my eyes shut and making my wish!
Huffle Mawson
Daisy all powerful fairy princess, my car quit yesterday, my tv the night before and my desk collapsed. Please take your pick. your grateful servant..sandy
Oh you do look purrty Daisy! Now my wish is that you come to Miss Peach's tea party today, I'm taking Tama-Chan over there for the first time at a girlycat tea party and there's an even bigger and better reason for having it today! ;)
you are so cute! beautiful cat! your momy is so lucky to have you as her cat! magic cat!
kisses for all!
Daisy you are the queen of organza! That's a very pretty costume.
We like the last photo best of all! You really are an amazing model, Daisy, and a real princess!
Your Pals,
Sen-Chan, Tom and Tama-Chan
You are just lovely, magical Daisy.
We wish good luck to Kaze's Lap Lady (and another mystery cat blogger) as the take their LSATs tomorrow.
You make a cute fairy princess. Thanks for the wish! That was a very nice present for you.
Daisy, you make a beautiful fairy princess! I'm closing my eyes to make a wish...
Hugs to you and your family today... TGIF
Oh Daisy, you have outdone yourself today! You did a masterful job with that hat. I think this might be your supermodel moment!
You are truly a professional model to wear that lovely hat and to pose as nicely as you did. We wish we could spend all day looking at pictures of you.
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
You are absolutely stunning... No need to model any other clothes, you've found the perfect outfit for you! Her Royal Princess Daisy it is!
Oh, Daisy! I don't know how you can possibly top this! If I had an outfit like that and could grant wishes, I would never take it off...
I truly sometimes wonder if you are a real kitty, but now I know that you are really a fairy princess! I would give you lots of hugs, too...
I know just what I'm going to wish for! Love the hat!
Well we don't know if you are the nuttiest fairy princess but you are certainly the prettiest. You are so adorable Daisy.
We wish to see more pictures of you and Harley.
~Socks, Scylla & Charybdis
The wee lass is soooo jealous of that look, Daisy.
You look so regal!
Oh Miss daisy we can not think of one silly thing to say, You has just melted us in your fairy princess suit.
And then to allow us a wish...
Your one ultra sweet little Miss!! :))
Daisy, with or without the costume you are still a princess. Ok we made a wish, hope it comes true!
~The Creek Cats~ are the best princess we've ever seen!
my wish is for all kitties to have happy homes! Thanks Fairy Princess Daisy :)
Such a beautiful fairy princess indeed!
Daisy, I think you're ready for the second act of the Nutcracker. Move over, Sugar Plum Fairy! Plus no doubt you've got better dance moves...
Your pals,
Petey and Mica
you look great in that head dress, daisy. :)
Daisy you are the prettiest Fairy Princess ever! We will think very hard about our wish.
I suppose I could wish that I was as cute as you are...or that I had a fairy princess outfit of my own...but that is not to be. Mom says I'm cute, just in a different way. Thank you so much nutty princess for granting me a wish. Ok...done. I can't share it because my mom says if you say it out loud it may not come true.
Oooooohhhhh Daisy, Please ask your mommy to hug and squeeze you and smother you in kisses from me. Your blog is the best and I now believe in fairies!
I have one wish, it is that you have a Very long and healthy life and keep spreading your wonderfulness with us all on your blog.
Thank-you Daisy, thank-you Daisy's mom, and thank-you, too, side kick Harley.
oh it is so beautiful daisy!!! i wish that sarge has a wonderful birthday!
smiles, auntie bee
What a cute little fairy princess! I am sure you will be very busy granting wishes today.
Oh, Daisy. You are gorgeous in your costume. And I know it gives you special powers. So in addition to the wish I already asked for in my Tweet, can you please work on the following?
1. I need to lose 30lbs by Wednesday next week.
2. I would like to have a slow afternoon so that I can leave work right after my seminar. Can you make it so none of my clients need me to work on their computers?
3. I don't want to clean my bathroom. Can you wave that magic wand so it gets sparkly clean by itself?
4. World peace.
i'll let you know the status of my wish so you can determine how effective a princess you are... no matter what though, you do make a very cute princess.
Miss Daisy you are the nicest Fairy Princess I have ever seen, you should have been dancing in that outfit.
Oh my goodness Daisy what a special princess you are!
You are just beautiful Daisy!
Daisy your the prettiest princess I've ever seen.I got my wish...An adorable friend(you)...Hugs
You look adorable in the pink princess outfit.
I made my wish as you had instructed.
When it comes true, I'll send you a thank-you gift.
Daisy, we just love your fairy suit! You are going to be very busy today granting wishes!
Daisy you are a beautiful fairy princess! There's not one doubt that your mommie loves you a lot!
Hi Daisy! You are the most adorable fairy princess ever! I am sending you my big hugs as my wish today. I wish you a very fun filled princess day!
you are the first blog I visit everyday, I look forward to seeing you and Harley, a smile is the best way to start the day!
Daisy yoo iz such pretty princess. When mommeh made me princess i HATED it i ran an hid remembers? I hates dat. stoopid mommeh.
Fairy Princess Daisy,
Our wish is that all the sick kitties of the Cat Blogosphere get all better by Christmas!
Auntie Spooker, Jazper, Daphne, Chloe, Petey, Little Isis, and Not The Mama too!
Daisy, you make a wonderful Fairy Princess! MB is writing a post about a fairy, for her blog too!
Purrs, Sukie x
Daisy, you are a lovely fairy princess!! We will make our wishes and stare real hard into your bootiful eyes.
Mr. Chen & Ollie
We wish for all kitties to have great homes and have plenty of food to eat!
You are the most beautiful fairy princess ever! We left 6 wishes (Karl, Ruis, OZ, Tintin, Luna, Naughty)hahahahahahahaha!
Please come over to our party and join in the belly dance - we are sure you will be a great belly dancer!
Karl and Ruis at The Cat Realm
you are beautiful! as always!
You are the most beautiful princess of them all! I wish for health and peace for you, mommy and Harley!
Daisy - You ARE the most beautiful fairy princess of all. I wish my kittehs would let me make them all pretty with nice clothes.
I second "anonymous".... this is a great place to stop by each day. So much fun compared to so much whining and complaining on many blogs... I find myself turning to coyotes, dogs, hamsters and cats more each day.. Animals blogs are great!.. and Daisy, you are the best.
So patient too....I don't know many... (if any) cats that put up with all the fun your Mommy has with are a great girl....
What a magical little princess you are!!
We are wishing that our little visitor cats will find a good home.
Yer a furry lovely princess!
Oh sweet Daisy! Pink is your color! You are a wonnerful fairy princess, indeed!
Very truly yours,
The Whiskers and Purrs Gang
You are an awesome princess, Daisy.
Oh Daisy - there never was such a pretty Princess.
Mom's wish: That every kitten could have a lovely forever home.
Alfie's wish:That he could have some toys of his own.
My wish: That Alfie could have toys of his own so I could have mine back!
Daisy, you look absolutely adorable in your outfit! I love the hat!!
Daisy,you are the prettiest Fairy Princess!!!!!!!!!!
Purrs Mickey xoxoxo
Very cute fairy princess!
Daisy you make the bestest Fairy Princess we have ever seen! Now let us think real hard for a wish!!!
Your FL furiends,
Daisy, you continue to amaze me with your patience wearing those costumes!
You are very pretty.
The things we do for food! ;-)
Paws 'n Claws,
If you were free, I would ask you to marry me.
Love forever,
Oh Fairy Princess Daisy, what a pretty pink princess you are.
Princess Daisy, you did a remarkable job wearing your tall, pointy hat today. Perhaps because it is a princess hat? You make a beautiful princess. Harley didn't mess up any of your tulle did he?
Oh, MY! This just tops them ALL!!!
You really are a TRUE DIVA, and yes, a princess as well! You look like a magical fairy princess in a fairy tale book! Very beautiful!
I will make a wish and you can wave your little want over it. You'd better make sure to make it happen.... that's the mark of a true fairy! ;)
You awe wifout doubt the most pwecious faiwy pwincess..I wish all fuwwkids find homes..I hope youw wand wowks
smoochie kisses
Oh, Daisy, you look sooooo divine!!
Daisy, You are the most beautiful Fairy Princess ever!
You are the most purrfect princess we have ever seen!
~ The Bunch
Daisy, you look adorable in your princess outfit. Is it getting easier to wear hats? We are also sorry to hear about your computer, and what is wrong with Harley? We read something about blisters?
Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
OMC, Daisy, I have a farey prinsess hat just like yers!!! We cood dress up like twins! Only I don't have any majik powers.
Daisy, Daisy, Fairy Princess so fair...Yoor so beyootiful as a fairy princess dat we are sure yoo can grant our wish! We wish dat all homeless aminals could, if not find a forever home, at least find shelter and food.
You are a pretty pink princess, Miss Daisy. We have made our wish, and we hope you will help make it come true.
We made a wish, Daisy!!! Doesn't Skeezy have the same kind of hat? You guys could wear them when you go out on your date. ;)
Daisy, we will be purring that you find out what is wrong with Harley soon.
Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
Daisy, if you were here in front of me, I would give you the biggest squeeeeze for being so cute.
My only wish is that you and Harley keep entertaining us with your wonderful posts.
JD at I Do Things
WOW Daisy!!! You are one *BEAUTIFUL* Princess!! {{{{{WOW}}}}} You should have heard Mommy when she first saw your photo, " AHHHHHHHHHH, look at Daisy, she is so adorable! Now what wish can we make.?????? Got it...we wish for............OK Daisy, wavy your magic wand...we will let you know if it comes true=^Y^=the Cat Street Boyz
Daisy, you are the most beautiful Fairy Princess ever :-D
I will have to come back tomorrow to make my wish. I do not want to be frivolous and need to give serious consideration to my wish. Thanks in advance for granting wishes for everyone. You are the best, Daisy!
What a pretty fairy princess!
Daisy, you are definitely a princess!
They should do a tv show about you and call it "I Dream of Daisy". You are just gorgeous!
What a beautiful outfit Daisy! You sure are lucky to have such pretty things! Just don't try to turn Harley into a toad!
Oh Daisy. You are just the sweetest and most generous kitty ever! =) I'm sure you'll be really busy all night granting all the wishes coming your way.
the only dressing up I do is my pretty collars. i like those. NO princess outfits for me thanks!
Wow, Daisy that is about the most stunning costume EVER!
Daisy, YOU ROCK!
What a great Fairy Princess you are.
You make a beautiful princess! I have gone through about twenty of those fancy pink wands. I love them and play with them constantly.
Oh Daisy you make a perfect fairy princess!! I'm wishing...
The last picture is a real contest winner ... I see a winning cat at the County Fair this year!!
Ohh - and thanks for granting my wish Daisy, I haz CHEESE burger now.
HOOOOOOOOOOOOO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ooh Daisy you look so beautiful in that outfit and those are such gorgeous photos of you!
Dear Fairy Princess Daisy,
I wish that the Sandy Man could find another job so he could come home from the Very Sandy Place so my mommy doesn't have to be alone anymore.
Your devoted servant,
Angus Mhor
Hi, Daisy!
Your are the most beautiful Fairy Princess!
Just one wish?? Let me think about it and I will be back, ok?
Kisses and hugs
Daisy, did you get my wish? thought really hard.
Daisy, you are the prettiest Furry Princess (oops, I mean Fairy Princess!) of all! I just stopped by to catch up on your wonderful blog and say FANKS YOU for your kind meows for our daddy. He's feeling much better!!
-Kilroy and Fambly
I am going to make my one wish a special one.
OMG you cast out love spell for meee Daisy!! mee just make girl friend but meeee might fall in LOVE with you~!! DOnt tell mai GF runa!
Wow Daisy that look reely soots you! I made a wish fer lots of treats. Oops if I say it out loud will it still come true?
Yer pal Dozer
My Welsh Corgi has the same outfit. Her name is Lilly and she is cute but you are very cute too! Lilly doesn't have the wonder wand you have.
hello daisy its dennis the vizsla dog hay i want to tel yoo dada reely liked yore dokyoomentry calld enchanted altho yoo lukd more like a hyooman in that then yoo do heer it is amayzing wot they can do with speshal effekts theez days!!! ok bye
Daisy, You make a very special fairy princess. I wished that all the kitties out there had love and affection, (and raisin toest) like you. You are such a good sport about your Princess hat, I think Pepper would flip out! Very good advanced modeling that you are doing - can we book you for a session? I'll have my doggies call your kitties!!!
Daisy, you are quite a darling fairy princess. Send a magical wish this way for lotsa catnip during the holidays!
I am going to wish that all the kitties in the shelters find forever homes.
Daisy you are too cute for words. I definitely think that pink should be your signature color because you look so amazing in it! You are such an adorable fairy princess. We made a wish, did you get it?
Oh my, Daisy. You are adorable.
<3 i LOVE your expression..xo
That's the funniest, cutest thing I have ever seen, love it!
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