I Got Purple Hairs
Here I am modeling my newest fancy hairs. It is really just a bunch of yarn all twisted up in a braid. I think purple is a good color for hair. And the yarn is even curlier than my own fur!

I Got Purple Hairs
Posted by Daisy at 1/16/2009 04:00:00 AM
Labels: accessories for cats, braids, wigs for cats
101 Notes for Daisy:
Wow, we're first! Daisy, you are a very good model to supprt those hairs. They must weigh a ton. At least! You made us smile this morning!
Daisy - you look just beautiful in your purple hair. I admire your style! As for the straps, I suspect top models do have straps somewhere, but I don't really want to think about that.
Miss D you look devine in purple. I think all the top models will be jealous.
Daisy, I think purple could be your colour!
Huffle Mawson
We know that top models have chin straps- because you have a chin strap on your purple hair! You are a top model, Daisy:) Tyra Banks had better look out, as I think you could teach her a thing or two or three.
Purple suits you well Daisy. Don't worry about the chinstrap, it's better than having your hair fall off in the middle of a shoot.
Th purple really suits you, Daisy, but we're not so sure about the chin strap. Maybe a different kind of strap would be more discreet?
Your Pals,
Tom and Tama-Chan
Daisy, just don't try the matching purple whiskers, it would be too much!
The purple hair! You define beauty, Daisy! Muahhhh!
kkkkkk and k! you're so beautiful with this hair! by the way, I think that you're look amazing modeling! I told you!
Daisy, you're so, so, so much funny! I love came here, because even so I am sad or unhappy, when I came here, I'm feel so much better! thank you!
kisses for you and Harley and your mommie too!
Hahaha, you just keep cracking me up! You are the best model ever and your expressions say it all! If you really don't like the chinstrap, perhaps mom can take you to the salon for some extensions?
Daisy, don't kid yourself, although those top models don't use chin straps they use whats called glue and weave so don't you worry girlfriend you're cute as a button with your new hairs -- and chin strap :)
Very funky feline furs! ;o)
I know pink is your favorite color, Daisy, but purple is fabulously flattering!
You are an amazing model to be able to hold your head up with all them hairs!
You look beautiful with your wig, Daisy!!!
Penelope has the same wig, but she isn't quite big enough for it yet.
I only know that when you look into the camera in that special way , you are the epitome of pulchritude.!!!
By the way, Tim Gunn and Heidi Klum called/..They want you for Project Runway!!
I think you did an excellent job modeling that purple hair!
Daisy, you are so pretty in purple! I don't know about the chin straps but the hairs are really nice.
Daisy, you would be a gorgeous glamour model wiv or wivout purple hair ... and wiv or wivout a chin strap! We both think you are VERY glamorous.
You look lovely in purple!!! What a true professional to keep the purple hairs on for your glamour shot!!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
I'm betting that models use chin straps and more...what they use that you'll never need is air brushing! You never need any touch ups!
Daisy, we love your purple hair, chin strap and all! You look splendid, and do a fabulous job of modeling!
Purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam and Simon
Gee Daisy,that hair is almost as big as you!!! It looks pawsome too ;)
Good thing it is braided or you might look like Cousin Itt,heehee
You do look good. You look good in anything!!!!!
Purrs Mickey
Oh my what purrty puple hairs you have Daisy! :) Now I just wonder what Tigmut'hep would look like in something like that as well as his onesies! ;)
You looked very regal in the purple hairs chin strap and all.
Please reassure Harley for us that personality matters more then looks and that he will always be loved no matter what health/skin/fur issues he may have.
We loves U both lots, you are both wonderful felines. ~Socks, Scylla & Charybdis
LOL - starting my day at your blog always makes me happy :)
Daisy, I like your purple hair, but I wouldn't say it is cuter than your furs. I think I would chew that wig instead of wear it.
you look very nice with purple hair, but we love your natural curly furs better
i think purple hair is related to punk rock and in punk rock anything goes so a chin strap is appropriate.
WOW...that is one big bunch of hair. I don't think the chin strap takes anything away from it at all. Very glam!
honey i think they use them to keep their boobs up! ha ha ha
you look really cute in purple hairs!
smiles, auntie bee
nothing could ruin the effect Miss Daisy, you are a hottie.
I think your furs is better than the purple hair, even though it is pretty and very curly AND you were very clever to model it so well.
That's also a very pretty flash in the last photo!
Purrs, Sukie x
hello daisy its dennis the vizsla dog hay dada sez yoo luk like a punk rock new wave dread mon i hav no ideea wot he is tawking abowt as yoozual ok bye
The purple hair looks lovely on you Daisy! That hair does look very heavy and I think all models keep their hair on with chin straps.
The purple is furry pretty with your furs, Daisy!
mrowrrrrr...You can come on over and visit any time.
Love Chance, a blog mascot
Daisy, Purple becomse you! What chin strap. all we see is a beautiful kitty with purple hair!
We think you may have another favorite color..purple! It looks so pretty next to your furs.
We are anxious to see your Photo Hunt pictures tomorrow. You will probably have a hard time deciding which ones to show!
~ The Bunch
We think you are a fashion trend setter!
Yesh, purple is definitely your color.
Daisy, your purple hairs are very fashionable! Purple is definitely your color! I think maybe the super models have a clear chin strap on their hairs so you can't see it.
You remind us of Rapunzel!
Oh my Daisy! You look lovely with your purple hair, you look like a little kitty cat princess! Its a good look for you! But long hair certainly is very heavy, eh?
My dear, you always keep us entertained. Fridays are the funnest day of the week.
That is a great color on you Daisy, but the style of the hairs - mmmm, not so much LOL But you are a great model - you make everything look good.
Honestly, I like your real furs best.
Daisy, it is a fabu color on you!
Thanks for the smiles!
The "surprised" picture is a Daisy Classic for sure!
Uncle Mo
We're sure that purple hairs will now be all the rage. Don't worry about the strap because top models do use them to hold "things" in. They use tape too. You know...to avoid wardrobe malfunctions.
I think they look heavy, like they are pushing down your head. Does your brain hurt? I hope you get them off soon, although you look great in purple!
Daisy your purple hairs are stylin'! And don't let that chin strap get you down, top models use straps and tape and even air brushes!
hi daisy! that purple hair looks like fancy acting hair. or maybe a fancy dancer? i think the fancy dancers use a chin strap when they have big hairdos and fancy hats. you are very cute in your photos today.
hugs to you and your fambily!
Daisy, that last picture of you is such a winner - you are such a professional model to hold up all that heavy hair on your head (even with a strap)!
Just stopped by to let you know you are one of the lucky winners of the latest contest at Henson's Hell. Please check out today's posting to find out what to do next.
Puwple is such a becoming colow..I don't know why mowe peoples don't have puwple haiws..you cewtainly look gowgeous..and I love that it's cuwly like you own haiws
smoochie kisses
I've got to talk to the humans. I want one!
Olivia (and Cliff)
Now THAT is my kind of hair kholour!
It even makes a khat more appealing - if that was even pawsible!
Hi Daisykins, Oh my I just love your purple wiggggg. It looks terrifical. those two braids look like a heavy load too! I think your neck will be very muscular after jaunting around in the wiggie for a while.
We have some skin issues here but everything has been resolved... for who knows how long but Pierro was doing a lot of scratching for a while there. I should write about our skin issues too. Pierro is presently on the low allergen diet but it does not make much of a difference... seems he had the rashes for months while he was on the food... and now he likes the Pet Promise food that is not low allergen and he is doing fine.
Anyway... I hope all of you have a happy week-end... we have been through a lot of adjustments this past few months. We will keep purring for all of you there in FLA
Love, Prin and mom
ps: i have had "blackhead tail" all my kitty life... so embarrassing. don't tell anykitty :-P
We barely noticed the chin strap since it blends in with your chin furs.
When you are done with that thing, give it to Harley. He'll love attacking & bunny-kicking it.
Oh Daisy you make me smile! Purple is my favorite color and you look so pretty.
I'm not sure I've ever seen a top model with a chin-strap on for their hair, although I have seen pictures of top models with purple hair! I think I prefer you in a style without bangs, Miss Daisy..I like to see your beautiful eyes.
Daisy, we think Glamour magazine will be calling any minute to come have you be their cover girl. Your lavendar hair is just adorable on you. We didn't even notice a chin strap because we were dazzled by your beauty.
Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
We think purple is a great color on you, Daisy!
it's a nice kinda purple Rasta look you've got going today. You're versatile!
Your pal,
I love it! Purple is definately your color.
i can haz eats your purple hairs? they lookz yummies!
from jenny: you look beautiful! Purple is very becoming on you! And don't compare yourself to those other Top Models. They have nothing on you!!!
I like the very top post the best. Very elegant and lady-like.
oops, i mean the second top picture. sorry.
Hi Daisy! I think the purple hairs are funny.
Woo Hoo! We won over at Henson's Hell. Congratulations.
Have a purrfect day and weekend. :)
Thanks for the great idea about the baby scale!
Daisy, you are so beautiful with purple hairs!
Lovely girl!
That color looks marvelous on you, Daisy! You are a very professional model because that hair looks HEAVY. Happy Weekend!
They are beautiful, Daisy!!
Because the very light pink of the chin strap you hardly see it.
I wish I was a girl, with my lilac color I would love to wear such long purple hairs...
Daisy those purple hairs are beautiful. I think Vegas showgirls use chin straps to hold their head gear on!
Very beautiful and fluffy, Daisy. :)
I can't wait to see your new Hepper Pod! It really is rather comfy isn't it? We actually all like it quite a bit.
The look on his face in the second picture is absolutely priceless.
Nice wig, it really looks good on you, Daisy!
Cool, Daisy! You look fabulous in purple.
Mindy, Moe, Bono
You're our very favourite top model, Daisy. We sure don't care about the chin strap!
I like those purple hairs, Daisy! They make you look very regal!
You look beautiful in your purple hairs.
hahaha, Daisy you are adorable! I think this is my favourite post!
You look beautiful! Your purple hair is pawesome!
I hope you had a great friday!
Kisses and hugs
Daisy, you look purrfect in that purrple hair! You are an excellent model!
You always look beautiful Daisy and purple suits you, but... Jettison that wig, k? Just saying... :) xxx
It is an interesting look Daisy, but a bit uncomfortable no? Oh how we women suffer for fashion!! :-)
Dennis loves Daisy. Dennis is jealous of Harley.
Ooooo - purples is a furry good color on you!
purple hair ... blu hair ... or tabby hair ... yer so byootiful daisy.
i hav to say ...
i luv u.
Aw Daisy, you look wonderful in purple!
What the heck am I saying? You look wonderful in everything!!!!
Only at this blog could a post with purple hairs be so fantastic!
Looooooking GOOD Daisy
Daisy, you've been modeling long enough to know that models are always wearing things like double stick tape and chin straps to keep their fashions in place. That's why airbrushing and Photoshop were invented. Don't worry -- when the final shots are published in Glamour Puss magazine, the chin strap will not show.
HI Daisy we can't believe we forgot to comment! Purple is a lovely color on you, we like your hairs and do not think the chin strap makes you any less of a top model. :)
LOL, these pics made me smile, very cute.
Purple is a standout color, but I see you more in Autumn colors...
I think the chin strap is fine for a top model like yourself.
Daisy you look adorable in everything you wear (Hug).
Wooo hooo!!! I loved these glamour shots with this purple hair. Your own hair can be curly but it's so short we never see a curl :) Meow!
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